Chapter 192 Panic Disciples

“Is it really stupid?” Yellow Dragon was suddenly suspicious.

Duobao sighed and asked Yellow Dragon, “Are you really a dragon?”

The dragon clan was also one of the overlords of heaven and earth at any rate. Although it is now declining, its talent still exists.

In the predicament that pays attention to the foundation, whether it is in the early stage or late stage, the origin of the dragon is not bad.

Even during the period when the dragons were the weakest in the Westward Journey, the origins of the dragons were still not low.

Regardless of the poor performance of the Dragon Clan during that period, it seemed to be stubborn and pitiful on the surface.

But don’t forget, even during that period, the Dragon Clan still firmly grasped the world.

The Dragon Race is still the Lord of the Four Seas!

Looking at the essence through the surface, is it really that bad for the dragon clan when it comes to the Westward Journey?

Yellow Dragon nodded, looked at Duobao strangely and asked, “Of course, can’t you tell, big brother?”

The strength of the big brother is far above him. It is reasonable to say that it is not difficult to see his heels and feet, the deity.

Why would he ask such a question!

“Hey!” Duobao patted Yellow Dragon on the shoulder again, and said sympathetically, “…work hard.”

Such a talent, it is estimated that it is also discriminated against among the dragons!

So stupid, it’s really in vain for the dragon!

Yellow Dragon felt Duobao’s comfort and blinked dumbfounded.

Big brother, what does this mean?

Why is he a little confused?

Duobao shook his head and didn’t say any more. He didn’t explain when he saw Yellow Dragon’s face in doubt. He just patted him on the shoulder again and said, “Cultivation!”

With his help, the early cultivation has introduced formality.

The latter is even simpler. After the success of the early stage, it is even more unlikely that there will be problems later… Let’s!

Suddenly, Duobao was a little uncertain, and glanced at Yellow Dragon again: “Or, let’s leave a sense…If something really goes wrong, I can come over and solve it.”

“Well, about you, don’t think too much.”

Dubao thought, secretly leaving the means, and then said to Yellow Dragon, “It’s not your fault either.”

“In the future, you should cultivate well, with a big brother, rest assured, even if you are an idiot, the big brother can make you a powerful idiot.”

The nature of the fool cannot be changed, but after the strength Ascension goes up, he can also guarantee that he will not be bullied by others because of his stupidity.

“Yes, thank you elder brother.” Yellow Dragon thanked Duobao subconsciously and bowed politely.

After he completed early stage cultivation, Duobao temporarily relieved the pressure.

After thanking him, Yellow Dragon only reacted.

Hey, that’s not right!

What’s wrong with me?

How do you listen to the words of the big brother…like I am very pitiful?

Am i pitiful?

Yellow Dragon shook his head, how pitiful he is!

His status in the dragon clan is not low, but he is a direct line of the dragon clan, his strength is not high, but his status is not low.

Whatever the calculation, he has nothing to do with Poor!

Yellow Dragon looked at Big Brother puzzled, not knowing why his words came from.

Duobao didn’t explain, but with a thought, the invisible pressure recovered again.

Yellow Dragon immediately lost his mind, thinking about other things.

In an instant, passively fell into the cultivation.

Yellow Dragon’s true intention spread across his body, his eyes went dark, and he entered his mind again.

Another party, Supreme Heaven, appeared in his mind.

Compared with the previous Supreme Heaven, this side Supreme Heaven is obviously stronger.

“poor child!”

He glanced at Yellow Dragon comfortingly and sympathetically, and after confirming that it should be okay, Duobao turned and left.

After leaving Kunlun Mountain Villa, Duobao stopped when the wind blew.

He suddenly reacted, looking back at the location of Yellow Dragon in confusion, “No way!”

He still understands the second uncle’s original Tianzun.

That’s the one that pays the most attention to heels, but also the most talent.

Those who can worship him are all rooted and talented.

The Yellow Dragon is capable of learning, talent, and roots are impossible.

Moreover, Yellow Dragon is still one of the future Kunlun twelve golden immortals, so his talent is unlikely to be too bad.

It should be very strong!

In Dubao’s guess, the Kunlun twelve golden immortals are most likely to be strong at the Daluo golden immortal level.

Even in the current predicament, Da Luo Jinxian is not a cat or a dog.

Moreover, looking at the past, present, and future of the prehistoric world, Da Luo Jinxian can also be said to be a great power.

There are very few who can achieve it.

Yellow Dragon can become a big Luo Jinxian, and it is enough to prove his talent.

Therefore, the talent of Yellow Dragon is definitely not as bad as he thought.

“I think I’m wrong?” Duobao’s expression moved, his gaze penetrated the space and fell on Yellow Dragon, his face gradually becoming unsightly: “If there is no problem with talent…”

“That’s pure… stupid?”

