Chapter 317

In the dark trial field, I don’t know when it became lively.

Countless creatures walked out of each star, walked out of the star, and came to the starry sky.

A legend, at some point, spread throughout the starry sky, making all cultivators fantasised.

【Enlightenment flower, you can become enlightened】

The legend is very simple, there are only eight characters in total, but all beings are very excited.

What is enlightenment, the supreme golden immortal is for Dao!

In the starry sky, countless creatures, those who become profound immortals are absolutely powerful, let alone golden immortals.

So far, the countless creatures in the starry sky have hardly discovered the existence of a single creature.

If it weren’t for the ancient legends, no one would even know the existence of Jinxian, thinking that Xuanxian was the limit.

“The rumor of the enlightenment flower is somewhere in the starry sky…you can become enlightened if you get it, the strongest golden immortal, what kind of Realm should it be?”

In the starry sky, a powerful creature is looking forward to whispering.

He is a great power of Xuanxian, walking alone in the starry sky, hoping to find the existence of the enlightenment flower, so as to break through Xuanxian.

Because his life span is short, it’s almost at an end.

Although he is an immortal, he does not have an eternal lifespan. He does not want to die, he wants eternity.

From an ordinary black bull in a star, he practiced hard all the way, Celestial Immortals, true immortals, and profound immortals, after suffering a lot, finally reached the profound immortals.

The goal of his cultivation is very simple, longevity.

Celestial Immortals can’t be true immortals, true immortals can’t be Xuanxian…Xuanxian can’t be…he is stupid.

Because, when he arrived at Xuanxian, he couldn’t cultivate, and he couldn’t reach the legendary strongest golden immortal at all, and he didn’t even have any induction at all.

“Enlightenment flower, enlightenment flower… I wonder if it is true.”

“Jinxian… can I live forever?”

The black cow whispered while searching.

A huge wave suddenly appeared in the starry sky, spreading, forming a storm of one stage.

The black cow’s complexion did not change, and he drew an axe tall from his waist.

The axe was held in his hand and slashed suddenly.

The huge storm was broken open, forming a huge blank channel, the end of which led to the source of the fluctuation.

The black bull stepped forward, stepping on the passage, and hurried forward.

Walking along the way, slowly, he saw other creatures, broke through the storm by various means, and marched towards the same goal.

The storm seemed to be a test, and only if you passed the test, you are qualified to continue exploring.

At the end of the passage, a colorful flower immediately caught your eye.

The eyes of all the creatures who came here were attracted to the past, dazzled, and the whole person was stupid, walking towards it idiotically, and murmured constantly: “It’s so beautiful.”

“Is this the enlightened flower? It belongs to me!”

“I feel it, my way is there, I want to go, I want to find my way.”


Many creatures kept talking, slowly approaching the enlightenment flower.

The colorful colors and dazzling beauty made them lose the power of thinking.


Just when he was about to approach the Chengdao Flower, the black cow was suddenly shocked, and he was horrified. He noticed something was wrong. He gritted his teeth fiercely, blood spurted out of his mouth, and a sharp pain came, making him more sober.

“This flower is not an enlightened flower… this is a trap…”

He was shocked and backed up with fear. He waved the axe in his hand repeatedly and fell towards him. Scars appeared, followed by waves-like pain, which made him resist the temptation that kept coming.

“Run, run… Otherwise, it’s over.”

The black bull wanted to cry without tears, and his heart was even more sad.

“Without enlightenment flower, enlightenment flower is just a trap… Jinxian, maybe it doesn’t exist at all.”

He looked for the enlightenment flower for enlightenment, for the golden immortal, and for longevity.

“Does Changsheng really exist?”

“Isn’t Jinxian just a legend?”

Thoughts flashed in his mind, consciousness gradually blurred, colorful rays of light flashed, and the pain like the waves became blurred.

“If you don’t become a golden immortal, you can’t live forever. I’m going to die after all… so, why should I run away?”

“I’m going to end my life… why don’t I fight it?”

“The enlightened flower may not be fake…or is it just another test?”

“As long as I cross over, I can see the real enlightened flower!”


The black bull’s stone-like thick thighs suddenly halted in the void, with a big axe in his hand, stopped his body, and flew toward the enlightenment flower with firm eyes.

“Silly big guy, let me help you!”

At this moment, a woman in black next to her saw the black cow who had withdrawn and rushed back again, her eyes flashed, hesitated for a moment, and finally she curled her feet and landed on the black cow’s neck like lightning.


In an instant, the black cow jumped up and shouted in pain, “Pain, pain, pain… it hurts me too!”

Countless brilliant rays of light spilled from the sky, and the black cow kept rolling in the void, crying out in pain.

He was such a stout man that he was crying bitterly.

call out!

During the tumbling, a black light flashed, and the black bull’s figure disappeared, and a huge black bull appeared with a black body that was as dark as ink and gleaming.

