Chapter 275 World Luck


Duobao was shocked, and then suddenly, the strange family was indeed powerful, but in essence, isn’t it a parasite?

“So, there is nothing wrong on Honghuang’s side?” Duobao was relieved, and asked once again, “The weird race is really okay?”

I discovered the existence of the strange family before, and it was because of own reasons that the strange eyes were introduced into the prehistoric, so I have always been worried.

Hearing Hongjun’s words, his pressure was greatly reduced.

“Don’t worry… Master, who am I… I am your Master… Little weird, not worth mentioning.”

Duobao was completely relieved, and said with a grin, “That would be great.”

“You don’t need to worry about the matters of Honghuang, you own the simulated Honghuang…” Hongjun said.

“Huh?” Duobao blinked, “Simulate the prehistoric?”

That’s just a toy made by myself. Master asked what this did?

“Simulate prehistoric? What is that?”

Haotian Jade Pool stood aside, and the two people who heard what they said were very puzzled.

The prehistoric is the prehistoric…what is the simulation of the prehistoric?

“Master, what do you mean?” Duobao asked directly without understanding.

“Didn’t you create a party to simulate the great famine, and you want to use it to simulate the world?”

Duobao nodded: “Yes.”

It is true, but what does Shizu mean when he talks about simulating the flood and famine?

Hongjun Jian Duobao never understood, and he was helpless, so he simply said directly: “The simulated prehistoric is connected to the prehistoric world. Any action you make in the simulated prehistoric will affect the prehistoric world.”

“Don’t you have a lot of ideas?” At this point, Hongjun paused, and then said in Duobao’s more puzzled eyes: “You can test your various ideas in the simulation of the prehistoric… The world is good, and it is also good for you.”

“Benefits?” Duobao was even more confused.

The simulation of the prehistoric famine is only the simulation of the prehistoric famine, and he is not surprised to say that it can have an impact on the prehistoric world, but he does not think that this impact can reach the level of Master Hongjun’s task to specifically speak out.

“Why?” Duobao asked again.

He still doesn’t understand!

Hongjun stretched out his hand to support his forehead, feeling helpless at Duobao’s doubts.

It was Haotian on the side, Yao Chi had already realized something in a daze at this time. Staring at Duobao in astonishment.

Only Duobao himself was still ignorant.

Could it be why?

Of course it is because of his strength that the simulation of the prehistoric is no longer just the simulation of the prehistoric.

Because of him, the Thirty Third Stage Heaven and Nine Earths of the Primordial World have become one place every day.

The number of heaven and earth has decreased, but the framework is still there.

It takes 30 Third Stage days and Ninth Stage days for the prehistoric land to be consummated… Now there is quite a lack of one piece.

If you want to rely on the Lich family to restore the Thirty Third Stage Heaven and Nine Earths, it will take too long…and too much trouble.

Although he made the heaven and the earth perfect, it also made the prehistoric heaven and earth grow faster, so he would remind him at this time.

“Since you don’t understand it, don’t think about it. Let’s get the Thirty Third Stage Sky and Nine Lands first.” Hongjun said helplessly.

Duobao was embarrassed: “Thirty Third Stage days? Nine places?”

He repeated it, slowly thinking about it, and asked Hongjun: “Master, is it because of what I did in the simulating prehistoric world, has it affected the prehistoric world?”

“Thirty Third Stage Day and Ninth Stage Land have a problem?”

Hongjun sighed, “It’s not that there is a problem, but that there are only the First Stage and the First Stage of the thirty Third Stage days and the Ninth Stage land.”

Dobo immediately took a breath, and pointed to himself in disbelief and asked, “It’s all because of me?”

He guessed it was possible, but he couldn’t believe it.

How could it be him?

He didn’t do anything!

He did not destroy the thirty Third Stage sky and the Ninth Stage land.

It’s really nothing to do with him!

Thirty Third Stage sky and Ninth Stage land, what is that place?

That was the overlord of the world, the stronghold of the Lich clan…because he was completely destroyed?

Do the Lich races still hate him?

“Yes or not…Don’t worry, it’s okay.” Seeing the unconcealed worry on Dubao’s face, Hongjun immediately comforted: “This is a good thing.”

“Because the prehistoric world has entered the stage of development, the original 30 Third Stage days are the Ninth Stage, and the intensity can’t keep up. What you do is just a fuse, let the world diminish… Generally speaking, you can’t blame it all. you.”

“It can’t be all blame, in other words, there is still my reason?” Duobao is still frightened. It is the two families of Lich… Hey, I am also Da Luo Jinxian now, and the background is not small. The two families of Lich should not As for causing me trouble, right?

After all, he wasn’t the whole reason, and, speaking of it, he also had friendship with the Lich races, and he helped them so much.

