Chapter 300 Goodbye Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun

After the fruit tribe hunted and killed in the dark trial field, the demon tribes had only a few billions left, and a lot of them died in the following wars. At present, the total number of demon tribes appearing here is only 1.3 billion. .

Compared with the original monster race, this number is indeed too small, but if you compare the career position of this First Stage day, it is too much in terms of authority.

Di Jun forgot, although the black shadow that flew out before was very fast, he also remembered it, only three hundred and sixty-five.

In other words, among these 1.3 billion monster races, only three hundred and sixty-five can obtain a career position, authority, and competition is not unfavourable.

This time, Di Jun didn’t plan to call the names directly, but instead let them compete for themselves, which can be regarded as a test of their achievements during this period.

The demons were excited and looked at Dijun expectantly, Tai Yi, with fiery eyes.

They also slowly figured out what your Majesty meant, and they were also eager to try.

They had suffered and experienced so much before that they once thought that they were in a dark age.

Now returning to the prehistoric, Ascension of their own strength, they all know that they suddenly have the feeling of returning home.

They are very interested in fighting for positions like this, and they are looking forward to it. Isn’t this the best way to show their gains after suffering and show their own growth and strength?

Dijun looked at the many demon races who couldn’t wait, smiled slightly, and waved: “Go, take that career position and show me.”

“Yes, follow your majesty’s order!”

The demon races roared in excitement, and then they dispersed. They couldn’t wait to shuttle through the first stage, looking for career positions and authority.

Di Jun, Tai Yi looked at the movements of the demons with satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

After a while, Di Jun looked at the Second Stage and flew up: “So, now, it’s time for us to show our own!”

Taiyi took over the authority of the First Stage day, and his strength greatly increased, but he was also a little overwhelmed. It took time to digest and master, and he was the only one to come on the Second Stage day.


In the dark trial field, Emperor Jun and Taiyi left with many monster races, and the starry sky that was originally very quiet seemed to have become much deserted in a flash.

Wan Yaotu lost the existence of the monster clan, and became empty. The fruit clan among them was not suppressed by the monster clan, and the witch clan without the blessing of the monster clan immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Even the Fruit Clan is constantly attacking the Ten Thousand Demon Map, wanting to rush out.

Ten Thousand Monsters swayed endlessly, causing the starry sky where it was to be distorted, and various laws permeated, and terrifying and ominous power appeared like the ocean.

In the twisted starry sky, a tragic battlefield phantom suddenly appeared.

In the battlefield, the Witch tribe and the Fruit tribe fought fiercely. The Witch tribe was obviously at a disadvantage, and the Witch tribe continued to die.

The Witch tribe does not cultivate the soul, but there is a true spirit. In such a short period of time, countless true spirits have appeared, drawn by Samsara, transformed into creatures, and re-bred and born in other places in the starry sky.

“Now is not the time for you to come out.”

With a light tap of Duobao’s finger, the fruit tribes were immediately suppressed.

The power he used was generally the same as when the Yaozu was there, and it had no effect on the overall situation.

Among the Ten Thousand Monsters, a group of jet-black Karma appeared suddenly, floating in front of Duobao like a cloud.

Looking at this Karma Yunwu, Duobao smiled: “It seems that when the Emperor II and the others come back, some of them are playing.”

This is because he replaced the Demon Race and suppressed the Fruit Race. Originally, this has become the fate of this dark trial field…Because of the departure of the Demon Race, the destiny has deviated.

As the creator of the world, he will not be affected. Therefore, the Karma produced by such a destiny shift falls on the monster race.

Of course he could easily erase it, but after thinking about it, he didn’t do anything.

Waved, Karma was transformed into the Ten Thousand Monsters, and there was a glimmer of good looks in his eyes.

He was a little expectant. After the Yaozu came back, he found these Karma…what should be the reaction?

“Hey, it’s a small punishment for you for misunderstanding me before!”

Duobao snickered, don’t think he is stupid, he knows a lot of things, but he doesn’t want to make it so clear.

The subconscious mind understands that the conscious mind does not want to deal with…being a person, doing things, and sometimes it is better not to be so insightful, clear and clear.

He glanced at the starry sky again, and found no other changes. The key point was a glance at the bodies of the juniors and younger sisters.

One thought discovered the progress of all of them, and nodded slightly: “It’s not bad… this time, it won’t be difficult… Let’s do this first, other things, wait until this trial is completed, let’s talk about it.”

Simulating the wild world, on the Fifth Stage day, the figure of Dubao just appeared, and suddenly his heart moved, The next moment, an earth-yellow sphere, flew in front of him.


The air exploded, Spiritual Qi was rushed away, and even the space was distorted, showing the magnitude of the impact.

