Chapter 301: The Real Source of Confusion

What else could happen?

How can we answer your words?

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun was so shocked that he didn’t know how to answer Duobao’s question?

Did they say that they wanted to tell Duobao that the reason they became like this was because they were dancing next to you. They were so well-behaved, asking for praise, and even had a cute little altar?

“The altar protects us?”

Duobao’s previous words sounded in Zhen Yuanzi’s mind, and he was even more puzzled.

Didn’t they fall because they wanted to seal the altar?

How can the altar protect them?

Thinking of this, Zhenyuanzi suddenly stiffened: “Yes, we should have fallen?”

Of the previous situation, he himself certainly knew that they had already burned everything with a mortal determination, enhanced the power of the earth script, and allowed it to seal the source of the magic weapon, the altar.

But now, they are still alive?

It stands to reason that they should have all the dead scum left. How could it be?

“Is it?” Zhen Yuanzi stared at the flying altar suddenly, and slowly figured out something.

“Duobao, did you make it?” Zhen Yuanzi asked cautiously.

Duobao nodded, a little embarrassed: “Yes, I didn’t expect it, I accidentally made it.”

“It did nothing wrong, right?”

The altar is an ominous weapon with its own troubles. When it appears in the prehistoric, it will not be calm and peaceful… However, if you want to use the mighty power of the prehistoric world, it will not be too big even if it causes trouble.

“You didn’t cause any trouble, right?” Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun looked at each other speechlessly.

Can it be called no trouble?

The prehistoric times are almost completed by its evils, and even directly create a dark age… Isn’t this a catastrophe?

It seems that Dubao himself is not clear about this? He doesn’t know what happened before Honghuang?

Shouldn’t it?

Doubts flashed in the eyes of Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun, and the other side saw them.

The two of them fell into deep thought. After they regained consciousness, they continued to recover the good fortune power of their injuries, so that they could easily judge that this power came from Dubao.

Therefore, it also made them understand that the current strength of Duobao has far surpassed them, confirming their previous unbelievable guess.

In their induction, Duobao’s strength could no longer be sensed, like a bottomless abyss, unfathomable.

It was only a little sense, and all felt horrified, and it seemed that if it continued, something unpredictable would happen.

This caused the two of them to immediately withdraw their feelings.

With such strength, can you still know the changes in the prehistoric world?

You know, Honghuang has already been messed up by this altar… Honghuang has no clues, can Dubao know?

Isn’t he kidding us?

A thought arose in both of them at the same time.

The two looked suspiciously at Duobao.

Duobao was puzzled: “How can the two uncles look at me with such eyes?”

The strange look in his eyes made him very awkward.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned and asked, “You don’t know what happened to Honghuang?”

With Duobao’s strength, how could the changes of the prehistoric escape his induction, with a movement of his mind, he would be able to figure out everything by natural calculations.

No matter what direction he said, it is impossible for him to be unclear.

This is unreasonable!

“I really don’t know.” Duobao understood the doubts of the two, shook his head slightly, and explained: “Honghuang is now in a period of calamity, and there are many dangers.”

“In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, I closed my own perception and sealed Kunlun from the mountain. Relying on the master and two uncles, I thought that if I could be in Kunlun, I would survive this calamity. The best.”

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun suddenly felt completely puzzled.

If this is the case, then it can be explained.

In this way, Kunlun’s previous doubts about the sudden closure of the mountain were answered.

“Why? Did Honghuang really have a major event?” Duobao asked curiously, and then looked at the two of them, rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, I am clever, close Kunlun, not to provoke right and wrong, not to be overly curious, so that I can escape this big change…otherwise it will be really troublesome.

Upon hearing Duobao’s question, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun’s eyes fell on the altar again.

Duobao followed their gazes and saw the altar. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: “Could it be that this great change in the predicament has something to do with my small altar?”

Impossible, what strength is the small altar, how can it affect Honghuang?

Zhen Yuanzi: “…”

Hongyun: “……”

Little altar?

Can you describe this altar with the word “small”?

This is the source of the magic weapon, almost creating a dark age…this is the source of the catastrophe and the evil.

This is a murderous thing!

As I was thinking, my body suddenly felt chills, and I couldn’t help but shiver.

The altar seemed to find that the two were defamating it, and were very dissatisfied, stopped flying, and stared at them fiercely.

Although it has no eyes, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun can clearly feel a cold, dissatisfied, fierce gaze staring at them unkindly.

