Chapter 256 The Origin of the Human Race

“This is the main road… so spiritual?” Doubao asked after thinking about it.

Hongjun: “Spirit is all spirits, sentient beings.”

“All spirits?” Duobao wondered.

“The heart of all souls, the mind of all beings…the number, strength, and mind of all souls.”

Duobao thought about it carefully, but still didn’t quite understand, he couldn’t help asking again: “How to say?”

Hongjun looked at Honghuang Tiandi: “The human heart is the heavenly heart, and the collective thoughts of all beings are Heavenly Dao.”

“In the world, the greater the number of creatures and the stronger their strength, the stronger the corresponding era will be.”

Duobao nodded, which was understandable.

If in an era, Tianjiao appeared in large numbers, no matter what era or environment it was, it would become a legendary era, no longer ordinary.

“In every era, there is an overlord.” Hongjun continued: “And every overlord, when ruling the world, will inevitably hurt other races.”

“It’s fine for a little bit of damage, and larger damage can be tolerated…but when the damage becomes unbearable…”

Hearing this, Duobao understood, and then said: “At this time, all the creatures can no longer bear it, and become dissatisfied with the creatures who are the overlord. Then, it caused the explosion of the amount of calamity, and the existence as the overlord was pushed back. Go down?”

“Indeed.” Hongjun nodded.

“So, this is why the ancient robbery of the beasts, the tribe of the beasts is almost annihilated, and the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin tribes are also in a semi-hidden state?”

The ancient fierce beasts were transformed by the chaos demon god’s resentment, instinctively destroying the world, desiring to completely destroy the primordial world and return to the chaos.

That not only caused the dissatisfaction of all the creatures in the prehistoric world, it also caused the dissatisfaction of Heavenly Dao.

In this way, they are not annihilated, and who annihilates?

They don’t die, who will die?

Heaven and earth hate, everything hates… Only if you can survive heaven-defying!

Although the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin tribes are also angry and grieving, at the last moment, the leaders of the three tribes eliminated most of their aversion and karma in their own way. Therefore, the three tribes were not completely annihilated.

“The human heart is the Tianxin…” Duobao understood, and there was a sudden look in his eyes.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind: “It’s not that the reason why the human race can become the protagonist of the world is because the human race is too fertile?”

“Give them enough time to thrive, so their numbers can almost occupy most of the prehistoric world… Therefore, the human heart is the heavenly heart, and they want to become the protagonist of the world… So, they are?”

Duobao was shocked for a moment, and then shook his head: “It should be more than that…In the predicament, the fertility is stronger than that of the human race.”

“Especially the bee tribe of the demon tribe, the ant tribe and countless other tribes, the fertility alone can turn the human tribe into a scum.”

“Besides fertility and the ability to reproduce, the most important thing is growth!”

“The most powerful part of the human race is not the ability to multiply and thrive, but their learning and growth.”

“Compared to the Lich races and other races, the human race’s learning and growth ability is too strong!”

“In the beginning, no matter how weak or small, it can grow up at a very fast speed!”

“Basic quantity, strong growth… Strength Ascension rises, naturally it can represent most of Tianxin.”

Duobao felt that he wanted to understand why the human race could become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Moreover, it is not just the protagonist of heaven and earth in one era, but has traversed several calamities and eras, and even after becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth, he has never lived.

“Is that so?”

Duobao made a mistake: “It turns out that I can live and grow… It’s really amazing!”

“It’s just…” Amidst the shock, Duobao suddenly thought of another thing, and his eyes became strange.

After thinking about it, he asked Hongjun: “Master…Isn’t the decline of the prehistoric world due to the human race?”

Although the human race has great growth potential, it also has a great upper limit. Basically, its strength is the limit from Ascension to Da Luo Jinxian.

Quasi-sages, several calamities, except for the three emperors, none of the five emperors has accomplished…According to what Duobao currently knows, he guessed that the three emperors were the quasi-sages and the five emperors were only the golden immortals of Daluo.

And the three emperors are also caused by luck, not their own ability.

Except for Emperor Fuxi, who has the background of previous lives, the other two emperors rely on luck and merit.

After the three emperors and five emperors, the human race has never seen a real human emperor!

The human race can become the protagonist of heaven and earth, mainly relying on the endless number, and the strength on average higher than that of other races and forces!

In terms of high-level strength, Human Race is really not that strong!

Even if the Lich has fallen, it may not be comparable.

The prehistoric world needs avenues, the Ascension of all souls, and the road to build a better Ascension.

However, although there are a large number of human races, there are few people who stand up. At first, the mid-rank strength Ascension is fine, but the high-level strength Ascension is obviously insufficient.

