Chapter 193 Demon Race into the Starry Sky

That feels terrible!

They are not afraid of hardship, nor are they afraid of injury!

It’s just that in the world of the twenty-four heavens, they all quickly rushed out of the own world, and then they searched and wandered for a long time.

Most of the time, they don’t know what they are looking for, but they just can’t sit still or stop.

In their hearts, there is always an urge to go out, go out!

where to? do what?

They didn’t know, but, under this impulse, they all went out.

Then, I searched endlessly for a long time, I didn’t know what to look for, but I was searching.

It wasn’t until after a long period of time, because of the strength of Ascension, that the memory was restored by accident, and then they understood what they were looking for, going out, and where they were going!

But this is not the end, but the beginning of a miserable life.

After you have a goal, you can look for it, and the time will become even longer!

God knows how long they are in the world of the twenty-four heavens before they finally find the exit.

A person, alone, walking in the world, surrounded by countless creatures, lively and extraordinary, but they can’t blend in.

Because they know that it is not a real creature.

The entire world of the twenty-four heavens is fake, and they can only find a way out by themselves.

In the world, in the vastness, are so lonely.

It feels like this, almost breaking their minds.

No, it has already collapsed, but it has recovered over the long years.

I can’t remember how many times it crashed, how many times it cried, anyway, they all came out.

After coming out, I don’t want to go back anymore!

It’s really uncomfortable to feel so lonely, and only them are left in the whole world.

Even if there is an opponent, it is not as uncomfortable to fight until the sky is old.

“Big brother, what are you going to do!”

A crying voice appeared.

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere became very depressing for a while.

The ghost knows what the big brother wants to do?

The big brother’s thinking is not normal, and they all have a consensus on this point.

His thoughts, how did they think of the younger brothers and younger sisters!

“We didn’t provoke him either, why are you here again?” A junior could not help but complain.

Everyone was silent, but also puzzled.

Yes, indeed, they have been very honest all this time!

did not do anything!

The big brother arranged for them to replace the foundation, and they did not complain at all.

One is aware of the benefits of doing so, and the other is afraid.

Everyone felt that during this period of time, they were honest, responsible and obedient!

Moreover, none of them be lazy, they are all earnestly cultivating, and they don’t even dare to make small movements that they occasionally make.

In such a situation, how come the elder brother wants to repair them!

“Perhaps… it’s for us!” Zhao Gongming twitched his mouth and said silently.

When everyone heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched, looking at Zhao Gongming speechlessly.

Nonsense, although Senior Brother Duobao is thinking abnormally, he is indeed good to them.

He did it for their good.

Even the Twenty-Four Heavens World is for Ascension’s strength.

But, it’s so good… They are really overwhelmed.

“Perhaps because our strength is too weak!” Suddenly, Jin Ling guessed.

“Big brother thinks that our strength Ascension is too slow, so I figured out a way to help us Ascension?”

Everyone’s body was shaken, as if…it is indeed possible to say this!

The strength is too weak, the speed of Ascension…this is indeed the style of the big brother.

Everyone looked at each other, seeing the pain in each other’s eyes.

In fact, their strength is really not weak.

However, on the side of Brother Duobao, it was really too weak.

In the Realm he divided, all of them are Celestial Immortals!

Eight Immortals, Celestial Immortals!

Such strength, from Realm’s point of view, is indeed very weak.

However, if you want to put it in the predicament, most of them dare to say that they can beat ordinary golden immortals!

To be honest, such strength is really not weak for them.

Looking at the prehistoric times, it can be regarded as a personal thing.

However, their satisfaction does not mean Dubao’s satisfaction… They say nothing!

“But… we really have worked very hard, very hard!” Taiyi said helplessly.

Everyone nodded in unison.

To have the current strength, they really worked very hard and worked very hard.

I didn’t want to rest and play.

“This…you go talk to the big brother and see what he says?” Jin Ling said silently.

Taiyi was silent, and the disciples also bowed their heads.

Talk to the big brother?

Stop teasing, is the senior brother someone who can listen to these words?

His cognition is deeply ingrained and has his own set of standards.

They think that they have worked very hard, but they fall within the standards of the big brother, and they are afraid that it is nothing.

If you really said that if you make the big brother upset…what will happen, everyone can’t even think about it.

“Could it be because Junior Brother Yellow Dragon first went to see Senior Brother… and then Senior Brother didn’t see us for so long, thinking that we were slacking off.”


