Chapter 320: Breaking into the Divine River

“So strong!” Bi Xiao bit her lip, with a killing intent on her body, staring at the colorful branches.

The other younger brothers beside him, the younger sister subconsciously stepped back a bit, cold all over.

Taiyi’s body was beating with fat, and he was farther away than the other brothers.

The goosebumps appeared densely on his body, exuding the meaning of ice cold, like an ice block, which was washed away by Bi Xiao’s killing intent.


There was a loud noise, and everyone suddenly fell in surprise on Taiyi’s body.

As soon as I saw it, all the goose bumps on Taiyi’s body had fallen out, hung in the air, and there was a shock. After a while, it turned into an expressionless creature.


Taiyi, who had regained his handsome and handsome appearance, stretched out his hand and pointed at the colorful branches. Immediately, all the creatures transformed by the lumps rushed up.

A weird force that seems to be able to control everything and assimilate everything emerges from these creatures.

After rushing out of the channel and entering the Shenhe River, the water rolled up in an instant, as if it was boiling.

The river water around the body of a sentient being rolled endlessly. Not long after, they turned their bodies around and turned into countless crystal-clear creatures, mixing expressionlessly beside the original creatures, and then rushing toward the colorful branches.

“Is this the method of puppet cultivation cultivated by Junior Brother Taiyi?”

After everyone was surprised for a moment, they immediately understood.

At the beginning, they all got the cultivation method created for them on Duobao…According to their own ideas, their personalities are different, and the cultivation techniques they cultivated are also different.

They knew before that Taiyi likes to refine creatures, and likes to use various things and things to transform them into creatures and drive them.

Therefore, in the Cultivation Technique given to him by the big brother, he is also good at puppets.

However, when everyone saw this scene before them, they were a little shocked. Even though they were prepared, they were still shocked.

The puppets flying out of Taiyi fell into the Shenhe River, assimilated the river water and turned into puppets, and killed them all towards the colorful branches.


The colorful branches rioted, trembling suddenly, and slammed past the puppets.

The puppets were smashed into pieces, unable to withstand their powerful power, and turned into countless fragments in an instant.

In this way, the colorful branch was still not suffocated, and drew it again.

The next moment, all the puppets were completely beaten into powder.


Upon seeing this, Taiyi didn’t have the slightest worry, and even a clear smile could be seen in his eyes.

A puppet is a puppet. If there is no number of puppets, and there is no ability that does not affect the master, then what is called a puppet.

He pointed at the colorful branches, and the power of the puppet fell on the colorful branches.

The colorful branches paused, the violent movement disappeared, and all of a sudden, crystals appeared on the branches.

Soon, countless little people appeared from the crystals, their faces expressionless, opened their mouths, the sharp teeth in their mouths appeared, and they bit down straight against the colorful branches.

The colorful branches are the means of fruit trees, and the degree of hardness can be imagined.

But in these seemingly small populations, they are like ordinary branches, and there is a gap in one bite.


Seeing this scene, everyone thought of it, and looking at Taiyi who was smiling, it was also very surprised.

Unexpectedly, this fellow apprentice (senior brother) who has always looked honest and honest, and even a little honest, turned out to be so terrifying.

Of course the colorful branches could not bear the bite of those villains, after all, those villains originally grew out of it.

Attacking its shield with its spear…no matter how hard it is, it is useless.




The sound of fine bites kept coming, and everyone who listened couldn’t help but shed fine cold sweat, and their hairs stood upright.

Looking at the increasing number of puppets, watching the colorful branches that are constantly weakening in the puppet’s bite, everyone is horrified.

This is really horrible.

Bi Xiao pinched the scarlet golden dragonfly, and the killing intent of his whole body slowly faded, watching the disappearance of the colorful branches in a daze, and a layer of fine lumps gradually appeared on his body.

However, what she cultivated was not the method of puppets, and these knots did not turn into puppets.

“Junior Brother Taiyi…”

Some seniors looked at Taiyi with cherished eyes.

To be honest, Taiyi hadn’t been leaking before, and they really ignored him a little bit. They didn’t look down on him, but because of his harmless performance, they didn’t take it too seriously.

It’s just that after such an appearance today, they immediately remembered the harmless Junior Brother with a smile on their face.


The colorful branches want to resist, and various powers continue to appear on their bodies, and the horrible fluctuations continue to spread, causing the entire Shenhe to set off huge waves. However, under the increasing number of puppets, they appear so weak and very weak. He was soon lost the power to resist and was completely swallowed in.

The number of villains who have completely swallowed the colorful branches has reached an incalculable level, and each of them has a colorful light on them, looking extremely delicate, beautiful and cute.

The expressionless little face, among the splendid colors, showed a kind of extreme beauty.