Calculating based on this conclusion… It is likely that the prehistoric world is becoming weaker and weaker, and the root cause lies in the human race.

They have become the protagonists of heaven and earth, but they have great restrictions.

To put it bluntly, they are holding back the limits of the prehistoric world so that they can no longer grow quickly!

Even, gradually weakened.

Heavenly Dao wants to change, but the human race does not allow it. Its basic quantity and basic strength are there…unless there is a race that is more viable, learning, and growing than the human race.

They also need to give them enough time before they can pull the human race down as the protagonist of the world.

Otherwise, as long as the human race stays in the position of the protagonist of the heaven and earth, then the prehistoric heaven and earth can only weaken in the calamity time and time again.

“Liang Jie… but growth!”

Suddenly, Duobao sighed deeply.

The ancient fierce beasts, the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes, and the lich tribes, all of which are the overlords of heaven and earth, all caused a calamity.

But the amount of calamity they caused has made the prehistoric world stronger.

In the period of ancient fierce beasts, the strongest was only Daluo Jinxian. By the time of Dragon and Phoenix Qilin, he had become a quasi-sage. Although there were not many, the top strength was indeed directly drawn to the quasi-sage.

In the Lich period, this upper limit was even pulled to the Sage period.

Only after the Human Race became the protagonist of Heaven and Earth, Honghuangtiandi has never seen a stronger power… and because of this, Honghuangtiandi has fallen into a stage of constant decline.

“Thinking about it… Terran really doesn’t deserve to be the protagonist of heaven and earth!”

Duobao was inexplicably bitter, you know, he was once alone.

Even now, not outside, but deep in his soul, he still regards himself as a person.

Originally, he was also happy for the human race to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, but now, after he understood everything, he was suddenly very ashamed.

Compared with the previous protagonists of heaven and earth, what the human race has done is too… pull your hips!

“Why?” Duobao asked Hongjun bitterly, “Why created Human Race?”

Although he regarded himself as a human being, from the standpoint of the prehistoric world, the appearance of the human race was not a good thing for the predominant world.

He didn’t understand… why Heavenly Dao had to create the human race and let it pull itself into the abyss.

“Why?” Hongjun sighed long, looked at the depths of the Gene Sea without speaking.

Duobao followed Hongjun’s gaze and looked towards Gene Sea, and suddenly his heart moved: “Pangu god-tier?”

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded, and his tone suddenly became very complicated: “Pangu god-tier has set all kinds of calamities, and the general trend is set by him personally.”

“You guessed it, Human Race really cannot be said to be created by Nuwa, the real creator is actually Pangu god-tier.”

Dubao was shocked: “Is it really Pangu god-tier?”

Hongjun sighed: “Humans themselves are created by Pangu god-tier for the development of the prehistoric world, so they have such a strong learning and growth ability.”

“Other creatures and races have limitations, and there are always things they are not good at. This is limited by genes.”

“Only Terrans don’t… they can learn anything, anything, they can learn and comprehend.”

“Is it because of genes?” Duobao asked in guesswork.

Hongjun nodded: “Yes.”

Duobao suddenly remembered the Pangu god-tier seen in the Gene Sea.

The head of the six suns, his body, his hands, his feet… that was clearly the appearance of a human being.

“Pangu god-tier connects all the genes with the human race?”

Why can the human race have such a diverse development?

Why the human race can learn almost everything, the law…have all imaginable talents.

That’s because they have all the genes themselves.

Hongjun sighed again: “It’s true.”

“Why do people look like that? Why do all living beings need to be transformed, and the appearance after transformation is the same as a human?”

“Because that is not the appearance of a person at all, but the appearance of Pangu god-tier.”

“That’s it!” Duobao sighed suddenly.

“Pangu god-tier created the concept of man after opening up the wild world for the development of the wild world, and created it with the help of Nuwa.”

“He was thinking about letting the people lead the continuous development of the prehistoric world… just…”

Hongjun didn’t say the following words, instead he sighed deeply.

Although he hadn’t finished speaking, Duobao already understood.

He fell into silence and added in his heart: “It’s just that, he didn’t expect that the human race he had created did not eventually become stronger with the prehistoric world, but instead dragged the prehistoric world into a bottomless abyss.”

“Pangu god-tier missed one thing…Human race certainly has endless learning and growth capabilities…but the upper limit is locked.”

“They are simply unable to break through the quasi-sage, Da Luo Jinxian is the limit…”

“With the upper limit locked, the human race can lead the rapid development of the prehistoric world in the early stage, but after the late stage, it will drag the predominant world.”

Duobao thought of the human race of later generations, thought of Fengshen, thought of Journey to the West, thought of many, many.

“Cheng Ye Human Race… Defeated Ye Human Race!”

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