Chapter 299

In Heaven Court, the place that originally belonged to their monster race was so empty at this time, but it gave them a great sense of danger.

“I don’t know, what did Dubao turn into Heaven Court?”

Tai Yi sighed, and flew towards Heaven Court together with Emperor Jun.

Passed through the clouds, flew through the wind, and soon came to the first stage day.


As soon as Fang appeared, a powerful swallowing force rushed towards the two of them. Magic power, Taoism, Qi and blood, everything seemed to be swallowed by them.

Di Jun, in just an instant, he directly transformed into his body, with two three-legged Golden Crows entwined with the real fire of the sun.

The terrifying flame burns and is placed outside, and one strand is enough to melt the mountains and rivers, but in this First Stage day, it is constantly being swallowed away.

“Black hole!”

Feeling this power, Tai Jun Taiyi immediately thought of the sudden change in the first stage day when the thirty third stage day was still there.

On that day, countless small black spots suddenly appeared in the first stage day, and every black spot was a black hole.

The black hole emits endless suction, almost swallowing all the monsters that occupied the first stage day.

Even the demon god Baize Lion couldn’t support it either. If it hadn’t come in time, I’m afraid that the demon clan in the first stage of the day would be gone.

“It turns out that Duobao had intervened in the first place?” Taiyi understood, but he was even more puzzled: “Why did Duobao intervene in the third stage for thirty days?”

“This is not the time to think about this. We have to find the core of the First Stage as soon as possible, refine it, and retake the First Stage.”

I nodded too much and put away the distracting thoughts in my heart, it was true.

In the thirty Third Stage days, because their career position was knocked down, the original marks they left were also cleaned up, and they needed to be re-refined to regain the thirty Third Stage days.

And, more importantly, they don’t have much time.

Although they were out of the dark trial field, their lifespan has not been restored…The lifespan consumed by survival in the precipice is actually being consumed.

At the same time, the cultivation bonus of the dark trial field has not been added, and every time spent here is a great waste of their lifespan.

“Hurry up!”

Di Jun quickly flew in the first stage of the first stage, and his body continued to overflow. The real fire of the sun absorbed by the black hole had stabilized, and no flames flew out anymore.

In the dark trial field, they endured a lot, and their strength improved greatly.

If they had encountered such a situation in the past, they would need to spend a lot of energy to repress, but now, they don’t need to spend so much time.

It was only unexpected at first, and after understanding everything, the power of the black hole could not affect them now.

Although the appearance of the third stage has changed, the essence is the same, and the two are very familiar.

It didn’t take long for the two to come to the place where the authority of the original First Stage day was.

A black shadow occupies the original position of authority.

This is a black shadow like a ball, like a black hole, but it doesn’t have the breath that swallows the world like a black hole.

Just staying quietly, like an instrument, there is no movement.

Di Jun, Tai Yi stopped and his pupils contracted.

Although the shadows didn’t move, they didn’t have the ease they had before.

As soon as the two of them appeared, the shadow immediately moved, as if their appearance triggered some mechanism to bring the dead to life.

Facing the two of them, the black shadow suddenly turned, forming a black circle.

The circle is not big, like a hula hoop, but Emperor Jun, Tai Yi and two dare not care.

“Brother, I am coming!”

Tai Yi walked to the front, Di Jun nodded, did not speak, but took a step back.

His mouth was too big, and his figure expanded rapidly. After a breath, it had become the size of a mountain. The circle of the same size seemed to have become a doughnut.

The circle came to the front and took a bite too hard.

The circle did not resist and was just swallowed.

Everything seemed to be simple, calm, and relaxed… but a worrisome suddenly appeared in Di Jun’s eyes.

Above Tai Yi’s body, the muscles suddenly tensed, and the golden feathers seemed to harden a bit.

The black shadow continued to turn, and another circle appeared.

He opened his mouth too much and swallowed it.

Then Sombra continued, Taiyi continued to swallow.

Slowly, Tai Yi’s muscles became tighter and tighter, and the feathers all over his body became like a sharp sword, and slowly plunged into his body.

Upon seeing this, Di Jun flew forward, wanting to directly attack the shadow.


At the moment he shot, a powerful force suddenly appeared, and he was caught off guard and pressed it down.

Di Jun struggled hard, the golden feather splashed, blood shot, and the horrible wave spread out, and he was crushed an inch away from his body.

Emperor Jun was in a hurry, Tai Yi’s current situation is very bad.

The circle looks ordinary, but it is extremely powerful.

It seemed to swallow it too effortlessly, but it didn’t digest it.

The circle still works in the body, exuding a powerful swallowing force, swallowing everything in the One.

