Chapter 296

“Isn’t the golden sword going to make a move?”

Styx also became nervous inexplicably.

The current situation is very clear. In the magic mountain, there is a sword and a sword fighting.

That sword is a magic sword. If you want to bring a dark age to the prehistoric world, the sword is a magic sword, which is stopping the magic sword.

Their victory and defeat, as a result, may be destined for the next era of the great famine, whether it will develop normally or will darkness fall.

The fate of countless creatures seems to be in their battle.

The magic knife and the golden sword are so powerful that they are so far apart that he is frightened. If Sage doesn’t make a move, he asks himself, there should be no other existence in the predicament that can stop it!


Amidst the tension, Styx unconsciously looked at Kunlun, Sumeru Mountain, Chaos, and then sighed.

Sage has the power to stop or even change all of this, but unfortunately, for some reason, they didn’t even make a move.

This led to the fact that the fate of the entire Primordial Land, with a powerful existence like Sage, fell into the hands of one sword and one sword.

After thinking about it carefully, Styx felt inexplicably cold and ashamed.

In the magic mountain, the golden sword found the movement of the black magic knife and immediately stopped it.

It’s just that it’s too late, the magic knife seems to have been brewing this strike a long time ago.

After it appeared, it was gaining momentum. It never thought of compromise, even if it was blocked by the golden sword, it still remained unchanged.

After this period of stalemate, the power of the magic sword has been accumulated, and once it is released, it will definitely be a shock.

Even if it were to be added, it was difficult to resist the situation in the Book of the Earth.

“Why are you doing this again?”

The golden sword gave up, it couldn’t stop it at all, it could only helplessly send out waves of own consciousness.

“Huh, traitor!”

The black broadsword roared and slashed towards the ground book suddenly.


At this moment, suddenly there was a huge roar from the sky and the earth, and suddenly appeared with a heavy and extremely heavy pressure, making the countless creatures Qi Qi shocked.

This pressure seems to vary from person to person. The stronger you are, the stronger you feel, the weaker you feel, and the weaker you feel.

The black magic knife was also affected by this pressure, and its strength stagnated.

“good chance!”

The golden sword sensed the flaw and was about to do it suddenly, but it suddenly stopped.

The black magic knife also paused, and the powerful force surged over the blade, causing the surrounding space to become distorted, unstable, and shaken.

A feeling of astonishment echoed throughout the magic mountain.

The golden sword, the black magic knife, and the other magic soldiers watching the battle, Divine Armament, were all stunned.

They looked stupidly at the original altar, the place where the Book of the Earth was located…At this time, that place was already empty.

Just now, when the pressure came, suddenly, I saw a happy thought suddenly appeared on the ground book that sealed the altar, and then the altar and ground book disappeared.

After losing the target, the powerful power of the black magic knife exists on the blade.

“Mother God… seems very happy!”

The golden sword was puzzled for a moment, then looked at the black magic knife, stopped for a moment, the golden light flashed, and disappeared by itself.

With the disappearance of the golden sword, the other Divine Armament around also disappeared.

There were only countless magic soldiers left in place, looking at the black magic knife, waiting for its decision.

After a long time, the black magic knife cut through the sky suddenly and disappeared.

The demon soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

The black magic knife is their leader… now, are they abandoned?


In the sea of ​​blood, Styx let out a long breath, looked at the sky above the countless beads that suddenly appeared in the Fifth Stage sky, and let go of his heart: “Sure enough, you are not as dark as I thought after all.”

In the mountains of Sumeru, Zhundi also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time as she received the lead, but at the same time she was disappointed, there was a little joy in her heart.

“Hongyun is not dead,” said the lead.

“It’s almost the same, he has run out of oil… not far from death.” Zhundi said calmly.

“I don’t know, we want him to die, or do we want him not to die.” The quote said in a complicated way.

Zhun Ti was silent, he was just as complicated.

From the point of interest, he hopes that Hongyun will die, but from the perspective of personal feelings, he hopes that Hongyun will live.

Although he is Sage, he can’t be so calm when facing Hongyun.


In the simulation prehistoric, after completing the fourth stage good fortune day, Duobao immediately entered the fifth stage day.

As soon as he stepped into the Fifth Stage, countless beads flew out of his body, and the emotions of joy, excitement, and anticipation came one after another, making Duobao stunned.

“Okay, okay, I see, I will also make you a home.”

Duobao chuckled slightly, but also a little helpless.

Perhaps it is because of seeing the great heaven he opened up before, so that these Magic Treasures, who already have vague consciousness, have their own ideas.

They also want a place of their own…They treat thirty Third Stage days as home.

“When will 30 Third Stage days become home?”

Dobo smiled bitterly, this is too low for thirty Third Stage days.

