Chapter 180

“Okay…” Yellow Dragon looked at Dubo eagerly for a long time, and finally got helpless.

Suddenly his body shook, and he reacted, remembering what Dubao had said before, and couldn’t help asking: “Getting started?”

Does this entry mean what he thinks?

“What’s getting started?” Yellow Dragon asked with the last hint of expectation.

“……” Duobao was speechless, staring at Yellow Dragon: “Have you taken it seriously?”

“What are you looking at?”

“I gave you the true body of the Yellow Dragon!”

“Yes, I have!”

“Then how can you ask such a stupid question?”

“What do you mean?” Yellow Dragon asked stupidly. Seeing Duobao’s palm lifted up, he quickly lowered his head and flipped the [Yellow Dragon Earth True Body] in his hand. After a while, he was desperate.

Just looking at a Dao Fa, you have not yet cultivated, and you can be desperate, which shows the difficulty of this Dao Fa.

“After replacing all the cells, condensing sixty trillion squares of earth, and sixty trillion Yellow Dragons, can you be considered as a true introduction to the Yellow Dragon earth?”

Yellow Dragon closed [Yellow Dragon Earth True Body], looking at the sky speechlessly, and his heart was filled with despair.

How can such a perverted Taoism be cultivated?

This is too difficult!

Even if he condensed one side of the earth, he was only slightly certain, let alone condensed sixty trillion squares of land.

Is this the Taoism that people can cultivate?

And, in this way, it’s just an introduction. Later, we need to expand the sixty trillion squares of land, the sixty trillion yellow dragons of Ascension, and integrate them, and all their power will be integrated into a yellow dragon, and it will be transformed into a single Yellow Dragon. Promoted to second-level Yellow Dragon.

Then, ascension all the Yellow Dragons to the second-level Yellow Dragon.

Only then can it be considered above the entry level and reach the second level.

There are third-level Yellow Dragon, fourth-level Yellow Dragon, and fifth-level Yellow Dragon.

Compared with the front, the back is simple.

Just like what Duobao said, step by step cultivation, condensing, that’s it.

Isn’t it simple… a ghost!

The Yellow Dragon choked speechlessly, how did this approach come about?

Can this thing really be cultivated?

Moreover, after the cultivation, the limit is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Sure, this is Taiyi Golden Immortal?

It feels that even if it is a quasi-sage, it is nothing more than that!

Moreover, Yellow Dragon felt that if he really cultivated the true body of Yellow Dragon, even if it was Sage, he might not dare to fight.

“What are you waiting for?” Looking at the Yellow Dragon in a daze, he didn’t know what he was thinking, and Duobao slapped it again: “Since I have understood it, I should familiarize myself with Taoism and prepare for cultivation.”

Yellow Dragon: “…….”

After a while, Yellow Dragon couldn’t help but ask: “Big brother, do you really think I can cultivate this Yellow Dragon true body?”

With such a difficulty in cultivation, he felt that he was not able to get started, let alone completely cultivated.

He really has no confidence at all.

“What’s the matter?” Duobao looked at Yellow Dragon speechlessly, puzzled: “It’s just a method, how can it be impossible to cultivate?”

“Isn’t it difficult?”

“It’s not that hard!” Hearing this word, Yellow Dragon couldn’t help looking at Dubao in disbelief.

Big brother, do you have any misunderstandings about the word not difficult?

It is the Master’s Yuqing Immortal Method, in terms of the difficulty of cultivation, it is far inferior to this [Yellow Dragon Earth True Body].

Yellow Dragon was speechless for a long time, and couldn’t help asking: “Brother, in your opinion, [Yellow Dragon Earth True Body] is very simple?”

Duobao nodded and said of course: “Of course, this is not difficult at first, don’t you think it is difficult?”

It’s just that you can only cultivate to the Taiyi Golden Immortal’s Taoism. What’s the problem?

He hasn’t created the latter yet, and only reaches the fifth-level Yellow Dragon, and the limit is only Taiyi Golden Immortal, not even Da Luo.

This kind of Taoism, relatively speaking, is too simple.

In his plan, this method is only used to lay the foundation for the Yellow Dragon. After reaching the limit, he has other methods and magical powers, which are much more difficult than the real body of the Yellow Dragon.

Those are the real hard things.

To put it bluntly, the true body of the Yellow Dragon Earth is nothing but basic Taoism.

