Chapter 310: Eternal Race

If they were the original ones, seeing such an opportunity, they would definitely not hesitate to grab the ground with all their strength.

But now, after going through the dark trial ground and fighting with the enemy, they can’t start.

If his monster race wants to fight, he has to be upright, not so, taking advantage of others!


“The Sixth Stage Earth Immortals Day, the Seventh Stage Red Yun Tian, ​​the Eighth Stage Star God Lei Tian…”

Duobao stood in the dark sky of the 20th First Stage, looking at the endless darkness in front of him. He opened up the 20th First Stage with the Insight of the law of darkness.

After Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun appeared, the opening of the thirty Third Stage became very arbitrary.

Originally, there were no conditions for the development of these thirty Third Stage days, and it was up to his ideas.

I wanted to get it right before, but I wanted to open it later, letting me go, and opening up what kind of heavens I thought of.

Because of this, the opening of the sky behind is much faster than the opening of the front.

It didn’t take long to open up twenty First Stage days.

However, it is here for the time being.

“Twenty Second Stage days… the strength requirements are higher, and you can’t be so arbitrary and willful anymore.”

The frame of the twentieth Second Stage day is one level stronger than the frame of the previous 20 First Stage days, and with his previous wanton attitude and strength, it is impossible to complete the development of the twentieth Second Stage day.

“Use all your strength…”

Dubao thought, thinking carefully about what kind of power and appearance should be used on the 20th Second Stage, suddenly his heart moved, and he looked at the dark trial field.

A door appeared in front of him, the door opened, and the twelve ancestor witches of the Wu clan walked out one by one.

“Brother Duobao, it’s been a long time since I saw you.” Zhu Rong said loudly at Duobao.

Duobao chuckled, “Yes, everyone, long time no see, how do you feel during this time?”

When the words fell, the Twelve Ancestor Witches looked at each other, and the atmosphere instantly changed a bit differently.

They looked at each other, then looked at Duobao, and stopped talking.

“What’s wrong?” Duobao was surprised: “Just say what you want to say. You don’t look like such a twitchy person?”

“Brother Duobao, you dark trial field, the effect is really good. It should be said that it has far exceeded our expectations. We are very grateful for this.”

“That’s not bad, as long as you are satisfied.” Duobao was even more weird. He slowly thought of something as he watched the crowd’s twitching ancestral witches. Do you want to give up?”

A hint of red appeared on the face of the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

Di Jiang coughed: “The Dark Proving Ground is indeed too fierce, but we are not afraid. It is the other brothers of the Wu clan who are too dead and injured to bear.”

As he said, he suddenly asked hopefully: “I don’t know, can I send out the ordinary witch brothers, and I will stay?”

The other Ancestral Witches also looked over in anticipation.

The dark trial field is indeed dangerous, but the effect is just right.

They are reluctant to bear the dark trial field, but at the same time, the Wu Clan loses too much, and there is no way.

If it is really possible to send the ordinary witches out, then the loss will be greatly reduced. In this way, they can also cultivate in the dark trial field with peace of mind.

To be honest, the Dark Proving Ground is very appetizing for them.

Fight, fight or fight!

Although they have basically suffered injuries and even experienced life and death difficulties, they can’t remember the number, but they still like it.

“So, you didn’t want to give up?” Duobao understood, raising his eyebrows and asked.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch nodded heavily, and the corner of Di Jiang’s eyes cast aside the endless darkness around him, and he sighed in his heart.

where is this place?

He couldn’t see it at all, the power and perception were all sealed off. If Dubao hadn’t stood in front of him, he had no doubt that he would have seen nothing.

The person on the other side is already so strong, he dare not say that he can catch up with him, at least he can’t be surpassed too far, right?

After receiving an affirmative answer from the ancestors, Duobao smiled and stretched out his hand, a sign of Samsara appeared.

The ancestral witches immediately looked over in shock, and then all turned to look at Houtu.

Hou Tumei stared wide, opened her small mouth, and looked at the meaning of Samsara in Dubao’s hand… It was even stronger than the Samsara that Dubao had produced before.

In the previous Samsara, she could barely perceive a breath, and could vaguely guess its depth, but now Samsara in Dubao’s hand…Although it is just a small meaning of Samsara, she can no longer perceive it. Any breath anymore.

Yes, it’s just Samsara.

Houtu’s shocked expression fell in the eyes of the ancestors and witches, and they immediately understood.

“So, the dead brothers of my Wu clan are not dead, but Samsara?” Zhu Rong couldn’t help but looked at Duobao with fiery eyes, and couldn’t wait to ask his guess.

“My Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, so I can also Samsara?” Zhu Jiuyin also added in shock.

Although Samsara should have been transformed by their little sister, but after Samsara was transformed, the witches did not benefit from him, all other creatures.

