Chapter 273

“Before…” The leader was about to say his own guess, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a curious Nuwa, and the words in his mouth suddenly stopped.

“Junior brother, let’s talk about it later.”

After that, he returned to the West with Zhundi.

Nuwa stood there, looking at the lead in dissatisfaction, Zhundi’s leaving back, and snorted coldly: “Huh, if you don’t say it, don’t say it, as for?”

“As if someone rarely listens to it!”

“Besides, do you think that if you don’t say it, I don’t know what you are thinking of?”

“It’s just a guess that there is another power behind Sanqing Brother?” Nuwa smiled mockingly: “Unfortunately, this time, you may really have to miscalculate.”

“I’m afraid…” Nuwa was shocked, only half of the words were spoken, and the remaining half remained in her heart.

I am afraid that there is no other great power behind Sanqing, the so-called great power is just his apprentice… Duobao!

Compared with the introduction, Zhun Di knows more things, combining the previous and the previous things, and roughly guessed the truth of the matter.

But it was precisely because she had guessed the truth that she was so shocked now.

“Duobao, that disciple of Brother Tongtian…has he become so strong now?”

Nuwa was so shocked that he couldn’t believe his own guess.

This is too scary, and it is incredible.

Speaking of which, Duobao had actually met him.

Remember, that was still when she was not yet sanctified, she felt the chance of sanctification, and felt something in her heart, making mud in Buzhou Mountain.

At that time, Duobao suddenly appeared, also in him, and he was inspired, and then created the human race, and thus became holy.

At that time, because the future of the human race was considered, it was not easy to intervene and entrust it to others, which was Duobao.

At that time, Duobao was still a low-powered little ant. If it hadn’t been because he was a disciple of Brother Sanqing, she would not even remember him, let alone remember him in her heart.

Now, Nuwa guessed that behind the Sanqing, someone who was stronger than their Sage, with their own strength, before they showed up, they went through and cleared the existence of the Five Elements cycle. It turned out to be the one who was not at the beginning. The eye-catching little shrimp.

This is incredible!

How did you do it?

It’s totally unimaginable and unintelligible.

“Apart from the grandiose and purple qi, is there any other way to become holy?”

“What is the method?”

“Can I cultivate?”

Nuwa’s eyes flashed, looking at Kunlun’s direction, after a long time, the figure turned around and disappeared.


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

In the chaos, a series of roar sounded.

“Master, are you there, Master?”

“Something big happened. If you don’t take action, you will be in trouble.”

Boom boom boom!

In front of the Purple Cloud Palace, Duo Bao kept knocking on the door of the Purple Cloud Palace, the door let out a dull roar.

In the palace, Haotian, Yaochi was awakened by the knock on the door, and at the same time he was shocked and puzzled.

where is this place?

This is the Zixiao Palace!

This is where the Taoist ancestor Hongjun is located. Who can be so presumptuous, that is, their Sage brothers dare not… the people outside the palace, are they looking for death?

Haotian Jade Pool walked out of the cultivation place, and the person who shouted outside the palace was sentenced to death in his heart.

Bold, really bold, just presumptuous everywhere!

Wanting to die is not such a way to die!

The two of them walked out of the palace, ready to see who it was… They were really curious, how could there be such a bold person in the predicament?


Before the two arrived at the palace gate, the palace gate naturally opened.


Afterwards, a Daoist shadow rushed in from outside the palace almost instantly, rushing past the two of them, and its speed was so fast that the wind brought them back and flew back behind them.

The expressions on their faces changed in an instant, from curiosity, doubts to horror and horror.

Under this wind, they didn’t even have the slightest resistance. The thick Magic power in the body was also firmly suppressed by this wind. A spell could not be used for magical power.

“Master, help!”

The two wanted to ask for help, but found that neither of their mouths nor their thoughts could make a sound, fluctuating, and everything about themselves was tightly sealed in their bodies.

It was originally their bodies, but at this time it seemed to have become a coffin, locking them inside and isolating them from the outside world.

The fear in their eyes became stronger, and even Yaochi’s eyes flashed brightly.

They are scared, they don’t want to die.

But the feeling of being so isolated and helpless, unable to make any movements, and even unable to reveal his own thoughts, is really terrifying and terrifying.


Amidst isolation and helplessness, a voice of doubt suddenly rang in his ears.

The sound seemed to have mysterious power, and it also seemed to be a signal.

After the sound appeared, The next moment, the two regained their perception of the outside world, and the wind that oppressed them also disappeared.

Suddenly a big gentle hand appeared on each of them.

Above the big hand, a warm feeling fell into the body, so that they were completely cold because of fear and fear.