“Or, just not serious at all!”

Thinking about it, Duobao was suddenly out of breath.

Okay, I still think you are lazy, so you are stupid, you just don’t care… Such a good talent, such a strong heel, but above a Taiyi Golden Immortal level Cultivation Technique, you stumbled. .

It’s your own problem… It seems that I can’t be so relaxed with you in the future.

A fierce light flashed in Dubo’s eyes.

He felt that in the past, did he treat these younger brothers and younger sisters too well, too relaxed, and made them feel too safe, and they have not experienced any serious danger.

Therefore, they have no sense of crisis at all.

Even the most important cultivation is not bothered, half-hearted, and almost got a problem because of it.

“No, if this goes on, Junior Brother and Junior Sister will be taken away by me!”

Duobao shook his head with a firm expression: “It can’t go on like this. You must make them feel the danger before you can really take cultivation to your heart.”

Although I just watched the performance of Yellow Dragon, from the performance of Yellow Dragon, Duobao can guess that other juniors and juniors are also the same.

I shouldn’t care about cultivation at all.

After all, Yellow Dragon is still a group of juniors, among the juniors, the first to complete the replacement of the foundation, come to find his junior.

Although I don’t want to admit it, there is a high probability that Yellow Dragon is still a group of juniors. Among the juniors, the most concerned about cultivation.

“The taller one is short!”

Duobao looked ugly and realized the problem.

“It seems that the Dark Proving Ground can not only be used on the Lich, but also my junior brothers and sisters.”

“In the past, their little life was too peaceful and comfortable… Dao heart was going to be abolished.”

“Dark Proving Grounds, Dark Turmoil… Maybe…”

Thinking, Duobao already had an idea in his mind.

At the same time, Zhao Gongming, Guang Chengzi and others, who were working hard to replace their foundations, suddenly shuddered together.

Each raised his head and glanced at each other, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

I always feel that something bad will happen.

“Master sister…did something happen?” Guang Chengzi asked Jin Ling solemnly.

He felt very bad, and after that bad premonition appeared, it kept going.

Not only did it not disperse with the passage of time, but it became more and more heavier.

It has only been so long, under this feeling, he already had a feeling of fright, and even a sense of fright.

Jin Ling also wrinkled, looking at the ugly-looking juniors and younger sisters, after a long time, comforted: “Should there be none?”

She also felt this way, but she couldn’t figure out the source.

“There are masters, uncles, and the second uncles… and seniors are also… what can happen?”

Everyone was puzzled, and they thought of this, so they didn’t perform too much.

As expected, they are backed by three Sages, and a big brother who doesn’t know the depth. Looking at the land, they are all people who can walk sideways.

Moreover, they didn’t go out either, they were in this Kunlun.

Looking at the predicament, who would dare not be afraid of death and come to Kunlun to make trouble for them?

That’s the real death!

But, and because of this, everyone is even more puzzled.

They are not mortals, and they all have Cultivation Base. The origin of this feeling is definitely not groundless.

Since it is a bad premonition, something bad will definitely happen!

It’s just that they really don’t understand, they are in Kunlun, what bad things can happen?

Is it because the two groups of Lich are working together, afraid to break into Kunlun, right?

I can’t think of the answer.

Suddenly, Bi Xiao hesitated to raise her small hand, and immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Bi Xiao?” Jin Ling cried out suspiciously: “Did you find anything?”

Under the gaze of the senior brothers and sisters, Jin Ling cautiously said her guess: “We are all in Kunlun, and no one else would dare to attack us.”

“But, we all have this feeling again… After throwing away all the impossible, I thought of a possibility.”

Everyone immediately stared at Bi Xiao: “What’s the possibility?”

“You said, is it possible that it is Master, Master, Second Master or Senior Brother, what would you like to do to us?” Bi Xiao asked in a low voice while looking at the crowd.


Bi Xiao’s words were like a thunderstorm, splitting into everyone’s minds, instantly shattering their doubts.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

It really is!

No one would dare to break into Kunlun in the predicament.

Since there is no outsider, it is an insider.

And the only people who can make them react like this are the Master, Master Uncle, Second Uncle and Senior Brother.

Everyone thought, looked at each other, looked at each other, and suddenly said together: “Big brother!”

Yes, Master, Master, and Master are all Sages.

It is basically impossible to do anything to them.

And only Big Brother Duobao had this motive… and he also had a criminal record.

Everyone suddenly thought of the twenty-four heavens before…Can’t help but shudder all together.

Bi Xiao’s voice was crying: “Big Brother, what do you want to do to us again?”

Among the twenty-four heavens, their experiences were so mysterious and miserable that others could hardly imagine.

Although they have gained a lot, if they are asked to do it again, most of them are still unwilling.

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