Chapter 323

“Master, in fact, you already knew that I am not Duobao.”

“You’re not Duobao, who are you?” Hongjun looked puzzled, as if he really didn’t understand.

“Who is Duobao? Who are you?”

Hongjun continued to ask, and then continued: “You don’t know who you are, why do you think you are not Duobao?”

“Of course I know who I am… My name is Zhou Feng, I just replaced Duobao’s identity.” Duobao said directly.

Hongjun’s eyes flickered: “Really? You can be Zhou Feng, why can’t you be Duobao?”

“What do you mean?” Duobao frowned, feeling a bit, but it was so vague.

“The Samsara of Primordial and Chaos has not known how many times… Except for the general situation, everything else will be slightly different.”

“You think you are Zhou Feng, a traverser, but can you be sure that you are in a Samsara one time, isn’t it Dubao?”

“Before sanctification, everything is not fixed.”

“Even the Da Luo Jinxian, who is known as the One Perpetual Proof, is a joke under the chaos and prehistoric Samsara.”

“All will die.”

“Under Samsara countless times, after exploring countless paths, apart from Sage, who has not changed for the other creatures?”

Duobao understood, he couldn’t help taking a breath, and looked at Good Fortune Yudie with shocked eyes.

After taking a closer look, it was confirmed, indeed, after the birth of Immeasurable Tribulation, except for Sage who received no harm, all other creatures were greatly harmed.

In the process of returning to the chaos, Pangu god-tier reappeared, hiding in the chaos, and after being opened up, it re-bred and was born again.

The great power in the prehistoric, the existence of names and surnames, will exist, but those who occupy these names may not necessarily be the original people.

Those who can have the same name all the time are absolutely ruthless.

Like the twelve ancestor witch, like Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun…

Yes, Hong Yun is the same. Although he is the most unlucky person in the primordial land, his strength is obvious to all. After the immeasurable calamity, the land is destroyed, returned to the chaos, and the land is reopened. He can regain the name of Hongyun every time.

It seemed that he was very interested in becoming Hongyun.

In the good fortune jade disc, Duobao sees countless possibilities. In the future, Duobao should have been able to occupy his own name forever, but this time in Samsara, he was replaced by him.

The original Duobao itself…now Duobao can’t see it anymore.

When it comes to his existence, Duobao’s destiny has been confused, and the good fortune jade disc can no longer be displayed.

“and many more…”

Suddenly, Duobao’s eyes staring at the good fortune jade disc suddenly widened, as if he had discovered something incredible.

After being shocked, he looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded slightly: “It seems that you have discovered it.”

“Yes.” Duobao nodded.

He found that in the good fortune jade butterfly, there are countless developments of Samsara, Samsara, but Samsara is missing only once, that is, Samsara where he is now.

“Your identity is very special, and we don’t know what your situation is, but it is clear that you have power beyond the rules, which makes everything about you undetectable.”

“It’s also because of your existence that made our Samsara this time blurry and full of unknowns.”

“So, this is the reason why you gave me the prehistoric?” Duobao asked.

“Yes.” Hongjun did not deny, looking at Duobao earnestly: “We have no malice against you, but just want to know whether you can lead us to touch the existence outside the rules, and whether you can make the prehistoric eternal.”


Dubbo silently said: “Eternity beyond the rules.”

“I don’t know…” For a long time, he raised his head, looked at Hongjun, and said in a general promise: “But, I’m willing to try.”


In the dark trial field, on the other side of the Shenhe River, all the Kunlun disciples were pale, their mouths were bleeding, and they were all embarrassed. They were lying on the ground with joyful faces on their faces.


They looked at each other and suddenly laughed in unison.

They finally rushed over, Shenhe was so dangerous, they finally came over.

Laughing, smiling, bitterness in their smiles.

Looking at each other’s body, face, and eyes, the green shoots slowly growing out, the laughter gradually disappeared.

Behind them, a huge fruit tree obscured the starry sky and couldn’t see the side at a glance.

They rushed across the Shenhe River and saw the fruit trees, but they made them even more desperate.

The strength of the fruit tree is far beyond their imagination. It is fundamentally a powerful force that far surpasses their estimated strength, and is far more powerful than those of the sealed fruit tribe.

“Big Brother is playing with us?”

“The fruit clan can barely deal with it, this fruit tree…”

Everyone’s smile disappeared, their eyes were bitter, and they looked desperately at the fruit tree that almost crisscrossed the starry sky.

The fruit tree stood in this starry sky, without even moving, its own breath had already suppressed them.

