Chapter 276

Those who get the luck of the world are also called the sons of the world and the protagonist of heaven and earth.

That is not the protagonist of the world like the Lich race or the human race, it is completely the protagonist of the world.

To describe it in one sentence, it is unique grace.

The world’s luck is added, and there is no future to detriment in doing things. As long as he thinks and thinks, as long as he is willing, then no matter what it is, he can succeed.

Even if he breaks into the hegemonic power of the protagonist of heaven and earth alone, as a hostile existence, he does not have the slightest strength in himself, and before the world’s luck is exhausted, it is the opponent who suffers!

To put it simply, from a personal point of view, the protagonist of the personal world is more powerful than the protagonist of the power world!

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded.

Haotian, Yaochi was shocked.

Although they had guessed it, they were still shocked when they heard Hongjun’s confirmation.

They are boys, but they are the boys of Taoist ancestors. They know no less than other powers, but more.

They know that world luck is rare, even if it is the two families of Lich, it may not be possible for a single creature to obtain world luck.

They also have world luck in them, but they are indeed obtained by means of racial power, and they are transformed into a race, power and luck, and the effect is greatly reduced.

However, Duobao, according to Hongjun’s words, can obtain world luck, and, listening to the meaning of the words, the world luck that he can reap is not a few.

Yaochi’s shocked voice sounded: “Master, Master Duobao…have you become a holy?”

Haotian’s eyes were shocked, and he looked at Hongjun.

From the performance of Dubao before, they had guesses in their hearts, but they couldn’t believe it.

“He is not yet sanctified.” Hong Jun said.

Haotian suddenly remembered Dubao’s words before and guessed: “Da Luo Jinxian?”

I didn’t think much before, now I think about it carefully, it seems that Duobao has said before that his strength is only Da Luo Jinxian.

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded.

Haotian and Yaochi couldn’t believe it, looking at Hongjun stupidly, doubting life for a while.

Nothing else, just because they are also Da Luo Jinxian at this time.

The same is the Da Luo Jinxian…there is too big a gap between them and Duobao before!

“However, his Da Luo Jinxian is different from your Da Luo Jinxian.” Looking at his two children in doubt and shocked eyes, Hongjun shook his head and chuckled: “His Da Luo Jinxian… is comparable to Sage. ”



Haotian, Yaochi’s body was shaken, his eyes were fixed on Hongjun tightly.

What does this mean?

Comparable to Sage?

Da Luo Jinxian is Da Luo Jinxian, how can it be comparable to Sage?

How can it be?

Hongjun continued: “Duobao is in a special situation. He created a set of Realm’s strength standards by himself… It is much stronger than the Realm we normally recognize!”

Haotian, Yaochi couldn’t believe it, and couldn’t believe what Hongjun said.

Even if Hongjun is their master, he is the ancestor of the ancestors.

Similarly, they still can’t believe it!

This is really amazing and incredible.

It is enough to say that Da Luo Jinxian is comparable to a quasi-sage, they can barely accept it, but…that Da Luo Jinxian is comparable to Sage… how do they accept it?

There has always been a saying that all ants under Sage are in the predicament. According to this situation…Is it afraid that this will turn into a joke?

“Haotian, Yaochi…”

When the two of them were in deep shock and disbelief, Hongjun suddenly looked down and shouted.

Haotian, Yaochi’s body trembled together, stood up straight subconsciously, and replied loudly: “Haotian is here!”

“Yao Chi is here!”

“You and the other two are all turned into a rock in the chaos. They are extraordinary, and they will have their own chances in the future. The future can be expected.”

Hongjun looked at the two and said, “It’s just that that was the original trajectory, and now the situation has changed.”

“The situation has changed?” Haotian and Yaochi were surprised after their surprise. Suddenly Haotian thought of Duobao, and his heart was shaken. He tentatively asked Hongjun, “Master, is it because of Master Duobao?”

Hongjun nodded: “Yes, originally you all had the Heavenly Emperor, the destiny of the Queen Mother.”

“But now, it’s not necessarily anymore.”

Hongjun looked at the two, sighing in his heart.

Haotian, Jade Lake has served him for many years, and no matter how talented he is to follow his feet, he will give them the Heavenly Emperor, the destiny of the Queen Mother.

However, now the predominant ruler has been gradually handed over, what the future is, he said that it is no longer counted, it depends on what Dubao means.

If Duobao is willing, then they can still be the Heavenly Emperor, Queen Mother, but if Duobao is unwilling, then they will not be regarded as Heavenly Emperor, Queen Mother.

Haotian took a deep breath, and a trace of ambition flashed in his eyes: “Dare to ask the master, how can we set destiny!”

Although he is a boy, he is also ambitious. He is not willing to give up the position of Heavenly Emperor.

Yaochi didn’t have the ambitions of Haotian, but at the same time he was still a bit disappointed and slightly unwilling.

