Chapter 261 True Darkness

The strange ginseng fruit flew back.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was going to break!

“Xuantian, that axe you just now…what is it?”

Baize Lion put Xing Tian down and looked at Xing Tian, ​​who had only a pair of eyeballs moving all over his body, and the shock in his heart suddenly disappeared.

“Hey…hehe…” Xing Tian grinned hard, seeming to be smiling, with a smug in his eyes.

Baize Lion saw it and gave him a slap: “Why are you laughing? I want to ask you something.”

“Oh~” Xing Tian screamed, his voice very much like a mosquito.

Baize Lion Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “I haven’t tried hard yet.”

Seeing Xingtian like this, Baize Lion understood.

This move is powerful, but it also took Xingtian half-life

Staring at the proud Xing Tian for a long while, Baize Lion suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

The expression on Xing Tian’s face turned into horror. Although he did not speak, he could clearly express his meaning: “What are you going to do!”


Baize Lion smiled, stretched out his palm, peeked at Xing Tian’s forehead, and hung it high.

Xing Tian’s eyes became more and more horrified, his eyes moved with Baize Lion’s palm, and in the dark eyes, he once again clearly expressed a sentence: “Don’t come over!”


Baize Lion triumphantly patted Xing Tian’s forehead: “Hey, great!”

Xing Tian grinned stiffly with his teeth in pain. He kept rolling his eyes, following Baize Lion’s movements, very rhythmic.

“That axe is called Xing Tianyi axe.” Xiang Liu next to him answered.

“Xing Tian Yi Xing?” Baize Lion stopped, looking at Xing Tian who was still rolling his eyes: “This guy, so narcissistic?”

Xiang Liu shook his head, and looked at Xing Tian enviously: “That axe was inherited by God the Father…”

“Father God?” Baize Lion was horrified. Xing Tian belongs to the Witch Clan. Among the Witch Clan, there is only one God Father.

“Pangu god-tier?” Baize Lion thought of it instantly: “Pangu god-tier!”

“Open the sky with three axes?” Baize Lion’s eyes widened in shock.

According to rumors, Pangu god-tier awakened from the chaos and opened up the world, using a total of three axes.

One axe breaks the chaos, the second axe destroys the chaos demon, and the third axe opens the world.

In the predicament, this is absolutely supreme magical powers.

Even if it is the Twelve Ancestral Witch, it may not be able to get the corresponding inheritance… Can Xingtian get it?

Baize Lion looked at Xing Tian who was still rolling his eyes with some suspicion, and couldn’t help but also rolled his eyes.

Just rely on this iron hanhan?

He has this blessing?

Xiang Liu nodded, looking at Xing Tian’s silly appearance, and couldn’t help shaking his head, sighing: “Yes, it is him, that is, he has obtained the inheritance of Father God’s Three Axes, although it is only the first axe.”

“That’s awesome too!”

Baize Lion was also envious, that was the three axes of the sky, such supernatural powers, even if he was the supreme demon clan, Emperor Jun, Taiyi didn’t have it.

Even if it’s just an axe, after the cultivation is completed, it will be enough to cross the land.

“You are so lucky!”

Baize Lion was so envious that he couldn’t help but slapped Xing Tian, ​​who was finally relieved.

As a result, Xing Tian saw Venus full of eyes.

“Xiaobai, wait for me to recover…look at me…I…”


Baize Lion slapped it again: “What are you doing?”

While joking, Baize Lion suddenly looked down and turned to look across from the Great Wall.

Xiang Liu also looked over.


Xing Tian suddenly felt a terrifying aura, which made him throb and palpitations.

Regardless of his seriously injured body, he snorted, forcibly gathered some strength, sat up, and looked over.

In the distance, a layer of rich, deep black aura, like the ocean, rushed over.

“what is that?”

Xing Tian was horrified and felt the great danger. Goose bumps all over his body became numb and his scalp numb.

This feeling is too bad and too dangerous!

His heart almost stopped beating, almost asphyxiated. His instinct told him that big trouble was coming!

In front of the mighty black Qi Seayang in front of him, everything before is like a toy, a playhouse, a game.

All the liches were stunned, looking stupidly at the billowing black air, and was stunned.


A thunderous sound appeared, it was the sound of black air coming.

The starry sky trembled, as if unable to withstand such a powerful force, the hearts of the liches trembled.


Before the black air arrived, suddenly there were countless screams.

The voice was sharp, miserable, and ear-piercing. In an instant, all the liches were awakened.

Following the reputation, I saw green light suddenly appeared on the bodies of many liches, and the whole person was very green.

The liches opened their eyes.

Above the heads of the screaming liches, when they looked over, a green light flashed on their bodies, and there was actually a green leaf growing!

In the appearance of the leaves, the sturdy bodies of these liches instantly withered, like a few corpses, against the leaves above their heads, suddenly seemed to have noticed their gaze, and turned to look at them all.

