Chapter 254

Thinking about what he had done recently, Duobao immediately lost his confidence when he said it.

It seems that it’s really not so behaved…however you look, it looks like a bear kid…and it’s a kind of bear!

“Huh…” Thinking, suddenly Duobao thought of something. He looked at Hongjun and asked cautiously: “Master? You rescued me before?”

Before he was in the source of the law, was attacked by a group of law creatures, forced him to self-immolate, and was rescued suddenly.

He always thought it was the master, or the master, the second master.

But now it seems that Master is also possible.

“Of course!” Hongjun was even more angry when he heard this, and gave Duo Bao a fierce look: “Otherwise, who else do you think it could be?”

“You little bastard, I saved you. It would be good for you. I thought of you, Master, Uncle… but I didn’t think of me.”

“What a shameless little brat.”

Duobao felt even more grateful. He touched his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile: “I’ll just say, who is so wise and martial, so timely, to save Sun in life and death.”

“It turns out to be a handsome, mighty master!”

Hongjun raised his head: “Don’t flatter me, I’m not that kind of person.”

Duobao snickered, and even said no, the corners of his mouth were bent.

Looking at Tsundere’s Hongjun, Duobaoyouxin felt cordial.

The master who is so close to the ground and has no shelf…It’s really completely different from what he thought!

Thinking about it carefully, he really likes such a master better.

“Master, I am your disciple and grandson, if I were a calf…” Duo Bao thought, smirking and constantly peeking at Hong Jun’s head.

I want to find two bumps in the thick black hair.

Perceiving Duobao’s gaze, Hongjun was so angry that he unceremoniously rewarded Duobao with a slap.

Duobao smiled happily.

With this slap, Hongjun didn’t use much power, but he still covered his head, looking at Hongjun with grievances, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Hongjun also smiled: “Well, seeing you find this place, you have obviously discovered the essence of genes, right?”

Asking like this, Hongjun already had the answer in his heart, and deep in his eyes, he was relieved and proud.

Genes, it’s simple to say, every creature has them, but if you want to explore more deeply, even those Sages are far from qualified.

They didn’t even dare to step into the first realm of the law source outside the domain, let alone step into it.

This is even more proof that Duobao has surpassed them by far.

“There is someone to succeed!”

Duobao nodded again and again, with strong curiosity in his eyes: “Yes, Tusun discovered that every creature has genes, and all creatures have genetic makeup, so that they have all kinds of talents.”

“Besides, there are human races… why can the human race be so weak, yet still able to become the protagonist of the world?”

“Why did they have such a powerful air luck just after they were born… and even when they appeared in the first day, they completely set the fate of the protagonist of heaven and earth.”

Duobao said all his own doubts, but he looked at Hongjun at the late stage and waited for Hongjun’s answer.

Listening to Duobao’s question, Hongjun couldn’t help taking a deep breath: “Have you already thought of this?”

This is deeper than he originally expected.

Just as he was about to answer, he suddenly moved his heart and said to Duobao: “If you have any questions or findings, please tell me.”

“I answered you all at once, to clear your doubts, so that you don’t try to make trouble again in the future, and let me clean up the mess for you.”

With Duobao’s strength, coupled with this strong curiosity.

If his curiosity is not satisfied, he will definitely go to explore again in the future, and in the end it is himself who is in trouble.

After all, he can only take care of the troubles Duobao has caused now, and in the future, it can only be him.

“Really?” Hongjun said, but Duobao hesitated.

He thought of a lot, and there were still dangerous things in it. Just think about it, if you really said it… Duobao suddenly trembled, remembering that he had chased Own Axe before.

Hongjun frowned: “If you tell me, just say…what do you hesitate to do?”

Duobao looked at Hongjun: “Master is Taoist, it should be no problem… Can you hold it down?”

He was a little uncertain, but Hongjun was a little impatient.

Seeing Hongjun’s impatience, Duobao quickly said, “Heavenly Dao… Heavenly Dao is just a program. All creatures in the world have two destinies.”

“One is on the surface, one golden immortal can be detached, and another, hidden deep, for the destiny… maybe even Sage is in it.”

“Every development in the world has a track to be found… everything is arranged.”

“This is the destiny… the human race was not created by the Nuwa mother, but she had the destiny to create humans, so she created the human race.”

“She is just the creator on the surface, in fact, there is a hidden behind-the-scenes man behind her.”

Duobao said more and more smoothly, and gradually let go. He didn’t realize that when he heard the word behind the scenes, Hongjun’s face turned black for an instant.

