Chapter 183

“Dijun, Taiyi…” Nuwa stared at Fuxi for a long while, then gave up: “Perhaps, they are really lying to you?”

Apart from that, she really couldn’t think of other reasons.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain why she can’t figure out the reason.

Could it be that the strength of that person really surpassed her?

But among the predecessors, only Hongjun Daozu is stronger than her, and even the other Sages will at least have some feelings.

It could only be Hongjun Daozu who could make her feel no sense at all.

Could it be that Di Jun, he is the ancestor of Hongjun?

How can this be?

“What’s the reason?” Fuxi asked.

Nuwa was silent, indeed, the reason?

Di Jun, what Taiyi thought, there is no reason to make up such a person to appear.

Moreover, they really have a treasure in their hands, the door of dimensions.

“The Gate of Dimensions!” Thinking of this, Nuwa suddenly thought, and asked Fuxi: “Where is the Gate of Dimensions?”

“Little Sister, are you thinking?” Fuxi guessed Nuwa’s mind.

Nuwa nodded heavily, and said unconvincedly: “I want to see it.”

It is impossible to calculate the person in this way, but since the door of dimensionality is his thing, if you see the door of dimensionality, maybe this is a breakthrough.

“In Dijun, Taiyi’s hands.” Fuxi shook his head and said.

Originally, the Gate of Dimensions was used by a group of monster races and placed in the chaos.

However, after the great changes in the prehistoric world, there was no need to lay down the Universe star formation, so they were put away by the two.

As he said, Fuxi suddenly stopped and looked at Nuwa.

At the same time, Nuwa also looked over, and the two said in unison: “Dijun, Taiyi.”

Nuwa’s eyes lit up, and she moved her fingers again.

Di Jun, Taiyi is now looking for the person. As long as she can count the two of them, naturally, she can also find the mysterious person.

She really doesn’t believe it, she can’t count the mysterious person, she can’t count Dijun, too?

She was even more curious about who she was and what kind of strength she possessed.

She was really curious.

Nuwa calculated again. This time, Dijun and Taiyi clearly appeared between her fingers.

The two are constantly walking through the chaos, with a clear goal, heading towards one place.

Fuxi saw the existence of the two, and crossed his head, a little nervous and expectant.

Suddenly I was so excited, I was finally able to know the identity of the mysterious person.

Nuwa stared at the two closely, and the holy power flowed out like water.


Under the tense attention of the two, the picture between Nuwa suddenly stopped, and the figures of Dijun and Taiyi suddenly disappeared.

Fuxi immediately looked at Nuwa in confusion.

Nuwa frowned, her eyes filled with disbelief: “How is it possible? How did it disappear?”

Nuwa’s fingers are linked to quickly switch, and in a single thought, thousands of measurement algorithm doors are switched.

However, the disappearing picture never appeared again.

“It’s evil!” In this case, even with Nuwa’s good training, he couldn’t help but swear.

How could there be such a character?

Not only is he unable to measure it himself, it is also impossible to measure the people who are close to him.

Nuwa put away Fajue, her face was cold, and her hand suddenly placed on Fuxi.

Fuxi wondered: “Little Sister, what are you doing?”

Nuwa did not answer, but a blue light appeared from the two of them.

After that, the two disappeared in the Snail Palace, and appeared in the chaos in an instant.

“This is?” Fuxi looked at the chaotic air surging around and guessed its location: “Is it Dijun, where Taiyi disappeared before?”

Nuwa stood in the chaos, and the method of calculation was performed again, and his skirts fluttered, the vast Magic power, and the wave appeared, forcing away the chaos, and again calculated the position of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.




Because of her movements, calm chaos, huge waves appeared.

Fuxi looked at Nuwa tightly, waiting for the final result.

After a short time, Nuwa finally stopped, and the surging chaos calmed down.

Nuwa didn’t speak, the unwillingness, doubt, and curiosity in his eyes were clearly visible.

Fuxi understood: “I still haven’t calculated it yet?”


Throwing the Yellow Dragon into the body area, leaving the Yellow Dragon to cultivate in the body area, Duo Bao returned to the shop.

“There may be weird and ominous invasions in the future… In order to better respond, I should let everyone familiarize themselves with weird and ominous in advance.”

Dobo stared at the strange black and ominous red in front of him.

“Furthermore, this thing, if used well, is also a good thing. The Ascension talent… can also be used on a group of juniors and younger sisters.”

“However, I am immature now. It’s just an idea. There is no experimental data. If you use it on Junior Brother and Junior Sister, I’m afraid of accidents.”

“It’s weird and ominous after all!”

Duobao sighed and suddenly regretted seeing Shi Hao.

Without him, none of this would happen.

He can still live his own life leisurely.