Suddenly, Real Manjusri said tentatively.

Everyone shook their bodies again, all raised their heads, looked at each other, and bowed their heads.

Without saying more, everyone accelerated the speed of replacing the foundation.

It seems so!

After all, the older elder brothers had no such thoughts before, nor did they have such a premonition.

Everything happened after Yellow Dragon went to find the big brother!

This possibility is already great!

“Damn Yellow Dragon…Wait, can’t we?”

“Wait for me to see you again… Yellow Dragon… you wait for me!”

Unconsciously, all the disciples were gnashing their teeth in secret.

The Yellow Dragon, who was still in cultivation, suddenly felt cold all over, his mind moved, and just rushed to the true meaning of the Yellow Dragon with his last strength. The body trembled, and before it exerted any strength, it was shattered by the Supreme Heaven.

“what happened?”


In the Demon Race Heaven Court, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi awakened a group of demon gods.

“You wait, listen, this emperor will take you to a cultivation Sacred Land.”

“There, your strength will quickly Ascension, far beyond your expectations.”

“Regaining a career position is also a matter of waiting.”

The demons and gods heard Di Jun’s words, but they were extremely excited.

Being knocked down from their career position really hurt them, and they are thinking about how to regain their career position every day.

However, you can only think about it. It is difficult in a short time.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty Heavenly Emperor would say so.

“Your Majesty, what is that place?”

“The effect is really so strong?”

A Yaozu asked.

They expected, believed, but also had some doubts.

After all, the strength of Ascension is not a matter of three or two days. How can the strength of Ascension be so easy?

Moreover, as Dijun said, the strength will quickly Ascension, and far beyond their expectations…the speed they expected is not low.

It’s not bad to achieve it, but how could it be far beyond?

Is there such a place in the wilderness?

Fuxi and Kunpeng looked at Emperor Jun in amazement, with worries in their eyes.

They were worried, Di Jun was telling lies to appease the demons.

During this period of time, all the monster races were a little uneasy and fearful because of the loss of their career position.

In the general trend of the whole Yaozu, it is a bit unstable.

Therefore, if Di Jun compiles such a place, there is a reason.

However, the lie is a lie after all, and one day it will be exposed.

At that time, I am afraid that it will cause a great backlash.

It belongs to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it cannot be done.

However, although both of them were worried, they didn’t stop Di Jun.

Because it is too late.

The words have been said.

The only thing I can think of now is that this place really exists, and I hope that Dijun will not lie in a daze.

Of course, the two also knew that Di Jun was not the one who talked, but such a place that can quickly Ascension strength is too dreamy.

How could there be such a place in the prehistoric land?

If so, how could they not know?

Di Jun looked at the monster race with different thoughts and found Fuxi and Kunpeng’s worried eyes, but he didn’t care.

In himself, he didn’t lie, so he was full of confidence.

“Relax, this emperor did not deceive you, that place really exists.”

“It’s called the Dark Proving Ground!”

Hearing this, the demons became even more excited.

“Dark Proving Ground…does it really exist?”

“What kind of place should it be?”

“Why never heard of it before?”

“Will there be a quota limit in a place like this… can we all go in?”

“Or, choose some demon to go in?”

Emperor Jun took out the blood jade gem that Duobao had given to enter the dark trial field.

Amidst the doubts, excitement, and excitement of the demons, they said loudly: “This gem is the key to the dark trial field.”

“Don’t worry, everyone can go in, there is no quota limit.”

“However, before going in, the emperor has something to ask you.”

Looking at the more excited and excited demons, Di Jun said loudly, “Remember, after entering, none of you are you anymore.”

“We are not us?”

“Then who are we?”

Hearing this, the demons suddenly started talking in puzzlement, and didn’t understand what Emperor Jun meant.

The discussion of the demons was so loud that they overwhelmed Di Jun’s voice, making him unable to continue speaking.


“Quiet!” A chaotic clock appeared in Tai Yi’s hand, and a loud bell appeared, instantly suppressing the voices of the demons.

The demon suddenly stopped talking and looked at Taiyi.

After quieting down, Di Jun said again: “Don’t ask the reason, anyway, after entering, you are no longer your own.”

“In short, after entering, you all need to rename it… After seeing me and waiting, you don’t need to salute, let alone call out the name I was waiting for.”

Hearing this, the demons suddenly asked in confusion: “Your Majesty, will you also go in?”

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