Chapter 274: Do You Know The Weird Clan?

Of course, the strength of the uncle should be stronger than that of the nephew!

However, now they, who are the uncles, are being compared by the nephews.

Moreover, it is far from being compared.

No one shot them, just the wind brought by passing by made them feel the feeling of Death as suffocation.

They had no doubt that if it hadn’t been for Dubao’s discovery, just themselves, in that state, would have died at this time.

They can’t bear it!

They know this.

That’s too scary and too strong!

When the two were depressed, they looked at Duobao in amazement, “How strong is this nephew?”

“Senior nephew Duobao, pay homage to the two uncles.” Duobao was anxious when he suddenly felt two eyes falling on him. Turning his head to look around, he immediately saw two pairs of fast dodge eyes. He didn’t dare to talk to him. Look at each other.

“It seems that I was frightened.” Duobao thought to himself in his heart.

He didn’t mean it, but he was too anxious, and the palace gate opened too suddenly, so he rushed over directly.

I didn’t expect Haotian, Yaochi was walking over to open the door, which caused such a thing to happen.

“No…no gift.” Hearing Dubao’s greeting, Yaochi hid directly behind Hongjun, not daring to show up again, but Haotian could courageously replied.

“I have offended a lot before, and Duobao has apologized to the two uncles here.” Duobao sorted out himself solemnly, and then seriously bowed to Haotian and Yaochi.

Although Haotian, Yaochi’s strength was so weak, it was far beyond his expectations, and he couldn’t even bear the wind rushing past him.

But in terms of seniority, they are his uncles.

He had to apologize and apologize above the gift.

Haotian pursed his mouth and looked at Duo Bao, slightly surprised.

Although they are not inferior in terms of identities to the Outer Sect disciples like Zhun Di, in fact, due to the difference in strength, the senior brothers and sisters don’t take them too seriously.

Although the tone is very polite, it actually shows their alienation.

Duobao is someone who takes them so seriously.

He heard sincerity from Duobao’s words.

Yaochi quietly popped his small head from behind Hongjun, and looked at Dubao timidly.

Hongjun was not in a hurry, so he looked at them with a smile.

Duobao took out two things from his arms, held them in both hands, and handed them to Haotian and Yaochi: “These are the Dragon Sword and the Phoenix Dance Mirror. They are the Magic Treasures refined by my nephew. They were given to them. Master Uncle, Quan is an apologetic to Master Nephew.”

The Dragon Sword was golden all over, and on the half-slap-sized sword body, the light flickered, as if there were countless divine dragons swimming around. After watching for a long time, it seemed that I could hear the ten thousand dragons roaring to the sky, and my heart was suddenly full of lofty pride.

This is the sword of the emperor, and only as an emperor can you hold it.

Haotian was immediately attracted, and his body walked up to Longzun Sword uncontrollably, and his little hand grasped it.


Haotian’s body shook, he seemed to hear a dragon chant in his ears, and he firmly grasped the Dragon Zun sword, and nine phantom dragons flashed by behind him.

Watching this scene, Duobao’s eyes flashed as expected: “As expected of the Jade Emperor in the future, he really has the emperor’s fate.”

The Dragon Sword is refined by his Insight rule of the emperor. It is based on the infinite folding method to fold the emperor’s air.

Regardless of its lightness, in fact, people who do not have the emperor’s fate, don’t wait to be touched, otherwise they will encounter Wanlong backlash, and the Longzun sword will immediately become a life-saving sword.

The reason why he dared to give Long Zunjian to Haotian was because he knew Haotian’s future fate, and the other was because he was here. If something went wrong, he could also remedy it.

“Is this really for me?”

The crisp sound coming from his ear interrupted Duobao’s thoughts. Turning his head and looking, he saw Yaochi walked out from behind Hongjun sometime, staring longingly at the phoenix dance mirror on his right hand.

Compared with the Dragon Sword, the Phoenix Dance Mirror is much more delicate. The entire mirror is made with crimson Phoenix as the background and embraces the mirror surface. Every feather and every subtle treatment is more delicate than the Dragon Sword. clearer.

If the dragon on the sword of Longzun is a representative of the Yijing School, then the Phoenix Dance Mirror is a representative of the Realism School.

This is the Magic Treasures he refined from Yin & Yang Insight’s emperor’s rules. It belongs to a new common sense. As for the power… it can only be said that it is not inferior to other Magic Treasures, but it is far from the top.

But it is more appropriate to compare the current Haotian and Yaochi.

“Of course, this is an apologetic for the nephew of the teacher to collide with the uncle, please accept it.” Duo Bao respectfully handed the Feng Wu mirror over.

Yaochi looked at the phoenix dance mirror in front of him, and could see that she really liked it, but she didn’t take it, just looked at Duobao carefully: “In fact, it doesn’t matter, we are all fine.”

