Chapter 265

In the vast starry sky, empty.

There are not a few creatures in the endless Star.

On the contrary, there are many creatures in the forbidden land everywhere.

“Um… Has the first dark turmoil already happened?”

“It seems that everyone knows the power I have left… not bad, not bad.”

Duobao nodded in satisfaction, looked at the silent starry sky, and stepped forward into a space.

This is an aquamarine space, and the entire space is full of aquamarine branches and leaves.

In the center of the space, a huge green tree with a sturdy body is comparable to a Galaxy.


Seems to have discovered Duobao’s arrival, the big tree shook, the leaves kept swaying, and a wave of admiration came.

Duobao touched the tree and slapped his tongue for a while. I still remember that when he first made this big tree, it was only one foot high, but now it has reached the size of countless Galaxy, which is indescribable in light years.

The tree body trembles, gently rubbing Duobao’s palm, and a burst of grievance comes.

Duobao couldn’t help but patted the tree: “Are you still wronged?”

“What have you forced those creatures into, your children, isn’t it just right to be caught now?”

The big tree just didn’t support it, and it couldn’t help shaking, causing the entire space to tremble.

“Well, well, I see. I arranged it. I don’t blame them.”

Duobao helpless: “Don’t worry, they will come out, but not now.”

The appearance of the Fruit Clan is the biggest boss in the dark trial field. If you beat them, then the trial field will be cleared this time.

A wave appeared, and Duo Bao Xunsheng looked over.

I saw a green light flashing between the leaves, with a strong breath of life, gradually growing into the size of a star.

The fruit tree thought came, and Duobao took off his hand. The moment he started, he couldn’t help being a little surprised: “Is this for me?”

This fruit is filled with endless life force.

This is the result of the fruit clan grabbing those liches and transforming them into creatures.

The tree shook, and amidst the excitement and joy, a positive thought came.

Duobao touched the fruit in his hand, slightly moved.

All that is contained in it is the purest and richest life force.

The product after being refined by fruit trees.

“You little guy…” Duobao chuckled lightly.

Calculated in terms of quantity, half of the life and essence of all the creatures absorbed by it during this period are here.

This thing is nothing to him, but for the fruit tree, it is the best growth influence, and it is an instinctive desire.

It was able to hold back such a desire, leaving half of it to itself, and refining it, showing its thoughts.

When moved, his complexion suddenly changed.

An extremely sharp force suddenly appeared in his body.


Duobao suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of red blood.

The blood flew out and turned into a big axe in the air.


The space trembled, and there was a breath that was about to break open.

The tree shook, the leaves flew down, and countless branches flew down in front of him, blocking Dubao and the axe.

The fruit tree was very scared, but still used all his power to protect Duobao.


An idea came.

As soon as Duobao realized what had happened, he was moved by the fruit tree’s movements.

This is the Pangu axe he encountered in the Gene Sea before.

At that time, he was hit by Pangu’s axe light and was seriously injured. If it weren’t for the arrival of his master, Hongjun, he might have fallen on the spot.

Later, his body slowly recovered, and he thought it was all right.

Unexpectedly, the power of Pangu’s axe light was hidden so deeply, it still existed, and it only broke out now.

In the middle, he didn’t notice it at all.

“Okay, little guy, it’s okay.”

Duobao patted the tree wall formed by the branches in front of him, and said softly.


Duobao shook his head: “It’s okay, it’s not dangerous, I can handle it.”

Although Pangu’s Axe Light was powerful, it was not in the Gene Sea, and there was no continuous replenishment. It was in his body and had been consumed a lot, and Pangu’s Axe Light could not harm him anymore.

However, although Pangu axe light is nothing to him, it is a fatal danger to this little guy.

The weakened Pangu axe light is also the Pangu axe light, which cannot be resisted by this little guy who has not yet grown up.

Even if he grows up, it is difficult to stop him.

It is a tree creature, and it is more sensitive than ordinary people in perception. It should be clear about this, but now it still stands in front of him without hesitation.

“Okay, spread it out.”

The fruit tree still hesitated, for fear that Duobao would be injured.

Duobao said softly: “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt me.”


Hearing that Dubao said this again, the fruit tree was hesitating, and scattered the branches, revealing the Pangu axe light hanging in the air behind it.

call out!

Duobao waved his hand and caught Pangu axe in his hand.

This is transformed by axe light, and it falls into the hand, but it is as substantial, heavy and textured.

It felt like holding a real axe.

“Pangu axe light?”

Dubao took Pangu axe light, and immediately felt the difference.

An extraordinary texture rushed into my heart.

In contrast, the Magic power he condenses is like cotton, while the Pangu axe is steel.

“Is the gap so big?”

