Chapter 262 The Twelve Ancestral Witches Under The Great Wall

All the witches are shining, blood-red light.

That is the light of qi and blood brought by a powerful body, hot and powerful.

Through the blood connection, it was passed to Xing Tian’s body, helping his broken body to condense an unprecedentedly powerful force.


Baize Lion coughed and flew back, and then all the monster races also fell.

The powerful black air hit, billowing like a tide, and impacted on the Great Wall.

The Great Wall was shaking, seemingly unbearable, trembling constantly.

Of course, Baize Lion blocked a bit in front, and it didn’t reduce the pressure on the Great Wall. It just bought some more time.

Baize Lion fell on the Great Wall and lost his power.

He panted with a big mouth, looked at the dark wave that was not so far away, felt the shaking of the Great Wall under him, and shouted at Xing Tian: “Xuantian, are you alright!”

This black energy is powerful, terrifying, and unimaginable.

He condensed the power of all the monster races with three thousand demon texts, and it was unstoppable.

Is Xing Tian OK?

Suddenly, Baize Lion’s heart was trembling, and the back of his neck felt like a sudden cold, and his head was no longer on his neck.

Xing Tian held the big axe tightly with both hands, and the meaning of heavy, powerful, and sharp exuded from the axe.


Xing Tian held the big axe, rushed out, appeared in front of Heiqi for an instant, and without hesitation, the big axe slammed down.

In an instant, all the liches shrank their necks in an instant, feeling that suddenly, their own heads were no longer above their necks.

With a loud shout, the black air broke out, splitting into two from the middle of Xing Tian, ​​and dispersed to both sides.

As the black air dissipated, countless familiar creatures appeared in it, emerald green branches, emerald green leaves, and eternally smiling weird ginseng fruit creatures.

They were either standing on the leaves or on the branches, their bodies flashing in terror, and then, on the branches and leaves, a steady stream of green vitality gas was continuously emitted.

The gas condensed, quickly condensed, and gradually turned black.

“Hiss~” Someone couldn’t help taking a big breath, shocked.

It wasn’t until this time that they discovered that the black energy was actually not black, but green. It was only because it was too condensed that it became like this.

The weird ginseng fruit creatures manipulate the branches and leaves to form a wave of black air, which impacts everyone.

Xing Tian split the black energy with a single axe, but there was not the slightest joy on his face.

Condensing the vitality and blood of many witch races, the body that should have been warm and hot was as cold as ice at this time.


Accompanied by bursts of roar, the black energy that splits into two quickly recovered.

A group of weird ginseng fruit creatures in the dark qi smiled, looked at them quietly, and let out a simple and oozing laugh: “Hehe, chuckle…”


The black gas closed, recovered, and hit again.

Xing Tian was holding a big axe, and his luck was boiling, and he wanted to issue another axe again.


The black qi formed a wave and reached Xing Tian’s body in an instant, knocking it away.

Xing Tian was beaten back into the Great Wall, and the sound of breaking in his body continued to be heard.

His bone was broken, and this is still the second thing. The most important thing is that his body has been invaded by black energy, and countless rich green lights are shining on his body, almost turning him into a green man.


The big axe fell and fell aside, not far from Xing Tian, ​​but Xing Tian had no strength to take it.

The blood condensed on his body was broken up, turned into countless arm-sized pillars of blood and blood, and returned to their respective masters.

All the witches were unsteady and sat down on the ground, their faces pale.

Their power has been used by Xing Tian… One axe did not repel the black energy… Now… they have no other way!


The Great Wall trembled rapidly, and the black air kept on impacting. Soon, the Great Wall was pierced through the skin.

Countless rubble fell, and dozens of terrifying auras appeared.

A series of terrifying auras and powers appeared.


The black air retreated in a moment, far away from the Great Wall, watching from a distance, no longer impacting.

Black energy surged, showing a strange ginseng fruit creature, looking at the situation on the Great Wall with a smile: “Curse?”

Although he was laughing, his shock could be heard in his voice!

He recognized the essence of the terrifying power that suddenly appeared on the Great Wall.

It is exactly the cursing power in the starry sky that should exist in each forbidden land.

“Space knife, years of constant sand, cursing the yellow mud, ancient does not speak…” Staring at the cursing power on the Great Wall, the strange creatures couldn’t help taking a breath of surprise.

These curses are one of the top curses in the starry sky, even they dare not touch them!

But I didn’t expect to see it here, and there are still so many!

Among these curses, the space sword, the years of constant sand, the curse of yellow mud and other curses are nothing more, the most dangerous, the most powerful, and the most dangerous is the ancient unspoken curse.