“You don’t need to be like this. We are the uncle, so we didn’t give you a meeting gift. How can we still receive your gift?”

Hearing what Yao Chi said, Haotian shook his body and looked down at the Long Zunjian he was talking about. A trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but he resolutely returned it to Duobao.

“Yao Chi is right. As Master Uncle, we should have given you gifts, how can we accept your gifts.”

Haotian looked at Duobao earnestly and said, on the exquisite little face, he could see the obvious seriousness, and said as if promised: “Now we don’t have any treasures, and it’s not easy to take it out, although I am embarrassed, But I can only owe it.”

“Wait next time, after the next meeting, we will definitely find a suitable gift, and we will definitely make up the meeting gift at that time.”

Duobao stared at the serious Haotian in a daze, and then at the Long Zunjian he handed over.

After hesitating for a while, he took it back: “So, the nephew will take it back first. However, this dragon sword, the nephew will always keep it for the uncle. When the uncle will find the gift, My nephew will definitely offer it with both hands.”

He saw Haotian’s persistence and earnestness.

Haotian really likes the Dragon Sword, this is in line with his fate, the best fit, of course it is normal to like it.

But just like that, he was still able to hold back the greed in his heart and returned it to himself.

Just at this point, Duobao had to take a high look at him.

Hearing this, Haotian glanced at Long Zunjian reluctantly again: “A word is sure, after I find the gift, I will definitely find you.”

“When the time comes, I will give you a meeting ceremony, and you will give me the Dragon Sword.”

Duobao also nodded seriously, not the slightest frivolity because of how Haotian looks like a child now: “A word is settled!”

“And me.” Yaochi raised his small hand and said from the side.

Duobao and Haotian turned to look at Yaochi, looked at the big dark eyes, and suddenly smiled together.

“Are you so happy?” At this moment, Hongjun’s voice came from nearby.


Duobao slapped his forehead fiercely, when Haotian and Yaochi hit him like this, he almost forgot to do business.

“Master, what do you think?” Duobao asked anxiously.

The prehistoric world has already become that way, why the master is still worried at all, and he doesn’t see any interference.

Isn’t Shizu an opponent of that weird race… But it’s impossible, and it’s not very similar!

Hongjun smiled and looked at Duobao: “Guess?”

Duobao: “…”

To be honest, if he couldn’t beat Hongjun, he would rush forward at this time.

When is this, guess, is this the time to guess?

There is no way, it is you who forced me, don’t blame me.

“Master~” Duo Bao stretched out his voice and shouted in an extremely tired voice.




In an instant, three inhaling voices sounded in the Zixiao Palace.

Haotian, Yaochi, and Hongjun all rubbed their bodies one after another, looking at Dubao weirdly.

Goose bumps all over my body are coming out!

Unexpectedly, you are such a treasure!

“Huh…Don’t you tell me?”

Duobao was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, and was about to shout a second time.

“shut up!”

Haotian yelled loudly, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he rushed over with a stride, covering Duobao’s mouth.

“Please, don’t speak in that tone!”

Haotian begged in a low voice.

Duobao blinked, not eager to break free, but looked at Hongjun…Although he did not speak, he had already expressed his meaning very clearly.

“Okay, okay, don’t you guess it, don’t you guess it.” Hongjun was also scared, what can he do in the face of such a disciple?

I can only spoil it!

“In fact, the prehistoric issues have been resolved, what’s the point for the weird clan?” Facing the doubtful Dubao, Hong Jun said directly.


Hearing this, Duobao pulled Haotian away and took his own hand, looking at Hongjun in amazement: “Master? When will it be resolved?”

Obviously remember that before he left, the prehistoric world was still in the same situation, how long did it take to solve it?

He felt that he hadn’t wasted time on the road, so he rushed over without stopping.

How could it be solved so easily in this process?

“Hehe… just when you knocked on the door of my Purple Cloud Palace.” Hongjun looked at Duobao with a smile.

Dubao’s face flushed immediately.

Hearing Hongjun’s words, Haotian and Yaochi just remembered. The warrior in front of him was not like the older brothers before, waiting in an orderly manner. Even his master and uncle dare to just kowtow. The way he hits Zixiao Palace, but he dared to knock on the door… This is no longer a knock on the door but a slap on the door.

Change to other brothers, sisters…who dares to do this?

Only him, only he dare!

The most important thing is that he did this, and the master Hongjun was not even angry at all, and even now he was talking in a ridiculous tone.

This shocked Haotian and Yaochi. Is the master very kind to this disciple?

“Um, isn’t this a hurry?” Duobao explained embarrassedly.

“Hey, Master, do you know the weird race?”

He suddenly reacted, his tone was a little different when his master said the weird race.

“Of course.” With Duobao’s shocked expression, Hongjun was very helpful, and said proudly: “It’s just some parasites.”

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