Duobao was surprised for a moment, and with a thought, he quickly understood what had happened.

Stretching out the jade palm, pressing it gently, the earth-yellow ball was held in his hand.

A wave of joy, excitement, happiness, grievance… a complex emotion of mixed emotions is uploaded from the ball.

“Such a strong intelligence?”

Duobao was surprised. The moment he saw the ball, he knew the origin of the ball.

It was the weak consciousness that he felt when he was exploring the river of destiny.

It was contaminated with his breath, and even the ominous creatures in his body at that time spread out, and the ominous creatures that were transformed by his body.

To be precise, it is not an ominous creature, but an ominous weapon.

Because it was the way of cultivation of a hundred soldiers to explore his consciousness at the beginning.

Ominous enters its body, absorbs its hundreds of soldiers, and turns it into countless ominous weapons.

This book is nothing. He can’t be blamed for the death of the old man of Baibing. It can only be said that the old man of Baibing was too curious and touched something he shouldn’t touch.

In Honghuang, this kind of death is also dead in vain.

Moreover, he remembered that he felt a lot of karma in the old man of Baibing, and knew that he was a damn person, so he didn’t care about it or even watch it.

But I didn’t expect that the ominous source formed by occupying his body and absorbing his path could give birth to such a powerful spiritual intelligence.

Compared with other Magic Treasures, things that are contaminated with ominous power, their intelligence is obviously higher than that of a grade.

If the intelligence of other ominous things is just instinct, then the consciousness of this sphere is a baby.

Gently brushed over the sphere, tapped with a finger, the surface of the outer ochre sphere spread out, and in a short while, it turned into a familiar book floating beside him.

Without the shackles of the book from the ground, the altar inside cheered and circled around Duobao, very happy.

“Okay, don’t make trouble.” Duobao smiled and soothed, then his eyes fell on the ground book.

In the book from the ground, there are two faint vitality and aura, both of which are familiar to him.

“Uncle Zhenyuanzi, Uncle Hongyun.”

The two of them are in a very bad state, and it is an exaggeration to describe them as being exhausted.

It can be said that now they have only one last breath left.

“How could it hurt so badly?”

Duobao did not dare to neglect while thinking about it.

For such an injury, only the effect of good fortune is the best.

Good fortune’s divine light flashed, and two faint auras on the ground book continued to grow in vitality.

After a stick of incense, two vague figures appeared.

At any time, two confused thoughts sounded: “I…didn’t die?”

“I am still alive?”

With the sound, the two figures gradually became clear, and slowly opened their eyes.

I saw Duobao for the first time.

The two stood on the book of the earth, and what Duobao saw in their eyes was like a giant in the sky.

“Dobo, why are you here?”

Zhen Yuanzi asked instinctively, then remembered something, her expression changed, and anxiously said: “No, it’s dangerous here, you run.”

“It’s too late to be late!”

Hong Yun also reacted, too late to think about his current situation, and then attached to Zhen Yuanzi and said: “Yes, you go quickly and leave us alone.”

“Really worthy of being a good old man!” Seeing the eyes of the two, Duobao sighed inwardly, then smiled and comforted: “Two uncles, it’s okay, this is my place, there is no danger.”

He secretly guessed in his heart what danger the two encountered, and the dignified quasi-sage ended up like this.

It is estimated that if it hadn’t been for the altar that he had made unintentionally and was protected by it, I am afraid that at this time, both of them have already fallen.

That’s right, the altar did protect the last glimmer of life for the two of them.

Otherwise, after they were transformed into the Book of the Earth, they would disappear in the first place.

It was also that the altar felt the aura of Duobao on the two of them, before they did not resist, let them move, and when they sealed their own, they protected their vitality.

At this time, the endlessly dancing altar seemed to have discovered Duobao’s idea, and he was flying faster, and then a happy thought came, as if a child waiting for his parents to boast.

“Well, well, you did a good job, you did a good job.” Duobao did not hesitate to praise, touched the flying altar, and said with a smile.

After speaking, he looked at Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun and asked, “I don’t know what happened to the two uncles? They were caught in such a dangerous place. If it weren’t for my altar, I am afraid that the two uncles have died? ”

Originally, when they saw the altar appear, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun’s complexion changed. They were horrified, and they were about to start their hands. Then they heard Duobao’s words…the two were directly stupid on the spot.

I stared blankly at the well-behaved dancing altar, and there was no trace of ferociousness on his body. When I looked closely, I could even feel a very lively atmosphere. After watching it for a long time, it looked a little cute.

The two were silent for a long time.

“Two uncles…what’s wrong with you?”

The breath of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun suddenly jumped and changed, which made Duobao even more puzzled, and asked again.

“What’s the matter?” Listening to Duobao’s question, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun looked at the altar without realizing it.

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