Chapter 318 Three Heavens, Yellow Dragon, Taiyi

The colorful divine light flashed, and everyone retreated, staring at the unscathed enlightened flower in disbelief.

“It’s okay?”

Someone exclaimed.

You know, to be able to come here is to pass the storm test, and all of them are the existence of Xuanxian.

It is for the supreme power in the starry sky.

Except for the golden immortals who don’t know if they exist, they are the strongest existence.

Together, they couldn’t hurt this fragile flower?

“Is it really a flower of enlightenment… does it contain the path to becoming a golden immortal?”

In the crowd, the eyes of some creatures flickered, and some actually believed in what the legend said.

“Even if it is true, it is not something we can touch now.” The black-clothed woman was very calm, seeing that everyone’s hearts were not aligned, and there were other thoughts, and she shouted.

Everyone’s eyes flickered, no one spoke, but most of them were staring at the enlightened flower, an emotion called greed, slowly breeding.

Seeing this, the woman in black didn’t say much, stepped to the black cow and caught the black cow that was constantly rolling, and then flew outside without hesitation.

The bewildered Tsing Yi cultivator glanced at Cheng Daohua, then at the two demons who were about to disappear completely, suddenly gritted their teeth and said loudly: “Wait for me, I will go with you.”

As he said, his figure was erratic, and in a strange and ethereal posture, he quickly caught up.

“Thousands of years have passed, is the final decisive battle coming?”

Above the Chengdao Flower, where everyone is invisible, the three crimson figures stood together, looking down, and the creatures who had already started to rush towards the Chengdao Flower, their eyes were calm, and they had no intention of making any move.

“This time, we will never be as powerless as before!” Bi Xiao raised his hand, and a crimson pair of scissors appeared in his hand. The crimson light flashed, and the chain entwined with her clattered.

A breath of silence, the silence of all things came.

“Yeah, this time, we won’t run away again.” Yun Xiao also sighed, and besides the crimson chains, there was golden gravel.

When the gravel turns, it seems that the universe is moving, and the world moves, giving people a heavy sense of strength.

Qiong Xiao’s body was cold, and the whole person was like ice cubes. Compared with the crimson chains that the other two were wearing, they were like flying sleeves. The chains on her body were frozen by the endless ice.

“This should be the final trial. After we have passed it, even if we have passed this trial, if we can’t survive…”

The three were silent for a long time. Yun Xiao whispered: “I will get over it. If we can’t get over it anymore, isn’t our pain for thousands of years gone for nothing?”

Thousands of years have passed since the Lich clan suppressed the Fruit Clan in the dark trial field.

Originally died, after the reincarnation of Samsara, the two groups of Lich have grown up separately, or basically true immortal is the limit, very few can reach the mysterious immortal, and there is not even a golden immortal.

Although the strength of the Ascension in the Dark Proving Ground is very fast, after all, there is too little time, and the fall of the fallen witches can fall, which also proves their strength.

“In the enlightenment flower there is the atmosphere of the fruit tribe.”

Bi Xiao stared at the enlightened flower, ignoring the sentient beings who rushed to the enlightened flower and were then swallowed by the enlightened flower.

“The original fruit tribe has been suppressed, this is the existence behind the fruit tribe…”

“The fruit tree, this is the fruit tree.”


A voice came, alarming Sanxiao, and looking back, two figures appeared.

One of his muscles collapsed, his arms could run horses, his face was mad, and a dark mountain topped his head, walking towards them step by step.

That big mountain seemed to be above his head, transformed by the Taoism, and like the outside world, suppressing him.

At first glance, it seems that the head is big, and at the second glance, it seems to be boundlessly big.




As the other party approached, the scarlet chain on San Xiao’s body rang with it, and powerful forces surged and pointed towards the mountain above the man’s head.

“Junior Brother Yellow Dragon!”

Sanxiao looked at the incoming person and was shocked: “You actually carried the forbidden ground on your back?”

When they saw the big mountain above the Yellow Dragon, they had already recognized its essence, which was exactly the forbidden place they had visited.

They received a lot of curse power in that forbidden land, and they also endured tremendous pain, so their memories are still fresh.

They were only tainted with some cursing power, but they didn’t expect that Yellow Dragon could carry it on their backs!

This shocked the three of them: “It seems that Junior Brother Yellow Dragon has cultivated the true body of the Yellow Dragon that the Senior Brother passed on well!”

“The war is coming, I have to do it.” Yellow Dragon smiled heartily.

“Taiyi has seen three senior sisters.” Next to the Yellow Dragon, the real Taiyi who had little sense of presence was set off by the Yellow Dragon when he saw that Sanxiao ignored him, and immediately said.

