Chapter 297

Taiyi didn’t know how he felt about Duobao in front of him.

They were originally hostile, but because of Duobao’s strength, he lost his hostile thoughts, and even Duobao helped him again and again.

The Magic Treasures sold to him, the price is so low, it can almost be said to be given away.

The existence of the Gate of Dimensions has greatly increased the strength of his monster race.

In this regard, his gratitude to Duobao is even greater.

Even, he once thought that when Dubao recovered his memory or discovered his identity, he would never resist if he wanted to attack him.

This was not only because he had no ability to resist, but also because he was grateful to Duobao.

Because of Duobao, he knew how much the Yaozu had changed.

This is a return to Duobao, gratitude… is also an attitude.

It was originally like this, but, not long ago, because he asked Duobao to carry all the monsters, he entered this trial that he regretted not falling, making the monsters that were already countless times stronger. It instantly returned to its original shape, and it was countless times weaker.

After falling together like this, the monster race now is weaker than before.

He doesn’t blame Duobao, all this is his choice.

To blame, he can only blame himself.

“What…what’s wrong with you?” Duobao asked when he noticed that there was something wrong with Emperor Er’s mood.

Di Er suddenly bowed to Duo Bao: “Thank Dao Zun for taking care of me before.”

Duobao frowned, looked at Di Er and Di Yi, suddenly became so polite, and suddenly, a strange feeling came.

This made him a little uncomfortable, but also a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

“Why?” he asked.

Di Er didn’t get up, and Duo Bao didn’t say to let him get up, accepting his great gift calmly.

He was upset, and he didn’t care about etiquette.

Di Er’s attitude made him guess something, but he was even more unhappy.

“Dao Zun is too powerful, not what I can compare to.”

“The trial that Dao Zun set up was too difficult, my demon clan erlang… is really shallow and can’t bear it.”

Taiyi found Duobao’s displeasure, gave a wry smile, and said in a deep voice.

Duobao’s emotions are not hidden, it is not difficult to feel it.

He knew that if he said something like this, it would definitely make Duobao unhappy.

After all, it was they who came to ask for the treasure at the beginning, but now they have to go back and change it to whoever it is, and they won’t be so happy.

It’s just that he can’t help it… if he can, he really doesn’t want to go back. Although the trial is difficult, he would rather endure it than say such a thing.

However, he could bear it, but how would the demon tribe’s erlang bear it?

Now only the number calculated in 100 million is left dead, and if it continues for a while, how many more monsters will be left?

Perhaps, to the back, it is not surprising that only a few of them are left in the entire Monster Race.

Such a price is too great!

Moreover, a major event happened in the prehistoric times, and both his and his elder brother Dijun’s career positions were knocked down.

This is another great loss for the entire Yaozu.

They must withdraw, whether it is for the Yaozu or for the future.

Duobao’s methods are really strong, and the effect of the Dark Proving Ground is really strong.

During this period of time in the dark trial field, the Yaozu suffered a great loss, but at the same time, the gain was not small.

Not to mention the dead monster race, the strength of each of the surviving monster races has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the original strength.

As far as their original goal is concerned, the monster race, which is not a dead, has far exceeded it.

However, the reason why the monster clan is a monster clan is greater than the number of this endless monster clan, rather than the strength of a single monster clan.

The demon clan is a clan, not just a demon.

“So, you are going to give up?” Duobao asked blankly.

Taiyi’s face was even more bitter, and it was very uncomfortable to listen to Dubao’s cold tone.

“Yes, my monster…” He gritted his teeth fiercely, and said solemnly: “I really can’t bear it.”

“I wait…give up!”

Tai Yi was even more sad and sorrowful when he said this word.

For myself, but also for the Yaozu.

What a character he is, the supreme monster of the monster race, from the day of his birth, no matter what kind of catastrophe he encountered, when did he give up.

He is a person who would rather die than bend over…but now, he is bent over.

Not for myself, but for the Yaozu.

At this moment, after uttering the words of giving up, Tai Yi’s eyes instantly turned red.

On the lowered cheeks, tears slipped down.

At this moment, his waist bends inexplicably, and the whole person is a lot older in an instant.

A sense of twilight appeared on him.

Duobao was taken aback, and when he looked at Emperor Er who was obviously much older, he was also surprised.

The unhappiness in my heart suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the appearance of Di Er, he understood that Di Er himself didn’t want to give up…but, for some reason, he had to give up.

This decision is not so easy for him to say. From his tears, he can see his hardship and suffering.

Originally, he thought that Emperor Er could not bear the hardships of the trial, so he planned to give up, but now it seems that it is not what he thought.

