Chapter 195: Fluctuations in the Starry Sky

“Brothers… are you afraid!”

Among the witch tribes, the witch tribes looked at the twelve ancestor witches in front, and shouted loudly: “Don’t be afraid!”

In front of them, a blood-red ominous passage appeared.

The strong ominous feeling entangles the soul, making the witches… more excited?

“Good job, worthy of being my Wuzu erlang!” Zhu Rong looked at the screaming Wuzu with satisfaction, and said loudly, “Then…now, let’s follow me together…to fight the dark trial field!” ”



All the witches waved their weapons and shouted excitedly.

In the shout, stepped into the red ominous channel.

When their eyes flickered, they realized that they had come to a silent starry sky.

“Here…” Dijiang is the space ancestor witch, who is particularly keen on changes in space: “It’s so big!”

Dijiang moved the law of space and wanted to use the law of space to find out the size of the starry sky.

However, under the laws of space, it has suffered huge obstacles. It is only possible to detect the range of hundreds of stars.

There is an inexplicable and powerful force that hinders his exploration.

“Yes…it is the law!” Zhu Jiuyin looked dignified, looking at the starry sky, based on time, found some clues.

This starry sky, which seems to be the same as an ordinary starry sky, is composed of countless laws and countless ways.

Every law, every way, is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Countless laws and avenues are vertical and horizontal, forming an inexplicable and powerful force in this starry sky.

Under this power, all their magical powers, methods, and magic power were greatly restricted.

“There is no land here!” Houtu said with a frown.

The blood of the Witch is naturally close to the earth, as long as it stands on the earth, it can have a steady flow of power, even if it is knocked down, it can rise again and again.

This is the gift of the witch race.

It can be said that Xiantian is undefeated if he stands on the ground.

Of course, only limited undefeated.

There was no earth in the starry sky, and the Wu Clan’s strength was reduced a lot in a disguised form in an instant.

Under the original restrictions, the strength has been reduced.

“There is no heaven…” Xuan Ming answered.

The ancestral witches looked at the starry sky in shock, shocked.

Even though I have heard Zhu Rong’s remarks on this side with my own ears, I am mentally prepared, but when I really see it, I still can’t calm down!

“The stars here are composed of various laws, and there are no heaven and earth, and there is also heaven and earth.” Zhu Rong said.

The ancestors looked at Zhu Rong, and followed his gaze at the stars.

Di Jiang somewhat understood what he meant: “You mean, the law Star?”

“Yes.” Zhu Rong nodded, and said to the Wu Clan of his Zhu Rong tribe: “Brothers, come with me!”

With that, he used Magic power to wrap around a group of witches and flew towards the starry sky.

“I’m looking for the Fire Star, and you should also look for the Own Rule Star. After a Yuanhui, we will see you again.”

As Zhu Rong’s figure disappeared, the ancestors looked at each other, and after a while, all smiled together.

Gonggong: “This guy… is still in such a hurry.”


A river suddenly appeared, and Gonggong stepped on the river.

The river moved and swept up the witches of the Gonggong tribe: “However, what he said is right, Big Brother Little Sisters, we will see you after a meeting.”

They came here for cultivation, and they can’t waste it.

After working together, the other ancestral witches also disappeared together.

At the same time, look for the rule Star that matches your attributes.

In the right environment, the speed of cultivation is naturally faster.

Both the Lich clan entered the dark trial field, and soon found their own rules Star, and began to cultivate.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and there suddenly appeared a wave of waves in the depths of the starry sky.

The fluctuation is small, but it can spread across the entire starry sky instantly.




It seemed that the sound of a beating heart sounded continuously.

Gradually, amidst the fluctuations, the entire starry sky seemed to be different.


Duobao sensed the changes in the starry sky and suddenly appeared, walking in the starry sky, quietly perceiving the fluctuations in this direction.

“Are both the Lich races coming?”

“There are still a lot…”

As soon as he thought, Duobao discovered the two groups of Lich Cultivation in the starry sky.

After taking a look, he didn’t care too much, and walked towards the depths of the starry sky.

“This volatility…”

He was attracted by the sudden fluctuations in the starry sky.

Originally, he was thinking about how to arrange his own junior and younger brothers and sisters to regain their sense of crisis.

Suddenly discovered the changes in the starry sky, and this came.

In no hurry, he walked slowly in the starry sky, dark and lonely, empty, and boundless starry sky, Duobao walked quietly.

While walking, I looked at the starry sky created by myself.

The starry sky is infinite, and Star shines.

