Chapter 278 Heavenly Emperor Fate

Haotian: “Duobao, since the master asked us to follow you, please don’t worry about your identity and get rid of it!”

He used the word please!

Duobao stared at Haotian, Yaochi looked at it for a moment, and slowly, the embarrassment on his face gradually disappeared.

“Since Uncle Master has said so, Duobao’s refusal is just hypocritical.”

Duobao sighed lightly. Although he was very puzzled, why did Master let him take Haotian and Yaochi’s two master uncles to cultivate, is it not good to follow Master?

All kinds of questions echoed in his heart, and Duobao was puzzled, but he couldn’t find the answer for the time being.

However, since the matter is already the case, he can only accept it. After all, it is the order of the master, how can he violate it?

“The two uncles come with me.”

Duobao said, and walked into the manor.

Haotian took Yaochi’s hand and followed behind.

When I passed the four brilliant golden characters of Kunlun Manor, my body trembled.

After passing the gate, the two of them were stunned again.

Landscape screens, rockery and flowing water, winding trails, pavilions and pavilions, and a few mysterious and dangerous places where their heart palpitations were looming, caused both of them to collapse.

“This is?” Haotian walked on the trail, looked at the rockery not far away, and felt the thick, powerful, and firm Taoism in it, and his mood fluctuated unexpectedly.

This is a rockery?

This is indeed a rockery…a ten-foot-high rock. Although it looks like a rugged and uneven rock, there is a false sense everywhere.

Who believes it is not a rockery?

However, looking at this rockery, Haotian seemed to see a giant god-tier mountain, and an invisible mountain appeared in his heart, suppressing his mind, making him almost breathless.

Haotian’s mouth was dry and his eyes gradually became dull.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of running water.

The voice seemed to appear in his heart, although it was in his ears, it flowed into his heart, making his dry body instantly moisturized.

That is, the appearance of flowing water made him slowly recover.

The dullness in his eyes was slowly washed away, and when he turned his eyes, he saw the clear water under the rockery. Under this look, he couldn’t look away.

“This water?” Haotian couldn’t help asking.

Even when he saw the rockery before and was stunned, he was not as shocked as he is now.

He was Haotian, and he followed Daozu Hongjun’s cultivation. Although he didn’t have many treasures, he had seen a lot of them. In terms of vision and perspective, he was definitely not weaker than other god-tiers.

But that’s the case, after seeing the flowing water under the rockery, he also stayed.

“Water?” Duobao stopped, followed Haotian’s gaze, and shook his head nonchalantly: “Just ordinary water.”

“Normal?” It was not Haotian who screamed, but Yaochi, who was shocked.

Yaochi looked stupidly at the flowing water under the rockery, and she could clearly sense the power contained in the flowing water, good fortune, Dao Yun.

This water, even if it is just a drop, falls to the outside world, it can give the people a good fortune rain. All the creatures, trees, mountains and rocks that have received this good fortune rain can get a great good fortune.

In her opinion, this water is even stronger than the legendary first divine water, Sanguang Divine Water.

She didn’t hesitate about this, because…Sanguang Shenshui, she has it.

In contrast, she understood that Sanguang Shenshui was completely inferior to this seemingly ordinary flowing water.

Such water, do you call it ordinary water?

“What’s the matter?” Duobao looked at the two in confusion.

In the eyes of the two of them, their faces were full of strong shock and shock, which made him shook his head in secret.

“Sure enough, I have been following the master for too long, not out of the predicament, and my vision and knowledge are too small. Lingshui in a mere paltry can also react in this way… hey!”

Duobao thought in his heart, but didn’t say it, so it swept the faces of the two uncles too much.

“This is the ordinary spiritual water condensed by the master nephew according to the law of water. It is not a good thing… the two master uncles will see more in the future, and they will get used to it.”

Duobao explained, speeding up his pace.

Haotian, Yaochi was in shock, unconsciously followed Duobao.

Soon, after passing through the manor, a few people arrived in front of Dubao’s Immortal Cave. Looking back, Haotian and Yaochi had become like puppets, and they were all stupid.

So, I don’t know what to say, Duobao didn’t say anything at all. It’s rare and weird and fussed. If you change to Junior, he can give him a good reprimand. If you change to these two uncles, it is indeed scrupulous.

Opening Immortal Cave, Dubo walked in.

Haotian, Yaochi foolishly followed in.

Along the way, they have already made their minds tremble, and they are constantly trembling.

I originally thought that the rockery and the flowing water were magical and powerful enough, but I didn’t expect that it was really just the most ordinary existence in this manor.