All this is just because he has no primordial spirit and no confession in the Wu Clan.

“Although the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, it has a true spirit. If the true spirit is there, it will naturally be able to Samsara.” Duobao said calmly.

After speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Yes, the Wu Clan has a true spirit, and it can also be Samsara. Then why after the Hou Tu ancestor witches Samsara, there is no one left for the Wu Clan. In the Six Paths of Reincarnation, why is there no witch Dao?

Six Paths of Reincarnation is not displayed at this time, because it does not appear.

But when it appears, its importance is no worse than the Great Cycle of Heaven and Earth and the Great Cycle of Five Elements.

Even stronger!

After all, this is the land of Samsara for endless creatures!

“Why?” Duobao frowned, thinking hard, unable to think of an answer for a while.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch looked at each other…True Spirit?

The witches do have real spirits, but can real spirits Samsara?

The ancestors looked at Houtu again.

Houtu’s face was bitter, and he looked at Duobao in amazement.

“Has it reached this level?”

Houtu was so shocked that Samsara could only let Samsara who own the soul of course.

Only when you have a soul can you have a soul, and you can be absorbed by Samsara when you have a soul.

The Samsara she turned into was not that she didn’t want to establish the witchcraft, but she didn’t have that strength at all.

Samsara can only absorb the soul for reincarnation. Samsara, the true spirit, is not within its scope.

She had never thought about it like this before, true spirit… even Samsara!

Houtu was shocked and shocked, and a flame suddenly appeared in his heart: “Why, can’t there be a Wu Clan in Samsara?”

“Six Paths of Reincarnation, why can’t it become Samsara?”

The ancestors and witches retracted their gazes, and Qi Qi calmed down the emotions in his heart.

After a while, Dijiang said to the brooding Duobao, “Brother Duobao, I have to trouble you to take us out. Something happened outside and we need to take care of it. When the treatment is over, we will come back soon.”

This time, they were also awakened because of the changes in the prehistoric world, and gave them a reason to look for Duobao.

With Dubao’s words, their biggest worries were eliminated, and each of them relaxed, and no longer saw the heavy weight before.

“Go, go.” Duobao also guessed about this, waved his hand, sent out the twelve ancestor witches, and added: “After you finish processing, you can use the jade talisman I gave you. return.”

The Twelve Ancestral Witch disappeared, and Duobao was still thinking about Samsara.

“The Houtu ancestor witch did not transform into Samsara, is it because of other considerations?”

“What’s the reason for that?”

“No matter what you think, if the Witch Clan owns a Samsara, it will be enough for the Witch Clan to exist forever, and even after the Lich loses and loses, it can slowly recover.”

“But why didn’t it melt out?”

Duobao couldn’t think of the answer, no matter what he thought, the emergence of the witch way was of great benefit to the witch clan.

As the motherland of the ancestral witch, it is impossible not to consider it for the witch clan.

“Or… By that time, the witches actually don’t need witchcraft anymore?”

Suddenly, a thought flashed, and Duobao was startled.

“No shamanism, no Samsara… By that time, has the shaman completely surpassed Samsara?”

Dubao was inexplicably shocked, this was really an amazing guess.

Beyond Samsara?

Race beyond Samsara?

How powerful should that be?

“I am immortal and immortal. Only when I reach eternity can I do not need Samsara, do not need witchcraft… but that…”

It is not surprising that a single person or even a few people reach such a Realm, but if the entire race reaches such a level, it would be too amazing.

Even the current Duobao couldn’t imagine how to make a race reach this level.

That is no longer the individual Ascension, but the entire race, from the foundation, the fundamental, and the genetic transformation.

To reach this level, the simplest understanding is that the emergence of any new creature must be at this level before it can be regarded as the detachment and eternity of the entire race!

“Hiss~” The more I thought about it, the more I was shocked, and the more I thought about it, the more shocked it was.

“Witch clan, witch clan… If the witch clan has reached this point, what about the demon clan?”

Duobao thought shockedly: “The Demon Race is definitely not inferior to the Wu Clan, so the Demon Race has reached this level.”

“So, in the late stage of the Lich Age, both the Lich races are already detached…no, it’s not right.”

Duobao suddenly thought that if both the Lich races had achieved detachment, it would be impossible for the Lich to leave the position of the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, and there would be no possibility for the Human race to rise.

A lich of this level is enough to occupy the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth forever.

Thinking of this, countless unreasonable and unexplainable things suddenly appeared.

Duobao feels his head hurts: “Is Pangu god-tier so strong?”

“The general trend he set, even the two groups of Liches, who have reached eternity, can’t compete…fall under the general trend?”

Duobao frowned like a pimple, and countless questions appeared in his mind.

“There is also the monster race. If the monster race reaches eternity, how will the ordinary monster races of later generations explain?”

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