Chapter 298 The Return of the Demon Race

Di Jun, Taiyi looked at each other and smiled, looking very relaxed.

Too one: “Of course.”

What they worry about has always been the life and death of ordinary monsters, not their life and death.

The road of cultivation has never moved forward. They have never thought of giving up because of themselves. Even in this dark trial field, they have been turned into a map of ten thousand monsters, and they have never had the idea of ​​giving up instantly because of themselves.

“I opened up Samsara in the starry sky. You can enter Samsara even if you die under the golden immortal, except for the golden immortal and the golden immortal!”

Duobao explained: “After arriving at the Golden Immortal, you need to find yourself, find your own way, and sharpen yourself with various restrictions and catastrophes.”

“Life span is the greatest calamity, and death is the greatest difficulty.”

“It has passed, naturally, if you can’t make it, you will die.”

Duobao looked at the two of them, paused to give them time to think about their reactions, and then continued: “Ten thousand years of life is my biggest limit to you.”

“It also gives you the greatest opportunity.”

“If you can rush past, then Taiyi Golden Immortal will naturally become, if you can’t rush past, then there will be no chance to come again.”

Di Jun said calmly: “We know this.”

In the dark trial field in the past, they were chased and killed by the Fruit Clan, and the experience was too great. When they saw the creatures of the Lich Clan, it was generally clear.

The lifespan of all creatures has become ten thousand years, no matter what Realm it was, the most basic thing is ten thousand years of life.

Even Celestial Immortals still have a ten-thousand-year lifespan, a real immortal breakthrough, ten thousand years… Simply put, the lower the original strength Realm, on the contrary, the longer the lifespan here, as long as you can continue to breakthrough .

“It’s good if you know it.”

Duobao nodded, without seeing the slightest retreat in their eyes, but also nodded secretly.

His vision is correct. Although the two of them are poor in strength, they are not pussies.

Can be handed in.

“Are you planning to go back on your own, or are you bringing back all those monster races?” Duo Bao asked.

Di Jun looked at the light spots that represented countless monsters in front of him, and thought for a while: “The monsters and us who haven’t had Samsara before, all go back.”

Duobao understood, and waved his hand, countless figures suddenly appeared in the Ten Thousand Monsters.

Bulls, horses, snakes, tigers, leopards and sheep… etc., all kinds of monster races appeared one after another.

In the palm of Duobao’s hand, it was like a world, with many monster races falling into the palm of his palm, only the size of a grain of rice, but exquisite and clear. If you look closely, you can see the hair on those monster races.

Di Jun, he was so surprised, even if he knew the supernatural powers of Dubo, he was amazed when he saw this scene.

“Well, there are some more.”

Duobao suddenly turned his head and looked at the starry sky, thinking that countless monsters appeared and fell into his palm.

Compared with the demons in the Ten Thousand Demons Atlas, the number of demons outside is far too small.

They were all monsters who had not had time to participate in the final battle before.

All the monster races were gathered, and Duo Bao lightly grabbed it, and the world in his palm turned into a colorful ball, colorful.

“After you go out, throw this colored ball out, and they will naturally appear.” Duobao handed the colored ball to the two of them.

Di Jun reached out and took it: “Thank you.”

Taiyi asked, “I don’t know how we will come back if we are done?”

Of course he wants to come back. After confirming the real situation here, he certainly doesn’t want to miss such an opportunity.

“Aren’t the jade charms I gave you still?” Duobao smiled.

Suddenly, he bends down to Duo Bao and salutes: “Brother Duo Bao, thank you very much.”

This time, Duobao avoided: “You and my friend, don’t have to be so polite.”

After speaking, without waiting for the two of them to speak, the two of them were sent out with a thought.

With a flowered eye, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi appeared in the prehistoric world, and Duobao’s voice came from his ear: “I am waiting for you to come back.”

“Duobao!” Taiyi muttered, feeling a lot.

Di Jun looked at the world in front of him, very strange.

Although there have been countless Yuanhuis in this world, but at this time, when they reappear, look again, there is always a strangeness.

In my heart, a sudden dream, like a world away, appeared.

“Hong Huang, it seems to be different.”

Di Jun also murmured.

His gaze was shocked, and he looked towards the sky, suddenly suddenly.

“I see!”

Above the sky, there was originally only the first stage of the sky, but now it has become the fifth stage of the sky, and it is even more powerful than before.

When he saw the Fifth Stage, he already understood why his career and his eldest brother would be knocked down.

Because their strength is no longer worthy of the current Heavenly Realm.

Di Jun’s eyes slowly swept across the wild world, carefully feeling the source of the strange aura.

Slowly, his complexion became solemn: “It seems that a lot of things have really happened during the period of our absence.”

“Where… how does it feel like a forbidden place?”

Taiyi followed it, and did not rush to return to Heaven Court. In the end, his gaze fell on the Demon Mountain.

