Chapter 334

“What is your aspiration?”

Duobao originally wanted to say, quit the group, but if you think about it, he didn’t say it.

In any case, Antarctica is also his Kunlun disciple. Although it looks like a piece of rotten wood now, he can’t expel him from the teacher’s door for the second uncle.

The most important thing is that no matter how unbearable Antarctica is, it is his junior. He has not heard that because the junior is not good, he does not want to train or reform, but directly denies it.

In that case, it is not just him who has the problem.

“Dream?” The Antarctic shivering like a deer, with a trace of doubt in his horrified eyes.

“Master, they have something, let me teach you Dao Fa on their behalf, you…Although there are some problems…” Duobao sighed silently in his heart and suppressed the anger in his heart: “But you finally called me a senior brother. .”

“What is your aspiration?”

“What are you cultivating for? Tell me.”

Nanjizi looked at Duobao cautiously: “Changsheng?”

Duobao: “…Longevity.”

While chanting the word, Duobao looked at Nanjizi and suddenly seemed to understand.

“Your cultivation is for longevity?”

Antarctica was still a little scared, but when he heard this question, he nodded subconsciously.

“I have ten real bodies here, ten god-tiers, ten avenues, thirty methods in total…Look, do you like it?”

When Duobao thought about it, thirty books suddenly appeared in front of him, each flashing a different light, and the chi sperm on the side was very hot.

“Can you get longevity?” Nanjizi also looked at thirty books, did not immediately make a choice, but asked timidly.

“…” Duobao held his forehead and watched Nanjizi’s gaze changed strangely. How could this guy suddenly have a sense of sight of a monkey.

“The so-called real body is in the name of power. The bigger the real body, the stronger the power. It is the path of power to prove the way.”

“The so-called magical powers dominate by battle. The stronger the magical powers, the fiercer the battle. When fighting, the stronger the battle, the stronger the weaker and the stronger. This is the method of God of War!”

“The so-called Taoism takes the profound knowledge and enlightenment as the root, the Dharma as the end, pays attention to enlightenment, pays attention to the understanding of three thousand red dust, seven emotions and six desires, and walks the way outside the world.”

Duobao explained the differences among Dao Fa, True Body, and Supernatural Power one by one.

The chi sperm next to him listened thoughtfully: “So, what I am cultivating is the law of the true body, to prove the Dao with strength?”

Before Duobao gave them a group of juniors, and the juniors all taught a Dao Fa separately. I thought it was Dao Fa before, but now I understand that Dao Fa is also different.

The real body, supernatural powers, and Taoism are different. According to this classification, most of their juniors and sisters cultivate the real body law, a few are supernatural powers, and a few are Taoism.

Thinking about it, Chijingzi glanced at Antarctica with some envy.

“It seems that although the Antarctic brother drew his anger into anger, he was not generally good to him.”

When Duobao taught them, he didn’t explain to them what the real body is, what is the magical power, and what is the Dao Fa, and there are not so many Dao Fa for them to choose.

They were all taught them directly, without them having to make their own decisions.

“Can you get longevity?” Nanjizi said the same sentence again.

Chi Jinzi’s eyes widened, and for a moment he really wanted to kick him and make his own decision for him.

What is the simple thing that comes out of the hands of the big brother?

Longevity only?

Is this something difficult?

Any method can be done!

Duobao Fuer, faced with such a persistent Antarctic, suddenly he was speechless.

Inexplicably, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, but there was still a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Are you really Antarctica and not a monkey?

“Changsheng… why do you insist on longevity like this?” Duobao asked, “Are you so afraid of death?”

“Fear!” Nanjizi replied very directly, and then looked into Dubao’s eyes directly, not knowing where the courage came from, and said firmly: “I want to live forever!”

This was the first time Duobao saw this Antarctic, and it seemed to be different.

When he talked about the word longevity, his determination made him not only look sideways.

“It seems, it’s not so unbearable!”

Duobao thought secretly in his heart, and then asked, “Changsheng, haven’t you already got it?”

Honghuang has Eight Immortals, Tian, ​​Zhen, Xuan, Jin, Taiyi, Da Luo, Quasi Sage, and Sage.

It is the lowest Celestial Immortals, once the achievement is endless, longevity is in hand.

Although Antarctica was unbearable, after all, it was able to admire the existence of Kunlun, and his talent was naturally not bad.

Born to be a Xuanxian, cultivation has even attained Jinxian, longevity… Is this a problem for him?

“No, that’s not the longevity I want!” Nanjizi said seriously, looking at Duobao, slowly the fear in his eyes dissipated a little bit.

“I want… true longevity!”

Dobo narrowed his eyes and looked at Antarctica carefully.

There seems to be light on the Antarctic at this time.