He actually returned to his original form in pain.

The black bull that turned into its original form roared like thunder, still crying bitterly in the air.

That huge roar spread across the starry sky, and the thunderous cry of pain formed an endless sound wave that spread all around.


The sound wave spread and fell in the ears of the sentient beings who were bewildered by the enlightened flower, which actually made them wake up.

The black-clothed woman felt the temptation of the enlightenment flower that she had received in the black cow’s painful cries, and continued to diminish, and with the black cow’s cries of pain, it gradually became weaker, and she breathed out immediately.

“Great, sure enough, this silly big guy has good strength. Under my poison pile… the poison plus the power can indeed dispel the temptation power of this weird flower.”

“This is not an enlightened flower, this is a trap… we were almost fooled.”

“Not fooled, we almost fell under this enlightened flower!”

The sentient beings were awakened, and they felt the lingering pain in their ears. When they looked at the enlightened flower, they suddenly felt different.

No longer the greed before, I can’t wait to replace it with fear.

It is conceivable that without the thunderous cry of pain that suddenly appeared, they were afraid that they would have been controlled by the enlightened flower at this time, and what they would become and what the consequences would be, no need to think about it.

“Brother, thank you so much.” A Tsing Yi cultivator came to the black cow who was constantly rolling, and a blue light flashed in his hand: “This is the little brother’s glaucoma poison. The so-called fighting poison with poison can reduce the pain of the brother… This is the only thing the little brother can do.”

“You…what did you say?” The black bull burst into tears, and he couldn’t hear what he said at all, but he could see his mouth moving constantly, and then there was a coolness in his body, let him The pain is a bit less.

“This is a good person.”

As soon as the thought in the black bull’s heart came out, he suddenly felt more severe pain coming, which was even more unbearable than before.


The black bull roared, and the thick white gas spurted from his nostrils, his eyes turned blood red in an instant, staring at the Tsing Yi cultivator, he rushed over: “Bad guy, this is a bad guy, he wants to kill me, kill him, kill him! ”

He exerted his strength and rushed towards the Tsing Yi cultivator with the breath of crushing everything!

The Tsing Yi cultivator was also stunned. He didn’t react when he watched the black bull’s movements. He stupidly watched the black bull rushing aggressively, and then… rushed past him.

“Good guy, hiding pretty fast!”

The black bull missed a hit and was even more angry, and the white gas emerging from his nostrils was thicker and bigger.


The hind hooves paused in the void and stepped out of a deep pit. Numerous ripples appeared from it. Then, he turned his body upside down and rushed towards the Tsing Yi cultivator again.

The Tsing Yi cultivator still didn’t hide, watching the black bull rushing past him again.

That powerful force even brought his hair up.

“What’s going on?” The Tsing Yi cultivator was dumbfounded, he really didn’t think about killing Black Bull.

After all, it was Hei Niu who rescued them. Although his glaucoma poison was poison, it was two-sided, which changed according to his mind.

As long as he is willing, the green light poison can be a deadly poison or a life-saving medicine… He can be sure that what he used to treat the black cow is definitely a life-saving medicine and not a poison.

“Why is this?”

There was a woman in black with a straight look on the side, looking strange, looking at the black cow and then at the innocent Tsing Yi cultivator.

“How big is this hatred?”

Her stubborn horse poison is the most painful poison. The black cow is already painful and can’t stand it anymore. After going through the Tsing Yi cultivator, of course it hurts even more.

You must know that her horse-traveling poison pile has the ability to absorb other poisons to grow herself. After being poisoned, if she is poisoned by other poisons, it will not cause mutual restraint, but will help the growth of the horse-traveling poison pile.

The stronger the poison behind, the greater the growth of the poison pile against the horse.

The black-clothed woman looked at the red eyes of the black bull, feeling its violent and unparalleled aura, and then looked at the Tsing Yi cultivator: “This guy is still a bit strong, at least this poison, very good.”

“Don’t watch the show, everyone, the enlightenment flower is still there. Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s destroy it.”

The woman in black retracted her gaze and shouted at the crowd.

Everyone was taken aback, and then they all reacted, nodding their heads: “It’s true!”

The black cow’s shout was too scary and too ecstasy, so that they almost forgot, the evil enlightenment flower is still there.

After reacting, everyone used magical powers and spells to fight towards the enlightened flower.

The seven-color rays of light circulated and turned into a barrier in front of the enlightened flower. The magical powers and spells of the people fell on it, only a few ripples were made, and there was no other change.

Everyone changed their colors. I didn’t expect this flower to be so defensive besides the weird power of temptation?

“Don’t keep your hands, try your best…” The black-clothed woman’s heart sank, and then she said loudly.

Everyone shot together, as it said, they didn’t dare to keep their hands anymore. The powerful magical powers, Dao Fa, let go, and turned into a torrent of magic spells before becoming the Dao Flower, rushing to the Dao Flower.

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