Of course, the altar was dissatisfied. It obviously stayed honestly, and the two men suddenly broke in, and if nothing else, it was about to be sealed.

Not only did it fail to resist and let them seal it, it also protected their last vitality and saved their lives when they were about to fall.

So they are not grateful for themselves, they are still in front of the master, maliciously slandering it…what is this not gratitude and revenge?

“Hmph, these two people are not good things!”

The small altar was indignant.

“Okay, what are you doing? These two are my uncle, you must not be rude.” Duobao immediately reprimanded when he noticed the movement of the small altar.

The small altar immediately retracted his gaze, did not dare to speak more, but was even more aggrieved, even the light on his body dimmed in an instant.

Obviously it is not its fault, why do you want to say it?

It obviously saved them, but the two of them treated it like this, and it was not it that was wrong. Why did the master reprimand himself?

The small altar was extremely aggrieved, but there was no dissatisfaction with Duobao, and the irritation all fell on Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

They are all, if it weren’t for them, the master would not reprimand it.

Humph, bad stuff!

“No, don’t blame it, don’t blame it, it’s our problem.” Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were frightened, they were able to guess the source of this feeling immediately, and said to Dubao hurriedly.

This small altar was also honest in front of Duobao. In fact, it was the most evil thing, very powerful. Duobao didn’t care, but they were scared.

If this little ancestor is thinking about it, will they have a good life in the future?

Although due to the existence of Dubao, they should not have life and death problems, but other problems are not so easy to get through!

“Two uncles, I’m sorry, this little thing was just born wisely, just a child, not sensible yet, I hope it won’t be offended.” Duobao patted the small altar again and apologized to Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun for it.

“No, no.” Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun waved his hand again and again.

That’s not true, obviously I dare not.

Because the chill in their hearts is heavier.

You don’t need to look at it to know that the small altar in Duobao’s mouth is obviously already thinking about them.

Hearing Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun said that, the light on the small altar lightened a little bit, facing Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun lightly turned, as if saying, “You are still acquainted with each other”, and then rushed towards Dubao. He rubbed hard in his arms.

Duobao is also helpless. This little thing is indeed a child’s xinxing, and he doesn’t know anything, but this wisdom seems to be stronger than he expected.

All this knows that I am angry, and are no longer babies, at least they are all one or two-year-old children.

“Does the wild grow faster than the domestic one?”

Duobao thought of those who had never left own Magic Treasures.

There was a small altar, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were afraid to talk, they could only make eye contact.

Hong Yun: “This altar is a thing of Duobao, so to speak, the source of the prehistoric demon soldiers is actually not the altar, but Duobao?”

Zhen Yuanzi: “It should be. It seems that the altar is actually nothing. The most powerful is Duobao!”

Hong Yun: “Duo Bao is a disciple of the Profound Clan, how could there be such an evil power? Brother Sanqing Dao knows?”

Zhen Yuanzi: “Should you know? After all, they are Sage!”

“Sage shines a thousand miles, everything is clear… as long as they think, there is nothing they don’t know.”

Hong Yun: “Since I know it, I don’t deal with it… I seem to understand why the sages of the predecessors watched the demon soldiers appear without doing anything.”

Zhen Yuanzi: “…it should be the case, our previous guesses have come true.”

“Why? They love Duobao so much?” Hong Yun frowned. Although he had some friendship with Duobao, the confusion created by the small altar in the prehistoric land was too great for him who considered himself a righteous man. After understanding it, I couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied with Duobao.

“They let Dubao do such a thing in Honghuang? Confound the common people?”

Zhen Yuanzi: “Duobao himself is not clear, all this is just the behavior of the small altar…”

Hong Yun stared at Zhen Yuanzi: “But, is it the source of confusion that this can wipe him out?”

Zhen Yuanzi: “…”

Indeed, no matter how he defends it, Duobao is actually the source of all confusion in the prehistoric world.

Think about it after you understand everything, and everything will be explained.

Only Duobao could do this, after causing such a catastrophe, nothing could happen.

There are six Sages in the wild, and the three Sages are his master and uncle, and the strongest Taoist ancestor is his master.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the second largest generation of the prehistoric.

With such a few supporters, what he does, it feels like nothing will happen.

“It seems that Daozu, the old man, also loves this disciple and grandson.” Zhen Yuanzi: “Without the secret support of his old man, other Sages would have done it long ago.”

“Then what should I do now?” Hong Yun asked with a look in his eyes.

Their original purpose was to seal the source of confusion. They originally thought it was an altar, but now they discovered that it turned out to be Duobao!

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