Chapter 181

Someone can solve a problem that even the entire monster clan can’t solve?

Even Sage, faced with such a problem, can only frown and can’t think of a way.

Although the problem is simple, it is too difficult to solve.

“Is it?” Thinking, Fuxi suddenly moved her heart, looked at Emperor Jun, Tai Yi: “Could it be that the master of the gate of dimension?”

Before, after facing too much energy that swallowed chaos, the problem that it was difficult to swallow it again, Taiyi went out and brought back the door of dimensionality, and it was solved.

Later, when the Chaos Demon God invaded, Dijun and Tai went out together and came back again. Although they did not bring other Magic Treasures back, they were solved by the Gate of Dimensions.

The strength of the Gate of Dimension gave them a great surprise, and also gave them even greater doubts.

Fuxi guessed that, judging from the situation before and after the two, the Gate of Dimensions is definitely not a Magic Treasures born from heaven and earth. It is likely to be someone’s treasure, but it is Emperor Jun and Taiyi borrowed it.

They went out twice before and after, and they should also be the masters of the door to the dimension, seeking a solution.

This can also explain why they still can’t use such a treasure as the Gate of Dimensions.

If they really understood the power of the Gate of Dimensions, they wouldn’t need to go out again later.

When faced with the invasion of the Chaos Demon God, it could be resolved at that time.

Fuxi affirmed the guess in her heart, and then became even more puzzled: “Is there such a great power in the predicament?”

He thought hard in his mind, thinking about all the powers he knew, but they couldn’t fully correspond.

Just at this moment, Kunpeng also looked over.

The two looked at each other and both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

What Fuxi can think of, Kunpeng can naturally think of it too

“Your Majesty, I don’t know, who is he?” Fuxi suddenly asked Di Jun.

He is really curious, is there really such a strong person in the predicament?

Is it Dao Zu?

It shouldn’t be. If it is Daozu, you don’t need to hide it like this, tuck it, right?

However, besides Dao Ancestor, who can have such a powerful strength?

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Hongjun opened his eyes, looked into the Heaven Court, and shook his head slightly: “It’s not me.”

With a thought in his mind, he naturally discovered the current situation of the Yaozu, and smiled bitterly: “This kind of problem is the old-fashioned me, and there is no good solution?”

Sometimes, the more complicated the problem is, it is actually easier to solve, but it is the simplest problem that is the most unsolvable.

The so-called road to Jane, but so.

“However, although I can’t solve the old way, that little guy…” Hongjun looked at the place where Duobao was, smiled slightly, with anticipation: “Maybe.”

Duobao gave him a great surprise and surprise.

He could see the future of all creatures including Sage in the prehistoric age, but Dubao could not see it.

Moreover, every thought and every practice of Duobao surpassed his expectation, which made him slap his tongue, but was also very pleasantly surprised.

“Perhaps, it’s really time to take a look at my disciple.” Hongjun thought to himself.

If you don’t go, I’m afraid that after a while, his disciple’s strength will catch up with him. Then, where should he put the face of his master?

After listening to Fuxi’s question, he looked at the two monsters, Di Jun, who was full of doubts, with deep curiosity in his eyes, and thirst for knowledge, Tai Yi shook his head together: “Now, it’s not the time.”

These words almost affirmed the two people’s guesses, and when the two of them confirmed their thoughts, they were even more puzzled.

In the precipice, there really is such a powerful person.

Why, they don’t feel it at all?

“Is it someone we know?” Kunpeng asked tentatively.

Di Jun shook his head: “No, you probably haven’t seen each other.”

“Is that someone we know?” Fuxi asked again.

Di Jun thought for a while, this seems not to be an unanswerable question: “Yes, you have heard of him.”

Previously, on the shore of the East China Sea, Duobao had done something to hold Taiyi, making Duobao almost a legend.

In the prehistoric times, many people have never seen Duobao, but there are not many people who have never heard of him.

“Have we heard?” After getting this answer, Fuxi and Kunpeng immediately looked at each other, even more puzzled.

Since they have heard of it, it shows that this person must be a great power in the predicament.

Moreover, looking at what Dijun meant, it seemed that they should have a deep impression of this person.

Since the impression is deep, they shouldn’t be ignorant!

It shouldn’t be impossible to guess!

However, they just can’t guess it!

After guessing for a long time, Fuxi and Kunpeng still couldn’t guess the identity of the person, and they were helpless.

Each stared at Di Jun depressedly: “Your Majesty, just tell us.”

They really want to know, who is that person?

Who on earth has such great ability.

Di Jun looked at the two demons with some evil interest, and continued to shake his head: “It’s not the time yet.”

Such a look of Fuxi, Kunpeng, made him feel a little inexplicably dark in his heart.

I like their feeling of doubts, depression, but no answers.

Fuxi and Kunpeng heard Di Jun’s answer like this, and he almost shut himself down.