“Since you don’t want to give up, why do you want to give up again?” Duobao helped Di Er up, looked at the tear marks on his face, and couldn’t help sighing.

This very good, high-spirited man turned out to be so fragile, so old, and so helpless at this time.

“Can you tell me the real reason you want to give up?”

Taiyi stretched out his hand to wipe the tears off his face, his nose twitched, without explanation, his voice slowly calmed down, and the tears in his eyes stopped: “There is no reason, I just can’t bear it. I wait and give up!”

The flushing eyes closed, it seemed that he had calmed down, but Duobao could see from him a feeling of grief greater than death.

Di Er didn’t want to say, Duobao could only look at Di Yi.

Di Jun sighed and felt Duobao’s eyes fall on him, shook his head slightly, and said calmly: “Dao Zun…I wait, I really gave up.”

If it could be supported, it would be better to think about it.

However, the disappearance of the Heavenly Emperor’s position became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

They were hesitating at first, but now they don’t hesitate anymore.

They really couldn’t bear such a great opportunity.

It can only be said that Duobao is too strong, and even with the great opportunity he made, they will not be blessed to accept it.

“Is it because of the death of the Yaozu?” Duobao pondered, thinking about what the Emperor Er had said before, and asked thoughtfully.

Di Jun also closed his eyes and did not answer, but his attitude had already explained everything.

Duobao’s famous watch is a bit funny. Looking at the sad or even desperate two people, he shook his head and suddenly laughed.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi opened his eyes together and looked at Duobao.

“If you are because of this, you don’t have to.” In the two doubtful eyes, Duobao waved his hand into the void and grabbed a chaotic roulette from it.

“This is?” Di Jun was so surprised that he was immediately drawn away from his gaze.

“Samsara?” Suddenly, the two of them opened their eyes wide.

Although there is no Samsara in the prehistoric world, as the Xiantian divine residence, they all have relevant information in their memories.

The two looked at Duobao in disbelief, and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

Could it be…

Duobao guessed their thoughts and nodded gently: “Yes, they are dead, but they are not dead either.”

“It’s just Samsara.”

“They are still there!”

While talking, thoughts shook Samsara, and all the creatures that the demon clan who died before turned into countless light spots appeared in front of the two of them.

Di Jun, Tai Yi looked greedily, felt those light spots, and felt a familiar breath in it, surprisingly inexplicable.

“Not dead, really not dead… they are still alive, my monster clan… didn’t lose that much.”

At this moment, the two people who discovered the true situation of the Yaozu were surprised as if they were two children.

Even Dijun, who has always been steady, has an unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

“Since I have promised you to Ascension your strength, then I will do it naturally.”

“Ascension strength is Ascension strength, but it will not come at the expense of sacrifice…what? Do you think I am that kind of person?”

Duobao feigned anger.

“No, no, Brother Duobao, of course not.” Taiyi was extremely surprised. Hearing Dubao’s question, he shook his head and even changed his name.

A smile finally appeared on Duobao’s face, and the strangeness that suddenly appeared in his heart disappeared without a trace.

“So, are you still giving up now?” Duobao asked with a smile.

Hearing that, Di Jun, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other and nodded heavily.

“Giving up?” Duobao frowned.

I already know that the Yaozu is not dead, so why give up?

Was it true that his previous guess was correct, the two really gave up because it was too difficult to break in love?

“Something happened to the Yaozu, I need to go out to deal with it later.”

Taiyi saw Duobao’s doubts, and after an explanation, he asked: “I don’t know, can this trial be suspended, and I will come back and continue after I have finished processing it?”

Di Jun, Tai Yi looked at Duo Bao expectantly.

“Pause?” Duobao’s brows loosened, and then he thought.

He had already regarded Emperor Yi and Emperor II as friends, and they chose to give up because of the deaths of many monster races, which he understood and accepted.

But if it was because he couldn’t bear the hardship of the trial, then he really couldn’t accept it.

This is cowardice, this is escape… If such a person is his friend… it’s better to break the relationship.

“How about? Can it be?” Taiyi asked expectantly.

Doubao thought about it, and after a few breaths, in the two nervous and expectant eyes, he nodded: “Sure.”

“Very good!”

Hearing that, Di Jun, I am so happy.

The effect of the dark trial field is too good, since the monster race has not died, then they are completely relieved.

Just because of the loss of the Heavenly Emperor’s karma from the outside world, I had to go out and have a look, try to regain the karma, then eliminate the last worry, and come back again.

At that time, no matter what it is, they will be able to deal with it normally.

“The demon clan will not die, but it will be different if you wait.”

When the two were excited and excited, Duobao suddenly said again.

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