Feeling forced to fall down in an instant.

However, he was developing these thirty Third Stage days, and these Magic Treasures were all refined by him.

For him, meeting their requirements is not impossible.

“Anyway, they are all simulated thirty Third Stage days…not the real thirty Third Stage days. If there is no forced grid, there will be no forced grid.”

Duobao shook his head, the energy beads appeared, and once again completed the Magic power, fell into the many beads Magic Treasures, and then, the Fifth Stage day began to slowly complete.

The scheduled plan was disrupted again, and the reign of Five Elements properties was put on hold again.

Dubao actually is not very concerned about this, anyway, just be happy.

With the completion of the Fifth Stage day, Duobao suddenly raised his brows and looked towards the starry sky: “Emperor One, Emperor Two…they?”

In the perception, the emperor first class who had been quietly sealing the Fruit Clan at this time turned out to be irritable, and they called his name.

“What’s wrong?”

Duobao was puzzled. After thinking about it, he waved his hand to set the rules for the Fifth Stage, let them complete by themselves, stepped forward, and went to the stars.

Not long after he disappeared, a big earth-yellow ball suddenly broke through the air. In the Fifth Stage, it was constantly spinning, and a strong sense of joy radiated. It seemed to be looking for something.

For a long time, after searching for a long time, I didn’t find the person I was looking for, and suddenly joy turned into loss and sadness.

The earth-yellow ball sank, the light on his body was dim, it seemed to be autistic, and after a while, there was no more fluctuation.

There were countless bead Magic Treasures around, watching this unexpected guest suddenly appeared, full of curiosity.

While perfecting the Fifth Stage day, from time to time, I curiously reached out and touched the ball.

It’s just that their actions didn’t arouse any reaction from the sphere. It seemed that it was an ordinary sphere without any consciousness.


“Brother, my Donghuang’s position has been knocked down.”

In the starry sky, within the Ten Thousand Monsters, a thought suddenly appeared.

“I was knocked down too.”

After that, another thought appeared, responding to the previous thought.

“A major event has happened in Honghuang…you and my mind have been knocked down… I don’t know what happened?”

“Big brother is the Heavenly Emperor, even Sage, logically speaking, can’t get rid of the eldest brother’s position… but now he is really knocked down.”

“Could it be that Dao Zu made the shot?”

“Why? We didn’t do anything?”

“Or because we haven’t been in the prehistoric for a long time… didn’t take responsibility, so…”

“Or the Chaos Demon God is coming again, or…”

One after another speculation sounded in the Ten Thousand Demons Atlas.

“Not necessarily…you forgot, the job position was knocked down, this is not the first time, it has happened before.”

“It’s just that we didn’t lose our position before… all the other sons and daughters were left behind.”

“Brother… Do you mean Dubo?”

“Well… if my brother didn’t expect it to be bad, it should be him.”

“Why? Why would he do this?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s unintentional, maybe it’s intentional.”


There was silence for a long time in the starry sky.

Suddenly, Tai Yi’s voice sounded again: “We can’t stay here anymore. It doesn’t matter that I am in the position of the Eastern Emperor, and there must be no mistakes in the position of Brother Heavenly Emperor.”

“Without the position of Heavenly Emperor, how will my monster clan deal with it in the future?”

“Shall we go out?”

“I have to get out… and, so far, my monster clan has lost too much.”

“At the beginning, we only thought about the strength of Ascension’s children… but we didn’t expect the price to be so high.”

“If we had known so, why should we look for him.”

“At the beginning, we searched for Duobao, maybe we were wrong.”

“You said, did Dubao discover our identity… everything now is his revenge.”

“It shouldn’t be, if you really find it… there is no need to use such a method.”

“…Forget it, no matter what, this time, we really have to go out.”

“Then call him… I hope I can get out!”

[Dobo, Dobo, Dobo! 】

Decided to fall, in the starry sky, within the Ten Thousand Monsters, a series of shouts suddenly sounded.

Duobao’s figure appeared, looking at the Ten Thousand Demon Map in front of him, feeling the call in it, and with a wave of his hand, a magic power fell and landed in the Ten Thousand Demon Map.

Suddenly, the two figures gradually changed from blur to clear.

“Emperor One, Emperor Two, long time no see…Are you okay?” Duobao asked with a smile.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi looked at Duo Bao without answering, his eyes were extremely complicated.

“What’s the matter?” Duobao puzzled: “Why look at me with such a look?”

“Besides, the trial is not over yet, why would you call me?”

“Looking at you, it seems that there is something urgent… what is it, can I help?”

Dubao is still enthusiastic, looking no different from before.

Di Jun, Tai Yi’s mood was different, looking at Duo Bao, he suddenly felt a little stranger.

“Duobao…” After a long time, Taiyi yelled.

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