As for it, it’s just a person, is it hidden so deep?

Tell them what happened?

Can they still eat him?

It’s just that they think, based on the performance of that person up to now, it is estimated that they do not have that strength!

“Okay.” Tai Yi interrupted the thoughts of the demon, and said to Di Jun: “It’s not too late, let’s go quickly.”

After speaking, he turned to Fuxi with some smirk, Kunpeng said, “In the future, you will know it sooner or later, but now, it is not the time yet.”

With this answer again, Fuxi looked at Kunpeng even more depressed.

Then he looked at the two unconvincedly: “Hmph, don’t you tell me, is there really nothing I can do?”

After Taiyi finished speaking, he took Emperor Jun to the depths of the chaos and disappeared.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Fuxi turned and flew towards the other direction of the chaos.

He didn’t know the identity of that person, but he was really curious.

But he didn’t believe it, he didn’t know, could Sage still be unclear?

Sage illuminates thousands of miles, searching all over the world with a single thought. Could they still know?

You know, he Fuxi is no ordinary person, he also has a Little Sister called Nuwa, that is Sage.

Dijun, if Taiyi didn’t tell him, could he still get the answer from Sage Little Sister?

Fuxi went to find Nuwa, only Kunpeng was left on the spot, staying in the chaos stupidly.

He doesn’t have Sage Little Sister, Di Jun, and Tai Yi has nothing to do.

There is no wind in Heaven Court, but when standing in Heaven Court, Kunpeng always feels inexplicably cold.

I always feel like I’m so pitiful.


After a long time, a long and helpless sigh came from the Heaven Court.


In the Snail Emperor Heaven, as soon as Fuxi arrived, she saw a maid in golden dress waiting at the door: “Jin Feng has seen Master Fuxi.”

Fuxi nodded: “Exemption.”

“The lady has been waiting in the palace for a long time, please, please.”

Jinfeng belongs to the Phoenix family. After the Nuwa Empress was sanctified, she specially came to mount Nuwa and ask for Nuwa Sage’s blessing.

“Yeah.” Fuxi was smug in her heart. Look, this is Sage.

Knowing his arrival a long time ago, the supernatural powers could not imagine, how can a creature in a mere predator escape Sage’s induction?

Think about it, at this time, sister Nuwa already knows his intentions, and the answer should be there.

After entering, it is estimated that before he asks, Nuwa sister will tell him, Di Jun, the identity of the person Taiyi has always hidden.

“Hmph, don’t you tell me, don’t I know?” Fuxi thought proudly and proudly.

He, Fuxi, is a demon with a background.

Entering the palace, Nuwa immediately responded, and said with a bit of grievance: “Brother, you rarely come to my palace. Since you became a holy, you haven’t seen me much.”

“What? After Little Sister is sanctified, it’s not you Little Sister anymore?”

“You are so cruel. After you become a holy, count it down. This is the first time you have come to see me, right?”

When Fuxi came, Nuwa was very happy, but also very resentful.

Originally, the two of them had been in Zhoushan Life.

They have been together since they were born, and the two have a very good relationship.

However, after she became holy, after she opened up the Snail Sky in the chaos, the two rarely met.

Except when she opened up the Snail Sky and invited many powerful people to observe the ceremony, she met once, and never saw each other again.

Fuxi did not come to her again.

“Didn’t you, you forgot, you still have a Little Sister?” Nuwa stared at Fuxi bitterly.

After hearing this, Fuxi touched her nose in embarrassment.

He actually is not really forgotten about his sister.

It’s just that the strength of the two was about the same, and his strength was even better than Nuwa.

Suddenly, Nuwa became holy, and his strength instantly threw him away.

It feels that the dignity of my brother is immediately gone.

As the elder brother, he always felt that he wanted to protect Little Sister.

It’s just that suddenly, Little Sister’s strength surpassed him, and he didn’t need his protection, and there was an inexplicable loss.

Therefore, he is hiding from Nuwa subconsciously.

I always feel awkward and awkward.

After all, he had always been protecting Nuwa, and he had always been the elder brother.

Now, Little Sister’s strength surpasses him and he does not need his protection.

Suddenly, he couldn’t accept it. He was really happy for Little Sister’s sanctification, but this loss in his heart really couldn’t be said to other people.

It’s very subtle, I haven’t adjusted my mentality for a while, and I don’t know how to face my Little Sister.

“That…no, absolutely not.”

Facing Nuwa’s complaints, Fuxi repeatedly said: “How could I forget you? You are my Little Sister.”

“It’s just, before, I have always been protecting you, after all, I am your brother…”

As Fuxi said, he was a little embarrassed and disappointed.

Nuwa looked at Fuxi like this, a little distressed, and a little angry: “Why, you are only allowed to protect me? I am not allowed to protect you?”

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