Chapter 319

Everyone said it was serious, but they weren’t very flustered.

They are all used to it and are ready.

Compared with the initial despair they found the difficulty of the trial, this time, they at least had some confidence.


During the conversation, the colorful divine light broke out below, and all the creatures who were attacking the Daohua with a fluke mentality did not explode the defenses of the Daohua. Instead, they were all swept in by the sudden eruption of the Daohua.

In an instant, all living beings lost their breath, countless souls, true spirits, drifted into Samsara under the traction of Samsara’s power.

The enlightenment flower swallows all living beings, turns into a colorful divine light, and flies toward the depths of the starry sky.


Yun Xiao shouted, surrounded by gravel, and walked towards the colorful divine light.

It’s not that they don’t want to save those souls, but it’s not necessary.

It’s just that they are all Xuanxian, and they are all greedy. Samsara once again, it may not be a bad thing for them.

Anyway, here will not really die, so why care about life and death so much.

In a region in the depths of the starry sky, there is a huge colorful river with no head or tail.

The colorful divine light transformed by the enlightenment flower flew into the river and blended into it.

Yun Xiao and others followed, looking at the colorful river with solemn expressions… they felt the pressure like a mountain.

This colorful Shenhe feels very bad for them… After seeing it for a long time, Dao heart seems to be shaken.

Not daring to look again, Yun Xiao turned his gaze to the riverside, as if he had been standing for a long time in a familiar figure.

“Master Jin Ling?”

“Junior Brother Guangchengzi, Junior Brother Xuandu, Junior Brother Manjusri…”

On the edge of the colorful river, the Kunlun disciples were all there except the jade cauldron who broke into the Ten Thousand Demons Diagram and the Lich and fought against the Fruit Clan.

The five Yunxiao arrived last.

Jin Ling took his gaze back from the colorful divine river, turned his head to look at the five Yunxiao people, with a smile on his face: “You are here… yes, yes, our brother brothers are finally up.”

Yellow Dragon heard the meaning of Jin Ling’s words, and carefully surveyed the colorful Shenhe: “Did the master see anything?”

“What do we need to do?”

The color of approval in Jin Ling’s eyes flashed past, and he turned to look at the colorful god river: “This river can be determined to be the root of the fruit clan and the fruit tree.”

“As for the so-called enlightenment flower, I originally thought it was a stage before the fruit tribe took shape. When they swallow enough creatures, essence, and magic power, they will naturally take shape.”

“But now it seems to be different from what I had guessed.”

Bi Xiao asked curiously: “Where is it different?”

She guessed that way too.

“Enlightenment flower is not the previous stage of the fruit tribe, it is just a means to help that fruit tribe swallow magic power, essence, Taoism and so on.”

“All the things swallowed by the enlightened flowers have gathered into this river.”

“This river can be described as a river…”

Jin Ling’s eyes flickered: “Every drop of the river water in this river is regarded as a treasure, not worse than the spiritual water in the manor of the big brother, or even stronger.”

“On the outside, it is enough to create a powerful race, or Ascension a force, the strength of the race is a great Ascension.”

Guang Chengzi was holding a weird sword in his hand, said to be a sword, like a door, without a sharp edge and thick.

His voice was low and even more strange. When he heard it, everyone subconsciously looked at the big sword in his hand, feeling that his voice was very similar to this big sword.

This feels strange, but it is very real.

“This is not the main thing. The main thing is that we originally guessed that the fruit tree was to absorb these things and breed new fruit races, but in the end we only saw the river, but did not see the fruit trees appear.”

Guang Chengzi said, the people who listened frequently cast their eyes on the big sword in his hand.

“We need to cross the river, from this river… looking for the existence of fruit trees.”

When everyone heard this, they were silent.

Looking at the colorful Shenhe in front of him, he didn’t speak for a long time.

If this colorful god river does not know its heels, if it is not made by fruit trees, if it is not transformed by enlightened flowers, then it is a supreme chance.

I don’t know how many creatures’ magic power, essence, and deeds were absorbed by Cheng Daohua before it turned into a sacred river. The river contains all kinds of perceptions and energy for the law, and even countless fragments of the law can be seen from it.

Even if they enter it with their current strength, within this sacred river, they can get a lot of benefits.

But, it happens that this is made by fruit trees and transformed into flowers of enlightenment.

This seemingly seductive Shenhe seems to be another temptation, another test.

Standing across from Shenhe, everyone had difficulty making a decision.

They are not sure whether they are the same as the creatures before the Enlightenment Flower… It’s just that they have changed the object, mode, and process. They are all the same.

Those creatures couldn’t stand the powerful temptation and were swallowed by the enlightened flower. Will they?


After a long time, Jin Ling said firmly, and a crimson flame burst out all over his body and headed towards the Shenhe River.

“The fruit tree may be on the opposite side of the Shenhe River. We must find it, and can’t let it create more fruit tribes…or if we have time, we can find the Ten Thousand Demon Diagrams and rescue the fruit tribes.”

