Chapter 311 Clearing the Demon Realm

“Dijun, Taiyi, you two miscellaneous birds, have you come out early?”

Above the sky, Di Jun and others were worrying on their own, and suddenly a hearty laugh came from their ears.

Tai looked bad, facing the twelve ancestor witch that suddenly appeared, said angrily: “Aren’t your twelve meat bumps also come out?”

Zhu Rong squeezed his fist and made a sound: “Taiyi, you are itchy, do you want the uncle to help you send your bones?”

It’s nice to have a golden sun on Tai Yi, and said coldly: “Okay, come on, who is afraid of whom.”

Although it was through the friendship between fighting together and facing the enemy before, the relationship has eased, but the tempers of people and people are still there.

A comrade-in-arms is a comrade-in-arms, and when he should beat you, he will not be soft.

Taiyi and Zhu Rong are the two most obvious examples.

“Okay, now is not the time to fight.” Di Jun said solemnly, grabbing the two arrogant people, and then said to Di Jiang: “It seems that you also have feelings.”

“Yes.” Di Jiang nodded and looked at the earth: “It’s just a sense, but it’s not clear what happened.”

“You come out before us, can you explain it?”

During the interrogation, looking at the earth, my brows suddenly frowned.

The eyes are devastated, the ground veins are chaotic, and the qi veins are blocked, which seems to be congested at all.

“How did it become like this?”

Di Jiang was puzzled, remembering that before they left, the ground was smooth and soft. How could it be messed up now?

I really don’t understand…but at the same time, there is also a realization in my heart.

Come to think of it, this is why they can sense it.

If it weren’t for this chaos, how could it make them feel uneasy in the dark trial ground.

“That’s it…” Di Jun explained the general situation again, and then pointed to the sore-like demon realm above the earth and said: “That is the territory of your witch clan. We can’t intervene.”

“Now, you quickly solve those demon realms, and we happen to be going back together.”

Di Jiang was helpless: “So, Dubao made this again?”

Before coming, he had guessed vaguely, but it was not very unexpected. Now he just turned the guess into reality.

“So… time is running out, let’s do it now!”

Di Jiang said a word, jumped off the sky, and fell towards the earth.

Along the way, the body keeps getting bigger and bigger than the mountain before it hits the ground.

Other ancestral witches followed closely and jumped towards the ground.

The primordial beings all looked at the twelve giants falling from the sky, shocked.

The twelve people fell on the ground, with a body much larger than a mountain. After falling, they did not cause much movement, and they were as light as a mosquito.

The twelve ancestor witches have all turned into deities.

Dijiang: like a yellow sac, red like a pill fire, six-legged four-winged, unrecognizable, ancestral witch of space speed.

Jumang: Green like bamboo, with a bird’s body and human face, riding on two dragons, and the ancestor of oriental wood.

Zhu Rong: A beast-headed human body with red scales, fire snakes pierced by ears, fire dragons with feet, the ancestor witch of southern fire.

Succeeding: Human face, tiger body, golden scales, scapular wings, left ear pierced with snakes, feet riding on two dragons, Western gold ancestor witch.

Gong Gong: Man with a snake head, black scales, a black dragon with feet, a green python with hands, the ancestor of water in the north.

Xuan Ming: Human face and bird body, with a green snake hanging on each ear and two green snakes on its feet, the ancestor witch of Yubing.

Houtu: human body with snake tail, seven hands on the back, hands on the chest, hands holding the snake, the ancestor witch of the central soil.

Qiang Liang: A snake in his mouth, a snake in his hand, a human body with a tiger head, four feet, long elbows, the ancestor of thunder witch.

Jiu Yin: The head of the dragon, the body is red, the ancestor of time.

Tian Wu: Eight human faces, eight tigers and eight tails, the ancestor of wind.

Jizi: Human face and bird body, green snake on ears, red snake in hand, the ancestor of electricity.

Extravagant corpse: human face and animal body, ears like dogs, ears with green snakes, ancestor witch of poison.

“Sure enough, has the Witch Clan also returned?” In the sea of ​​blood, Styx looked at the twelve giants between heaven and earth: “I know that since the Monster Clan has returned, the Witch Clan will not be far away.”

“Where did they go all this time?”

Styx squeezed the killing sword in his hand, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi and other people and above the sky, formed the Universe star battle array, set the rules of the sky, and the limits of the array made him unable to see clearly.

But when I looked at it, I always felt something was wrong, and there was a vague feeling in my heart.

After the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, he immediately figured out what he felt in his heart, and he was unwilling.

The breath of the Twelve Ancestral Witch has surpassed him far, just standing in a sea of ​​blood, watching from a distance, you can feel that amazing strength… If you stand in front of him, Styx can be sure , He is no longer an opponent of any of them.

You know, before, he didn’t dare to say against the twelve ancestral witches, but at least against any one, there is a 50-60% chance of winning.

They originally existed at the same level, but now they have been thrown away.

