Chapter 321 Good Fortune Jade Butterfly and Hong Huang

“It’s really good tea. It’s different to make tea with conceptual water.” Hongjun sighed comfortably.

After tasting it quietly, he looked at Duobao with frowning brows and chuckled, “Dubo, you come too, this tea is really good.”

“Master!” Duobao put his thoughts away and looked at Hongjun, but he couldn’t refuse, so he walked over with a sad face and cried out.

Now Hongjun is relaxed, but he is not.

Suddenly he understood everything, and he became a leader in the wild inexplicably, assuming such a big responsibility.

In an instant, everything in my mind is how to make the predecessor better, how to exceed the original destiny.

The emergence of countless ideas is accompanied by countless doubts.

Can he really do it?

Although he is an odd number, he is a traverser, he still has Gold Finger, but can he really do all of this?

At this point, he can be confident or doubtful, this is all his freedom… But in the end, what settles down is still doubt.

“Oh, don’t make a bitter face, look at you, your face will almost turn into a bitter gourd.”

Hongjun didn’t care, and was extremely relaxed. He poured tea on Duobao again, and said lightly, “It’s okay, take your time, I believe you, you can definitely do it.”

Dubao’s eyes twitched. Why did he sound so awkward?

It doesn’t hurt to stand and talk, if it’s not for the fight…huh!

“Master, you see, I’m still young, and I’m still a child, or else, you first take the burden back, wait for the disciple to grow up, and then take it?” Duobao said tentatively.

This burden is really too heavy. He is a temperament afraid of trouble. Although he thought about it, he was still a little flustered and unconfident when he did it.

If it’s ordinary things, that’s all, but the key thing is different, this is the whole prehistoric thing.

Once a mistake is made, the relationship is so great that he feels that his small body can’t bear it.

“Yes.” To what Dubao expected, Hongjun simply agreed.

“Really?” Duobao was surprised, looking at Hongjun in disbelief.

“Then you return the good fortune jade disc to me.” Hongjun simply stretched out his palm towards Duobao.

Dubao did not hesitate to pass the good fortune jade disc…pass…cannot pass!

“Huh?” Duobao looked down at the good fortune jade disc that seemed to be stuck in his hands, and felt the breath of Heavenly Dao in it.

That breath is connected with himself, it is inseparable, good fortune Yudie has become his thing.

It was not revealed before, and only after he wanted to hand it over.

“The good fortune jade disc records the three thousand avenues, which is the bearer of Heavenly Dao, and it also represents Heavenly Dao.”

“It also records all the prehistoric situations and serves as a sign of the prehistoric leader.”

“If you don’t want to be the leader, you can, just return the good fortune jade disc to me.”

“Why? Not willing?”

“If you don’t give it, I’ll treat you as if you still want to be the leader. I have already given you the opportunity. You can’t grasp it by yourself, so don’t blame me!”

Duobao looked resentfully and helplessly, and Balabala said a lot of Hongjun.

“Master, are you calculating me?”

After he took this thing, he was already destined to be his identity, and he couldn’t leave it at all.

He wanted to return it to Hongjun, but the point was that he couldn’t throw it out at all.

“You said yes, so, what do you plan to do?” Hongjun sipped the tea indifferently, raised an eyebrow at Duobao, and asked.

“I…” Duobao lowered his head, he couldn’t beat him again, and he was an elder. What can he do?

He is also very helpless!

“Acknowledge your fate, you will be the leader of Honghuang from now on, and you will also look like a leader.”

“The situation in the great famine, you first have a good understanding of the good fortune jade butterfly.”

“Then, think about it yourself. If you have any ideas, you can discuss it with me. I can also give you some suggestions.”

“Of course, you still have to make your own decisions about the final decision. After all, you are the current leader.”

Hongjun said leisurely.

Duobao immediately raised his head and was extremely surprised: “Really?”

He became the leader inexplicably, with no experience at all, and a serious lack of confidence.

If there was Hongjun, the former leader, he would be more at ease.

“Get on your horse and get a ride… How can you just leave it alone?”

Hongjun continued to drink tea leisurely, and said casually.

“Very good!”

Duobao was overjoyed and rushed to hug Hongjun: “Master, I love you to death.”

“Stop, male sex, female hobby…I’m not interested in you!” Hongjun slapped Duo Bao.

Duobao was dumbfounded, stopped, and then looked up and down Hongjun carefully.

“Why look at me with such a look?” Hongjun asked with frizzy heart.

This look was so weird, it made him feel like a monster.

“Master, you like women too?” Duobao asked in amazement.

Who is this person in front of him, Dao Zu Hongjun?

In the legend, there has always been a cold, lonely, and lonely master.