Other flowers, trees, mountains and rocks, and even the ubiquitous Spiritual Qi in this manor… It is also different from the outside Spiritual Qi, and it is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

They didn’t react until they entered the Immortal Cave, the gate was closed, and Kunlun Manor was separated.

“got used to!”

Haotian, Yaochi looked at each other, Haotian whispered in shock.

He remembered what Duobao had said before [the two uncles will see a lot in the future, and they will get used to it].

Can such a thing be accustomed to it?

Just like normal life and cultivation, regard it as ordinary, and what should exist?

Is it so ordinary?

Just so used to it?

Haotian, Yaochi was speechless.

It’s shocking, it’s… shocking!

These things, placed in the wild, are all supreme treasures. Any cultivator who sees it, I’m afraid they can’t wait to use all means to get them… But here, they are just the most common and ordinary things. .

They are also Daluo Jinxian, and they are not weak in Honghuang, but after seeing these, they all have a sense of greed in their hearts.

In the outside world, how can other creatures stand it?

If the creatures know that there is such a precious place here, I am afraid that no matter what, they will use all means to find it… even if it is just a drop of the spiritual water that is more above the Sanguang Divine Water, it is enough.


Just as he was thinking, Haotian suddenly thought of the landscape screen in front of the door, and then thought of the rockery in the manor… Those are not good crops, that is, because they look so ordinary here.

Moving to the outside world is definitely the restricted zone of life, the kind of how many people enter and how many deaths.

That thing is to frighten people with bad intentions!

“Having a bad heart?” Haotian was stunned suddenly, looked at the Yaochi next to him, and suddenly understood, his face was bitter.

“Unexpectedly, I was also greedy… or where I knew it was my nephew.”

The rockery, the landscape barrier and other things are the most common existence in Kunlun Manor.

If you don’t have greed, then there won’t be a problem, if you don’t have a mind that shouldn’t have arisen in your heart, then you will be captured by him… and become what he was before.

Before Duobao walked to the simulated predicament, he looked back at Haotian and Yaochi: “Two uncles, Duobao has offended.”

“excuse me?”

“What did you offend?”

In the minds of the two of them, as soon as the doubts appeared, The next moment, they felt their eyes flashed, and they had already come to a strange world.

An invisible and powerful force suddenly appeared, pressing on their bodies, causing them to unconsciously use all their power to resist.

But that’s it, they still felt that they were being constantly squeezed by that force, and gradually they had an unbearable feeling.

His cheeks were flushed.

Haotian, Yaochi was shocked, where is this… why is there so much pressure… it feels like you want to swallow them!

“Two uncles, dare to ask, what is heaven?”

Just when the two of them were about to be unable to hold on, their own strength was about to become a ball under the pressure, suddenly, Dubao’s voice came.

When his voice appeared, the invisible pressure naturally disappeared.

“What is the sky?”

Haotian, Yao Chi Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Duo Bao, his eyes shocked, surprised, and puzzled.

Duobao looked at the black hole sky with faint eyes.

Among the jade charms sent by the master, and after seeing the adult images of Haotian and Yaochi, he understood what the master meant.

Haotian, Jade Lake is the future Heavenly Emperor, Queen Mother, the Supreme, Supreme Supreme.

But their current strength is far from worthy of The Three Realms’ supreme name.

Therefore, the master sent them here, in order to ask him to help train Haotian, Queen Mother, so that they are qualified to become the Heavenly Emperor, Queen Mother.

Although, he felt that he would definitely not be able to make the two of them truly possess that kind of strength.

But the feeling is just the foundation.

He was just laying the foundation for the two of them, and Master should have thoughts about the following arrangements.

In short, he only needs to do what he can do.

If you can’t do it, just wait for Master to do it.


Duobao didn’t speak, Haotian, Yaochi could only guess by himself.

Following Duobao’s gaze, Haotian slowly frowned as he looked towards the world.

“This is Fang Tian?”

He has the Heavenly Emperor fate, standing here, no matter how Treasure’s words are spoken, he will soon feel vaguely.

“What day is this?”

So that powerful oppressive force turned out to be heaven?

Is the sky so strong?

Haotian was shocked, this was different from the sky he knew!

The Heaven Court of the prehistoric monster clan, those thirty Third Stage days, he had been there before, but he had never felt such a strong pressure.

Even when he was in those thirty Third Stage days, he could still feel a sense of comfort from his heart, like a fish in water, very comfortable.

I didn’t understand before, but now I understand.

That’s because he has the Heavenly Emperor fate, which is the ruler of the future heaven, so standing in the thirty third stage of the sky, he will feel so comfortable and happy.

But now… he suddenly became a little uncertain.

“Here is the sky?”

“Or… I have lost the Heavenly Emperor fate?”

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