Chapter 316

“The original level?”

The good fortune jade butterfly was hot, so Duobao looked down, and in his eyes, a mighty river appeared in front of his eyes.

The river rushed, and suddenly a huge wave appeared, calling towards Dubo.

“Hahaha, it’s dead, it’s all dead, since it’s all like this… why should I live?”


A huge brawny man, braving a deep black air, spreading grief, suddenly laughed, and then rammed into a sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain supported the heaven and the earth, and was broken by the strong man. The heaven cracked a big mouth and opened the Tianhe, and endless river water flowed down from it.

Six figures suddenly appeared, each with its most precious treasure, Lingbao, blocking the water of the Tianhe River.

One of them was a female figure, collecting colorful stones, and a large cauldron flew from outside the sky. After igniting good fortune, she melted the colorful stones, practiced the five-color liquid, and repaired the broken sky.

From the extremely cold place of the North Sea, beheaded a giant tortoise and supported the world with its limbs.

When the waves fell, Duobao came back to his senses: “Gonggong didn’t crash, Nuwa mend the sky…”

“This is the general trend set by Pangu god-tier, I modified it slightly.”

“Thinking about it, you should know everything about the future of the great wild.”

Watching Duobao wake up, Hong Jun said from the side.

Duobao nodded silently, clear, of course he knew.

He was very clear about the entire history.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand.

“Master, why doesn’t Zhou Shan have to be broken?”

Buzhou Mountain is transformed by the spine of Pangu god-tier, supporting the heaven and the earth, and its existence is of great benefit to the heaven and the earth.

However, in what he knew, as well as the prevailing trend that he felt from the good fortune jade disc, he knew a situation, and the mountain would be broken.

This is set by Pangu god-tier and no one can change it.

Hongjun: “If you don’t Zhoushan, you can know it from its name, and it must be broken.”

“Otherwise, it should not be called Bu Zhou Shan, but Zhou Shan.”

“In the beginning, Buzhou Mountain supported the heaven and the earth and allowed the world to develop. It was a great achievement, but later, the Buzhou Mountain restricted the growth of the world.”

“Buzhou Mountain is a dead thing after all, and it has a limit. After the world reaches its limit, Buzhou Mountain will not only be unable to grow and support the development of the world, but it will also become a burden on the world, making it impossible for the world to go further. ”

“……” Duobao: “So, the mountain will be broken if Zhoushan is not?”

With that said, he immediately understood.

Just like children, they need the protection of their parents to grow up when they are young, but when they grow up, they need to leave their parents to continue to grow, otherwise they will have great dependence, become parasites, and gnaw on the old.

That said, it’s a bit inappropriate, but the general idea is the same.

“Is this too unfair to Bu Zhou Shan?”

Duobao asked: “It has supported the world for so long, and how many people can compare it with the great contribution?”

Such a great merit only ends up like this in the end. Although he is not a creature, Dubao is also sorry.

“This can’t be helped. Besides, it’s not too bad. Didn’t it become Fan Tianyin later?”

“Half of Zhoushan became Houtian’s Supreme Treasure. Do you really think Houtian’s Supreme Treasure is so easy to accomplish?” Hongjun said.

“But Fantian Seal is just a Magic Treasures, it…”

Duobao’s words stopped, and he looked at the good fortune jade disc again, and the birth and death of the whole prehistoric turned quickly in his eyes.

All other creatures, the destiny and development of things, such as wind and rain in the ear, disappear after the ear, only one of the vitality, a Magic Treasures, has always existed.

It is not Zhoushan, to be precise, it is Fan Tianyin.

Fan Tianyin circulates in the precipice, following its master, experiencing countless catastrophes, small catastrophes, great catastrophes, quantity catastrophes, and even immeasurable catastrophes.

After the immeasurable calamity, the Fantian Seal was broken, and was crushed to pieces by a great grinder.

The primordial chaos returns to the chaos, the Pangu god-tier reappears, and the breath of the Pan Tianyin reappears, and it has a chance in the chaos and turns into a chaotic creature.

In the chaos, besides the chaos devil, there are ordinary creatures.

It’s like there are not only Xiantian divine residences in the prehistoric land, but also ordinary mortals.

This chaotic creature is a mortal in chaos.

“Having merits upright and standing upright, immeasurable robbery creates a real body.”

Duobao suddenly turned around. This was Fan Tianyin’s destiny.

“Yes, merit, karma, Karma is the three fundamental forces that run through the primordial chaos.”

“Even after the immeasurable calamity, its merits will be recorded, and then turned into opportunities, which will create different opportunities from the chaos or the predicament.”

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless but affectionate, and all the achievements will be recorded.”

Duobao was extremely shocked. One was because of Fantian Seal, and more importantly, because of the discovery in the good fortune jade disc.

