Chapter 322

Laws, concepts, rules… This is already a circle from the micro to the macro, from the macro to the micro.

Law represents heaven and earth, concept represents detachment, and rule represents dominance.

I didn’t understand anything before, so I stubbornly believed that if I didn’t understand, it might not be nonexistent.

Ronaldinho, Sage, Sage… there will definitely be something stronger than the rules.

But, in fact, after reaching the point of the rule, it is already unimaginable.

Even Dao Zu Hongjun and god-tier Pangu are actually just rules Sage.

The general trend set in the predicament, the amount of calamity by all parties, is also set through rules.

The so-called rules are absolute and invincible.

I say you die, you must not live, I say you live, you must not die.

Pangu god-tier walked through the past when opening up the prehistoric land, and now, the future, instantly penetrated everything.

He knows that opening up the land will not allow him to find the way after the rules.

Among the good fortune jade butterfly, there is one’s own strength, and Duobao will understand it by comparison.

Pangu god-tier never died. He opened up a predecessor, and indeed, as he had previously guessed, he wanted to prove the Dao.

However, the proof is not the legendary avenue…the avenue does not actually exist.

Heavenly Dao is transformed by the consciousness of the primordial beings, or it is a machine-like existence set by the Pangu god-tier with the force of rules.

The level is the rule level, there is no self-intelligence, only according to the initial setting, to maintain the development of the prehistoric.

The so-called avenue is actually the Three Thousand Rule.

There is Dao in the chaos, Dao in rumors, Dao, Heavenly Dao.

In fact, the three are the same, they are just different levels of the law.

Or, to be more precise, they have no distinction between superior and inferior, and their focus is on rules.

In the chaos, why the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods can’t beat Pangu, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are not opponents, because they are just concept demon Gods, or even law Demon Gods, none of them are weaker than Sage, but if you are right against Pangu, they are chickens. It’s a shame.

Slap one by one, without struggling.

Pangu god-tier has proved the rules. When in the chaos, it is already the rules Sage, which can also be understood as the avenue.

The fundamental level is different, how could those Chaos Demon Gods be opponents.

Don’t say it is three thousand, even if it is thirty thousand, three million, thirty million, what can it do?

The gap between concept Sage and rule Sage is basically the existence of two levels.

When Pangu god-tier was in chaos, he was already invincible.

He has reached the limit of the rules Sage, and can make rules almost infinitely. He has no opponents anymore, and he wants to break through.

So, he opened up a great famine.

Before, he developed the power of one to the extreme, and the power of oneself suppressed the predecessor.

Now, I want to develop the three powers of the same industry to the extreme, and use the power of sentient beings to help breakthrough!

It is not clear whether Duobao can make a breakthrough, nor does Pangu god-tier…because, so far, he has not succeeded.


Duobao looked shocked, understood everything from the good fortune jade disc, and felt complicated.

“What Pangu god-tier cannot complete, can I complete it?”

Dubao had expectations and longings in his heart, but more doubts.

His situation is different, but can he do things that Pangu god-tier can’t do?

Primordial is a by-product of the Pangu god-tier proving process. It can be understood as a world or a spell.

This world was originally scattered, so if the preaching failed, it should be scattered.

It’s like a basin of water, after splashing it out, it should be scattered.

But Pangu god-tier fixed the prehistoric world with rules, and then filled various rules to make the world of the prehistoric world become complete and complete.

In the end, the rules were used to set the context, as if a person had a spine and stood up instantly.

As a result, the prehistoric world took shape.

The method originally used to prove the Tao has been turned into a finite eternal, and Pangu god-tier used it to verify his own ideas, constantly calculating the future possibilities, and making subtle optimizations.

Duobao looked towards the prehistoric, Pangu god-tier was hidden in the prehistoric, but with his current strength, he still couldn’t find it.

The same rules Sage, there are still gaps.

His rule Sage is obviously inferior to the real rule Sage, it is not a normal way to go up, so there is a big gap in all aspects.

Now known rules Sage, plus him, there are a total of four.

Pangu, Hongjun, Luohu, himself.

The same is true of his strength, Pangu is stronger than Hongjun and Luo Hu is stronger than himself.

“Well… Luo Hu’s words, I may not be worse than him.”

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and then fluttered.

This is meaningless. Once the rule Sage is reached, the limit is basically reached. The difference between strength and weakness is meaningless.

Anyway, no one can kill anyone.

“The distinction between the one and the many, the limit of the complex and the simple.”