There, he felt the familiar breath, fluctuating, and terrifying, just like the terrifying curses they encountered in the dark trial field.

“It was Duobao’s move that changed the prehistoric?” Di Jun guessed, the divine consciousness fell into the magic mountain, and all he could feel was an empty mountain, and only a few familiar auras appeared in his perception.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Di Jun yelled, stretched out his palm, slammed it, and grabbed a green gas from the magic mountain.

“This is?” Di Jun narrowed his eyes, and after a breath, he sneered: “Zhen Yuanzi!”

In this gas, he felt the breath of ginseng fruit trees, and also felt the breath of Zhenyuanzi.

After discovering such a situation, he immediately recalled the embarrassing appearance of being beaten by the Fruit Clan in the dark trial field.

Although, he also knew that it was not Zhen Yuanzi’s fault, nor was it Zhen Yuanzi’s pot, it was all made by Duobao and transformed.

But its source is the ginseng fruit tree of Zhenyuanzi.

I can’t be angry about how I think about it!

I think he had eaten ginseng fruit at the beginning. When he ate it at the beginning, he never expected that the creatures transformed by this thing would be chased and killed in such embarrassment.

“Let’s go.” Di Jun couldn’t stand anymore, and headed towards Longevity Mountain first.

He is going to Zhen Yuanzi to settle the account.

Tai Yi deserves to be the Dijun brother, but he was puzzled for a moment, and he immediately guessed his thoughts, and immediately followed.

The two are anxious, thinking back to the encounter in the trial field, the speed under their feet is getting faster and faster.

The two men and women soon came to Wanshou Mountain.

“Jin Yuanzi!”

Before people arrived, the voice of anger had already rang, shaking Wanshou Mountain with countless birds and beasts, panicking.

By the time they arrived at Wanshou Mountain, the anger of the two had accumulated to the extreme.

However, after arriving at Wanshou Mountain, the anger of the two quickly transformed into consternation.

In the Longevity Mountain, the Wuzhuang View still exists, but it looks a bit dilapidated.

Cobwebs were formed in them, and the view was covered with dust. It seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time.

Di Jun looked at each other in surprise, dropped the head of the cloud, opened the door and walked in.

Along the way, all they saw were a thick pile of dust, and there was no trace of the target they were looking for.

“Something happened to Zhen Yuanzi?”

The two of them were surprised and quickened their pace and came to the backyard of Wuzhuangguan, where the ginseng fruit tree was originally located.

I can see that the ginseng fruit tree is still there, but the tree body is dry, the branches are yellow, and the leaves have turned yellow. There is a sad feeling.

With the arrival of the two, there was a gust of wind.

The wind is not strong, falling on the ginseng fruit tree, but the power is not small.

The withered yellow leaves that were barely supporting, swayed for a while, finally couldn’t hold on, and fell one after another.

“Is this a ginseng fruit tree?” Taiyi could hardly believe his own eyes: “Is this a ginseng fruit tree from Xiantian’s top ten Spiritual Roots?”

The ginseng fruit tree in front of me looks like Xiantian Spiritual Roots, which is obviously the ordinary big tree at the end of the road, and it is not even as good.

“An accident happened to Zhen Yuanzi!”

Seeing this scene, the anger in his heart dissipated like water, and Di Jun suddenly remembered the aura of Zhen Yuanzi he had found in the mountain that was suspected to exist in the forbidden area of ​​the trial field.

All kinds of information in his brain were mixed, and soon, combined with what he knew, Di Jun roughly guessed what happened.

“I’m afraid that Duobao didn’t know why he created such a forbidden land in the prehistoric land.”

“The power in the forbidden land spreads out, greatly changing the predicament…”

Taiyi took a deep breath and understood, and slowly said: “That must be a very tragic change, otherwise, with Jin Yuanzi’s character, he will only close the dojo and won’t make any moves.”

“What kind of thing happened? Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t stand it anymore. He took action personally and explored the forbidden area…”

While the two were shocked, their doubts were mixed.

As they have seen countless forbidden grounds, they know the dangers of the forbidden ground. If that place is really a forbidden ground created by Duobao, the power in it will be the same as the power in the dark trial field… spread out, As long as you Sage don’t make a move, I’m afraid it will turn the tide of the predicament upside down.

However, they still don’t understand, what kind of influence did that power have on Honghuang?

“No wonder, after coming back, I feel so unfamiliar.” Di Jun looked at the almost withered ginseng fruit tree and sighed: “I don’t know, what’s the situation of Zhen Yuanzi now?”

Although they came to Zhen Yuanzi to settle the account, they didn’t want to kill him, just want to vent their anger.

“It should not have fallen, but it should be half dead.”

Taiyi said, looking to the sky with a solemn expression: “However, now, we should not consider this anymore.”

Di Jun also looked to the sky: “That’s what I said, our own troubles haven’t been solved yet.”

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