This curse is the strongest power!

The curse person in, will constantly hear the whispers and whispers of the ancient existence in his ears, disturbing the mind, cognition, and weak minds, and they can be crazy on the spot.

Even if it is a strong mind, it will not last long!

The ancient does not speak, the ancient, the ancient exists, without speaking, without words!

The first one is nothing more, there are still people who can bear it, but the one behind it is the curse person in the middle who cannot speak, not only cannot speak, but also other creatures who cannot listen to it.

As long as oneself or other creatures speak, then the curse will strike once, and the strange thing is that they also feel chilly.

But here…Looking at the countless witches on the Great Wall, the strange ginseng fruit was stunned.

At this time, he had fully understood it, no wonder he had gathered all the fruits, and then used the power of the mother tree to forcibly launch a dark turmoil. Under such power, these people should have been unable to resist.

Unexpectedly, they actually blocked it!

Relying on this Great Wall!

And this Great Wall is actually composed of these curses.

Regardless of how these curses were brought here by them, it was just the ancient unspoken curse…Under such an environment, it was him, thinking about it carefully, it was also chilling and heart palpitations.

You know, the most indispensable thing on this Great Wall is creatures.

They are talking all the time!

He didn’t know how the ancient curse was memorized by him, but he knew that since this curse appeared here, then it means that someone must be under this curse, and that person must still be here. .

“Hiss~” Suddenly, he took another breath, the smile on his face disappeared for the first time, replaced by a strong shock, amazement, and even some admiration!

“I see!”

He suddenly wanted to understand that the reason these curses appeared here was because someone went to the forbidden land, took the curse with their bodies, brought them out, and suffered great pain, thus forming the Great Wall!

“Really…you worked so hard…it made me a little embarrassed.”

The strange ginseng fruit creature suddenly waved, and the black energy surged, forming a big hand covering the sky above the head, covering the entire Great Wall.

All the liches looked up, eyes reveal desperate.

Before the palm of the hand fell, the Great Wall was already shaking, as if it could not bear it.

“The curse is strong, but it can’t be stopped!”

The weird ginseng fruit creature smiled again: “If they are still in the forbidden ground, then I’m still three-point jealous, but since they come out… it’s nothing.”

The forbidden land is the source of the curse. In the forbidden land, not to mention the super curse of ancient times, even if it is an ordinary curse, he dare not care about it.

However, after the curse was carried, its power was also limited. Without the blessing of the forbidden area, its power was greatly attenuated.

He doesn’t know why this is. Logically speaking, the power of curses shouldn’t be decayed because of this, but it is true that they decay after they appear.

Otherwise, if the dozens of curses on the Great Wall didn’t decay, he would turn around and leave when he saw it.

“It’s over!”

With a murmur, the black energy fell with a big hand!


The Great Wall was not just trembling anymore. Large swaths of it were shattered, and countless witches were submerged by the broken Great Wall rubble.

It’s not that they don’t want to hide, but they don’t have the power to hide.

The Great Wall of Nuo Da, traversing several galaxies, collapsed under this palm.

Suddenly there was a divine light flashing in the Great Wall, and a terrifying power appeared. There were twelve figures looming under the Great Wall after it collapsed.

There are various curses on them, not just one kind.

Upon seeing the strange ginseng fruit, his pupils suddenly shrank: “It’s them!”

He knows these twelve people, it should be said that he is very familiar.

Because his fruit clan traverses the starry sky, there are few rivals, and all creatures are their food.

There are a few existences that can contend with them, and other creatures, in front of them, are vulnerable.

And these twelve people are the top part of the few existences that can compete with them.

“So it was you… these curses… you also made them?”

Suddenly, he looked at the horrifying Twelve Ancestral Witch, and while admiring him, he was shaking his head again.

He could see that these twelve people had endured too many curses, and their consciousness had been confused.

They refined the Great Wall with curses, one to fight against their fruit clan, and the other to suppress themselves.

Because, at this time, if they appeared, I was afraid that they would no longer be able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

“Poor, sad, sigh…respectable!”

He sighed, his hands moved, but there was no softness in his hands.

The vigorous black air hand, with irresistible power, fell towards the twelve ancestor witch.

The witches looked sad and yelled: “My lord!”

The eyelids of the Twelve Ancestor Witch trembles, and in an instant, it seems that it has become the center of the world.

All creatures are not consciously paying attention to their behavior.

With the shaking of their eyelids, their hearts began to tremble.

A feeling of horror appeared in the heart, and all the creatures couldn’t help but raise their hearts.

I always feel that there seems to be some unimaginable horror that is about to wake up.

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