Abandoning that timid nature, when he said the language of longevity, his whole person was completely different.

“Changsheng…Do you really want longevity?” Dubao asked softly.

The Chi sperm on the side looked silly. Originally, he thought that the Antarctic brother was a gangster and talked nonsense.

Longevity or something, what is the answer?

But now, looking at the appearance of the big brother, it seems… really something wrong?

“Changsheng? Changsheng?” Chi Sperm repeated silently in his heart, and suddenly his heart moved: “Changsheng…immortality!”

He looked at Antarctica in a daze, and for the first time, he felt that his brother, he didn’t seem to be so stupid!

Antarctica wants longevity, but not simple longevity!

What he wants is immortality!

In the prehistoric age, the life span of Celestial Immortals is unlimited, and the same life as the sky means Celestial Immortals!

This is longevity!

But such a long life will also be destroyed with the destruction of heaven and earth!

This is not true longevity. What Antarctica wants is a longevity in which the world is ruined and I am immortal!

In short, what he wants is eternity!

In the predicament, even the heaven and the earth cannot be eternal, so what can be eternal?


Only Sage, whose tribulations will not grind, Wanfa will not invade, the heaven and the earth but I will not die, can be considered eternal!

“Hiss~” Chi Sperm couldn’t help taking a breath, and then looked at Antarctica with a strange look.

Unexpectedly, this brother who was so timid enough to have such a cowardly goal.

It is said that it is longevity, but it is eternal!

He even dared to think!

“Oh…” Duobao stretched out his voice and whispered softly: “Longevity, immortality… Eternity, what do you want for eternity?”

“Yes!” The fear in Nanjizi’s eyes finally dissipated, as if it was relieved, and said firmly.

He seemed to have accepted everything in these surroundings and accepted the existence of the big brother Duobao.

He understands that Duobao will not hurt him, and everything in the surroundings will not hurt him… So, he is not afraid!

Duobao noticed the changes in Antarctica, and was a little surprised and surprised.

It turned out that this guy was not as timid as he thought, nor was he as unbearable as he thought.

“Do you know what is eternity in the midst of the wilderness?”

“Do you know, what does the longevity in your mouth… represent?”

Duobao asked slowly.

Nanjizi nodded and said heavily, “I know!”

“You know?” Duobao was surprised. He originally thought he just had such a goal, but he didn’t know the specific meaning.

In this case, he can be judged as stupid and bold!

However, he actually said that he knew that the meaning was different.

“Do you really know it, or do you know it fakely?”

Doubao was suspicious in his heart, not showing on his face, and said calmly: “If this is the case, then you can talk about it.”

“Eternal life is immortal, eternity… a thousand catastrophes will not grind, heaven and earth will die but I will not die… Sage!”

Antarctica spoke slowly, word by word, the firmness in his eyes was not weakened by the appearance of any word in his words.

Even when the word Sage was uttered at the end, it didn’t even flicker at all.



Duobao looked at Antarctica carefully, and his impression of him instantly changed drastically.

Is this timid?

This is obviously bold!

Looking at this great wilderness, who would dare to speak like this?

He also really did not expect that under the timid appearance of Nanjizi, there should be such a firm heart.

“So, do you want to be holy?” Duobao said slowly.

Nanjizi nodded firmly: “Yes!”

“Do you know that sanctification requires a grandiose and purple aura… and a grandiose and purple aura already has a master.”

“Without Hongmeng Ziqi, how do you become holy?”

“Dare to ask the big brother, do you have to be holy?” Nanjizi asked.

Chi Sperm was shocked, his throat kept rolling, and his eyes became more and more weird. Looking at Antarctica, he felt more and more whether he had never known this senior.

Such words as sanctification can be said lightly… his current strength is far stronger than that of Antarctica, but so far, he has never dared to say the words he wants to be sanctified.

Not only that, but even thinking…I don’t even dare to think!

The higher the strength, the more you can know the gap between you and Sage, the more you can know the power of Sage… and I don’t even dare to say it.

Just like a person, when I was young, I wondered whether I wanted to go to Peking University or Tsinghua University?

Peking University, it’s okay, but Tsinghua University is also wrong… so distressed!

However, after the elementary school, junior high school, and high school, there is no need to worry about this problem. I dare not say whether I go to Peking University or Tsinghua University.

Because I know the gap between myself and my goal is so far away, so far away, so I can’t say that kind of words anymore!

“Is it because I don’t know the specific difference yet, or even if I know…you still dare to say it?” Chi Jingzi thought secretly in his heart.

He looked at Antarctica seriously, and after a moment, he added in his heart: “It’s the latter… Even if you know the gap, Brother Antarctica dare to say such things!”

This is a feeling, very real, and truly silence the Chi sperm.

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