Chapter 264

The black tree exploded, endless vitality appeared, countless cyan colors formed an ocean, covering the many fruit tribes, and removing the dark spots on their bodies.

The fruit clan boss said in a deep voice, “Do you really want to die?”

Di Jun sighed and shook his head: “It’s not that we don’t want to let you go, there is really nothing we can do!”

“The big formation has been launched, the curse power has been gathered…you know us.”

“Under your chase, we can only run away in embarrassment… It is already the limit to be able to do this.”

The fruit clan boss silently turned his head and looked at the thick and powerful, terrifying and heart-palpitating curse Star… was silent.

He knew that the other party did not lie.

Whether it can be sent or not… For them, these curse powers are still too reluctant.

It was far beyond his expectation to be able to achieve this level.

If it is really easy to take it back.

Then it would be impossible to be chased by them so miserably.

“Do you know that even though you borrowed the Forbidden Land Curse… you may not be able to kill us!”

The fruit clan boss said in a deep voice, “You look down on us too much.”

Although the curse power made them feel palpitations, after all, the strength of the monster clan was still a lot worse.

Even the power of the curse induced by the Universe star battle array was not enough to kill them instantly.

“There is no underestimation!” The universe star battle array is gradually approaching, and more Star power condenses, carrying the power of curse, forming a curse Star.

Di Jun looked at the fruit clan boss seriously: “We don’t want to kill you, we are not as arrogant as you!”

The fruit clan boss felt the pressure on his body, and listened to Di Jun’s words, his pupils suddenly shrank: “You want to seal us?”


Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and a space was formed in the universe of stars.

The power of curse exploded, spreading across the entire array.

The fruit clan creatures subconsciously flew towards the newly born space.

Except there, other places are surrounded by cursing power.

The curse power is fierce, even if they are in the endless sea of ​​vitality, black spots appear on their bodies, and then, the smell of rotting appears.

It’s not that they haven’t resisted, but they can’t resist the power of curse at all.

That power is too fierce!

They can’t bear it!

After so many years, they finally realized the situation of being driven to a dead end.

The Guo Clan boss’s complexion was very ugly, watching a group of people being forced into that space.

In his opinion, that space is just a coffin to seal their coffins.

It is not difficult to guess that the space is easy to enter, but difficult to come out.

“Really?” The fruit clan boss asked again in a deep voice.

He didn’t stop it, because besides that, he didn’t think of any other good way for the time being.

If he stayed here forever, he would be completely eroded by the power of the curse and die.

Zhenfeng is better than death!

“I take you up high!” Taiyi looked at the fruit clan boss with pity: “This is the case, you have chased us for so long… You should have known that you and I are deadly enemies!”

“Why do you still have such a naive idea now?”

“Don’t say whether we can send or receive it, even if we can receive it… Do you think we will receive it?”

The fruit clan boss was silent and stopped talking.

Watching all the people walk into the space, and finally glanced at the approaching curse power, although he could still support it, he still walked in.

“Remember, my name is Guo Wang!”

His figure slowly disappeared, and what echoed in the big formation was his last sentence.

“King of Fruit!” Di Jun repeated the name again, remembering the name in his heart.

He knew that the matter this time was not over.

It can only be regarded as a temporary end!

The Universe star battle array rotates, and the power of endless curses gathers and turns into a shining chain, locking the newly opened space in it.

Inside, all the fruit tribes didn’t move, they just looked at them with a smile.

The curse chain locked the space, and at the same time blocked the curse from the outside world, so that the fruit races would not be affected anymore.

King Guo looked at and looked at him, suddenly his complexion was pale, and he said bitterly, “It’s been calculated!”

Emperor Jun, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, their bodies flashed, showing their true appearance, full of damage, the power of the curse flooded the whole body, looking very embarrassed.


The cursing force suddenly rolled back and fell on Kunpeng. In an instant, Kunpeng was beaten into a paper-thin existence. Fuxi also stood quietly on top of his head, pinching his fingers constantly, never raising his head. .

The Universe Star Dou formation dispersed, and Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, Fuxi, and all the monster races were all turned into a painting at this time.

The expressions on their faces froze, just like the characters in the painting.

The paintings formed by the demons floated in the starry sky, falling on the space locked by the cursed chains, blocking their eyes, and then breaking through the void and entering the unknown.

They are not so strong on the surface!

They couldn’t do it at all to affect the endless curse, they just barely started.

All the follow-up forces appeared because they had exhausted all their strength before they could do it.

If the Fruit Race can persist for a while, they will find that the Universe Star Dou formation will disintegrate. After that, all the monsters will be backlashed by the power of the curse. Without them, they will all be cursed and there will be no more. the power of.

