Chapter 272 All Saints Shocked

In the disc, the power of filth rises, transforms into a layer of defense, and stands in front of it.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while, and after all, the saints were better, breaking through the defense of the power of foulness and entering the five-color disc.

However, despite breaking through the power of the filth, the faces of the sages did not see a trace of joy, but they became even more ugly.

Nuwa: “So strong… it’s hard to break through!”

The strongest force formed by the power of the united saints fell into the five-color disc, the power that wanted to clean up the dirt in it.

However, when the force falls, the speed is extremely slow, and the extent of its advancement is invisible to the naked eye.

The saints can clearly feel the huge resistance.

Compared with the filthy power that prevented them before, the power in the five-color disc is even stronger, and it completely knocks them down as Sage’s arrogance.

Combining the power of their Six Saints, it turned out to be so difficult… This thing turned out to be so strong?

All the saints felt that they had lost their Face.

Sage, the omnipotent, encountered Waterloo again here.

“Fortunately, even though it is difficult, it is still advancing.” The leader sighed, slowly instilling his own power, pushing the power of the sages, and slowly clearing the Five Elements Samsara.

All the saints are silent.

Yes, as mentioned in the introduction, although the progress is slow, it is always improving.

As long as the time is long enough, they will be able to restore the Five Elements cycle.

This is the case, but the mood of the saints is not good.

Here, it proves once again that their Sage is not omnipotent.


For a long time, Zhundi asked unwillingly.

The sages looked at the past in doubt, what and why?

“Why is the matter so serious, the master still forbids me to wait for it?”

The quasi dike was inconsistent, and even faintly angry: “The world has no owner, it is equivalent to emptiness, Rogue Cultivators have been polluted, and the Five Elements cycle has been polluted like this.”

“This is equivalent to all the three cycles going wrong.”

“The three major cycles are about heaven and earth.”

“Once everything goes wrong, then the prehistoric world will naturally collapse.”

“If we hadn’t discovered it early, and waited for a while, with our strength, could we really solve the problem of the Five Elements cycle?”

“Why is it that the master still forbids me to wait for the shot?”

At the end, Zhundi repeated the previous question again.

Listening to Zhundi’s words, none of the saints spoke.

They all have the same doubts, but they dare not say.

Only Zhundi said it.

After a long time, Tai Qing sighed: “Maybe Master has his own consideration, right?”

He couldn’t explain it either.

The Big Circle of Five Elements at this time requires the power of their six sages to clean up with difficulty.

Waiting for a while, Five Elements Big Samsara is completely eroded, and it is certain that they will never be able to clean up.

Even at that time, even them may be affected, once they come into contact with Five Elements’ big Samsara.

“At that time, the master should be able to take action?” Tongtian said.

All the saints have their own minds, no matter who they are or what they say, they just listen to it, and they still have their own cognition.

The sages slowly cleared the Five Elements cycle, and did not speak any more.

Suddenly, all the saints showed shocked faces and looked up at the void.

As you can see, the powerful Five Elements energy suddenly appears.

The next moment, in the eyes of all the saints, fell directly into the five-color disc.


As if a roar sounded in the brain, the saints only felt their hearts loose, and the strong resistance felt in the five-color disc disappeared in an instant.

Then, the five-color disc resumed its operation, and the power of dirt everywhere in it also showed its original appearance, mixed with the power of ominous power and endless negative emotions.

The Five Elements cycle resumed operation, and the power of the dirt was rushed out of it, suspended in the air, in a spherical shape, continuously rotating.

All the saints are stupid, look at the sphere that is floating in front of them, spinning endlessly, and then look at the Five Elements cycle, which has been restored and become more powerful, and opened their mouths unconsciously. .

Is this the end?

Who is making the shot?

So simple?

Originally, even if the six sages worked together, it would take at least a thousand years to complete the cleaning of the Five Elements cycle, but now, it is completely resolved in just a moment!

“Is it the master who made the move?” Zhundi shrank his neck subconsciously, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, regretting: “Is it because the master heard us that he made the move?”


As soon as this statement was made, all the other Sages were far away from Zhundi.

You Zhundi said the complaint, but it has nothing to do with us.

We didn’t say anything, we are not familiar with you.

Don’t think too much, in the prehistoric world, with such strength, only Dao Zu Hongjun can clear the Five Elements cycle in an instant!

“You…” Looking at the crowds of Sage far away from own, Zhundi wanted to cry without tears.

He wants to say that he didn’t mean it… Will the master believe it?

Thinking about it, Zhundi’s face drooped in an instant, and he believed…there is a ghost.

After a while, Zhun Di raised his head and looked at the lead who was also far away from him: “Brother!”

