Chapter 277 Haotian, the arrival of Jade Lake

Fortune, the future, and so on, Dubao thought a lot, and thought a long way.

“It always feels like I think too much!”

After a long time, Duobao laughed at himself.

In fact, the fate of Jiejiao has now been changed, if nothing else.

Even if he doesn’t make any other arrangements, it is the same.

Comparing human teaching, explaining teaching, and cutting teaching are just the Xiantian treasures who have not suppressed air luck.

And Xiantian Zhibao, his current number is not small.

The Qiankun Ding bestowed by Master Hongjun, he found a complete Dinghai God Orb, both of which are Xiantian treasures that can suppress the luck of luck.

Two great treasures, any one of them is enough to suppress the Qi Luck.

Therefore, if there is no accident, stop teaching the future Wu You.


Not long after he relaxed, Duobao frowned again, thinking of the battle for the future generations, and the various contexts and history of the prehistoric.

It always feels like there is a pair of supreme big hands in it, controlling it.

The decline of Jiedao may not only be the reason for the inability to suppress Qi Luck, it seems to be an inevitable trend.

“General trend~” Duobao kept chanting this, thoughtfully: “Pangu god-tier?”

“Is all this the general trend set by Pangu god-tier?”

Duobao’s heart sank. If that were the case, the fate of Jiejiao’s decline…almost could not be reversed.

Even he can’t, it’s useless to have two Xiantian treasures.

“Probably not!”

Thinking carefully, he can only pray. The opponent is Pangu god-tier, he is really powerless!


After a long time, Duobao couldn’t help but let out a helpless sigh.

It is truly a prehistoric, everything that looks normal and easy on the surface is actually so difficult to investigate and think about it.

Want to change something… so difficult!

“Come slowly, there is still time!”

Duobao can’t help it. Compared with Pangu god-tier, not only him, even if it is Master Hongjun, what can he do?

Fortunately, there is still far, far away from the Conferred God War… he still has time!

Thinking of this, his heart didn’t relax much because of this.

No matter how long it takes…he really has nothing to do!

“Maybe, I can pray, isn’t it set by Pangu god-tier?”

Dubo smiled bitterly.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and looked at Kunlun Villa. Eyes reveal was puzzled: “Haotian, Master Yaochi? Why are they here?”


In Haotian, Yaochi followed Hongjun’s order, out of chaos, and arrived at Kunlun in accordance with Gu Xiang’s memory.

The two stood in front of Kunlun, stunned, looking at the strange mountains and forests, full of surprise.

“Where is Kunlun Mountain?”

“That big Kunlun Mountain?”

There is a mountain in front of them, but it is not the Kunlun mountain, the ancestor of ten thousand mountains in their impression.

There are two god-tier mountains that are the most famous among the prehistoric mountains. The first sacred mountain is the Bu Zhou sacred mountain. After opening up the world for the Pangu god-tier, it is transformed into the spine after incarnation of all things.

The other sacred mountain is Kunlun Mountain.

It was the first sacred mountain that was born naturally in the prehistoric nature. It should not be counted as the first sacred mountain in the Pangu god-tier, but because the first name was occupied by the sacred mountain of Fuzhou, it had to retreat. Second, it is the ancestor of Wanshan.

Kunlun Mountain, the Taoist place of Sanqing Sage, can be seen.

With its vastness and magnificence, the charm of Kunlun Mountain can be seen hundreds of millions of light-years away.

They hadn’t seen the Kunlun mountain after entering the prehistoric land before, but now they are all there, and they still haven’t noticed it. That’s really weird!

“The situation is not right!” Haotian guarded Yao Chi behind him, his expression solemn.

He can be sure that the two of them did not go wrong, and this must be where Kunlun Mountain is, but now they have not seen Kunlun Mountain.

What does this mean?

He doesn’t know…but he knows, something must have happened!

“Even the Kunlun sacred mountain disappeared…what the hell happened?”

Haotian’s heart sank, shocked.

What shocked him even more was that he didn’t know anything about such a major event… Of course, he had been in the Purple Cloud Palace and didn’t know what had happened in the predecessor, but he could actually understand it.

However, Master Hongjun didn’t even tell them… The disappearance of Kunlun Mountain is not disappearing…

“…Wait!” Suddenly, Haotian thought of a possibility, and his heart relaxed slightly: “Could it be that Kunlun Mountain has not disappeared, is it hidden by several seniors?”


A thought appeared in his mind, and Haotian looked at the calm Honghuang, slightly increasing his confidence.

“It should be like this!”

If Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of ten thousand mountains, had a problem, then the prehistoric land would definitely not be so peaceful.

“Haotian…” Haotian tidied up his clothes before calling out Sanqing.

call out!

Suddenly, a light flashed above the jade charm given by Hongjun on his body, and Haotian and Yaochi were engulfed by the light and entered the other mountain range in one breath.

“Kunlun Mountain?” Yaochi exclaimed.

“…” Haotian’s expression was stagnant, and when he reached his throat, he was choked back.

