Chapter 315: So I’m a Big Brother?

“Look at me?”

Duobao held the good fortune jade butterfly, listening to Hongjun’s words, the whole person was stupid.

He is just a big Luo Jinxian, why would he bear such a heavy burden?

Hongjun is the ancestor of Taoism. Since he said so, and it was twice, there must be his reason.

However, what Dubao thought, he didn’t think there was any place in his body that could allow him to bear such a heavy burden.

The jade butterfly in his hand was very light and seemed to have no weight, but Dubao held it, but it felt so heavy.

After thinking about it for a long time, Duobao asked in a deep voice, “Why?”

Hongjun stared at Duobao: “You really don’t know?”

“I know?” Duobao: “Should I know?”

“Yes, you should know.” Hongjun replied seriously, causing Duobao to fall into contemplation.

“Should I know?”

“what do you know?”

“Know the reason why I have to bear such a burden?”

Hongjun watched quietly, and he slowly said: “Actually, you should know, you should have known it a long time ago, but you have restricted yourself.”

“You trapped yourself, so it makes you look a little stupid, and even many things you should have thought of, but you didn’t think of it.”

“You think the world should be like this, so the world must be like this.”

“If it’s not, then you will make up for it yourself and make it like this.”

“It’s not so much that you are stupid, it is you who think the world is like this.”

“In your mind, there seems to be a template-like prehistoric.”

In Hongjun’s words, every word came into his heart, and every sentence was like thunder, splitting between Dubao’s heart.

He slowly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, and as if he wanted…for a long time, he closed his mouth again.

He himself didn’t know what he was about to open his mouth.

Hongjun didn’t force him, but stood upright, looking at the Five Elements sky, looking very leisurely and relaxed.

Originally, he didn’t want to break it, but originally wanted to keep doing this, so that Duobao would continue to misunderstand it.

However, until he saw the emergence of the rules, he knew that he couldn’t go on like this.

Before he has the strength to lead the world truly forward, and he is not the real leader, it doesn’t matter if he is a little confused, a little confused, because there are still people in front of him.

However, when his strength is reached, and with such ability, he must also take over the identity of the leader, then he must be clear.

Know everything about yourself, everything in the world, everything outside…Only a leader with a clear understanding is a suitable leader.

Otherwise, you will get confused, and you will have no accurate goal at all. Who knows what kind of place it will take the world to?

It was also after this initial decision that Hongjun suddenly discovered a problem.

It turned out that he had been affected by Duo Bao a long time ago.

After discovering that there was a problem with Dubo’s cognition, no matter what the reason was, his subconscious reaction was to make him wrong. It seemed that this was the best choice.

But, in fact, is this really the case?

However, it was Dubao himself who wanted to think that the world was like this, so his thoughts spread out, and it had such an impact on all the creatures that came into contact with him from the outside world, and all the creatures who discovered the truth.

“It looks like, is there really a big secret in my disciple?”

Thinking of this, Hongjun couldn’t help but look at Xiangsi’s Duobao, even he unknowingly said… Duobao was still so low in strength at the beginning.

“Is there something wrong with my perception of the world?”

Duobao thought of the answer slowly, and asked when he looked up at Hongjun.

Hongjun did not answer, but looked at him quietly.

He didn’t need Hongjun’s answer either. After guessing the question, everything he had experienced in the past flashed in his mind like a movie.

“So, Di Yi, Di Er is actually Di Jun and Tai Yi?”

Duobao was thoughtful. When he saw that the two persons were three-legged Golden Crow, he was thinking, besides the Sun-Star line, there are other three-legged Golden Crows in this world?

This in itself was able to prove the identities of the two, but he had made up for it at the time.

“And Styx… he is actually Styx, not a counterfeit.”

“The Twelve Ancestral Witch, they are not very popular with the Twelve Ancestral Witch, in fact, they are the Twelve Ancestral Witch themselves.”

Duobao understood that after Hongjun woke up, the questions that popped up in his mind soon had answers.

“Their strength…the realm, my own Realm…”

After thinking for a long time, Duobao suddenly asked again: “Master, what strength am I now?”

Although it seemed to understand the problem, one of the biggest problems suddenly appeared in my mind.

At the very beginning, when he first came across, he was a golden immortal, born a golden immortal.

At that time, he was taking Honghuang’s own strength, the Realm route.

Later, because of his misunderstanding and the existence of Gold Finger, he replaced his Realm and became his own Realm strength.

He can be sure that his own strength, Realm, is definitely higher than the normal Realm, but he still doesn’t know exactly how high it is.