The two settled, and subconsciously followed the big hand and looked over.

At first sight, I saw a young man with sword eyebrows and stars, smiling gently, wearing a blue long dress, looking at them apologetically.

“Duobao, look at you, what kind of style is this kind of recklessness.”

The two of them have not recovered yet, they are still thinking about who this person is, and still thinking about other things, and still have lingering fears.

Suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from my ear, as if he had found the backbone of the main body, he turned around and ran towards the white-haired old man that suddenly appeared in the palace.

“Master, woo…Yaochi thought I would see you again!” Yaochi rushed to Hongjun’s body, all the fear in his heart was released in an instant, and he cried loudly, regardless of the fear of Hongjun. stand up.

The previous feeling really frightened her.

Haotian pursed his mouth, although he was not like Yaochi, crying loudly, but on his delicate face, he came to Hongjun’s side with a thick heart palpitations, with a small hand holding Hongjun tightly. Sleeves.

“Oh, be good, don’t cry, it’s okay, there’s a master, it’s okay.”

Hongjun patted Yaochi’s little head lightly, comforting softly, and while comforting, he gave Duobao a vicious look.

“Let’s talk about it, what is it that makes you so anxious and anxious?”

Duobao was embarrassed at first, and after recognizing the identities of the two boys, he was even more at a loss.

However, after hearing Hongjun’s question, he immediately looked serious: “Master, something has happened in the prehistoric land, and a strange clan is coming. If you do not take action, Master, the predecessor will be controlled by them.”

“Weird family?” Hongjun’s complexion suddenly changed very weird after hearing what Duobao said, staring at Duobao.

The weird family?

Just those parasites?

Are they capable of invading the prehistoric?

Why doesn’t he know this?

Do they dare to invade the prehistoric?

Give them some courage, if you are there, they dare not?

“Yes, Master, it’s like this…” Seeing that Hongjun didn’t seem to pay much attention to it, Duobao said all the strange people he knew, especially focusing on their secrets and evils. Again.

Hongjun: “……”

Although Duobao talked about the specific situation of the strange family, Hongjun himself knew better than Duobao. He once made a clone and traveled to the world where the strange family was located.

Most of what Dubao said was correct, but there was only one problem.

The strange family is not as terrifying and powerful as he said.

It’s too far!

“So, do you think the weird race has invaded the prehistoric?”

“That’s why you came to me? To let me stop the weird race?”

Hongjun slowly understood Duobao’s thoughts, and suddenly he felt a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded seriously, and looked at Hongjun still not rushing, he was a little anxious: “Master, do it quickly, otherwise, it might be too late.”

That’s a weird family!

In Yaochi, Haotian had slowed down slowly at this time, and it was good for Hongjun to be by his side, and the shadow of the soul formed by that experience could be quickly removed.

Listening to the conversation between Hongjun and Duobao, the two slowly understood something.

They looked at each other in shock.

It turns out that this guy is the legendary Nephew Duobao!

The two of them are not unfamiliar with Duobao’s name, because of him, Brother Sanqing has come to look for the master several times.

But he was just no stranger to this name, and it was the first time to see him.

“Brother…How do you feel that Senior Nephew Duobao is stronger than Senior Brother Sanqing?” Yaochi asked Haotian with shocked eyes.

The strength that Duobao showed just now, although he didn’t make a move, it also made the two of them feel deeply pressured.

It was Sanqing, Nuwa, Jiying, and Zhundi, and they felt that they were not under much pressure from Duobao.

Moreover, this was the first existence who dared to knock on the door of Zixiao Palace in this way.

This made the two of them unconsciously Ascension’s assessment of Dubao’s strength.

“Impossible… Brother Sanqing and they are all Sages!” Haotian replied with his eyes.

“But, that kind of feeling, that kind of pressure…Senior Brother Sanqing and others have never felt it before!” Yaochi refused.

“Maybe it’s because Senior Brother Sanqing and others have never shown their strength in front of me… It’s not like this Senior Nephew, who gave us a big meeting ceremony as soon as he came.”

Haotian looked at Duobao, his eyes gloomy.

What a shame!

In terms of seniority, they can be regarded as Duobao’s uncle.

Although they are just Hongjun’s boys, their status is not low.

Compared with Sanqing and other direct disciples, it is a lot worse, but if you say it is a lead, the Outer Sect disciple like Zhundi is not much worse.

Moreover, when they met Sanqing and others, they were also regarded as seniors, and Hongjun didn’t say anything, which represented acquiescence.

Therefore, it is completely fine to say that they are uncles.

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