But now, since I have met Shi Hao, the future will have great variables.

It’s all because of him, so I can’t just look at it like this.

Moreover, the strange and ominous appearance gave him new ideas.

“This is not necessarily a bad thing…Anyway, there are Master, Uncle Master, and Second Uncle, and they should be fine.”

“No matter how bad it is, there will be a master, surely no problem.”

“Old Master Shizu, suppress everything, invincible, weird and ominous. For his old man, it shouldn’t be a problem… right?” Duobao thought with some uncertainty.

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Hongjun opened his eyes again, looked at Duobao, then turned to look in a certain direction in the chaos, eyes reveal disdain: “Weird family…”

Duobao thought for a long time, but finally made a decision.

“It doesn’t matter, things have reached this point anyway, and there is no way back.”

“Weird, ominous…refining it well, get some experimental data, and after it’s completed, use it on a group of juniors and younger sisters, so that they can also get their talents ascension.”

“Furthermore, with the weird and ominous joining, the body can be more perfect…Dark turmoil, alien invasion…Experience all of them, and if you meet again, you will also have experience.”

“Um… just do it.”

Duobao was thinking, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Be yelling!

The door was pushed open, and Emperor Jun, Taiyi came over.

“Huh, are you here again?” Duobao asked curiously.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi came over: “Why, isn’t it welcome?”

Duobao shook his head: “No, but didn’t you just come here?”

“Could it be that you have money again? Come to buy Magic Treasures?”

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi shook his head together: “No, we are here, there is something, and I want to ask you for help.”

“Ask me for help?” Duobao was puzzled: “Why, is that opponent is so powerful that the gate of dimensions can’t be solved?”

“It shouldn’t be, I see that chaotic aura, just like that, for the gate of dimensions, it’s just an easy thing.”

“Could it be that something unexpected happened?”

Listening to Duobao’s words, Dijun, Taiyi was helpless.

That’s it?

That is the dignified Chaos Demon God…Who dare not take them to heart?

Who dares to underestimate them?

That’s it?

That’s how you dare to say that.

However, if this was said from Duobao, they really didn’t think there was any problem.

He is indeed qualified to say this.

Duobao didn’t take any action, just a magic power, a gate of dimensionality, which killed all the Chaos Demon Gods.

For him, the Chaos Demon God is indeed, that’s it!

Emperor Jun touched the Magic power on his eyebrows and sighed extremely.

Duobao also saw the magic power on Dijun’s eyebrows, and raised his brows: “There is one magic power left…should it be solved?”

He had given them two Magic powers, the strongest power used to activate the Gate of Dimension.

Now, the Magic power on Tai Yi has disappeared, it should be used up, and the Magic power on Di Jun’s eyebrows is still there, which is enough to explain the problem.

Dijun coughed unnaturally, covering his eyebrows with his hand, daring not to speak any more, and touched Taiyi with his arm, for fear that Dubao would take back this magic power.

This magic power has already been regarded as a hole card by him, if possible, it is better to stay with him.

Tai Yi is worthy of being a brother, and instantly understood what Di Jun meant, and immediately shifted Duobao’s gaze: “No, that matter has been resolved, this time I am in trouble again.”

Duobao didn’t care about Dijun’s actions, and didn’t even think about taking back the Magic power.

It’s just a magic power.

He looked at Taiyi speechlessly, Di Jun: “Are you trouble maker? Why do you always encounter trouble?”

“Just solved one and met another?”

Hong Huang is really so dangerous, and trouble keeps going?

Seeing that Duobao didn’t mean to pursue Magic power, Emperor Jun and Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing Duobao’s words again, he glanced at each other awkwardly.

In this way, it seems a bit embarrassing.

However, they really can’t do anything about this kind of thing, they can only find many treasures.

The two looked at Duobao embarrassedly, their eyes apologetic and expectant.

Duobao sighed helplessly: “Okay, okay, I’m afraid of you, let’s talk, what happened this time?”

“First say yes, I am not a panacea, not everything can be solved.”

“If you can’t solve it, don’t blame me.”

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi nodded again and again: “No blame, no blame, absolutely no blame.”

“And…” Duobao looked at the two of them and continued: “For the sake of our knowledge, the first problem was solved for you. This second time, it can’t be so easy.”

Dijun, with a solemn expression, solemnly said to Duobao: “Of course, I don’t dare to bother all the time. No matter what the cost is, we can agree to it.”

Seeing the two people’s sincere attitude, Duobao nodded, indeed begging for help.

“Come on, what’s the matter this time?”

Di Jun, too, glanced at him, and suddenly he didn’t know what to say.

For a moment, he stopped in place.

Duobao was puzzled and looked at the two of them: “Why, is there any problem?”

“Hard to say?”

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