Chapter 182

She knew Fuxi’s thoughts, and she also understood his thoughts.

“Little Sister, I am the elder brother after all.” Fuxi sighed, looked at Nuwa, and said complicatedly: “I thought I could always protect you.”

Nuwa listened to Fuxi’s words, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes: “You have protected me for so long, why can’t you let me protect you.”

“And…” Nuwa said, hugging Fuxi: “Big Brother, even the position of Sage, isn’t it you let me?”

Nuwa remembered what happened in the Purple Cloud Palace.

Daozu Hongjun became a saint and preached in the Chaos Purple Heaven Palace outside the thirty Third Stage.

In the wild world, anyone who is predestined can go there.

There are endless prehistoric creatures, god-tier masters, everywhere.

Although there was no quasi-sage at that time, apart from Daozu Hongjun, at most they were only Da Luo Jinxian.

Those who can enter the Chaos and those who can enter the Purple Cloud Palace are at least golden immortals.

In the Zixiao Palace, there are three thousand guests in the red dust, which means three thousand big Luo Jinxians.

At that time, before the Taoist ancestors passed down the great road, it was easy to have another one who cultivated into the Daluo Jinxian.

There are six futons in the Zixiao Palace. At first, they didn’t understand the meaning of these six futons, but they all knew that it was definitely not easy.

After all, it is the futon in the Daozu Zixiao Palace, how to say, we have to take it down,

Three thousand red dust guests used their own means to snatch these six futons. In the end, Sanqing won the first three futons by virtue of Xiantian background.

Fuxi used Dafa to display his magical powers in the Purple Cloud Palace, blocking the attacks of many mortals, and with the help of God Jun and Taiyi, Nuwa was sent to the fourth futon.

Kunpeng, Hongyun relied on speed to get the fifth and sixth futon.

Nuwa, Fuxi originally belonged to the Xiantian Divine Mansion and does not belong to the Yaozu.

But in order to obtain the help of Emperor Jun, Taiyi, therefore, promised to join the Yaozu, which was able to occupy the fourth futon.

After obtaining the futon, Fuxi should have sat on it in terms of strength. As a result, Fuxi gave it to Nuwa, and now there is Nuwa Sage.

If Fuxi refuses, then it should be Fuxi who has achieved Sage now.

“If Big Brother is parting with me because of this, then what is the point of Nuwa doing this Sage?” Nuwa cried.

Originally she could hold it back, but after Fuxi appeared, she couldn’t help it immediately when she remembered the things before.

“If you had known…Big Brother, you should have been sanctified.”

Fuxi hugged Nuwa, who was crying constantly, and his heart softened. He had nowhere to put his hands, paused for a moment, and then hugged Nuwa: “Little Sister, I am Big Brother.”

“Isn’t it what Big Brother should take care of Little Sister?”

“It’s Big Brother who was wrong. Big Brother shouldn’t be able to figure it out. Big Brother shouldn’t have a share with you.” Fuxi sighed.

Nuwa cried and shook his head: “No, Little Sister was wrong. Little Sister shouldn’t be angry with Big Brother. Knowing that Big Brother is in a bad mood, he should have looked for Big Brother first. It was Little Sister’s fault.”

What about Sage?

Sage should be aloof, Sage should be majestic, solemn, and unsmiling?

In that case, what is the difference from a stone?

She cried when she wanted to cry, laughed when she wanted to laugh, even if she behaved like a child, so what?

“No, Big Brother is not in a bad mood, Big Brother just…” Fuxi hugged Nuwa.

Nuwa: “I know, I know all.”

“Big Brother, in the future, you won’t be allowed to make a living like this anymore, and you won’t be allowed to ignore me anymore, okay?”

Nuwa raised her head and looked at Fuxi with tears in her eyes.

Fuxi hugged Nuwa, and the words full of heart turned into a single word: “Yeah.”

The two held them for a long time. The brothers and sisters who were originally born had become people of two worlds. Suddenly, they found the same feelings they had when they were in Bu Zhoushan.

There is no gap, regardless of strength or status, they are simple brothers and sisters.

Fuxi is the brother and Nuwa is the sister.

After a long time, Nuwa let go of Fuxi: “Big Brother is here this time, is there something looking for the little girl?”

Fuxi touched her nose awkwardly: “How did you know that I didn’t come to see you, but that I was looking for you for something?”

“Huh!” Nuwa wrinkled her nose suddenly dissatisfied after hearing the words: “Big Brother had been awkward before. If it wasn’t for something, how could he come to find a little girl?”

Fuxi: “…”

It seems to be true.

“That’s something.”

Before, he was indeed not good, and always couldn’t figure it out.

I didn’t feel jealous of Nuwa, just because Little Sister’s strength surpassed him, I was awkward and lost.

Suddenly, he was a little grateful that he was here today. If it weren’t for this, he couldn’t figure it out, and he didn’t know how long it would be awkward.

“What’s the matter? Let’s talk about it.” Nuwa gave Fuxi a bitter look, took him, and sat aside.

“Little Sister can’t figure it out?” Fuxi looked at her with a grimace when she thought of business, and then asked Nuwa with some doubts.