Especially in the dark trial field, so many of their people, because of the dark trial field, greatly increased their strength.

With this, they should not be able to do anything to themselves.

More importantly, even if they want to, they actually don’t need to be so afraid!

“I am Duobao… Sanqing disciple, Dao ancestors and grandsons… Actually, I can be considered a god-tier myself now!”

The thoughts in his head turn, the heart is tense, and the worrying mind is gradually suppressed.

For the first time, he seriously thought about his own situation.

Sanqing disciples, Dao ancestors and grandsons, just because of this identity, not many people dare to do something with him in the predicament.

Besides, he is also a great Luo Jinxian now, and various methods are emerging one after another, but basically it is not that virtual.

“So… Actually, I really don’t need to be so scared now!”

“I have reached a level with those legendary characters now!”

Duobao’s eyes fell on Haotian and Yaochi.

The two of them looked shocked and shocked. They were also staring at Duobao, even when he looked over, they didn’t look away.

They seemed shocked and couldn’t think much about it.

“These two people, but the future Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother, are also great abilities in The Three Realms… Now they can’t bear the wind that I’m passing by…”

For a long time, because of his identity as a traverser, coupled with the legends of many mythical figures in his previous life, he unconsciously placed them in a high position.

There is always a sense of urgency in his heart. This feeling forced him to continuously cultivate and use all kinds of methods to Ascension himself and the strength of the people next to him.

He has always been limited by this kind of cognition, and has never put his own identity right.

“So, actually, I don’t need to be so careful.”

Dubao didn’t know why. Now, he seemed to understand suddenly.

Haotian, Yaochi’s eyes widened suddenly, looking at Duo Bao, and suddenly he felt as if the person in front of him was different.

“Master… Am I able to influence Honghuang now?” Duobao asked Hongjun seriously.

Hongjun was startled, staring at Duobao solemnly, and said in his heart, did he find out?

Nodded, Hongjun did not speak.

Duobao understood: “So, in fact, Daluo Jinxian is not a weak person in the prehistoric state, and the last strong one who can be counted has the ability to affect the prehistoric state.”

“Moreover, my own situation is a bit special…”

He is referring to own heterogeneous identity.

Perhaps it is because of this that the connection between the simulated prehistoric and the prehistoric world is so great.

“Master, I was simulating the 30 Third Stage days in the prehistoric world. Will the 30 Third Stage days of the prehistoric world also appear?” Duobao thought about it and asked.

Long ago, he thought about simulating thirty Third Stage days.

It was just that it was temporarily shelved because of insufficient strength and various other reasons.

Now, at the beginning of the power comparison, there is a huge Ascension, think about it, simulate 30 Third Stage days, it should be no problem.

When Hongjun heard the words, his expression was still, but he was greatly relieved in his heart.

I understand a little bit, but I don’t fully understand it yet.

The feeling of being cautious in his body has disappeared. He no longer thinks of himself as a small person, but his understanding of his own specific strength is still not so clear.

“It’s fine if you don’t fully understand!”

Whether it was for public or private, Hongjun didn’t want Dubao to fully understand his own strength.

It is precisely because of this point that Duobao has never considered how strong he is, and has always believed that there is still a lot of room for improvement in strength in front of him, so that his strength can grow so unreasonably.

If he realizes that his own strength is almost invincible, his mentality will naturally be different.

In that state, Hong Jun was not sure whether he could still be as brave and diligent as he is now, without saying anything.

“Yes, you just do it, and the rest will be handled by the master.” Hongjun said: “After completing the simulation of the 30 Third Stage Sky and Ninth Stage Ground, according to the simulation of the heaven and the earth to the prehistoric world Influence, you will naturally get the corresponding luck.”

“What is luck, I believe I don’t need to talk about it anymore.”

Duobao nodded again and again, his eyes full of surprise: “No, no, of course Tusun knows it.”

Good luck… Thirty Third Stage days, the Ninth Stage land, if you complete it, you will definitely get a lot of luck… At that time…

Soon, Duobao had begun to fantasize about how to use it after he had obtained the luck.

After such an action, there will be no shortage of air luck. After all, it is the air luck that can make Dao Zu Hongjun and other characters speak…less, it is not worthy of Dao Zu’s powerful force.

“Then, the disciple retire.” Duobao saluted Hongjun and said impatiently.

“Go, go, remember, use your best…how much you pay, the gain will be great.” Hongjun exhorted.

“Tao Sun, remember!” Duo Bao said, and then bowed to Haotian and Yaochi before turning and leaving Zixiao Palace.

“Master, is the luck you said about the world luck?” Haotian couldn’t help but ask in shock until after Duobao left.

There are many kinds of luck, individuals, forces, races, and worlds.

Among them, world luck is the most rare!

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