Dubao was very surprised.

After the suppression of Xiantian Restrictions, he thought that own Magic power was very pure, condensed, and powerful.

But I didn’t expect it to be so far away!

“This is also the composition of Magic power?”

Duobao carefully observed Pangu’s axe light.

“Is it Pangu god-tier’s Magic power?”

“It turns out, is the gap between me and Pangu god-tier so big?”

“Moreover, the Magic power of Pangu god-tier turned out to be so condensed…”

As soon as this thought came out, Duobao himself laughed first.

Self-deprecating: “I’m really floating too, comparing myself to Pangu god-tier!”

“Sure enough, not only me, but others also know the path to Magic Power.”

“Pangu god-tier can kill other Chaos Demon Gods in the chaos, it should be because of this condensed Magic power?”

Duobao guessed.

In the chaos, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were born. Pangu god-tier slayed the other 2999 Chaos Demon Gods with one’s own power. Under the axe, there was no one-one enemy.

Its powerful and invincible attitude, unparalleled domineering.

“Sure enough, my path is right… Magic power condensed to achieve this level!”

Duobao was a little pleased, and got affirmation from this Pangu axe light.

“However, I used Gold Finger and Xiantian Restrictions to compress Magic power. What kind of compressed Magic power does Pangu god-tier use?”

“It’s also Xiantian Restrictions?”

Duobao thought: “It should be the law of the great road, after all, Pangu god-tier was born from the creation of the chaotic treasure, and at the same time, there is also the chaotic treasure Pangu axe, which is accompanied by the chaotic treasure good fortune jade disc.”

“The good fortune jade disc even records the Three Thousand Avenue… compressing Magic power, for it, it is not a big problem.”

Turning the Pangu axe lightly, Duobao suddenly uttered a soft voice: “Huh?”


His eyes widened suddenly, and he stared at Pangu.

In this axe light, he actually saw the existence of genes.

It is not a gene that originally exists in it, but a gene that has just been born.

There were several rice-sized blood spots on the chaotic Pangu axe light, which were transformed by the blood he had just vomited.

At this time, the genes he saw existed on these blood spots.

In Pangu’s axe light, inexplicable power flowed, falling on the blood spot, creating several new genes.

“My genes?”

With a move of Duobao’s thoughts, on Pangu’s axe light, blood spots flew up and hung in front of him.

You can clearly see that the sharp and heavy meaning flashes.

“It’s not my genes, it’s just part of my genes…mixed with the power of Pangu’s axe light, a new gene is formed.”

call out!

Suddenly, a wave of power came.

Duobao raised his head, and above his head, a big eye exuding endless Taoism suddenly appeared.

“Heavenly Dao?”

Dubao was shocked, why did Heavenly Dao come?

A thought fell, and Duobao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: “Take it!”

Heavenly Dao’s appearance was to ask for the genes that his blood has transformed. For this reason, the Three Thousand Dao was opened and allowed him to insight into a Yuanhui.

Of course he would.

Just a few genes.

“Wait…you won’t use this stuff to calculate me?”

Seeing the blood flew out and headed towards Heavenly Dao with big eyes, Dubao couldn’t help asking.

Heavenly Dao blinked with big eyes, did not speak, and disappeared after ingesting the blood spots.

Although it didn’t speak, Duobao clearly felt a silent breath from it.


“You are speechless, am I still speechless?”

Duobao murmured a few words softly.

Although he also knows that if Heavenly Dao really wants to deal with him, he doesn’t need to use this method at all, but in the midst of the wilderness, the curse is powerful, and the blood falls in the hands of the caring person, so it can naturally cast the curse.

His worries are normal too!

“The existence of genes does not seem to be so mysterious?”

After Heavenly Dao left, there was a flash of light in Duobao’s mind, and he looked at Pangu and fell into contemplation.

“It seems that as long as the quality of Magic power meets the standard, it can directly create new genes with its Movement Technique power and its own Insight?”

The reason why genes appear on the Pangu Axe Light is because the power quality of the Pangu Axe Light is high enough and the level is strong enough.

After thinking carefully about his previous understanding and the current situation, Duobao came to a conclusion.

Wei Wei was a little excited: “In other words, as long as I upload my own Magic power Ascension… then I can create genes?”

I have been searching for a long time, and now I have an answer.

Dubo was overjoyed, but after the joy, he was speechless.

“It turns out this thing is so simple… Then why should I suffer such a serious sin before?”

“As long as I keep simulating Magic Treasures, I will naturally meet the corresponding Magic power requirements…Genetic issues will naturally come into contact.”

“Why do I do this?”

Duobao was upset that he had known that it was so simple, why did he take such a big risk before.

Although not dead, it really hurts!

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