The liches were taken aback, this one was terrifying.

After turning into mummy, the eyes of the liches were all green, and in the dark starry sky, there were countless green lights flashing.

The person’s heart trembled when he saw it.

Countless pairs of green eyes glared, no one was not afraid, not afraid.

“There is an ominous force invading, everyone, be careful!”

Xing Tian’s expression changed, and he suddenly reminded him loudly.

The powerful intention of pioneering flashed on his body, forcing a green light, and the axe light flashed, dispersing the green light.

When everyone saw this, they mentioned Magic power to protect themselves, and they all discovered the inexplicable and hidden power that invaded themselves.

In an instant, I understood why those liches had become like that.

The strength is too weak, and this strength is very hidden, in time…when everyone was shocked by the black energy and didn’t have much energy to check the external situation, it suddenly came.

Therefore, most of the liches were recruited.

Just like this, the Lich on the Great Wall was half injured.

That power is too weird, too fierce!

Everyone was frightened, palpitated, and protected themselves with all kinds of magical powers. They did not dare to neglect and relax.

For fear that if one is not careful, own also appears green light, leaves growing on top of his head, and then turning into a corpse.

“No!” Not long after, the demon clan suddenly yelled, and a green light gradually appeared on his body: “I can’t stop it!”

The lich beside him instantly displayed magical powers and retreated.

It’s not that they didn’t want to save it, but when they found out, it was too late…The talking monster race had already grown leaves on top of their heads and turned into corpses.


Countless roars sounded, countless fighting sounds appeared, and the faces of the liches became even more ugly.

The liches who had turned into corpses were actually attacking them.

Although they had been prepared for a long time and did not suffer much damage, this greatly distracted their strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, many liches were turned into corpses.


There was another thunderous sound, this time it was not a fight, but the sound of black energy approaching.

Xing Tian’s face was pale, he could not see a trace of blood again, his face was very ugly, on the big axe in his hand, the intention to open up flashed, and the light of the axe shone, protecting himself.

“That black air is the source of everything… it’s getting closer and closer!”

“That terrifying power is getting heavier!”

Baize Lion was holding a demon book, looking at the liches who were fighting hard around him, and then looking back at the black energy that was approaching, his face was even more ugly than Xing Tian.

He is Baize Lion, illuminating everything, and he has a stronger perception than other Liches.



Can’t hold it!

Various feelings continued to appear in Baize Lion’s heart. He tried his best to calculate, but he couldn’t find a trace of life.


Suddenly, Xiang Liu yelled, and eight heads appeared behind him, one of which suddenly burst open and turned into a dark green smoke, rushing towards Baize Lion.

Baize Lion immediately tightened and felt the extreme danger.

If he let this dark green smoke fall into his body, he would be seriously injured if he didn’t die.

However, he did not dodge.

The smoke rushed across his cheeks and rushed behind him.


Accompanied by a voice that made people want to cover their ears, Baize Lion turned his head and saw a branch with the thickness of an arm, which appeared behind him at some point.

At this time, the originally emerald green branches quickly became dry under the dark green smoke, and when he saw it, they directly turned into powder and dissipated.

“Thank you!”

Baize Lion nodded at Xiang Liu, took a deep breath, holding a demon book, three thousand demon texts appeared, forming a huge Monster Qi shield in front of him.

“All the demons!”

Baize Lion shouted loudly.

The liches looked at him one after another!

Baize Lion tossed the demon book, flew into the sky, and quickly grew into a huge book covering the entire Great Wall.

“Listen to my orders and enter the demon book…Lend your power to me!”

Without hesitation, all the demon clan erlangs turned into various colors of light and flew into the demon book.

In an instant, the aura of civilization is even stronger, faintly, and even one can see a bright and powerful era.

That was the era of the Yaozu!

Baize Lion flew high into the sky, holding the demon book in both hands, his eyes sharpened, and he lowered his head to recite the demon clan sacrificial text. Then the civilization history of the development of a demon clan appeared, blocking the Great Wall.


The black energy rushed over, the power formed by the demon book trembled endlessly, but after all, it was still not broken.

“Xuan Tian, ​​Xuan Liu, I can only support ten breaths of time, and I will leave the rest to you!”

Xing Tian and Xiang Liu looked at each other without hesitation.

Xing Tian raised the large axe in his hand high, his body boiled with blood, and the temperature around him rose.

A strong blood rushed out like a mountain, turning into a blood-red big axe.


The witches shouted in unison: “Yes!”

“Blood is boiling!” Xing Tian shouted.

The witches did not reply, but a blood-red pillar of qi and blood appeared on their bodies at the same time, large or small.

Xing Tian moves Xing Tian’s axe, and its intention to open up is revealed. With the force of blood, it gathers the power of many witches and falls on the crimson big axe above his head!

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