That’s the Queen Mother!

“You go find Duobao.” Hongjun said.

Haotian, Yaochi understood a little, but he didn’t fully understand, he still looked at Hongjun suspiciously.

“Your chances and destiny are all in Dubao… Go there, and the future depends on your own abilities.”

Haotian, Yaochi glanced at each other and turned his head again.

“Master, Haotian understands.”

“Master, Yaochi also understands.”

Do they really understand?

not necessarily!

However, looking at the master meant that they didn’t want to elaborate further, and they were naturally acquainted and stopped asking questions.

“Remember, after you go, watch more, do more, talk less…Be sure not to affect Duobao.”

Hongjun told the two of them.

He could see the unwillingness of these two boys, and they couldn’t stay with him forever.

Their lives have just begun… I could arrange for them before, but now, it’s not impossible.

But suddenly, he changed his mind and wanted to let them do it themselves.

Perhaps it will be better if they let them do it themselves!

Haotian, Yaochi nodded respectfully: “Yes.”

Looking at the two, Hongjun’s gaze gradually became complicated, and he suddenly sighed: “From now on, it is up to you whether it is good or bad.”

Maybe they will be worse than the original, or they may be better!

But in any case, this is their own hard work and can’t blame others.

“So, go ahead!” Hongjun waved his hand and said.

Haotian Jade Pool immediately knelt down, and Haotian’s voice trembled: “Master!”

There was already a cry in Yaochi’s voice: “Master, Yaochi should not be the queen mother, Yaochi must stay and serve the master, and Yaochi must always be with the master.”

Haotian kowtowed his head heavily: “Master, Haotian is not shameful, Haotian wants to fight, Haotian… I’m sorry, my lord!”

He wanted to understand Hongjun’s meaning, some expectations, but also reluctant to give up.

He understood that after he made this choice, he would inevitably leave the master, and it might be difficult to see each other again in the future.

He also wanted to be like Yaochi, saying that he would give up being the Heavenly Emperor, and he would always be by his side in the future, but he couldn’t say anything when the words came to his lips.

He was really unwilling, he didn’t want to stay in this cold, desolate Purple Cloud Palace forever.

He wants to go out!

I thought about it very early!

“No need to be like that, the master won’t die, you don’t have to be like a son or daughter, if you want to be a master, come and see the master, the master is waiting for you.”

Hongjun said calmly: “Go, go, the eagle will eventually need to spread its wings and soar. Your future is not in this cold Purple Heaven Palace, nor in this old man like me. Your future still needs you to venture into it yourself!”

“Go, no need to hesitate. When you are tired, you can come back. This will always be your home.”

For these two boys, Hongjun still has feelings.

After all, after serving myself for so many years, I also regarded them as disciples in my heart.


Haotian, Yaochi didn’t hesitate anymore, after kowtow nine heads again, got up and left.

“You give this jade talisman to Duobao, and he will arrange it.”

When he arrived at the gate of the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s voice flew over with a white jade charm.


Haotian took the jade talisman, pulled Yaochi, who was still in tears, and left without looking back.

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, stepping into the chaos, a golden red light flashed on the two of them, and in an instant they changed from two eleven or twelve-year-old boys to eighteen or nine-year-old handsome men and women.

“Brother, where are we going?” Yao Chi held Haotian’s hand tightly, raising his head and asked.

Haotian grabbed the jade symbol: “Let’s go to Kunlun Mountain and find Duobao.”


Kunlun Mountain, in a simulated predicament, Duobao stands on the first stage sky, above the black hole sky, and can clearly feel the 30 Second Stage sky looming above it.

That is the feedback brought by the prehistoric world, like a template, the framework has been set up, but the energy inside is not enough to be manifested.

Except for the first stage black hole sky, the other thirty second stage days are really just a frame.

“That’s easy, just fill up the thirty Second Stage days.” Duobao said to himself, Wei Wei was a little surprised.

Originally thought that he needed to reopen 30 Second Stage days.

Only now I discovered that the framework has been completed and the concept of each First Stage day has been formed. He only needs to fill in his own power and add own thinking on this basis, and he can easily form thirty Second Stage days.

This is really not a difficult task.

At least, for him now, it is really simple.

“Qiyun…” Duobao murmured, without rushing to do it, the words of Master Zu Hongjun echoed in his mind.

【How much you give, the reward will be great. 】

“Pay, gain… luck… stop teaching.”

Duobao thought, his eyes gradually firm.

“We must do our best… if we can get enough luck, we will be able to change our future destiny.”

Because Jiejiao didn’t have the treasure to suppress Qi Luck, and received too many disciples, it caused the difficulty of conferring the gods and was almost shattered.

After he became Duobao, this has always been his heart disease.

Suppressing Qi Luck, in addition to the treasure, you can also use Qi Luck to suppress air transport. If one’s own air transport is strong enough, it is also the air transport that can suppress the entire Dajiao!

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