Chapter 337 Kunpeng’s Guess

“There are thirty Third Stages in the sky, so will this starry sky also have several weights!”

“Jinxian, Taiyi, Da Luo…”

“Does this starry sky also have a Third Stage? What we are now in is only the golden fairy-level starry sky, behind which there are the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level starry sky and the Daluo Jinxian-level starry sky!”

Kunpeng’s words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone’s hearts, causing them to sink their hearts and shake their hearts.

“We made such calculations before, but in the end it was the fruit tribe that only killed them at the cost of the lives of the two races… To put it bluntly, if we guessed correctly, it was just Duobao who made it by referring to the ginseng fruit tree. .”

“Those fruit tribes are also transformed by ginseng fruit!”

“The fruit family is very powerful, but compared to the ginseng fruit tree… it must be a lot worse.”

“There are ultimate golden immortals in the even fruit clan…How strong should the ginseng fruit mother tree be?”

Kunpeng’s words continued, and he said all the guesses he had in his heart over the years.

“Thinking about it, its high probability has also reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal.”

“While the Fruit Clan was still there, the Lich had seen the ginseng fruit mother tree, but after the catastrophe…the mother tree seemed to have disappeared.”

“I once sent someone to look for it, and I also tried to calculate and search, but I didn’t see a clue.”

“In theory, this shouldn’t be the case…Although the starry sky is huge, my two families of Lich are all over the starry sky.”

“Maybe you can’t find it, but at least you should be able to find traces of its existence… but no, not at all!”

Fuxi’s heart moved and looked at Kunpeng: “So, what do you mean is that the ginseng fruit tree is not in this starry sky, but in the deeper part of the starry sky, representing the second stage starry sky where the Taiyi Golden Immortal is located?”

Kunpeng nodded his head: “It’s true.”

Everyone looked at each other and thought.

What Kunpeng said makes sense, and if that’s the case, it can be explained.

“The Third Stage starry sky may really exist. The ginseng fruit tree and the energy sea are all in it.”

For a long time, someone whispered.

Everyone listened, and Qi Qi looked at Di Jun who was still searching, unconsciously expecting in his eyes.

Seeing Di Jun looks like this, it may be that he has found the trace of that energy sea.

If they can find the energy sea by this, does it mean that they have discovered the starry sky of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Grade, and if they enter it, can they find the possibility of breaking through the Taiyi?

For a long time, under the attention of everyone, Di Jun finally recovered his strength, turned his mind, and laughed happily: “Hahaha, hahahaha!”

When everyone saw this, they immediately understood that it was rewarding, and they all smiled.

Zhu Rong was most anxious: “Dijun, how, have you found the existence of that energy sea?”

Di Jun didn’t rush to answer, he glanced over the crowd with joy, and then he nodded his head again: “Well, there is news.”

“What news?” Zhu Rong asked urgently.

“Kunpeng is right. There is indeed a difference in the starry sky… Although there may not be a Third Stage, there are at least two levels!”

Although he was exploring where the energy sea was just now, everyone’s movements and words were heard and seen.

“I don’t know if there is a Golden Immortal in Daluo, but a Golden Immortal in Taiyi definitely exists.”

“How to go?” Dijiang asked what everyone cares about most.

They have all reached their limits now, their progress is slow, and breakthrough Taiyi Jinxian is the issue they are most concerned about now.

Di Jun: “Between the two starry sky, there is a First Stage barrier, and you need a breakthrough to enter that First Stage.”

“Barrier?” Di Jiang suddenly.

No wonder they couldn’t find it no matter how they found it before. It turned out to be separated by a barrier, so that can be explained.

“There?” Zhu Rong.

Di Jun shook his head: “No hurry, no hurry, I have explored the barrier, and with the strength of any one of us, I can’t break through.”

“So, what do you mean…” Di Jiang understood: “Assemble the strengths of my Lich clan and break that barrier together?”

“Yeah.” Di Jun nodded: “However, whether it can be broken is still unknown.”

“The feeling that the barrier gives me is really too strong.”

“When I saw it, with my current Dao heart, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness.”

“That is definitely a barrier of the Taiyi Golden Immortal rank… just to gather the power of my Lich family… it’s not very sure.”

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words. Is it really that powerful?

You know, they are not the same as they were at the beginning, and their strength is countless times stronger than before.

With such strength, can’t it break through the barrier?

Can the gap between Taiyi Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal really reach this level?

“It’s okay… With your Monster Race Universe star battle array, and my Wu Clan’s twelve capital gods and evil spirits array, condense the true body of God Father… It’s not Sage, it can definitely be broken!”

“Daluo Jinxian can’t do it, but Taiyi Jinxian will definitely be fine!” Dijiang believed in himself, and said his last resort without any mind.

