Chapter 309-Rebuilding the Sky Rules

After speaking, he threw the mountain purple thunder in his hand hard.


A huge thunder sounded.

A protective shield suddenly appeared from all the demons, and the mountain purple thunder fell on it, not even a ripple aroused.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Baidi couldn’t believe it, his eyes widened, how could they be okay?

That shield…

He looked towards the sky, and instantly, his pupils contracted.

“His Majesty!”

The demons recovered from their despair and looked above the sky. The countless figures of demons and big demons suddenly appeared, bursting into tears.

They didn’t look at Baidu anymore, they knew that after so long a catastrophe, they finally survived.


The clear light flickered and fell on the demons.

The demons flew up and headed towards the sky.

“Death, all will die!”

Baixuan’s face was grim, feeling insulted, and trembling with anger.

After the cyan light appeared, the demons didn’t look at him again.

How dare they?

How could they ignore him like this, you know, not long ago, they were still playthings in his hands, for his pleasure, life and death controlled by his hands.

Now I don’t look at him again…it makes him feel like a clown, ants…

He ran the Purple Thunder Hammer with all his strength, and the blood on his body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if this strike also drew out all his blood.

With a bang, the purple and red thunder fell on the flying demons and was blocked by the blue light.

A ripple appeared and quickly expanded in Baiduan’s eyes, like a flower, falling lightly.

Baidan was dead, crushed to death by a flower, and turned into powder. A small flower seemed to carry the weight of a mountain, which was unbearable.

To death, the demons didn’t look at Bai Duan again.

They looked at the sky proudly. Your Majesty came back. His Demon Race is still the well-deserved overlord of the heaven and earth. Except for the Wu Clan, whoever has the right to let his Demon Race look at each other.


Above the sky, the figures of the demons infinitely rise, become bigger, and gradually become bigger than the mountains.

Countless laws, fragments, Magic Treasures, magical powers, and spells bloom on the bodies of the great monsters and fall into the wild world.

The many chaotic people from the Hundred Houses and those with magic soldiers in their hands were panicked, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

Dijun gathers all the monster races to set up a large array, gather the power of the monsters, combine the power of the Third Stage sky, bless the monsters, and transform the appearance of the outstanding monsters.

Dharma elements stand in the heavens and the earth, cows, dragons, horses, snakes, chickens, tigers, etc., etc., and so on. The Dharma elements have grown to the extreme, and all the creatures are looking at the sky in shock at the same time.

“What is Yaozu doing?”

Dijun held the Hetu Luo book and turned the big array, the power of the heavens fell, and many dharma phases suddenly solidified, slowly turning into a relief-like existence, imprinted in the sky.


Between the heaven and the earth, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and countless beams of light fell from above the demon’s law.

The beam of light is advancing in the wilderness, and the chaotic world is clear wherever it passes.

The beam of light was huge, and the spirits wanted to avoid it, but they couldn’t keep up with the speed of the beam of light, and were skipped by the heavy body.

A wave of waves appeared on the body, followed by a wave of flames, thunder, and wind knives… all living beings, regardless of other things, used magical powers and spells to eliminate their power.

Countless screams sounded in the wild.

Thunder, flames, wind knives… and many other forces that appeared behind the beam of light, their powers are not equal, there are strong and weak.

Weak ones will pass, and strong ones will go away.

Eliminating the attacks on their bodies, the surviving sentient beings looked at the distant beam of light shockedly: “The rules of the sky, the demon race has set the rules of the sky.”

Not all creatures know what a heavenly rule is, but after the beam of light swept over their body, they immediately understood what a heavenly rule was.

The beam of light swept over them, and the attack that appeared was the catastrophe that occurred after they violated the rules of the sky. After passing it, Karma disappeared before it, but it was dead.

“Hong Huang is really going to recover!”

After all beings understood it, they were pleasantly surprised and more confident.

“Fast forward to the Demon Realm, fast forward to the Demon Realm.”

Looking at the beam of light that was constantly advancing and cleaning the wild world, the creatures holding the demon soldiers, panicked, frightened, yelled, fleeing desperately, and headed towards the nearest demon realm.

The speed of the beam of light is very fast, even though they already have a place to hide, most of them have not escaped the liquidation of the beam of light.

The beam of light struck, the thunder, the flame, the wind knife… the super power, falling, all the creatures were beaten to dust, burned to ashes, and cut into pieces almost instantly.

“How can the monster race be so strong?”

“Is this the power of the real hegemon of heaven and earth?”

The creatures who had escaped into the devil’s realm by luck, their faces were pale, they mumbled to themselves as they watched this scene.

Using the power of a race to cleanse the predecessor, it still looks so relaxed, simple like a dream.

