Chapter 255: Growth and Road

After speaking, Duobao turned around and ran. Before Hongjun could answer, he was out of the law source and returned to Kunlun.

“No, Kunlun is not insured either.”

Duobao was still thinking about where he was going to escape, suddenly his vision changed, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Master…hehe.” Duobao glanced around, where the law came from.

“Duobao, I didn’t finish talking, so why did you leave?” Hongjun asked with a smile after retracting the palm of his hand that grabbed Duobao back.

“You haven’t guessed yet.”

“Guess, who is behind this scene?”

As Hongjun spoke, Duobao’s heart trembled as he listened.

Behind the scenes… isn’t it you who is behind the scenes!

After countless times, who has this strength and ability, besides your Taoist ancestor Hongjun, who else can it be?

Duobao wailed in his heart, knowing that he could not escape.

His face sank, Duobao smiled bitterly, “Master, why are you?”

He gave up.

Don’t give up, you can’t do it!

The strength gap between him and Hongjun is too big!

It’s not that he didn’t try to escape, but he was caught back after changing his mind.

Moreover, he didn’t even feel a trace of power fluctuations.

What can he do?

It must be impossible to escape.

Hongjun stared at Duobao and asked with a smile, “Why on earth? Why don’t you guess again?”

Duobao: “…”

I guess you are a ghost!

Can you guess this stuff?

Hearing Hongjun’s confession, Dubao immediately appeared in his mind with countless Honghuang Hongjun conspiracy theories that he knew.

Among those conspiracy theories, Hongjun is the biggest man behind the scenes, calculating the entire prehistoric world and countless sentient beings.

If that’s the case… how dare he say it.

“Master…I’m your disciple!” Duobao squeezed out a smile and shouted pitifully at Hongjun.

Hongjun raised his brows: “Oh?”

Duobao looked solemn, and patted his chest with righteousness: “Master, don’t worry, I am your disciple. No matter what you want to do, your disciple will follow you.”

“Even if you want to calculate the common people’s life, the disciples will accompany you as an enemy to the world!”

“No matter when, the disciples are on your side…the disciples are your good disciples!”

Duobao approached Hongjun, took his arm and shook it gently.

Hongjun: “…”

The goose bumps all rose up instantly.

Shaking off Duobao’s pull, Hongjun looked at Dubao weirdly…Unexpectedly, you are such Dubao.

Duobao leaned in again and took Hongjun’s arm, his big eyes blinking constantly.

Hongjun threw away, Duobao came up, Hongjun threw away again, Duobao came up again…

After so many times, Hongjun finally gave up, glaring at Duobao helplessly, the seriousness on his face that could no longer be maintained.

“Hey?” Duobao found out the moment Hongjun’s skin became loose.

The heavy and solemn atmosphere around him changed in an instant.

The chill on his body disappeared in an instant.

Dubao felt that something was wrong…Looking at Hong Jun, who was helpless and disgusted, he couldn’t help but blinked, “???”

“Hey!” Hongjun sighed, in a vicious tone, rubbing Duobao’s head vigorously: “Little disciple Sun, tell you something.”

Duobao grinned, but still asked in confusion, “What’s the matter?”

“Your so-called destiny actually has another name.” Hongjun said.

“Another name?” Duobao.

Hongjun: “The general trend…”

Duobao muttered, seemingly enlightened: “The general trend?”

“Chaos is chaos, the prehistoric is for the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth have a context.”

“The general trend of the world is something that was set after the Pangu god-tier opened up the world.”

“Pangu god-tier?” Duobao couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise.

After speaking, he was shocked, and immediately covered his mouth, looking in the direction of Gene Sea with some horror.

After seeing the unexpected axe light appeared there, he was relieved.

“Don’t worry, the name of Pangu god-tier can only have power in the realm of Dao. If it leaves the realm of Dao, it won’t arouse Pangu’s axe in other places.”

Seeing Dubao’s scared look, Hongjun couldn’t help but want to laugh.

You skin monkey, there are times when you are afraid.

“Oh, is that so?” Duobao understood.

Afterwards, after a moment of silence, he asked in amazement, “Pangu god-tier’s general trend?”

Pangu god-tier set all kinds of calamity?

Set the Lich as the pinnacle of the prehistoric, and then let his bloodline descendants to break the mountain that had been transformed by his spine?

How does this sound so fantasy?

Pangu god-tier did this…isn’t it stupid?

Knowing that Daoist is old, he will be confused, but Pangu god-tier is not an old man… he is not old, just exhausted… Is it possible that after exhaustion, he will also be confused?

Duobao’s eyes kept turning, and Hongjun just glanced at it and saw that he must not be thinking of anything good now.


“Oh!” Duobao covered his head and looked at Hongjun puzzledly: “Master, why hit me again?”