“Pangu god-tier is not dead?”

Dubao asked in shock.

Hongjun nodded: “Of course he didn’t die.”

“When you arrive at Sage, you won’t die so easily, let alone the existence of Pangu god-tier?”

“Honghuang and Chaos is a Samsara…Pangu god-tier is using this way… to prove the Tao?”

Dubao asked again with countless messages in his mind.

“It is to prove the Dao, but also to explore the way forward, and it is to make the prehistoric world eternal.” Hongjun nodded.

Dubao asked, “What is eternity?”

Of course he knows what eternity is, and even he can already create the concept of eternity, but he knows that the eternity in Hongjun’s mouth is absolutely different from the eternity he understands.

“What do you think, Xiaojie, Dajie, Liangjie, to the world?” Hongjun did not answer directly, but asked another question.

Duobao was taken aback and didn’t understand, but after thinking about it carefully, he seriously replied: “It’s a test, it’s progress, and it’s Ascension.”

In his opinion, whether it is a large or small calamity, a quantity calamity, or an immeasurable calamity, every time it appears, it is caused by the accumulation of Karma in the world and too much karma.

It’s like a person’s immune system.

When the accumulated karma, Karma is too much, then disaster will occur.

It’s like the more problems a person accumulates, the more illnesses he accumulates.

This disease, in contrast, is a catastrophe.

If you are sick, you need to take medicine.

The creatures use their own methods to survive the catastrophe. In this way, the serious illness is healed, the peak is restored again, and it can even be better.

The immeasurable calamity is the disease of life and death. Even if you take medicine, you can’t get better, you can only die, and reincarnate Samsara, just like Samsara who has reached chaos.

“Your understanding is correct, although the idea is a bit silly, but it is very thorough.” Hongjun said: “For the world, catastrophe is suffering and serious illness. Plunged into destruction.”

“And so far, if you want to let the predecessors survive, you can only do it with immeasurable calamity.”

Duobao: “…So, there are actually worlds that can’t even survive the great calamity?”

He heard the underlying meaning in Hongjun’s words and asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words were spoken, he immediately reacted: “Yes, the world’s strength is not the same, and the natural endurance is also different.”

“So, Pangu god-tier wants the prehistoric world to be able to withstand countless calamities without being destroyed, even to the point where no calamity will be destroyed?” Duobao asked suddenly.

“This has always been our purpose, and now… it’s also yours.”

Duobao took a deep breath and suddenly felt the heavy pressure.

“How many times is Samsara?”

Duobao thought about it for a long time, there were many questions in his mind, and finally he asked this one.

Primordial chaos and chaos are in Samsara, cyclically, Pangu, Hongjun, Sanqing, and all the creatures of Honghuang are the chaos demon gods in chaos, all in this Samsara.

It’s like a script, in which all creatures are actors, and it’s not known how many times it has been performed.

“It can be the first time.” Hongjun stared at Duobao with scorching eyes.

“What do you mean?” Duobao was puzzled, and he didn’t understand.

“Since Samsara is still there, it proves that we have never succeeded, no matter how many times, so it doesn’t matter how many times this time is the first time.”

“As long as you can succeed, it will be the first time. All Samsara that extends from this will shrink and return. This time, it can be the source of everything.”

Hongjun’s words left Duobao overwhelmed for a moment, then bowed his head and pondered carefully: “Never succeeded… the first few times don’t matter…”

“It’s true… to this Realm, time has long been not a straight line.”

“Because the script set before has never succeeded, so this time, you chose me?” After a long time, Dubo raised his head and asked.

“Yes.” Hongjun admitted simply: “Since we can’t succeed, you have shown such strength again, so why not leave it to you?”

“You really trust me.” Duobao smiled bitterly and understood everything. He felt that the weight of his responsibility was also very speechless for Hongjun and Pangu’s boldness.

“how should I do?”

Hongjun looked forward to: “Do whatever you want, do it according to your ideas, without asking my opinion.”

“Since we have never succeeded… then it proves that our guess is wrong and our approach is wrong.”

“If something is wrong, there is no need to know.”

“Now, the good fortune jade disc is in your hands, and you know its effect. Now you are the leader of the prehistoric. You have to decide how to do it.”

After Hongjun said this sentence, he also stayed for a while, and after a moment of trance, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He looked at Duobao, with shock in his complicated eyes.

He was actually affected again.

Originally, although Duobao had already insight into the rules and reached this level of strength, he did not intend to immediately give him the position of the predecessor leader, but the fact is that he did give him the position of leader without knowing it. Got out.

This was not his original intention, or perhaps it was not Duobao’s original intention, but it was Dubao’s subconscious thought.

He didn’t say anything, but in the subconscious, he wanted to become the leader of the prehistoric, so Hongjun would be affected.

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