“In any case, at this level, we have no choice but to pass.”

The water of the Shenhe River was flowing, and a channel was burned in front of Jin Ling.

The water on both sides rushed, trying to rush to Jin Ling, but was burned by the flames around him, and couldn’t make any progress.

The water stream was burned by the flames and turned into countless entangled red mists. There were countless alluring Taoism in the mist. You only need to breathe a wisp to get Immortal Ascension.

An inexplicable feeling appeared in my heart, which caused everyone’s heart to move, but soon, they were suppressed by everyone.

“It seems that there is no danger?” Manjusri looked at Jin Ling’s figure and quickly followed.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all followed.

It seems not dangerous, but sometimes, there is still a huge gap between what it looks like and what it really is.

Now is just the beginning, there is no danger at the beginning, does not mean that there is no danger behind.

After everyone entered the Shenhe, the passage through which the Shenhe was burned was slowly closed behind everyone.

“Don’t do anything, follow me and save power.”

When everyone wanted to take a shot and separate Shenhe, the voice of the golden spirit came from the front.

“Kamikawa doesn’t know the length, we come in rotation…At present, it seems that there is no danger, but…be prepared for the worst.”

Everyone nodded and followed in silence.

After walking for a long time, the atmosphere suddenly changed a little bit.

Things were as they expected. After a long time, the peaceful Shenhe finally moved.

On both sides of the channel where the golden spirit burned, two huge tides came with the power to destroy everything.

“I’m coming!” The Yellow Dragon stepped forward, his body enlarged, his arms as thick as a mountain, stretched out the passage, entered into the Shenhe River, and held the two tides in his hands.


The Yellow Dragon screamed, and the pain like acupuncture came. The tide in his hand seemed not to be a tide, but countless sharp needles.

The tide is very fierce and powerful, not just stinging, it is still consuming and destroying Yellow Dragon’s body.

The skin of the body was pierced and worn away, and the layer of skin on the surface was wiped out almost instantaneously.

Large swaths of bright red appeared, like blood mist in the water.

Everyone wanted to take action when they saw it, but was stopped by Yellow Dragon: “I’m okay, save my strength, I can still hold it.”

The Yellow Dragon gritted his teeth and swiftly moved the true body of the Yellow Dragon. The true meaning of the Yellow Dragon appeared from his body. A yellow dragon appeared, surrounded the body, and entangled it.


The moment the Yellow Dragon appeared, the water in the surrounding Shenhe suddenly seemed to become a lot heavier.

The tide that continued to erode Yellow Dragon’s palm slowed down.


Above the head, the cursed mountain cast a black light, which fell on the Yellow Dragon, hitting the center of its dragon’s forehead, forming a shadow of the mountain.


Accompanied by a huge roar, Yellow Dragon vigorously squeezed his palm, and immediately, the two tides were squeezed by him.

“Huh, all right.”

The Yellow Dragon let out a sigh of relief. Without taking back its true body, it wrapped the Yellow Dragon with a huge body and walked in the passage: “Go on, everyone, I can handle the power outside.”

The tide of the Shenhe River was broken, and after getting used to the suppression of the Yellow Dragon’s power, it began to brew, countless vortexes appeared, and the breath became more and more terrifying.

The Yellow Dragon watched carefully, every time he saw a whirlpool, his big hand immediately patted it, and easily patted it away.

There is no formed power, although it is terrifying, it does not have much resistance.

The Yellow Dragon slapped the whirlpool like a fly.

It seemed very relaxed, but not only the Yellow Dragon or the other senior brothers, their expressions became serious in an instant.

Jin Ling stopped, and the flames around her body turned into a golden Phoenix, hovering above her head, her golden tail feathers fell, and countless fluorescent lights sprinkled.



The sound of countless surging currents sounded, and the vortex in the Shenhe on both sides of the passage disappeared. No movement was visible on the surface, only countless empty noises could be heard.

The water does not move, but the sound of water moving appears.

To be honest, this suddenly felt a little scary.

Everyone watched vigilantly, not daring to move on, looking at the sides, they felt a little hairy.


Finally, shortly thereafter, under the gaze of everyone, a colorful branch appeared from the river.

As soon as it appeared, he drew towards the huge Yellow Dragon.

The speed of the branch is very fast, and when everyone sees it, the Yellow Dragon has already been taken away.

Click, click, click!

A series of sounds came, and everyone knew it was the sound of Yellow Dragon bones breaking.


Bi Xiao offered the crimson golden dragon shears, the crimson chain on her body turned, her face tightened, and she suddenly cut towards the branches.


The tree branch suddenly shook, strength exploded, and the crimson golden dragon shears were shaken off.

Bi Xiao’s face instantly turned pale, receiving the backlash, and raised her hand to take the crimson golden dragonfly scissors, the residual power exploded through the crimson golden dragonfly scissors, causing her to beat back again and again.

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