The original two groups of Lich were enemies. Now, after fighting side by side in the dark trial field, the relationship between the two groups is very close.

There is no need to hide it with such a method.

In the future, if you really want to be hostile, you can rely on all means.

However, judging from the current situation, they are so harmonious, and it is unlikely that they will continue to fight.

As long as these people are still alive, there is no problem at all.

“That’s true, I don’t believe it. Taiyi Golden Immortal can make it impossible for both of my Lich clan to break open. If so… then this Taiyi Golden Immortal is not a Taiyi Golden Immortal. I’m afraid. Sage is nothing more than that.” Taida said with a smile.

“In that case, it should not be too late, gather all the children, let’s… go!” Di Jun glanced at the crowd, stood up abruptly, and waved his big hand.

“It should be so!”


Antarctica is walking cautiously in the starry sky, almost on his toes, not fast.

He tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, walking a little bit, and the yellow grass that appeared constantly around him almost made him collapse.

“Sure this place is really a trial field?”

This is not the first time Nanjizi has yelled in his heart like this.

In the starry sky, it didn’t seem to be much at first, but after staying here for a long time, if you take a few more steps, you will immediately find that all around the body, left and right, up and down, are all yellow grass like this.

These grasses appear to be popping up out of thin air, everywhere.

What frightened him the most and panicked was that these yellow grasses actually shocked his mind, and the sense of danger was stronger than what it brought in Kunlun Manor and this dark trial field!

It seemed weak, but in his eyes it seemed to be the most poisonous thing in the world, without daring to contaminate it at all.

Antarctica is like a cat on toe, walking cautiously in the starry sky.

“You can’t do this.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

Nanjizi looked over, and at some point, three people appeared in the back, two men and one woman. It was the woman who spoke.

“Tsk tusk, you are also amazing.”

While looking over in Antarctica, the woman spoke again and looked at Antarctica in amazement: “I have been in this dark trial field for so many years. This is the first time I have seen anyone who can escape the cursed yellow grass. Not cursed by it.”

“Dare to ask your surname, if you don’t die, you will definitely be a person in the future.”

The woman solemnly saluted Antarctica.

“Before asking someone’s name, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” Nanjizi replied, and then said: “My name is Nanjizi.”

“Sorry, I was impolite.”

“My name is Hei Nu, this silly big one is Hei Niu, and that one is Hei Qing.”

The burly man and the young man standing next to him, like a hill, were suddenly displeased.

“I am not called Hei Niu, I have a name, my name is…”

“Yes, I am not called Heiqing, I…”

The black girl glanced over, and the two of them suddenly shrank their necks, not daring to say any more.

“Black girl, black cow, black green… Are you a family?” Nanjizi asked curiously.

Hei Niu and Hei Qing shook their heads: “No, no, no… how could we be a family with her!”

This woman is so fierce, isn’t she out of luck with her family?

“Huh?” The black girl’s gaze swept over.

“Hey Hey.”

“Hey Hey.”

In an instant, the two squeezed out a smile, facing the black girl.

This woman can’t afford to provoke, it’s too fierce!

The poisoned pile of horses is too powerful, and death is inevitable, but it is more uncomfortable than death.

These three people were the three who had reacted before becoming a flower and escaped by chance.

“Curse the yellow grass…” Antarctica smiled, looked away from the three of them, and fell on the yellow grass beside him: “Is the name of this grass called Cursed Yellow Grass?”

Curse or something, it is ominous at first… it doesn’t feel very good.

“Yeah, this thing is full of stars, it looks like grass, but once it gets contaminated… Tsk tsk…” The black cow came over, patted Antarctica on the shoulder, and said carelessly: “Speaking of it. , You are still the first person I have ever seen who can escape this thing.”

“What are the consequences?” Antarctica asked.

Speaking of it, the curse of yellow grass did appear very strange, if he hadn’t been vigilant all the time, he would have been unavoidable to encounter it…it seemed very lucky to think about it this way.

“What’s the consequence?” Hearing this, Hei Niu smiled.

Heiqing and the black girls all smiled together.

The three suddenly stared at Antarctica.

“You…what do you look at me like this?” Nanjizi frowned.

This is so good, how can I suddenly look at myself with this kind of eyes, it feels weird.

Moreover, in their eyes, Nanjizi always feels very bad.

“You haven’t been cursed by the yellow grass…Speaking of which, your life span is still unlimited?” The black cow looked at Antarctica, his eyes fell on his bald forehead, and couldn’t help but slap it up.

Nanjizi saw his movements and wanted to hide, but when the thought came up, he felt that a big rough hand had fallen above his head.

Well, there is no need to hide…I can’t avoid it at all!

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