Chapter 194 Red Ominous Channel

Originally thought that place was the cultivation place that His Majesty Heavenly Emperor was looking for specially for them.

It seemed that even His Majesty Heavenly Emperor would enter cultivation.

The demons who were already very excited were suddenly shocked.

What is the strength of His Majesty Heavenly Emperor?

That is the dignified quasi-sage, who built the great existence of the Yaozu concept with his own power.

Since His Majesty Heavenly Emperor said so, it proves that even His Majesty Heavenly Emperor can get a lot of gains in that place.

What is this concept?

The demons were shocked.

The dark trial field…Is the level so high?

Fuxi and Kunpeng understood the meaning of Di Jun’s words earlier than the other demons, and each looked at Di Jun in horror.

Does that kind of place really exist?

Moreover, even Dijun’s strength can be effective… Then…

Suddenly there was thought in the two of them.

Di Jun noticed the two gazes expected, and nodded at them, without speaking.

Although Di Jun didn’t say anything, his attitude has already explained the problem.

That place…they can go too.

“Could it be…” Fuxi settled down, curiosity and expectation coexisted, and suddenly her heart moved: “Such a magical area…is it related to him?”

“Have you all remembered!” After finishing all the precautions for entering the dark trial field, Di Jun asked loudly to the monster races.




The demons roared in unison.

Di Jun nodded in satisfaction, his fingers flicked among the blood jade gems, and then, a strong red light appeared from it.

A message came.

Dijun stayed for a while: “Do you want me to choose?”

When the thought moved, the red light dispersed and turned into countless tiny red lights, falling on all the monster races and Fuxi and Kunpeng beside them.

The moment the red light fell, the demon blessed their hearts and took one step forward, and a red channel immediately appeared under their feet.

The passage is slender, not wide, and can only accommodate one person forward, seeming to lead to unknown places.

The passage is blood-red, as if made up of blood, with a rich ominousness.

It seems that it is not a good thing!

The hearts of the demons burst, and they don’t feel very good.

The excitement and excitement of the heart instantly cooled down, and he looked towards Emperor Jun together.

This channel… is it really leading to the cultivation Sacred Land rather than to some forbidden land, in the fierce realm?

This thing, people who look at it are panicked!

Fuxi and Kunpeng also looked at Emperor Jun, with puzzled eyes.

The ominousness in the red channel made them feel extremely dangerous, and at the moment they appeared, they all wanted to avoid instinctively!


Big murder!

This is not a good thing!

Suddenly, the two of them couldn’t help but wonder if Di Jun was fake, and who had changed, specifically trying to trick their monster race into a forbidden area.

“Don’t worry, this is the characteristic of that Sacred Land…With the protection of blood jade, you will be fine.” Di Jun didn’t expect such a change, so he explained quickly.

He didn’t expect that when he went to the dark trial field, there would be such a change.

I thought it was going straight through space, but I didn’t expect that such a red and ominous channel would appear.

This channel, he himself, knows everything, and what he sees is also a hairy heart and a numb scalp, let alone those monsters who don’t know.

That is the prestige of his emperor among the monster race, otherwise, after the red channel appeared, they would all instinctively escape.

Di Jun explained, the demons still believed and doubted.

It’s not that they don’t trust Dijun.

Being able to stand here now, without the demon escape, has already demonstrated their trust in Emperor Jun.

The key to this red channel is really disturbing.

The red channel is right in front of you, without any changes, just waiting quietly.

However, in the eyes of all the demons, they became more and more frightened.

The longer the red channels appear, and the longer they look at them, the more hairy and fearful they are, and their hairs are standing up like an overcharged body.

It felt like being stared at by a terrifying wild beast. The red passage was the big mouth of the beast’s blood basin.

The demons don’t believe in what cultivation Sacred Land this passage leads to, but if they say that this passage leads to a forbidden land, a fierce realm, then they definitely believe it.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.” Seeing the performance of the demons, Di Jun was helpless.

If he had known this, he should have told Duobao that he was only entering the passageway, so there is no need to scare the demon so much!

Look at what scared these monsters… to be honest, he himself was scared.

“Behind that is really the cultivation Sacred Land, the dark trial ground.” Seeing that the demons were still silent, Di Jun said again.

However, the demons still looked at Emperor Jun, and no demons dared to step into it.

Dijun doesn’t blame them, really, the red ominous passage is really terrifying.

He can understand.

In desperation, Di Jun cast a look at Tai Yi next to him.

It became clear for an instant, in front of the demons, he took a step forward and stepped into the red ominous passage. Then, his figure disappeared directly in front of the demons.