San Xiao turned his gaze, suppressed the shocked emotion, and then looked at the real person Taiyi.

By this look, the three people who almost made them didn’t make them laugh out loud.


Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Yellow Dragon, Taiyi all looked at Bixiao.

Bi Xiao’s little hand covered his own mouth, and the voice came from between his fingers: “Sorry, puff…that…Taiyi Junior Brother…I didn’t mean it…I’m not laughing at you…really. …I really didn’t mean to laugh at you…poof…”

Everyone couldn’t help being speechless, and the last puff was very spiritual and effective.

“Puff chuff~”

“Puff chuff~”

“Puff chuff~”

The people who could have been able to hold back, in Bi Xiao’s last puff, couldn’t help but laughed together.

“Junior Brother Taiyi, how did you look like this?” Yun Xiao had always been calm, and at this time he was smiling without demeanor, and asked while laughing.

“Yeah, Junior Brother Taiyi, I remember you were still handsome, why now… I didn’t laugh at you, I just think, you now… really look like a pig!”

Qiong Xiao also lost his smiling eyes.

This is not to blame for them. The main reason is that Taiyi now has a big head and a bigger belly. He was wearing a well-fitting Taoist robe. At this time, he wore more than half of his body. It looked like he was a pig…maybe a pig. Not willing.

You know, the original Taiyi is still very handsome.

The figure is slender, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with well-defined features and peaceful eyes, with a hint of sharpness.

To be honest, Primordial Tianzun pays most attention to appearance and heels.

“Junior brother, if you were like this when you first became a teacher, I guess… we won’t have your junior brother.” Bi Xiao smiled, came to Taiyi’s side, stretched out a small hand, and patted his belly. Suddenly I saw the lump of fat and trembled.

“The three elder sisters…” Taiyi looked at Sanxiao with a grievance, focusing on Bixiao, who seemed to treat him as a toy, and constantly patted his stomach.


Yun Xiao coughed and looked straight, but there was still a strong smile in his eyes: “Junior Brother Taiyi, what kind of curse are you provoking? You turned out to be like this?”

In the dark trial field, the curse power is the most, and the only thing that can have such a big influence on them today is the curse power.

It’s just that most of the curse power they carry is to make them suffer torture and pain, but Taiyi, it seems, only makes him fatter… Is this also a curse?

“I don’t know.” Taiyi was very depressed. Looking at Bi Xiao who was still patting his stomach, he would have slapped him if it weren’t for the identity of her senior sister.

“Senior Sister Bixiao, is it fun?”

Playing with all his heart, Bi Xiao suddenly thought of Taiyi’s faint voice in her ears. She was taken aback and reacted. She stuck out her tongue at Taiyi’s eyes, and said embarrassedly: “Well, don’t blame me, you This lump of meat is really fun.”

“Okay, stop making trouble, just talk about business.”

Yun Xiao looked even more resentful, helpless Tai Yi smiled, and then his face was straight, and he said in a deep voice: “This enlightenment flower, we guess, was made by the fruit tree.”

“Originally, the first batch of fruit tribes have been suppressed, and they have not yet come out. Now it should be the fruit tree that has lost the fruit tribe to provide food for it and can’t sit still.

Everyone’s expressions also became serious.

“According to our guess, this time the fruit tree behaved like this, there are two purposes, one is to create a new fruit family, and the other is to motivate the first-generation fruit family that has been banned.”

“The first one is okay, we can still deal with it, if it’s the latter…”

As he spoke, Yun Xiao’s expression was very solemn.

After all, it was only a thousand years. Although after these thousand years, their strength had a huge Ascension, they were still a lot worse than the fruit clan they had seen before.

That is, relying on the power of the curse on his body, he has the confidence to fight.

However, after a thousand years of suppression, who knows whether the fruit clan has become stronger or weaker?

“This time it’s a decisive battle. It will definitely not be that simple… Big Brother won’t let us get there so easily.” The real Yellow Dragon said solemnly.

“This is our trial…not where we play.”

“The power of the curse is the power that the big brother left us through the trial… but it is not a book. If you have the power of the curse, you will definitely be able to survive the trial.”

“Unless…we can completely turn the power of the curse into our own use.”

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other.

The iron chain of crimson on Sanxiao, the mountain above the Yellow Dragon’s head, Taiyi’s pig-like body… these are all manifestations of the power of curse.

If they could completely turn the power of the curse into their own use, then they wouldn’t be like this now.

“Our current strength can barely match the original Fruit Clan… Therefore, this time, those who have been sealed off will definitely appear, and the strength will definitely be stronger.”

“So… get ready!”

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