Even though the opponent did not have a breakthrough Realm, he felt a huge gap.

“Sure enough, you left because you found a chance!”

Styghe looked depressed, his unwilling emotions filled his heart, and there were more puzzles.

What chance was it that allowed them to Ascension to such a level?

To be honest…he wants to go too!

How can he lag behind others!

The Twelve Ancestor Wuzhan stood on the ground, and a strong bloody light gradually appeared on his body.

That is the power of qi and blood, warm and hot.

The blood-colored light dissipated toward the wild land, and along the way, the damaged ground veins recovered, and the clogged air eye was also cleared.

Blood Qi finally encountered the first Demon Realm, and the black air column rushed out, shaking the world and contending with Blood Qi.

Blood Qi was blocked and it was difficult to continue.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch glanced at each other and could feel the power of the Demon Realm. They nodded together, and black light appeared on their bodies.

The black light is mixed in the Blood Qi, turning the crimson Blood Qi into a black and red color.

Black and red Blood Qi hits the demon realm.

After a stalemate for a while, the Demon Realm retreated and shattered, revealing the barren area in it.

There was obviously a hint of anger in the eyes of the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

In the area where the Demon Realm radiated, the ground veins and qi veins were gone, as if a blank space.

Compared with the broken ground veins and blocked air eyes in other places, the ground veins and air eyes here were swallowed by the Demon Realm.

This is complete destruction, and even they can do nothing.

The angry black and red Blood Qi accelerated under the control of the angry Twelve Ancestral Witch, and rushed towards the other demon realms.

This time, they were really angry, and they didn’t expect that the devil’s domain would be so harmful.

They are the witch race, and the earth is regarded as a mother by them.

The Wu clan even has a saying that they will not die if they step on the ground.

But now, their Mother Earth has been destroyed to such a degree, how can they not be angry?

If it’s just damage, it’s just a blockage, but it’s swallowing that has no room for reversal, and it can’t be restored at all. This is permanent damage.

From the west, Zhundi exclaimed: “So, does the Wu Clan still have this ability?”

If they had known it long ago, they would have been looking for the Witch Clan.

The West’s veins were damaged before. If you know that the Wu Clan has such abilities, if you find them, maybe the West will have recovered long ago.

However, it is not necessary now. In the previous good fortune, the western ground veins have been restored.

“It’s a pity,” Zhun Di said with regret.

Sui Yin looked solemn and looked at the Twelve Ancestor Witch: “Near Saint…”

Zhundi looked towards the lead: “Brother, what did you say?”

“Twelve Ancestral Witches, their strength is Ascension… they are about to approach Sage.”

Zhundi looked at the Twelve Ancestor Witch, frowning: “The strength is Ascension. Before, it was only the early stage and middle stage of the quasi-sage. Now they are all peaks, but…to say that it is close to Sage, it is still a bit far behind. .”

“It’s coming soon.” The lead surface is not diminished, but it is more dense: “How long they disappear, the strength has been ascension to such a degree…If it lasts a little longer…maybe there is no possibility of sanctification.”

“The Twelve Ancestor Witch became a holy?” Zhun Di couldn’t help shivering when he thought of the scene.

That’s horrible!

The twelve ancestor witches are already very powerful. If they all become sacred, then can this prehistoric world be carried out according to the original general trend?

Moreover, the two families of Lich disappeared at the same time, and also appeared at the same time.

The Wu Clan has such a big Ascension, what about the Monster Clan?

Zhundi realized the seriousness of the problem, looked towards the sky, into his eyes, Di Jun, Tai Yi… his face suddenly pulled down.

“Dijun, Taiyi is almost the same.”

“Where did they go?” Zhundi said enviously, and he wanted to go to such a place.

In such a short period of time, even the Lich races can have such a large Ascension.

Well, what if it were them?

It has been determined that Sage is not the final Realm, and their ascension desire for strength is even more urgent.

“This can only be asked Sanqing.” The lead said.

“Sanqing?” Zhundi lowered his head.

Yes, Sanqing must know where the Lich races have gone, but can they ask?

Even if they ask, will they say it?

The answer is obvious.

“Brother.” After a long silence, Zhundi suddenly called out, and then looked at the foot of Sumeru Mountain: “It’s time to make a decision.”

Jiuying was also silent, and raised his head to look beyond the chaos. After a while of silence, his eyelids drooped: “Let’s go, that’s all.”

The two walked into Sumeru Mountain and came to the bottom of the mountain.

Below Sumeru Mountain, there is a dark space.

In the space, there is nothingness and nothing.

The two passed through the space and came into the dark world on the other side.

“How about? Have you thought about it?” A strong voice sounded: “You know, the devil is the Buddha, and the Buddha is the devil.”

“You are supposed to be members of my demon clan. Following Hongjun, you won’t have any development. Only by following my demon clan can you have greater prospects.”

After receiving the lead, Zhundi knelt on the ground, and the secret voice stopped.

He said it casually, but he never thought that these two people would succumb.

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