Chapter 324

This is really not an easy task.

Duobao frowned slightly, thinking about it carefully, but in the end he only thought of one way.


In the dark trial field, Sanxiao, Guang Chengzi and others were trapped by the fruit tree and protected by Dubao.

In the depths of the starry sky, the Ten Thousand Demon Map suddenly exploded, and countless figures flew out of it, looking ugly.

The figure was like rain, rushing out, in the starry sky, quickly formed a distinct tripartite strength.

Monsters, Witches and Fruits.

King Guo Changyi took a deep breath and closed his eyes, enjoying the air: “Finally, we finally came out.”

The demons and the witches both had ugly faces, and no one said much.

The current development has exceeded their expectations.

Originally, in their imagination, the Fruit Clan shouldn’t have appeared now.

At least it needs to be suppressed for a hundred years.

However, not long ago, a radiant and colorful river appeared in the Ten Thousand Monsters.

The liches cast their gazes on the colorful Ribbon in the fruit position.

It just looked like a Ribbon. In fact, it was the colorful river that let the fruit clan now break the seal…the powerful still had heart palpitations.

“Are you…ready?” Guo Wang suddenly opened his eyes, his voice was cold, and he looked at the liches.

His eyes were so terrifying, as if looking at a group of dead people, it made people chill.

The liches were silent.

King Guo was qualified to say this. Once in the Ten Thousand Demon Atlas, under that advantage, they were so difficult, not to mention that they had already left the Ten Thousand Demon Atlas and returned to the dark trial field.

Coupled with the colorful Ribbon in the hands of King Fruit… everyone’s hearts sank.

Strange fluctuations appeared with the fall of the fruit king’s words, entwining the bodies of the liches.

A little bit of crystal clear green light appeared from the bodies of the liches.


The crowd cast spells, supernatural powers, enlarged, reduced, attacked, avoided… the green light followed like a shadow, like gangrene attached to bones, it couldn’t be eliminated.

“This is a curse…”

Di Jun frowned, did not do anything, whispered to himself.

When the green light appeared, he had already noticed its essence, the quality was too high, and there was no other way to get rid of it except for hard resistance.

Evasion, attack… can’t be solved at all.

This is the original strength of the Fruit Clan, he guessed that it should be the core strength of the Fruit Clan.

Guo Wang’s tone was cold, but there was a terrible anger in his heart.

After appearing, the first shot was an attack of this level.

Di Jun raised his head and looked at the stars.

Not surprisingly, with them as the center, within a radius of 100,000 light-years, they were flooded by this force… while attacking them, it also sealed time and space.

No way to avoid it, no way to escape!

“Become nourishment!”

Guo Wang stood upright, watching and talking calmly.

In a short time, the green light on the liches was like seeds, which had grown, and they had grown rapidly.

Waves of life appeared from the bodies of the liches, emerged from under their feet, and gave birth to roots.

The roots fell into the void, and the liches seemed to become fruit trees. Once they fell, they could no longer move.

According to different strengths, more or less tree patterns gradually appeared on the faces of all liches.

The tree patterns gradually increased. During this process, all the liches did not move, but waited quietly. After finding that they could not resist, there was no other movement.

King Guo frowned, a little surprised: “What the hell are you doing?”

The situation was not right, although he used his full force to shoot, and was not something that the Lich race could contend, but it wouldn’t be such a one-sided situation.

In the past battles, it was unclear whether the Lich clans had figured out their essence, but they absolutely knew the strength of the Lich clans.

They shouldn’t be banned in such a simple way.

Guo Wang felt a little uneasy, and he always felt that something unexpected would happen.

He stared at the liches who had turned into big trees, and his eyes became more incomprehensible: “It’s all this time, what else can change?”

The power of ominous life has completely penetrated into the body of the lich.

They have also become big trees one after another.

Their lives, Taoism, Magic power, and everything else are transformed by the ominous life force and turned into pure energy, which is transmitted to the mother tree through contact…


As soon as the thought came out, King Guo’s expression changed. He looked at the liches and shook his head again and again, admiring them: “Okay, okay… what a lich, I still look down on you.”

In front of them, the liches had indeed become big trees, but their vitality, way, magic power, spirit… etc., everything was not transmitted to the mother tree, but remained in them. .


A long, deep buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

King Guo’s complexion was pale, and he stretched out his hand, trying to stop it, but it was too late.



