Chapter 263 The Universe Star Dou Great Array can still be used like this?

“not good!”

The weird ginseng fruit creature, the leader of the fruit clan, suddenly jumped his eyelids, discovered something, speeded up, and wanted to prevent the twelve ancestor witches from waking up.

“They are tainted with curses too much, they have been tainted by curses…there is not much reason.”

“They discovered the situation outside… they want to unleash the true power of the curse!”

The black air is big, like the sky is falling, the eyelids of the twelve ancestor witch are shaking, and the power of terror is recovering.

The entire starry sky seemed to be shocked at this time and lost its color.


The black qi hand fell, the body of the twelve ancestor witch was trembling, and the eyelids were shaking faster, and the terrifying aura on his body became more and more intense.

“The curse power has invaded…can’t hurt them!” The fruit clan boss’s eyelids flicked, and his eyebrows kept beating.

The twelve ancestor witches will turn into twelve cursed creatures, dare not delay, the fruit clan boss suddenly waved, the endless black energy quickly condensed behind him, and formed a big black tree in front of him.

Lost the cover of black energy, all the fruit races appeared, each with a smile, smiling at the opposite Lich.


The fruit clan boss stretched out his hand and pointed at the twelve ancestor witch.


The black tree hadn’t moved yet, suddenly a brilliant golden flame fell, blocking the black tree’s path.

The flame collided with the black tree. Although the flame was annihilated in an instant, it also prevented the black tree from moving.

Di Jun fell beside the Twelve Ancestor Witch, looked at their constantly shaking eyes, and shook his head slightly: “It’s not the time yet. Let us leave the rest…”

The Twelve Ancestral Witch seemed to have heard his words, his eyelids trembled quickly, and each of them calmed down, and the terrifying power on his body began to calm down.


A bloody light flew out and fell on the Great Wall. In an instant, all the witches flashed a small bloody light, flew into the Great Wall, turned into blood-colored stones, and restored the broken Great Wall again.

Exhausted Xing Tian, ​​watching this scene, the green light on his body disappeared under the blood light, The next moment, the whole person turned into a blood light, turned into a blood-colored stone, and fell into the Great Wall.

Before long, all other witches were also turned into stones, and the Great Wall was strengthened again.

Soon, on the entire huge Great Wall, only the monster race was left.

The demon clan who also had no power looked at this scene, and his heart suddenly became empty.

“Fruit clan…” Taiyi turned himself into a three-legged Golden Crow, exuding a rich golden sun and real fire, blocking the front of the fruit clan boss: “How do you call it?”

In these years of fighting, of course he had known about the existence of these people who were chasing and killing himself and others, calling himself the Fruit Clan.

It’s just that, so far, no one knows the name of any of them.

“You are not qualified to know our names!” The fruit clan boss said disdainfully.

The next moment, a strong anger exuded from the black tree, rushing towards Taiyi.

For them, all the creatures in the Lich races and even in the starry sky are just food for them. They are inferior existences. How do they deserve to know their names?

Taiyi was swept away, and the real fire on his body vanished instantly, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“The emperor!”

The demons shouted in grief and indignation.

Di Jun was not in a hurry, and he didn’t even move.

There was no joy on the face of the fruit clan boss, but a hint of solemnity.

“Hiccup~” Soon, Taiyi flew back staggeringly, burped full, and said to the fruit clan boss: “It tastes good, you can have more.”

“Swallow it?” The fruit clan boss’ eyes became fascinated, and he saw the clue.

Tai Yi actually swallowed his power.

“Hmph, I want to see, how much can you swallow?”

The fruit clan boss snorted coldly. Above the black tree, blue light flickered, and one after another force struck Taiyi.

Too flapped his wings, opened his big mouth, and sucked fiercely, no one would refuse.


The fruit clan boss slowly opened his mouth, and all the power he played was actually swallowed by Tai Yi!

“Are there any more, really good.” Tai Yi wiped his mouth with his wings, and asked the fruit clan boss.

The fruit boss couldn’t laugh anymore.

He knows Taiyi and knows his strength.

Logically speaking, he should not even be able to bear his own power. How could he swallow so much?

The situation is wrong.

The fruit clan boss looked at Tai Yi with a solemn expression.

Taiyi didn’t make any other movements, let him watch, and stretched his own body.

The golden feathers are constantly shining with golden light, just like gold.

The scorching sun’s real fire shuttled among the feathers.

“No!” Suddenly, the fruit clan boss suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

Standing behind them are countless fruit tribes, except for them, they are the dark and silent starry sky, and countless stars.

It seems that there is nothing unusual.

However, the complexion of the boss of the Fruit Clan turned ugly in an instant.