He continued: “The prehistoric world, since its inception, has passed two great calamities, one is the robbery of the fierce beast, and the other is the robbery of the dragon and the phoenix Qilin.”

“Now it’s the third calamity, the Lich calamity!”

Anyway, there was Master Hongjun supporting him, and Duobao said unscrupulously: “The two protagonists who had a lot of calamity in the front had no good endings. The dragon, the phoenix, and the Qilin tribe are fine. Anyway, they still exist, but the fierce beasts, but Have disappeared and even annihilated.”

“It doesn’t seem that the black hand behind the scenes is good!”

“Also, in addition to measuring the calamity, many major events in the prehistoric times have their pulses to be traced.”

“Everything seems complicated and chaotic, but in fact there is a core existence…Dijun, Taiyi created the monster race…not just because of their abilities.”

“This is just a kind of destiny, the demon race will inevitably be born, even without them, there will be other great powers to create the demon race.”

“Ancestral Dragon is incarnate as a dragon vein. If he doesn’t transform, there will be other existences.”

“They just got the corresponding destiny and did something like this…if they were replaced by other creatures…they would also do such a thing.”

“So, their existence is important and not important.”

Duobao paused, paused for a moment, and then continued: “After the entire prehistoric world was opened up, all kinds of calamities, catastrophes, major events…all the creatures are in it.”

“Either play the protagonist, or play the supporting role… to complete their own destiny, to accomplish what the behind-the-scenes man wants to accomplish.”

Having said this, Duobao’s voice suddenly became much smaller: “Master…Do you think that this time the Lich’s calamity… does not seem normal?”

He said a lot, and what he said was a little messy, but Hongjun understood it all.

Hearing Dubao asking such questions, Hongjun smiled a little strangely, and answered a little strangely: “Oh, is it?”

“Where is it abnormal?”

Duobao didn’t notice Hongjun’s situation, and whispered: “Master, with your strength, if you want to come, you should have discovered it long ago.”

“Since the opening of the prehistoric world, it has been growing stronger, but this power will be broken in the midst of the calamity of the Lich.”

“Indeed, I found it.” Hongjun looked at Duo Bao with a non-smiling smile: “You continue, what else do you think of?”

Duobao took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: “Master…The Bu Zhou Mountain that supports the heaven and the earth… is about to break, the sky collapses, the prehistoric world, and even the world will be broken because of this… Lich’s calamity is a prehistoric state. The most powerful period of the world.”

“After the Lich, the prehistoric world will become weaker and weaker… You should know this, right?”

“These are the calculations of the black hand behind the scenes…what does he want to do? Who is he?”

During the questioning, Duobao looked at Hongjun solemnly, hoping to get an answer from him.

However, when he saw Hongjun, Duobao was stunned.

“Master… what is your expression?”

In front of him, Hongjun was smiling, very sunny, very brilliant…but in his eyes, he felt a little cold.

Can’t help shrinking his body: “Master? What’s the matter with you?”

“You laugh so oozingly…the disciples are scared!”

Subconsciously, Duobao took a step back.

Hongjun’s smile stiffened, and what he had planned to say reached his throat and swallowed it again.

Putting away the smile on his face, his tone became gloomy: “Are you behind the scenes?”

“What you said is really reasonable, justified and well-founded…According to your statement, there is indeed a behind-the-scenes man in the wild world.”

“It’s just that, who is this behind the scenes?” Hongjun seemed to be asking him.


It was getting colder, not only cold, but also cold, Duobao not only swallowed, but took a step back again.

A stiff smile: “Yes, who is behind the scenes?”

Hongjun stared at Duo Bao closely, his face was serious and cold.

Duobao just watched, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

He had guesses in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to back down, but forcibly held back.

It’s useless to retreat, if it’s as he guessed… it’s useless for him to retreat to the prehistoric world.

“You can’t prevent you from guessing.” Hongjun smiled again, and said in a gloomy tone to Duobao: “Guess, who might be behind this scene?”


Duobao’s throat rolled, swallowing saliva constantly, cold all over his body.

“Hehe, hehe…Master, the disciple can’t guess it.”

“No, no, no, my good disciple, you are so smart and know so much…you can surely guess it.” Hongjun smiled coldly, and Dubao was all hairy: “You think about it carefully. , Master believes in you.”

“You can guess it.”

Duobao’s cold hair stood upside down, a sharp spirit, and smiled stiffly: “Master, I really can’t guess it!”

“Why, Master, please let the disciple go back and think about it, and when the disciple thinks about it, let me tell you?”

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