“……” Nuwa was speechless: “Sage is not omnipotent. If Big Brother doesn’t say anything, how does the little girl know?”

“Is that so?” Fu Xi was stunned, this was different from his original guess.

It turns out that Sage is not omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent?

“That’s it…” Fuxi said the matter.

Nuwa understood: “So, Big Brother is looking for me, do you want to know the identity of that person?”

Fuxi said, “Yes, can you figure it out?”

“It should be possible.” Nuwa said proudly.

In any case, she is also Sage, and she is still very relaxed as a person.

Fuxi finally found her, of course she couldn’t let Fuxi down.

Nuwa pinched his fingers, between his fingers, the sun, the moon and the stars, mountains, rivers, heaven and earth all appeared.

A little sacred power fell into the fingers, using Emperor Jun and Taiyi as reasons to search for the unknown people they had referred to.

Endless information appeared in his head, and after a moment, Nuwa stopped.

Fuxi has been staring at Nuwa’s movements. Seeing her stop, she couldn’t help but ask in surprise: “Forget it?”

Nuwa didn’t answer, her complexion suddenly became serious, more Magic power fell into her fingers, and her golden dress floated up.

A powerful force wave appeared, pushing Fuxi out.

Under this wave of power, Fu Xi didn’t have the slightest power to resist, and she was pushed away at the first thought.

It wasn’t until after pushing far away that he reacted and stared at Nuwa suddenly.

“Didn’t figure it out?”

Fuxi was stunned. Nuwa was Sage, who was such a big movement.

“It seems that my guess is correct, that person is really not easy…”

The thought flashed in his mind, and then he shook his head and smiled bitterly, laughing at himself: “It is impossible to be simple. How can it be possible for Dijun and Tai Yi to behave like this?”

With that being said, Fuxi still couldn’t calm down in her heart.

After all, it’s not easy and unsanctified.

There is a saying in the predicament that under Sage, all are ants.

So you can see the huge gap between Sage and Sage.

Normally, as long as there is no other Sage to cover up the secret, no matter what Sage is, it is a matter of grasping at the fingertips.


“Could it be that other Sages took the shot?” Fuxi guessed in her heart as Nuwa’s face became more and more serious.

“Or, Sage?”

It shouldn’t be. Given Dijun and Taiyi’s situation, they certainly know other Sages, but if they are, there is no need to hide them.

“Empty, empty, empty.” Nuwa Magic power flows continuously into the fingers like water. Sage Magic power, which can be a sacred power, has a qualitative difference from ordinary magic power.

Under such magic power, under Sage, who can’t figure it out?

Nuwa is already doing his best, but that’s it. What can be calculated is nothing but empty, empty, empty.

It’s as if there is no such person at all.

“Can’t figure it out!” Nuwa was surprised.

“Is there really no such a person?”

Nuwa guessed, then denied.

“Impossible, Big Brother will not lie to me, there must be this one…but…”

As the thoughts turned, Nuwa gritted his teeth fiercely, continuously instilling Magic power, searching and calculating with all his strength.

Because she shot with all her strength, the horrible power fluctuated from the snail palace to the entire prehistoric world.

Everyone, Sage looked in the direction of the Snail Palace together, wondering: “What is Nuwa doing?”

“She… is calculating the secret?”

“This feeling… who is she looking for? Or something?”

With the careful perception of all the saints, from Nuwa’s movements, they can perceive the power fluctuations of the heavenly secrets, searching for the ideas of heaven and earth.

“Who made Nuwa act like this?”

The sages are even more puzzled, and what makes them even more puzzled is that Nuwa is Sage. She has done her best like this, but that’s it. Seeing the meaning, she didn’t even calculate what she wanted, or the person.

How can it be?

The sages were shocked and suspicious.

Are there such creatures in the prehistoric times?


After a long time, Nuwa stopped her movements with a face full of dissatisfaction, and the huge power fluctuations dissipated.

Fuxi walked over and looked at the unwillingness on Nuwa’s face. He already had the answer in his heart, but still asked with a glimmer of hope: “Have you figured it out?”

Nuwa looked at Fuxi and couldn’t help asking, “Big Brother, are you sure there is such a person?”

She was Sage, and she tried her best, but she couldn’t find a trace.

Either that person’s strength is far above her, so she can’t figure it out.

Either, that person doesn’t exist at all, otherwise, she can at least figure out a trace and get a clue.

Now, she has been doing this for a long time, but she still hasn’t gained anything, not even a little information, there is no trace.

She shouldn’t have doubted, but as a result, she couldn’t help but doubt it, otherwise she couldn’t explain it.

“Should it exist?” Nuwa’s suspicious expression made Fuxi suddenly suspicious.

Di Jun, Tai Yi has no reason to lie to him.

Listen to their words, there really is such a person.

However, since it exists, why can’t it be counted?

After hearing Fuxi’s words, Nuwa’s eyes suddenly widened: “Should?”

Fuxi explained: “Emperor Jun, Taiyi said yes, and I have never seen it…they have no reason to fabricate such a person…no reason!”

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