It was already beyond his expectation to be able to say such avant-garde words. In the end, he even said that he likes women?

“In the legend, it seems that you haven’t heard of any women in the master, right?”

Duobao got interested, got in front of Hongjun, and winked at him: “Master, who do you like, talk to the disciple-sun, disciple-sun will help you lead the red line.”

He stretched his hands apart, put one end on Hongjun’s body and the other in the distance, and then slowly approached, looking like a red thread.

Hongjun: “…”

He just said, this kid, push his nose to his face!

“Daobao…” Hongjun sighed suddenly and yelled softly.

“Yes!” Duobao was cold, and a bad premonition appeared in an instant.

Hongjun’s gaze swept over, and Duo Bao’s body tightened and immediately put aside all distracting thoughts.

“Master, I have a good idea. Indeed, I am now the leader of the prehistoric, what I should do is to clarify the situation of the prehistoric, and think about it. How will the future of the prehistoric develop?”

Duobao looked down, and after sternly said something, he took out the good fortune jade disc and studied it carefully.

“Really?” Hongjun smiled and said, “There will be time to study that thing in the future. Don’t you want to know who the old way likes? Come here and the old way will tell you.”


Hearing that, Duobao not only did not approach, but went further.

“No need for Master, business matters.”

“Furthermore, who your old man likes is your old man’s business. The disciples are not curious at all, really!”

Hongjun’s face turned dark, what the little bastard said.

“By the way, don’t your old people like to drink tea? There are some here. They are all cultivated by the disciples over the years. Could you please taste it and see what else needs improvement.”

Duobao found that it was not good and had been paying attention to Hongjun’s expression. When he was about to be angry, he immediately took out countless tea leaves and put them on the coffee table in front of Hongjun, and said with a smile.

“Huh!” Hongjun looked at the tea leaves on the table, then looked at Duobao who was grinning, and snorted coldly.

Duobao breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure enough, the tiger can’t touch his butt!”

“You can’t make a joke about this ancestor!”

Thinking in his heart, he took a cautious look at Hongjun again, but he didn’t see any other reaction, and his heart was slightly relieved.

Turning his attention to the good fortune jade disc, Duobao looked at it earnestly.

Holding the good fortune jade butterfly, in my mind, the phantom of a world suddenly appeared out of thin air.

It’s prehistoric!

Duobao recognized the essence of that world, which was manifested by the good fortune jade disc, which represented the current prehistoric nature.

In the phantom of the world, countless breaths, frames, rules, rules, avenues, restrictions… all kinds of things have made this world, are restricting this world, and at the same time restricting this world.


The thought flashed through Duobao’s mind, and his attention fell on a huge breath that surrounded the world.

It was a round shape on one side, with a clear sense of destiny.

Attention fell, and immediately felt several obvious nodes in it.

As his thoughts fell, the nodes in the breath flickered.

A hideous face, exuding the ultimate ferocious meaning, a fierce beast with the aura of destruction, appeared, flaring its teeth and claws towards him, very irritable.

“The fierce beast… the robbery of the fierce beast.”

Duobao murmured and looked at the second node.

When he shifted his attention away, the presence of the fierce beast suddenly diminished. Then, a dragon, a phoenix, and a Qilin appeared in front of him.

“Dragon and Phoenix Qilin…The Tribulation of the Three Races!”

Later, two vague Daoists appeared, unable to see their faces, each with a monstrous aura.

“Master, Demon Ancestor… Dao Demon’s Tribulation?”

I can’t see my face, but I can guess it.

“It seems that the devil ancestor Luo Hu is not dead, and he has reached the level of the rule Sage… As expected, the existence of being able to confront the master, how easy it is.”

With his current strength, he couldn’t get rid of the veil, so naturally it represented the opponent’s strength.

After the Dao Demon is the Lich, the Lich is only the Conferred God, after the Conferred God is Journey to the West, after the Journey to the West… immeasurable calamity!

See the end from the beginning, and then back to the beginning from the end.

“The great history is so short that it will only end when you travel to the west?”

Duobao was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that it was just because the amount of calamity he knew was up to the journey to the west. After the real world, after the journey to the west, there will naturally be other calamities, the amount of calamity… But he did not expect that after the journey to the west, it would be the immeasurable calamity. , The world returns to chaos.

The prehistoric history begins with the fierce beast and ends with Journey to the West.

The immeasurable tribulation and chaos are the beginning and the end, but also the beginning and the end.

A closed circle is formed here, allowing the two to cycle back and forth, continuously Samsara, repeating.

“Pangu god-tier…”

A brawny figure appeared in Doubao’s mind: “You have set such a general trend… You want to seek the rules for Realm after Sage… Will there be?”

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