He could understand that other Sages stayed away from him, but it was really unacceptable for him to lead this senior to the same behavior.

It’s not about brotherhood!

Paper brothers?

“Cough!” He coughed awkwardly in Zhun Di’s faintly resentful gaze, but his determination was firm, not only did not compromise because of Zhun Di’s eyes, but it was even farther away from him.

Just kidding, arrange the master, let the master remember the hate, you can do it alone!

The West always needs a Sage. If you are punished, I can’t take it…otherwise, the West will lose the backbone and big things will happen.

I am not for myself, I am for the endless beings of the West.

Moreover, it’s just some arrangement. If you want to come, Master won’t make too much… right?

“Senior brother!” Seeing the figure who was far away again, Zhun Di’s eyes were even more resentful, but he didn’t say any more, lowered his head, waiting for Master’s summons.

Since the masters have already taken action, they will definitely be summoned next.

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for the expected summons, Zhundi raised his head involuntarily, eyes reveal wondering: “???”

By the way, Nuwa was also very puzzled, how could there be none?

Only Sanqing watched this scene, his eyes were shocked, and a trace of clarity was slowly drawn in the depths of his eyes.

The three of them glanced at each other, seeing the surprise in each other’s eyes, and guessing what the other person was thinking.

The three of them nodded slightly at the same time unconsciously in amazement, confirming the possibility that the other party had guessed.


The three of them didn’t say it, but they already had the answer in their hearts.

I’m afraid that it is not Master Hongjun who is going to clean up the Five Elements cycle this time, but their disciple, Duo Bao.

Otherwise, if the master appears, they will definitely be summoned now to tell the truth.

Now that there is no summons, it has already explained the problem.

What made them even more sure was that they all felt a familiar aura under the power to clean up the Five Elements cycle.

That is the breath of Dubo.

Duobao is their disciple. Of course, they are familiar with Duobao. They are sure that the master of that power must be Duobao.

“Has Dubao been so strong already?”

The three of them looked at each other, shocked, shocked, and pleased, a trace of sourness suddenly appeared.

The own disciples have left their teachers far behind, which is really a very sad thing.

Although this is a good thing for the disciples, it is too unfriendly to the teacher and respected master.

“Big Brother? Second Brother? Third Brother?”

Just as he was shocked, suddenly a clear shout came from his ear.

Sanqing instinctively replied: “Hey?”

When I heard the sound, I just reacted, completely recovered, looked at Nuwa who was calling them, and asked, “Sister Nuwa, what’s the matter?”

After receiving the lead, Zhundi stared at Sanqing suspiciously.

Just now, when they were all waiting for Master Hongjun’s summons, they suddenly felt something wrong with Sanqing.

They seem to be distracted, and they seem to have thought of something, and their emotions are joyful, gratified, and sad.

Even with their Sage’s Cultivation Base, they couldn’t completely conceal their mood swings, which shows how terrifying they are!

They were very curious about what Sanqing had discovered that made their emotions so complicated that even with Sage, they couldn’t control their emotions.

“It’s nothing, I think of some family affairs, which makes everyone laugh.” Hearing the enquiry of the sages, Tong Tian slowly shook his head, without intending to elaborate.

Taiqing waved his hand and sent back the Five Elements cycle that had been restored, and then said: “This matter has been resolved, then I will leave first.”

After saying this, Sanqing Qiqi faced the lead, Zhudi, Nuwa gave a farewell ceremony, and then left without waiting for the three of them to respond.

“Hey, haven’t you waited?” Zhundi was stunned, shouldn’t they wait for Master Hongjun’s summons here?

Why is Sanqing so direct and so happy to leave?

Are they not afraid?

Xiuying slowly shook his head, staring at Sanqing’s departed back: “I’m afraid, Master will not summon us anymore.”

“Huh?” Zhundi was puzzled, and looked to the lead: “Senior brother, what does this mean?”

Then he asked: “Junior Brother, don’t you understand?”

“I understand…” After speaking halfway, Zhundi suddenly appeared shocked, looked at Sanqing’s disappearing figure, and was stunned: “Could it be…”

“That’s right.” The leader nodded and said, “I am afraid that the one who shot this time may not be the master…”

“How is it possible?” Zhundi still couldn’t believe it.

If it’s not the master who just shot, who can it be?


How could their strength be so strong?

Moreover, their deity is clearly here, how can they make another shot?

“It’s not the respected master, it’s someone else!” said Ning Ying, his heart sinking.

Judging from the current situation, there must be an inexplicable presence behind Sanqing.

Its strength may not be comparable to Master Hongjun, but it is definitely stronger than their Sage!

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