There was a loud noise among the demons.

“His Majesty Donghuang went in…Is it all right?”

“Should not? Your Majesty has no reason to lie to us!”

“Then we…”

With Taiyi’s action, the demons finally took action and no longer persisted.

call out!

Finally, a demon god, with fear, cautiously stepped onto the red channel, and with a flash of red light, the demon god immediately disappeared.

The other monster races looked at each other, and after a while, they gritted their teeth fiercely and stepped onto the passage together.

With the lead demon, the rest is easy to handle.

Before long, all the monster races stepped onto the red channel and entered the dark trial field.

Seeing that all the demons finally entered, Di Jun heaved a long sigh of relief and turned to look at Fuxi and Kunpeng.

The two looked at each other and finally stepped into the red channel.

There was a flower in front of them, a red light flashed, and the two found themselves in a vast starry sky.

“This is?” Fuxi looked at the starry sky in surprise.

Spiritual thoughts spread out, wanting to find out the specific situation of this starry sky.

It’s just that if the divine mind doesn’t spread far, it won’t be able to spread anymore.

There is an invisible and powerful force that limits the exploration of his spiritual thoughts.

With his strength, he could only detect such a large distance.

Fu Xi was shocked: “Is there another starry sky in Honghuang?”

With his strength, even in the starry sky of the prehistoric world, he could detect one third of it with a single thought, but when he got here, he could barely cover hundreds of stars, no matter how far away he was.

From this point of view, he can be sure that this is definitely not the prehistoric starry sky, and the prehistoric starry sky does not have such a big restriction.

But, because of this, he was even more surprised.

There is another starry sky in the prehistoric world. Not to mention, the key is that this starry sky is so powerful!

This is what he never expected!

“I don’t know, do you Sage know this!”

Fuxi thought in her heart.

“Huh…no ominous, red light?”

At this moment, the figure of Kunpeng next to him appeared, and then another question came.

Fuxi reacted immediately, her expression was stagnant, and she looked at the starry sky: “Hey, yeah, it doesn’t seem to be true?”

Because of the horror and shock brought by the red channel before, they thought that behind the channel was an endless ominous red light.

But, I didn’t expect that after entering here, there was no trace of red light.

“There is no such horror, bad feeling.” Fuxi felt it quietly, and said in surprise.

The sensation that made his scalp numb and trembling all over, disappeared completely after he came here.

“This is the dark trial field… Isn’t it dangerous?” Di Jun also appeared, and said to the surprised demons: “Okay, don’t froze, the opportunity is rare, each find a place, go to cultivation .”


The demons suddenly woke up. By the way, they came here to cultivate, not in a daze.

The shock of the red channel and the ominous red brought them before, and the contrast brought after seeing the true darkness of the trial field, made them almost forget what was going on.

In the excitement, the demons dissipated, and in the starry sky, each of them either chose Star, or simply sat in the Lotus Position directly in the starry sky and started cultivation.

“Your Majesty…Is this person related to this one?” Fuxi settled down and asked Di Jun.

He is really curious!

Before, he and Little Sister Nuwa Sage hadn’t found that person.

It’s unimaginable, what exactly is that person… or someone he knows.

Is there anyone he knows so strong?

Now, when I came here, I guessed that it should be that person, and Fuxi couldn’t help it anymore.

Facing the curious Fuxi, Kunpeng, and Di Jun mysteriously smiled: “Guess!”

Fuxi: “…”

Kunpeng: “……”

I guess a ghost, if I can guess, what else do I ask you for?

The two people are not good, if it weren’t for Di Jun, or Di Jun’s special status, they really couldn’t help their itchy fists.

“Well, since you are here, you will see him sooner or later, don’t worry.” Di Jun smiled and calmed the two of them: “Just, you have to be prepared.”

“Ready?” The two were puzzled.

“Yes.” Di Jun said of course: “When you really see him, don’t be too shocked.”

“By the way, here, you have to choose another name.”

Fuxi and Kunpeng were surprised: “We want too?”


Di Jun shook his head: “You will know, remember, my name here is Di Yi, and Tai Yi is Di Er.”

“Don’t call it wrong.”

After speaking, Di Jun floated away.

Looking at his back, Fuxi, Kunpeng trembled with anger.

Having said so much, I still didn’t say who the person was, and didn’t tell them why they wanted to rename it.

Suddenly, the two felt that the most damn it person in the world is the one who sells off and loses their appetite!

Really, in this world, there is absolutely no one more annoying than such a person!

Absolutely not!

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