Doubao meditated: “In this way, the worlds actually represent Fan. Then, behind each world, is there an existence that has reached the limit of the rule Sage?”

“Honghuang is bound by various rules, and is also accomplished by their own rules.”

“Without these rules, there would be no amount of calamity, and the emergence of a great calamity, let alone the birth of a great calamity.”

“Instantaneous annihilation… The ephemera is no more than that.”

“The so-called complex, in fact, to understand it from another angle, it means that everyone is like a dragon.”

“Heavenly Dao is a combination of common people consciousness and Pangu god-tier consciousness… the stronger common people are, the stronger Heavenly Dao is.”

“If everyone is a rule Sage… then it must be a breakthrough rule Sage… right?”

Dubao thought, not so sure.

After all, in his opinion, the rule of Sage is already the limit, and whether there is really Realm behind… it is unclear.

“In short, I am now the leader of the prehistoric, and my purpose is simple. It is to lead the prehistoric people into dragons and make them better.”

“From the world, to the creatures in the world…all are stronger!”

Duobao understood: “That is to change from a low-rate predecessor to a high-rate predecessor… No, the predecessor I am in is actually a high-rate predecessor!”

“Moreover, it is the top-notch high-profile predecessor. After all, the rules of Sage have appeared. Time and space, fate, proof, etc., are already under the mud, let it be determined.”

Among the good fortune jade butterfly, the great famine is constantly circulating, and one can clearly see the opening of the heaven and the earth to the destruction of the heaven and the earth.

From birth to immeasurable calamity.

Among them, Sage, Zhunsheng, and Da Luo are basically involved in the existence of time and space. They are all aware of their past, present, and future development…just because of the restrictions set by Pangu.

When it comes to something, their memory will be blocked, and they will follow the established trajectory. Only after completing their destiny will they return to the original state.

“So, Master and the others have known for a long time that they will separate their families, they will have enshrined gods, and the Western church will become Buddhism…”

“Samsara has become a high-level predecessor…what the hell is my Gold Finger?”

Dubao was shocked and suddenly woke up.

The prehistoric he traverses is to match the prehistoric, logically speaking, in such a world, something like a traverser will be discovered as soon as it appears, and there is no way to escape it.

Having reached his strength, he still doesn’t understand why.

The systems, chat groups, Gold Finger, and so on that he knew in his previous life, the strongest ones are just products under the concept.

It’s like the main god’s big ball of light… it’s just a concept.

In terms of concepts, this is already the top Gold Finger, but as long as it comes to this world, Sage can’t find it, but at least three existences can clearly discover it.

Pangu, Hongjun, Luohu.

Regarding the existence of these three Sages who have reached the rules, how could they not be able to find the Gold Finger, the traverser, who is a mere conceptual level.


This word sounded in Dubo’s heart, and it was strange for the first time.

The word anomaly is simple to say. It can be found in almost any world, but if you say that it can become an anomaly in this predecessor of distribution… it almost requires power beyond the level of the rules and Sage.

“So, the source of my traversal is higher than the rules…that’s why I became Sage.”

“Also, when I cultivated myself, I hardly found the bottleneck, and there are many other unreasonable points. Is this also the reason?”

“After the rules, Realm really still exists!”

Dabao became more frightened as he thought about it. By now, this was an almost certain fact.

“So, what is after the rules?”

“Why would I cross?”

“What is the essence of Gold Finger?”

“Am I a powerful reincarnation… the powerful reincarnation that exists after the rules?”

Duobao thought for a long time, and slowly suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

“Whether it is or not, in short, those are still too far away for me now.”

“For now, doing things right now is the limit…As for what the real truth is, I will naturally know in the future.”

Duobao completely let go of his thoughts, and instead seriously thought about how to perform his duties as the leader of the primordial land.

“If you want to live in the wild, everyone is like a dragon…resources and disasters are the most indispensable.”

“Resources guarantee nutrition, catastrophe guarantees motivation… catastrophe and achievement, achievement and limitation.”

“Small robbery, big robbery, measure robbery… After all, you still have to rely on robbery to promote the Ascension of the living beings.”

“Even the Ascension of the world, the same is true…still need to rely on the impetus of catastrophe.”

As my thoughts turned, I slowly got an idea.

After sorting it out carefully, Duobao put aside his thoughts, harvested his gaze, and looked at Hongjun who was drinking tea leisurely and asked: “Master, have you known it a long time ago?”

As the rule Sage, how could he not know his difference.

This question seems a bit silly to ask.

“Know what?” Hongjun seemed to be pretending to be stupid: “Is your identity?”

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