Many of the brothers’ eyes shined brightly, and they even wanted to hug them in their arms and spoil them.


All the villains rushed to Taiyi, arrogant and arrogant, stepping out of the mighty army.

Taiyi stretched out his palm, and the little people climbed onto his arms under the numb scalp of everyone watching, and walked all over his body… After a short time, the handsome Taiyi became that chubby again That’s cute Fatty too.

The puppet has turned into the fat on his body, and the focus is especially on the big belly.

Bi Xiao stared stupidly at Taiyi’s white belly, and suddenly looked down at her own little hand, and suddenly fluffed… Was she actually photographing such a horrible thing before?

Suddenly, what happened to this inexplicable heart palpitations?

“Okay, everyone, let’s go.”

Taiyi collected the puppet, his body flashed with colorful light, and then he recovered. It looked like he was a little bit fatter again.

Jin Ling looked at Taiyi Yiyan deeply, turned the golden Phoenix on his body, opened his mouth and expelled a golden flame, burning toward the front.

Everyone continued to move forward, and before long, new fluctuations appeared on both sides of Shenhe.

This time, it is no longer one kind, but several kinds.

Leaves, branches, whirlpools, tides, waves, undercurrents…

“Hey!” Jin Ling sighed and stopped: “There is no way. It seems that we can’t get to the other side if we don’t solve these things.”

“Don’t keep your hands, please solve it quickly, and we will speed up.”


The crowd yelled, and then they no longer kept their hands and cast their spells with all their strength.

The golden gravel of the clouds flew out, forming a huge storm, engulfing all the surrounding undercurrents, tides, waves, and whirlpools.

Qiong Xiao made a little jade, and the extreme chill appeared, freezing the storm in an instant.

Bi Xiao threw out the crimson golden dragonfly scissors, crossed her two small hands, and flew away with killing intent on her body, falling into the golden dragonfly scissors, and then sharply cut it off against the freezing storm.


The storm was instantly divided into two, turned into two halves, and annihilated in an instant.

Cut the Golden Jiao cut in two cuts, unless it is not hurt, or cut it in two cuts, all vitality will be interrupted, and it is an absolute killer.

If it can’t be blocked, it’s just death!

Zhao Gongming flew in the air, clenched his fists, and the Magic power turned into countless beads. The beads surrounded his body like mountains.

With his violent force, the void collapsed, and a huge pit was formed with him as the center.

The leaves and branches closest to him were dragged over, and their shape became distorted.


Everyone used their own means to fight the impact in the Shenhe.

Golden Spirit Golden Phoenix opened the way, and the golden flames burst out continuously, burning the road ahead.

Everyone walked all the way and fought all the way, slowly, and no longer the ease before, and a strong fatigue appeared on their faces.

Although Shenhe’s attack, for them, as long as they can deal with it with all their strength, but always attacking with all their strength, the burden on them is not small.

He didn’t dare to relax, so he could only forcefully support.

“I can’t go on like this…” Guang Chengzi looked at the exhaustion on the faces of the fellows, and kept beating his chest with a big sword in his hand, making a strong voice, falling into the ears of the fellows, letting their spirits Always in a state of concentration.

Shenhe still doesn’t know how long it will be, and how long it will take before they can go out.

But it is certain that if this continues, they will not last long.

“Master sister…” Guang Chengzi shouted to Jin Ling.

Jin Ling turned his head and followed Guang Chengzi’s gaze to a group of juniors and juniors, and immediately understood what he meant.

He pondered slightly, and Jin Ling said in a loud voice: “Separate one-third of the people to rest, and the others will unite to buy time for the rested juniors and younger sisters, and change over a period of time.”

All the younger brothers, the younger sister nodded immediately.

To be honest, they really can’t hold it anymore.

Even if Jin Ling didn’t say it, they couldn’t help but say it.

“Youngest Junior Brother, Junior sister rest, others will continue with me!”

When Jin Ling’s words came, the younger brother who was still a bit tangled, the younger sister suddenly relaxed, each one looked at each other and nodded together.

No one declined, and no one was modest. At this time, it is not the time to be modest.

After losing one-third of their combat power, everyone was fighting even more difficult, and even occasionally injured, but everyone’s mood was much lighter.

With time to rest, they don’t have to worry about being exhausted and can support them for a long time.


In the twentieth Second Stage, Duobao looked at the good fortune jade disc in his hand, and Hongjun next to him did not know when he refined the Five Elements in the Five Elements sky to make a side coffee table, and it was in Duobao Manor. On the Xiantian tea tree in the middle, I picked some tea leaves and brewed them leisurely.

The mist flew up, Hongjun closed his eyes heavily and took a sip: “Well, it’s really good tea!”

Take a sip carefully, without swallowing it directly, in the mouth, swallowing three times.

One scent, two astringent, three sweet.

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