When they ruled the prehistoric family before, they thought they were the rulers of heaven and earth. Although they were different from the Lich race, they didn’t feel that it was much worse.

But now, they suddenly realized…the gap was far greater than they thought.


The beam of light swept across the world, vast and mighty, like a giant, coming with heavy steps, the huge roar sounded more like a sound in the heart.

In a demon domain, Hundred Martial King stood on the edge of the demon domain, looking at the incoming beam of light, his hands and feet were cold, and his body was hairy.

Just looking at it, he knew that even if he fell into it, he would be liquidated and beaten up, and there would be no other results.

“Yozu, Yaozu.”

He looked responsible, whispered twice, and suddenly looked down at the incomparably well-behaved black knife in his hand, with a mocking expression on his face: “So, you are also afraid!”

“I don’t know, can Demon Realm escape this liquidation?”

By this time, he still didn’t know where his ominous feeling came from.

The monster clan is back, and it will liquidate the world as soon as it comes back… the strength is stronger than what they had guessed and expected in the past.

The beam of light used to liquidate the heavens and the earth did not even make him have much confidence in whether the Demon Realm could protect them.


The beam of light advanced rapidly, and soon arrived in front of the Demon Realm.

The Demon Territory stood tall in the beam of light, no catastrophe appeared, and the Hundred Martial King living in it did not feel the power of being liquidated.

He suddenly threw the black knife in his hand and shouted: “It’s now, throw it!”

Following his words, the people of hundreds of families behind him threw their demon soldiers out without any hesitation.

Endless black energy, Killing intent, Blood Qi appeared on the demons, forming a terrifying and huge skull.

The people of all kinds of families instantly had heart palpitations, eyes reveal fear, felt the great danger, and unconsciously retreated a few steps.


The thunder appeared, like a torrential rain, and instantly fell towards the skull.

“Ah, yeah… roar…”

Strange sounds appeared in bursts, like crying, but also angry. The skull melted like ice under the thunder, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The beam of light went away, left the Demon Realm, and went further, the Hundred Martial King and the people of the Hundreds of families, Qi Qi Qiqi relieved, felt the unprecedented ease, and the red eyes also brought a hint of black. .

Hundred Martial King looked at the beam of light. After a long time, he slowly said, “The era of Hundred Families has passed. From now on, our Hundred Families will no longer participate in the prehistoric things. Hundred Families are just Hundred Families.”

He was tired, even though he was a quasi-sage, under such power, he also felt insignificant and helpless like an ant.

At this time, he discovered that the quasi-sage was in this predicament and under this monstrous power, what was it to be considered?

They didn’t really know the strength of Primordial World, the strength of the Lich Race.

“The demon soldier has been destroyed, and my family is no longer under its control. In the future, my family will make friends with all the forces and must not do evil. This is the family motto.” Bai Martial King said, and everyone agreed in unison.

Until this time, Baijia had really survived all the catastrophes.

The lightness of the body and the lightness of the spirit made the Martial King tired, and helplessly, he also showed a sincere smile for the first time.

Emperor Jun stood on the sky, frowning at the Hetu Luoshu in his hand.

With the Universe star battle array, gather the power of the demons, get the blessing of the heavenly authority, clean up the heaven and the earth, rebuild the sky… No, to be precise, there was no clear sky before, just a vague concept.

Now, after experiencing these and discovering the problem, this is the emergence of the primordial rule.

Soon, the beam of light cleaned up the chaotic Qi machine, and the sky rules were also established.

From then on, as long as a certain amount of karma is accumulated, Karma will naturally fall into Heavenly Tribulation.

By this time, their goal this time has been achieved.

However, Di Jun still did not relax, frowning, looking from the Hetu Luoshu, looking towards the wild land, whispered in his mouth: “Devil’s domain…cannot be cleared.”

“That is beyond the power of my monster clan…”

The demon race is in charge of the sky and possesses the rules of the sky. The demon realm is born on the earth and has the most karma, Karma.

They cleaned the world with the rules of heaven, and the world outside the demon realm has been liquidated, but the karma in this demon realm, Karma, is also the most, and the largest karma, Karma, cannot be liquidated.

Not only because of the particularity of the Demon Domain itself, but also because it is not within the scope of his demon clan’s authority.

“The Demon Realm destroys the veins of the wasteland, the eyes, and the most karma. Karma… is very harmful… If you don’t deal with it, I am afraid that other variables will arise in the future.” Tai Yi said in a condensed voice.

Di Jun also knew this truth, but, despite the picture, they couldn’t clean it up.

They don’t have the authority of the earth, they can’t shake the Demon Realm.

Unless they land on the earth now and take advantage of the Witch Clan’s absence and seize the power of the earth to clean up the Demon Territory, they will have nothing to do with the Demon Territory.

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