The vitality of his body broke through their defenses instantly and fell into their bodies.

Using their bodies and souls as nourishment, they turn into seeds and slowly take root and sprout.

Before long, the breath of everyone slowly weakened, and replaced by the breath of life, the breath of trees.

Suddenly, the huge fruit tree trembled, seemingly excited, and the entire starry sky was distorted as the branches shook, and the sky and the earth trembled, as if it could not bear its power.


A gentle voice appeared, and the giant fruit tree suddenly stopped moving, very well-behaved.

Duobao walked out of the void, looked at the huge fruit tree, smiled slightly, and then looked at a group of people who had turned into treants. Even after he appeared, he didn’t find the juniors and younger sisters, their complexion changed in a flash.

“Tough you guys.”

Before he understood everything, his perception was wrong.

Based on such a false perception, he arranged various trainings for them based on the performance of the juniors and younger sisters in his impression, and set a standard that he considered to be simple.

But now, he just understood how difficult such a standard is for the juniors and sisters.

That is a standard far beyond the limits of their tolerance.

What surprised him now was that he was also very pleased that the grades of these juniors and juniors were pretty good, and even such demanding requirements were fulfilled.

“It’s really good!”

Duobao whispered and waved his hand, and the power of good fortune fell on the juniors and juniors. It didn’t wake them up, but just restored their injuries and made them more sensitive.

“It’s a reward…double your understanding.”

When a rule fell, the juniors and younger sisters immediately felt as if they had fallen into the ocean of Tao. The insights of various Taoisms flooded their hearts, and countless gains appeared. In a short period of time, their own strength has a lot of Ascension. .

“Take care of them, this trial is almost over.”

Duobao nodded slightly at the fruit tree and disappeared again.

Although he knew the real situation, his requirements for these juniors and juniors were too high, but he didn’t want to change everything, at least the effect was very good, right?

“Hong Huang wants Ascension, and the focus is on people… The reason why Samsara in the past countless times did not have Ascension, because there is no Transcendent person.”

“The so-called Transcendent person is naturally a person who transcends the ordinary… This ordinary is not the ordinary of the immortal, but the ordinary of the heart.”

“In short, it is the existence of transcending the heart!”

Duobao came to the depths of the starry sky, sitting in the Lotus Position, waiting for the end of this trial, and waiting for the real arrival of the Lich Age.

Samsara, who had failed to combine the prevalence and chaos before, had an idea.

If you want breakthrough, the focus is still on a word of heart!

The most powerful law in Honghuang is the law of power, while the most potential law is the heart.

Everything will have limits, only one thing has no limits, no limits, and that is the mind.

The so-called heart is as big as the future.

As long as there is a strong enough heart and enough resources, then the primitive creatures will naturally be able to break through the original limitations.

As long as they don’t let them know their original limitations, the limits of what they could do.

Instill new and more demanding restrictions on them, and then there will be corresponding catastrophes, then they will naturally grow to a new level under the repeated blows and catastrophes.

It is like a wolf growing up in a flock of sheep, thinking that he is a sheep, and then he becomes a sheep.

And a wolf that grew up among wolves is a wolf!

The growth environment, exposure to education, and different cognitions will directly affect their life.

Talent and footsteps are destined for the ultimate achievement of living beings, but if Houtian’s influence continues to persecute oneself, then its destiny may not be immutable.

“First, redefine the strength of the primordial beings, Realm,…change their perceptions. After they reach the strength that they can achieve with this kind of cognition, I wonder if there will be different changes?”

Duobao thought to himself in his heart that this was the first goal he set after accepting the predominance.

At the same time, in the process, he has reorganized the Realm he had previously misunderstood.

Celestial Immortals is equivalent to the original Celestial Immortals to Xuanxian;

The true immortal is equivalent to the original golden immortal to the Taiyi golden immortal;

Jinxian waited until the original Daluo Jinxian arrived at the quasi-sage;

Taiyi Jinxian is equivalent to the Realm between the quasi-sage and Sage;

Da Luo Jin Xian’s Law of Equivalence Sage;

The concept of quasi-sage equivalent to Sage;

Sage is equivalent to rule Sage.

In this way, the Realm partition is thoroughly cleaned.

“In this case, the original dragon power and boundary power can’t be used…”

Duobao thought to himself, and then shook his head: “If you can’t use it, you can’t use it. Anyway, it’s not an important thing. Just redefine Realm and complete it.”

“Next, is how to bring them under such standards, Ascension to the original strength Realm.”

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