The feathers that stood up, resembling sharp swords, were swallowed by this swallowing force.

“Brother, I’m fine, don’t do it.” Taiyi’s voice came: “This is a test. Only if you pass, you are eligible to become the Lord of the First Stage.”

“The test can only be carried out by one person, and no one else can intervene, otherwise…”

There is no need to say the rest, Di Jun already understands it.

He is now suppressed and can’t move, which is the proof.

He gradually put down his resistance and converged his strength. When his strength was completely condensed, the force that held him down instantly disappeared.

Before disappearing, there was a warning message [There is no next time].

Di Jun was silent and didn’t do any more, looking at Tai Yi with a solemn expression.

The tenth circle of the black shadow appeared, and Taiyi swallowed it again.

At this time, Taiyi’s feathers had completely plunged into the body, showing the tender skin on the outside, which looked a little cute.

But Di Jun couldn’t laugh at all.

“I don’t know… how long will this test be?”

Di Jun thought with worry in his heart.

Tai Yi’s current situation, he is not so clear, but he can understand, it is not so good.

The circle looks ordinary, but it is too strong. Only the tenth path has reached such a level. If there are more… Taiyizhen may not be able to hold it!

There was a bang, and when Di Jun was worried, the black shadow suddenly exploded, turning into countless black shadows, and falling into all sides of the first stage. Then, a rich golden flame appeared on Tai Yi’s body.

The feathers pierced into the body grew back.

Di Jun breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked: “Second brother, how are you doing now?”

Taiyi waved his wings lightly, and suddenly a strong wind appeared, causing a huge tornado to appear throughout the first stage.

Di Jun’s eyes widened instantly… Taiyi’s strength seemed to be stronger than before?

“Brother don’t worry, I feel very good now, and I have gained the authority of the First Stage day, and I have also gained a lot of benefits.” Taiyi grinned and smiled happily.

He didn’t expect that he would have such a gain.

After having survived the ten circles, the circles that had been constantly consuming his blood, Magic power, and Taoism instantly turned into endless energy, feeding him back, not only making his Magic power more refined, but also Dissolved some of the curse power in his body.

You know, this is the curse that he originally took a long time to resolve, but at this time it was resolved so easily.

Not only to resolve, the power of the curse, with the help of the circle, has become his power.

At this time, he is stronger than before.

“Is there such a benefit?” Hearing what Taiyi said, Di Jun was inexplicably surprised and looked at the other Fourth Stage days.

The First Stage day has such benefits, what about the other Fourth Stage days?

Sure enough, is there as much gain as the danger?

“By the way, what is the impact of those flying shadows?”

Di Jun suppressed the thoughts in his heart, thought of the countless black shadows that had been produced after the previous black shadows exploded, and asked.

Taiyi’s body turned and transformed into a human form again, and said with a smile: “Big brother, don’t worry, that’s a good thing.”

“Good thing?”

“Those shadows are the first stage career position, just like the shadows just now, but smaller.”

“That said, if you swallow them all, will you get the same benefits as you?” Di Jun asked in surprise with a heart move.

Nodding too much: “Yes, so, brother, let all the children out.”

Di Jun was happy, took out the colored ball given by Dubao, and gently tossed it in front of him.


In an instant, countless monsters appeared in front of them.

“Where is this?”

“Why am I here? Shouldn’t I transform into a Ten Thousand Demon Diagram to suppress the Fruit Clan?”

“Could it be that the Fruit Clan is out of trouble? No way?”

“Hey, why did I suddenly get here?”

At the beginning, many monster races were very puzzled, wondering how they suddenly arrived in this area, and when they looked closely, they were still so strange.

But when I take a closer look, there are still some familiar feelings in the unfamiliar. They always feel that they have been to this place.

The longer the stay, the stronger the familiar feeling, and the more doubtful it will be.

“Children, your chance is here!” Di Jun suddenly said loudly.

In an instant, the attention of all Yaozu was attracted to the past.

Looking at Emperor Jun and Tai Yi in front of him, the panic in his heart disappeared instantly.

“It’s your majesty, that’s great, it’s your majesty, your majesty is fine.”

“I will see your Majesty!”

The demons knelt to the ground one after another, shouting in unison.

The huge shouts became one piece, like thunder, making the entire first stage seem to tremble.

Di Jun looked at the demons with satisfaction, and briefly explained the current situation.

“Now, the situation is such a situation. In the first stage, there are still a lot of authority and position. If you can take it down, you will have great gains.”

“However, the authority is limited and there are not many career positions. Whoever can win it depends on your own skills!”

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