With a wave of his hand, Hei Shu rushed towards the void behind him.

After rushing behind a group of fruit tribes, a ripple suddenly appeared…The black tree was actually blocked.

This is the projection of the ginseng fruit tree, the mother tree of his fruit clan, combined with their power.

Can’t break through?

The Guo Clan boss shook his head and turned to look at Taiyi, knowing that things might be beyond his control.

“Has it been discovered?”

With a sigh, he thought about being discovered again, but never thought that he would be discovered so early.

The figure turned into a human form from the state of the deity.

Becoming the deity is just to make the Fruit Clan look down upon himself, prepare for his own, and buy time. Now, since it has been discovered, it is unnecessary.

“What is that?” the fruit clan boss asked.

He stared at that side for a long while, without seeing what happened.

This is very strange, you know, with his strength, how can it be impossible to tell the truth?

Moreover, even the black tree can’t break through, it can only bring out a ripple, not even letting its true face be revealed.


A fruit clan creature suddenly shot, a branch, following his movements, hit the black tree.

He directly passed through the place where the black tree was blocked, and rushed towards the endless distance without being blocked by the slightest.

It seems that what the black tree encounters is just an illusion!

Upon seeing this, the fruit clan boss was silent, thinking for a moment, and cast a look at a fruit clan.

The other party knew it immediately, without doing anything, and flew straight towards the black tree.


As soon as he came to the side of Hei Shu, he took a step forward and was knocked back.

All the fruit clan creatures stayed for a moment.

The complexion of the fruit clan boss suddenly became even more ugly.

Turning his head to Taiyi and asked, “Do you want to trap us all here?”

This is really incredible.

You know, they are all golden immortals, he is even the ultimate golden immortal, and the strongest person on the other side is far from the ultimate golden immortal.

The power gap between the two parties is so great that if they want to kill, they should also kill the Lich races, not the other way around.

However, what makes him even more incredible is how did they get such a powerful force?

Even the black tree can’t break through, and can’t show the true face…This is different from the strength of the two races they know!

He was puzzled.

“How is it possible!” Tai Yi shook his head, feeling a little regretful: “Although I really want to, but I have to admit that we don’t have this strength!”

“Let’s start!” Di Jun suddenly came to Tai Yi and said in a deep voice.

Nodded too much.

“Emperor Xi, Demon Master…you can start!”

As soon as the voice fell, all the fruit tribes looked sideways and looked towards the starry sky.

As soon as I saw it, in the starry sky, a big bird with huge wings covering countless galaxies appeared slowly, not fast, but it made them feel extremely palpitating when they saw it.

On Big Bird’s head, a Daoist shadow stood upright, holding a Lingbao in his hand, looking down seriously, his fingers quickly pinched, as if he was trying to pinch something.

With their arrival, an invisible and powerful force suddenly filled the entire starry sky.

The fruit clan boss saw clearly that the power that prevented them from leaving was emitted from this person and bird.

Emperor Jun raised his hand, and the demons raised their hands subconsciously.

As soon as he raised his hand, a powerful wave appeared, and it fell on all the monster races instantly, turning into bright spots.

The fruit clan boss was moved and recognized the essence of those light spots: “Curse!”

His scalp was numb, his vest was sweating, and each of those light spots turned out to be a curse.

Although it is not a complete curse, it wins because there are too many!

He suddenly understood what the Taiyi class did, and suddenly understood why they could block the own black tree.

“You don’t want to die?” The fruit clan boss looked at Tai Yi in horror, Di Jun, and asked loudly.

They actually used the power of the entire monster race to drag the curses in the countless forbidden areas in the starry sky, and based on all the monster races, they carried these curses, and then formed a powerful formation.

This formation, a curse, is fierce!

Of course, the fruit clan boss knows that this formation is for the Universe Star Dou formation… but it is the strongest formation of the monster clan.

They had not encountered it before, but he never took it to heart.

Because, that can’t help them at all.

But now… he was shocked and scared.

“Let us go… we promise not to chase you down again!” The fruit clan boss felt the horrible breath, and was frightened.

He never thought that this big formation could still be used like this!

The monsters are not afraid, but despised, but the power of the curse… they dare not be afraid!

Carried by the Universe star battle array, condensing many curses, the final power formed is no worse than the power of one or even several real curses in the forbidden land!

They are not rivals!

He is scared!

So beg for mercy!

He doesn’t want to die!

“Let you go!” Hearing this, Di Jun slowly shook his head. The Universe star formation has been formed, and the power of the vast Star appears, with a powerful and terrifying curse, forming countless curse Stars.

Black spots still appeared on the bodies of the fruit tribes, and a stench slowly appeared, which seemed to be like a rotten fruit.

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