Come to think of it, with his current strength of Da Luo Jinxian, at least it is comparable to the existence of Quasi-Sage?

Even… Sage, it’s not impossible to think about it.

It wasn’t him who floated, the main Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch, in his eyes, the strength is not high, or even weak.

According to the prehistoric situation, the Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestral Sorcerers at this stage are at least quasi-saintly capable.

In this comparison, he is much better than these people… I guess Sage is a bit out of the ordinary, but it’s not impossible.

“Rules Sage.” Hongjun said in a deep voice.

“Rule Sage?” Duobao was dumbfounded. The word Sage already made him stunned, but what does the previous rule Sage mean?

“By the way, after the rule is completely insight, even if it is sanctified, after the rule is the condensed concept, after the concept, the rule…”

Without Hongjun’s explanation, Duobao quickly thought of the answer, and couldn’t help muttering: “I found out the rules in Insight…So, I am now the rule Sage?”

“Compared to the rules Sage?”

Duobao was shocked, and after staying for a long time, he slowly reacted.

“Law Sage, Concept Sage, Rule Sage… Master, they should be Rule Sage… or maybe Concept Sage, I am now comparable to Rule Sage, then I surpassed Master and them?”

Duobao’s thoughts arose, and he suddenly asked Hongjun, “Master, what Realm are you now?”

Hongjun blew his brain on Duobao’s forehead, guessed his thoughts, and said angrily: “Rules Sage, what’s wrong?”

“Oh…” Duobao chuckled his forehead without speaking.

Hongjun looked over with a ugly expression.

Duobao immediately covered his mouth, indicating that he stopped smiling.

“It turns out that I have become a big boss without knowing it.”

Duobao was inexplicably surprised and shocked.

“Unexpectedly, I’m comparable to Sage, and it’s not a normal Sage, but a rule comparable to Daozu’s Sage?”

Amidst the surprise, his face suddenly stopped: “But, why is this?”

In the prehistoric times, is Realm’s breakthrough so simple?

He is just cognition wrong, won’t let him breakthrough Realm so easily, right?

What about the bottleneck between each Realm?

What about the vision after sanctification?

Why didn’t he feel it at all?

“You are an odd number.” Hongjun saw his doubts and said calmly: “Cultivation Base bottleneck, to you, it doesn’t seem to exist…”

Although this is difficult to understand, it is true.

“Doesn’t exist?” Duobao asked incomprehensibly astonished.

How could it not exist?

The bottleneck thing, logically speaking, every Realm should exist, one is for unlimited Ascension to limit the strength, and the other is also the level that one’s own strength has reached, just like a signpost.

“Although it is difficult to understand, the truth is that in your body, there is really no bottleneck.” Hongjun also couldn’t understand, and said slowly: “However, I guess it may be because of your identity and your mistakes. Recognize…”

“My identity?”

Duobao opened his mouth speechlessly, his identity?

Why didn’t he know, when was the identity of anomalous so strong?

If the anomaly is so strong… then after the anomaly appears, it will directly become the ruler. What kind of anomaly can you kill? Can you kill it?

“Cognition… is this possible?”

In comparison, the latter guess is more hopeful.

“The law of the heart, or the rules of the heart… If the heart is strong enough, then it seems that it is impossible to ignore the bottleneck thing!”

The direction of the heart cannot be restricted.

This is the only existence without restrictions among the many laws, and it is also the existence that can create miracles the most.

No matter in that world, once a miracle occurs, then in all likelihood, it is related to the heart.

“So, it’s still a matter of my cognition… But, I feel my own heart, it doesn’t seem to be that way, right?”

Duobao was very suspicious. This was only possible, but it didn’t mean it was a fact. He always felt that there were other reasons.

“It may also be because you own a secret.”

At this time, Hongjun’s words made Duobao’s body become cold.

“Secret…” He looked at Hongjun, originally wanting to deny it, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and smiled: “Master, you know it all.”

“Yes, I have…”

He just planned to speak out his own Gold Finger, but was stopped by Hongjun.

Hongjun was not bad to him. He first gave Qiankunding and then the good fortune jade disc, and even saved his life twice…it seemed to be nothing.

Hongjun interrupted Duobao: “Your secret is your secret. Never tell anyone.”

“Otherwise, the secret is not a secret.”

“Master?” Duo Bao stared at Hong Jun in a daze.

“I just hope that you can take Hong Huang to a farther level, to a deeper level… at least what you can do is better than me, then I’m very satisfied.”

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