Unfortunately, they were frightened.

After suffering a little bit of damage, he automatically walked into the cage specially prepared for them by Di Jun and others.

Then, they cooperated extremely well, and there was no resistance, so they were suppressed.

In the starry sky, countless surviving creatures hid in the forbidden areas, looking stupidly at the starry sky that had become empty, without responding for a long time.

“This is the end?”

Some creatures asked in disbelief.

Originally they thought that this time, it must be doomed.

The Fruit Clan is too fierce.

It was simply not something they could fight against… the power of the two groups of Lich was difficult to fight against.

Unexpectedly, the development of the matter was so trivial, that the incomparably powerful fruit clan was so obediently bluffed by the demon clan, and automatically entered the cage.

They couldn’t believe this operation.

Yuding walked out of a forbidden area, and walked hard step by step to the Great Wall.

“Witch, Demon, Fruit…”

It was not that he didn’t want to make a shot before, but he was really unable to make a shot. He shot too many times and he had reached the limit.

If he shoots again, he is afraid it will disintegrate directly.

The most important thing is that the situation will not change even if he shoots.

The strength gap is too big.

Even though he had been cultivating hard for so long, he barely managed to break through the Xuanxian.

Coupled with the power of curses, it can’t change the overall situation.

“The Fruit Clan is very powerful, but lacks experience… If you replace it with other races, you can definitely see the reality of the Monster Race… The Fruit Clan didn’t see it… Sure enough, they were created by the elder brother, a new race. , The experience, the experience is still too little.”

“Otherwise, we cannot escape this battle!”

As he was thinking, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the void. In that direction, a terrifying wave of power was appearing.

Yuding frowned: “Guo Clan?”

The Fruit Clan has now discovered the clues, and is angrily assaulting the blockade, with a huge roar resounding in the entire starry sky.

The sentient beings who had just been immersed in the joy of escaping from the dead were suddenly instinctively frightened.

“It’s not over yet?”

“Can they escape?”

“No way!”

“Is there really no way, right?”

The Fruit Clan’s action against the cage became louder and louder, and the sound became louder and louder, and the terrifying fluctuations swept across the starry sky, making countless creatures frightened and panicked.


Yuding bowed his head and looked at the Great Wall at his feet: “Witch?”

The Great Wall was shaking, and after a few breaths, suddenly countless figures appeared.

That was the witch clan who turned into stone and built the Great Wall.

The leader is the twelve witches exuding monstrous and vicious atmosphere.

After they appeared, they didn’t say a word, and rushed straight towards the cage of the Fruit Clan that had reappeared in the unknown place.

Before reaching the cage, the Ten Thousand Demon Paintings on the surface moved slightly, and the witches rushed in one after another.

Following this, a more violent roar sounded, and more powerful fluctuations appeared, but the cage of the Fruit Clan sealed the town was heading towards and away from it.

Seeing that they were about to disappear, Yu Ding’s eyes flashed with determination, and he rushed forward in the form of Sword Ray.

“Junior Brother Yuding!”

Yuding chased the cage, heard the shout, didn’t look back, and rushed in for an instant: “I will help them, the fruit clan has been sealed, the starry sky has returned to calm… we can’t hold it for long.”

“You have to seize this period of time and cultivate… after the strength Ascension gets up, come and replace us!”

The weight ball in Zhao Gongming’s hand was spinning, and Sanxiao stood behind him, and a group of other juniors, looking at the disappearing figure of Yuding and Wanyao, fell into silence.

“Junior Brother Yuding…”

The golden spirit came through the air, and the golden light flashed on his body, turning into a blazing flame.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and Jin Ling waved his hand: “Go back and cultivate…this calamity is not over yet.”

“Next time, when the Fruit Clan reappears… it’s when the decisive battle arrives.”

“At that time, I hope we don’t even have the ability to participate in battle anymore.”

“Hope… next time, we don’t need to rely on other people’s sacrifices to survive!”

Jin Ling came and left quickly, as if there was something urgent, came and left in a hurry.

Only a group of juniors were left in place, and the juniors looked at each other.

Everyone had no thoughts to speak, they looked at each other, and suddenly left each other.

What Senior Sister Jin Ling said was right…such a feeling of powerlessness, they didn’t want to experience it again.

Seeing Wan Yao painting disappear again, all the creatures breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally they still did not rush out!

This calamity… is temporarily over.

Each waited quietly for a long while, and then returned to the forbidden land in unison, suffering the damage of the power of the curse, and at the same time speeding up their own cultivation.

After a long time, Duobao’s figure suddenly appeared.

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