A series of sounds like flowing water sounded, taking the liches that turned into big trees as the node, endless colorful rivers flowed out of them.

They suddenly became a channel for each side, and through his actions, they connected the mother tree back and passed its energy.

Before the fruit trees, in the colorful god river, countless blisters and whirlpools appeared, and the river continued to flow.

On the bank of the river, all the Kunlun disciples closed their eyes, even if there was such a big movement in the river, no one was awakened.

In the starry sky, the river continuously flows out, passing through these billions of nodes, and within a short time, this starry sky becomes an ocean.

Standing in this ocean of energy, King Guo looked at everyone with a sneer: “What about the backlink?”

“This is water of ominous energy, filled with the energy of the mother god, is this something you can bear?”


He didn’t make another move.

The water of the colorful sacred river is the energy pool of the fruit tree. It swallows endless creatures. The most important thing is that most of the energy in it is the energy absorbed by the mother tree itself. Its quality is high… Above the energy of those creatures.

The lich that has become a big tree needs energy to grow, but if the energy is too much, too strong, it will easily be burned to death, and will die.

King Guo just watched quietly, waiting for the Death of the Lich family, without intervening, nor could he intervene.

Shenhe’s energy is too high, even if it is him, he can’t intervene in it. If he just shoots, his power will be greatly weakened, and it is no better than not.

The two families of Lich were looking for their own desperation. After the surprise, King Guo also sighed.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen it like this.”



The liches were soaked in the energy river, instinctively swallowed, absorbed, and allowed themselves to continue to grow…In the beginning, it was pretty good.

But it quickly reached the endurance limit, and the bark cracked and became soft…there was already a tendency to be assimilated.


At this moment, a clear sword sounded, and then a cold Sword intent appeared. A sword turned the entire ocean of energy into two halves and separated them.

King Guo looked over in amazement, into his eyes, a young man with white hair and cold complexion, holding a black sword, on the hilt, a scarlet sword wafted gently.

Unlike other Liches, the young man did not see the slightest tree pattern on his body, and he did not seem to be affected by the ominous life force.


Looking at this person, there was a hint of surprise in Guo Wang’s eyes.

The person in front of him was weak at first, so he could barely compete with them by relying on the power of Jianying’s curse under his sword.

But in the battle among the Ten Thousand Monsters, the shots and the growth time and time again, and the rapid growth speed made them a little dumbfounded.

At the beginning, his own strength was only true immortal, but now he has reached the golden immortal.

Even the power of Jianying’s curse on him was half suppressed by him.

In particular, he specializes in kendo and has achieved the ultimate with a sword character.

Although they were all golden immortals, and Guo Wang was still an extreme golden immortal, he did not dare to bear the sword of Yuding head-on.

You don’t see him, his sword now smashed Shenhe in half abruptly.

Guo Wang was amazed, but he also shook his head applauded: “It’s a pity!”


The flow of the river suddenly became more intense, the sound of a huge rush appeared, and the scale of the ocean of energy became larger.

Although Yuding’s sword greatly reduced the pressure of the Lich family, it also angered Shenhe.

Yuding’s forehead oozes big drops, big drops of sweat, and he feels great pressure.

Under this pressure, his body was already trembling slightly, which was a sign that he couldn’t bear it.

The body was trembling, but the hand holding the sword was still calm.

The arm turned pale and lost his blood color, showing a clear black and white contrast with the black sword in his hand.

The millions of swords in his body were constantly shuttled, bringing him unimaginable pain, but also allowing him to bear such pain while constantly gaining new gains.

Yuding’s eyes were shining, and at such a moment, there was even a hint of joy in the depths of his eyes.

“Sure enough, I need strong enough pressure to get even greater gains!”


The ocean expanded and the power surged. The Sword intent played by Yuding was slowly suppressed, and the separated two sides gradually closed. The sea was surging, like a giant beast, surging!


Yuding made a sword, pure black, with extreme sharpness, tearing the ocean apart and separating the starry sky. The ocean that was about to be closed was separated again by this sword.


King Guo couldn’t help but took a breath, shocked.

“How dare you? How dare you?”

Yuding’s actions really shocked him… He really didn’t expect that under such circumstances, he would dare to draw a sword!

From his gaze, of course he could see that Yuding was already very reluctant with the sword just now. Logically speaking, he shouldn’t have the power to produce the second sword!

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