The countless Stars in the starry sky seem to have discovered his existence, trying hard to show their own existence, using the rules and avenues as the background, they wantonly blooming with the light of own.

This ray of light is the manifestation of the avenue and the law.

The general strength is not enough, you can’t see it at all.

Even Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng, and Twelve Ancestral Witches can only have a vague feeling.

Looking at the starry sky suspiciously, I always feel that this starry sky suddenly changes a bit differently.

However, they still can’t find out where it is different.

Duobao nodded slightly and responded to the rules of Star, with a smile on his face.

He knows that this is the respect and etiquette that Star has to his creator.

“This is?”

Countless tiny spots of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Duobao looked at it intently, and then squinted his eyes slightly: “Dao Yun?”

These countless points of light turned out to be Dao Yun… Simply put, it was the understanding of Dao.

A single point of light is a little Taoist aggregate, and countless points of light are countless Taoist aggregates.

In a daze, Duobao understood something, condensed Magic power into his eyes, and looked towards the starry sky.

In an instant, the light spots of Taoism that were not very clear at first became extremely clear in an instant.

In various places in the starry sky, various points of Taoism light were constantly flying out.

The light spots flew out of Star, and gathered together in the starry sky, forming a colorful river of Taoism.

Dao Yun is water, and the river flows continuously towards the depths of the starry sky.

The purpose is very clear.

“Is that right?”

Duobao looked at the light spots of Dao Yun flying out of countless creatures, and then at the river of Dao Yun with a clear purpose.

“Volatility… are they made of?”

The Lich races cultivated and enlightened Dao in the starry sky. At the same time as they gained something, their sentiment was also recorded by the starry sky, turning into a light spot of Dao, flowing into the depths of the starry sky.

“There is such a change!”

Duobao was surprised. He had never expected that he would develop like this before.

“What is the reason?”

“These Dao Yunguang points…what’s the use?”

Duobao stretched out his hand, grabbed a little Dao Yunguang point in his hand, and watched it quickly fade and disappear between his fingers.

He can feel the sentiment in it, but he can’t Insight, as if looking at the things inside through the glass, he can see clearly, but he can’t use it.

“I created this starry sky and transformed this starry sky…According to predictions, such a thing shouldn’t happen, that’s right.”

Duobao was puzzled.

This ability to record the enlightenment of his life is beyond his ability.

He simply couldn’t do such a thing.

Enlightenment is a private thing belonging to everyone, even he can’t take it away from the hands or record it.

At most, it can eliminate the opponent’s strength, Magic power, Realm… but it can’t be taken away and recorded.

“This is not my ability!”

Dubao can be sure that this is definitely not his handwriting.

There must be reasons why such a change occurred, which he didn’t know yet.

“What’s the reason?”

Doubao thought about it, and continued to walk towards the depths of the starry sky.

The goal of Daoyunzhihe is very clear, which is the depths of the starry sky.

There seems to be something attracting them.

At the same time, Duobao could sense that there was something more in the depths of the starry sky.

He still doesn’t know exactly what it is, and he needs to go there in person to know.

Although he could arrive in an instant, he could feel that what appeared suddenly was not dangerous, so he was not in a hurry.

It just so happened that after opening up this starry sky, he hadn’t looked at it carefully.

Throwing away all the magical powers, extraordinary, and stepping in the starry sky, it still feels very good.

Especially when the Star is shining and the Daoyun River is flowing, the scenery is even more beautiful.

Following the long river of Dao Yun, feeling the vast, quiet, and Duobao heart of the deep starry sky, I didn’t feel calm down.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Duobao couldn’t help sighing, staring at the beautiful starry sky, suddenly lay down.

Below him, a black flat boat suddenly appeared and installed Duobao.

The flat boat flew into the long Daoyun River, where it flowed with the water.

Duobao was lying in the flat boat, watching comfortably, and his whole body relaxed.

Watching, watching, drowsiness hit, unconsciously, actually fell asleep.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

I don’t know how long it has passed, and suddenly a heavy and healthy sound like a beating heart suddenly appeared in my ears, awakening Duo Bao from his dream.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

This is a sea, a colorful sea.

The sea water is composed of Dao Yun light spots, beautiful and unusual, with endless mystery.


Duobao sat up, his heart beating louder and clearer in his ear.

When you feel it carefully, you can still feel the joy and admiration in it.

It feels like a child, finally meeting own parents.

So happy, so happy.

Pure and beautiful, it makes people smile and smile.


Duobao blinked and looked at the entire ocean: “This is my child?”

“When did I have such a big child?” Duobao gave a wry smile, but he was not very surprised, and stood up and stretched.

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