Did he say nothing?

He was just thinking, but didn’t say anything.

Why did you get beaten inexplicably?

This master… feels like he likes hitting people on the head!

Hongjun looked at him angrily: “Don’t think about it, Pangu god-tier just sets the general trend and derives concretely. It is made by all beings of heaven and earth.”

“Pangu god-tier has set the scale of calamity… but how the scale of calamity develops depends entirely on the creatures in the world.”

“There is a sentence, you should be familiar with it.”

Duobao: “What are you talking about?”

“Man will conquer the sky!”

“Man will conquer the sky?” Duobao opened his mouth wide, “The human heart is the heaven’s heart?”

Hongjun nodded: “Yes, the human heart is the heavenly heart… The existence of the measure is necessary.”

“This is a stage that the prehistoric world must go through.”

“It’s like people, young and old, young and middle-aged. Every time they go through a stage, they will grow and gain.”

“The calamity, the calamity, is the growth of the prehistoric world.”

“Oh.” Duobao suddenly understood, and said tentatively: “The prehistoric world also has the stage of young and middle-aged.”

“The robbery of the fierce beast is less, the robbery of the dragon and the phoenix Qilin is blue, and the robbery of the lich is the middle… and the most peak stage.”

“When the Lich’s calamity is over, the prehistoric world will fall into old…falling to its peak state and going downhill?”

If this is the case, it seems to be able to explain it.

Lich is the pinnacle, Sage all appeared in this era, but after the Lich, the gods, and Journey to the West, are all declining.

Fengshen still has Sage shot, but there is no breakthrough Sage.

When it comes to the Westward Journey, it is even weaker. Little monkeys can make trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Although this is a scene… but it is enough to explain the problem.

“If you understand this way, you are right.”

Hongjun looked at Duobao, his eyes with meanings Dubao could not understand, which was very complicated.

“The calamity is the growth of the prehistoric world. Every time the calamity is passed, the sky and the earth will grow by one point.”

“But growth requires resources… each time it consumes a lot.”

“Even for heaven and earth, it is huge.”

“So, after each calamity, the heaven and the earth have grown, but the resources in it are also constantly being consumed.”

“If you say that the world is going downhill, you are right.”

“Because the resources in heaven and earth are indeed decreasing.”

Hearing this, Duobao suddenly asked, “Then, can’t these resources grow?”

“If there are enough resources, can the prehistoric world be able to maintain its peak state all the time?”

“In theory, this is the case.” Hongjun nodded, and then shook his head: “But it’s simple to say, but it’s not that easy to do.”

“Do you know, what is this resource?”

Duobao shook his head: “What is it?”

Hongjun sighed: “It is Tao and Spirit.”

“Dao? Ling?” Duobao was confused.

Why can’t he understand?

“The so-called Dao… is Dadao, Li Dao.”

Hongjun explained: “You have set up a great road once, and you have named it the Kudao.”

“Do you remember?”

“Of course I remember.” Duobao nodded, then a little ashamed, lowered his head: “They are all trails, nothing.”

In front of other people, he could still say that the suffering he set up was okay, but in front of Dao Zu Hongjun, he really couldn’t take it out.

“A trail?” Hongjun chuckled, looking at Duobao, without saying anything, but sighed in her heart: “That’s not a trail!”

He looked at the human race, watching the changes in the human race, he almost had the aura of a prehistoric emperor, and he was a little surprised.

The human race should have been plagued by disasters and grew up in disasters, but because of the Tao established by Duobao, the general trend of the human race has been directly changed, and the human race has developed to the present level at this stage.

Such a Tao… can change the general trend… How can it be said to be a trail?

“Since you have established the avenue, then you should also know that the emergence of the avenue is good for the world.”

Dubao recalled how he felt when he set up the path of suffering, and nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, he can really feel the extraordinary changes under the sufferings.

At that moment, he even had a little more vitality in the entire prehistoric world.

“The existence of avenues is one of the most needed resources for the growth of the prehistoric world… the more avenues, the stronger the prehistoric world will become.”

Duobao carefully savored these words, and suddenly thought of the problem of Honghuang’s calamity several times. After careful consideration, he asked Hongjun: “Master, the reason why the Lich’s calamity is The most powerful era is because in this era, there are many Sages who have appeared, and are there many Sages who set the road?”

If setting up the Great Dao is the most needed growth resource in the prehistoric world… then the power of the Lich’s calamity seems to be understandable.

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded, looked at Duobao, and added in his heart: “There is also the avenue you have established.”

“It really is!”

With Hongjun’s affirmation, Duobao was still very surprised.

Although he had guessed it, such a fact really made him a little confused for a while.

Originally, he thought that the power of the Lich was simply because of them, but he didn’t expect that there would be six Sages’ influence.

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