Yes, there is no need to shout to the three senior brothers. He guessed right. Kunlun was fine, but was blocked.

And they all came in now.

Haotian was slightly uncomfortable, but soon the uncomfortable was replaced by shock.

Like the Yaochi next to him, Haotian suddenly widened his eyes.

I was in Kunlun Mountain, but what I saw before my eyes was a manor house.

There is a manor in the Kunlun Mountain, which is not surprising.

But what made the two of them shocked and even trembling was that in this manor, they felt a strong sense of danger, which made them terrified and felt like they were in some desperate situation.

If it weren’t for the charm of Kunlun Mountain, and let them know where they were, it would be Kunlun… they really couldn’t help but want to escape.

“Kunlun Manor!”

Yaochi stared at the blue-gold plaque on the manor and read the words on it unconsciously.

This is Xiantian Taoism. You don’t need to learn it, as long as you have enough strength, you can understand the meaning naturally.


Suddenly, Haotian numbs his scalp, and his strong god-tier appears, rushing to Yaochi.


A strong force was born out of thin air, overwhelming Yaochi and Haotian to the ground.

Yaochi’s eyes were white, and he had lost his mind, and fell to the ground, without the slightest intention of struggling to get up.

Haotian’s complexion was flushed, with a hideous face, gritted his teeth hard, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, trying to get rid of the pressure caused by Yaochi reading the Xiantian Taoism on the plaque.


Haotian’s body halted, and severe pain struck him. He didn’t lift a point, but suffered a lot of injuries.

The pressure was unimaginable, Haotian couldn’t understand, and he felt a strong humiliation.

Obviously there are only four Xiantian Daowen, why do they have such a powerful force?

Of course he knew that the pressure on his body was just to contain them, not to hurt them.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t say it was a fall at this time, at least they would have been seriously injured.

As long as they lie on the ground obediently and wait for someone to arrive, they will naturally get up.

However, he is not willing!

He is Haotian!

In the mouth of the master, he has the Heavenly Emperor fate in the future!

Dignified Heavenly Emperor fate, how can he be suppressed here!

He was unwilling, angry, roaring, trembling…All his emotions, in the constant struggle of his body, became helpless.

“Puff chuff~”

Haotian was full of Taoism, struggling with all his strength, and brought the stronger power of Xiantian Taoism to fall. Unable to help, he spouted a mouthful of blood.

“Is the gap really that big?”

Haotian still didn’t want to give up, his eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, but still helpless.

“See Master Haotian, Master Yaochi.”

Suddenly, Duobao appeared beside the two of them, looking at Haotian and Yaochi who were crushed on the ground and couldn’t get up, and shook his head slightly, then he looked serious and saluted them seriously.

This strength… is really too weak!

Haotian suddenly felt a warm force, like a hot current, appeared out of thin air and fell into his body.

With the emergence of the heat, the injuries on his body were all recovered in an instant, and the power of Xiantian Taoism, which they could not move and resist, also disappeared in an instant.

“Master Nephew Duobao?” Yaochi stood up, and Haotian’s thoughts were interrupted by a surprised voice.

Haotian looked at Duobao complicatedly, opened his mouth, and didn’t know what to say for a long while.

“Two uncles, what’s going on here?” Duobao asked curiously.

They just separated, and now they are coming again. Could it be that something is wrong?

Haotian just stared at Duobao complicatedly, and the emotions in his eyes were so many that Duobao couldn’t distinguish it all at once…Of course, it was also the identity of Master Haotian here, and it was not good. Think deeply.

“Senior Nephew Duobao, the master asked us to come to you.” Yaochi watched Haotian silently, remembering her previous experience and knowing Haotian’s character, she couldn’t help but sighed in her heart and said to Duobao. .

“Master?” Duobao wondered, what was the reason why Master asked them to find him?

Yaochi looked at Haotian: “Haotian, give the jade talisman to Duobao.”

Haotian silently handed out the jade talisman.

After receiving the jade talisman, a piece of information immediately fell into his mind, and Duo Bao was suddenly stunned, and then looked at Haotian and Yaochi with some embarrassment.

The master’s meaning has been clearly stated in the jade talisman, and he also understands it, but how to deal with them, it is still a bit embarrassing, and a bit puzzled!

Isn’t it okay to follow Master Cultivation? Why give it to yourself?

Could he be better at teaching people than Shizu?

“Duobao, why did the lord let us come to you?” Haotian suddenly took a deep breath and asked Duobao.

Duobao looked awkward and didn’t answer immediately, but just looked at the two of them.

Yaochi was still guessing, but Haotian already had the answer.

“Master let us follow you in cultivation, right?” Haotian said with a question mark, but his tone was definitely affirmative.

Duobao nodded slightly. In the end, it was the Heavenly Emperor of the future, indeed, his wisdom was not low.

“Since the master has ordered, then we will get rid of you in the future.”

Haotian suddenly pulled Yaochi and bowed to Duobao.


Duobao immediately avoided, and said loudly, “Two uncles, don’t have to be like this, Duobao can’t bear it.”

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