In any case, Yellow Dragon is also one of the twelve golden immortals of Yuxu in the future.

I want to come to Duobao, in the name of Kunlun, these twelve golden immortals must not be ordinary golden immortals, nor will they be Taiyi golden immortals, they should be Daluo golden immortals.

In other words, the future of Yellow Dragon is the powerhouse of Da Luo Jinxian.

The Daluo Jinxian who is dignified in the future, to cultivate such a method that can only reach the Taiyi Jinxian is not a matter of grasping, it is too simple.

If you let Yellow Dragon know Dubao’s thoughts, I’m afraid I will cry!

He really can’t do it!

Just being the true body of the Yellow Dragon made him feel endless despair, and there are more difficult ways and supernatural powers… how can he not be able to cultivate!

“Simplicity…” In response to Doubao’s take for granted, Yellow Dragon suddenly didn’t know how to refute it.

What Duobao said for granted, he was in a daze, almost making him think that [Yellow Dragon Earth True Body] is really not that difficult.

But reason told him that this method is really difficult, difficult, and he doesn’t have the confidence to cultivate… No, he doesn’t have the confidence to get started.

“Okay, don’t do mother-in-law, hurry up and cultivate, and after you have completed your cultivation, I will teach you the follow-up Taoism.”

Duobao slapped Yellow Dragon into his body: “It’s just a basic method, why is it so troublesome.”

“Basic Taoism!”

The Yellow Dragon’s horrified sound came from the body area.

Duobao drew his ears.

The Yellow Dragon’s voice was frightened with despair, a bit sharp, like a woman’s desperate scream after facing fear, and the people who listened panicked.

“As for, I’m also a Kunlun disciple anyhow, so I don’t have confidence, it seems that I need to practice more in the future.” Duobao thought dissatisfied.


In the Heaven Court, Di Jun, Taiyi and others looked at the empty Heaven Court and fell into contemplation.

“What to do?” Fuxi asked after a long time.

In the Heaven Court, the great circle of heaven was empty, and the positions of the heavens that were supposed to be occupied by the demon gods of the demon race, at this time, most of them were empty.

Only a small number of demon gods can still maintain their original dignity, and most other demon gods are forced to break away from their profession.

Thirty Third Stage days collapsed due to changes in the world, leaving only the First Stage days.

The remaining First Stage days are stronger than the previous thirty Third Stage days combined.

Heaven Court is the center of the sky, representing the great cycle of the sky. Each node in it has a corresponding karma position and fruit position.

To occupy the corresponding fruit position, you need to control the cycle of heaven and maintain the operation of heaven and earth.

Before, all the karma positions in the cycle of the sky were all Emperor Jun, too, and it was determined by his words, but also by his words.

The major demon gods occupy various occupation positions, and while maintaining the cycle of the sky, they are also accelerating their own cultivation. Therefore, the strength of the demon race can quickly Ascension.

But now, most of the jobs are vacant.

It’s not that Emperor Jun, Tai Yi beat their career position, but because of the great changes in the world, the great cycle of heaven has increased countless times, and the corresponding career position, fruit position, has also been greatly increased.

It is said that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight, and the various positions of the great cycle of the sky are not so easy to bear, and you need to have not weak strength.

Before, the strength of the major demon gods was considered qualified, and they could take on the position of heaven.

But now, the karma position of the Great Circulation of Heaven after the enhancement is too strong, so strong that most of the demon gods originally enchanted cannot bear it.

If you don’t need Dijun, if you do it too much, you will be naturally dismissed from the career position, the fruit position.

At this time, most of the karma positions and fruit positions that were full of pits and valleys were vacated.

This is not a good thing for Yaozu.

Of course, there is no foreign enemy invading now, and the world is strong enough to operate on its own without affecting it.

However, for the Yaozu, this is a big trouble.

Without the blessing of the Heaven’s Karma position, the backbone of the demon tribes, the elites, and the demon gods who originally had the Karma position blessing, the speed of the strength Ascension immediately dropped.

The development of the Yaozu suddenly stagnated.

In fact, it can’t be said to be stagnant. It’s just that compared to the Ascension speed of the demon race that had the blessing of karma before, now it can only be said to be a snail speed.

Emperor Jun, the first-class demon, of course he didn’t want to, each of them was sad.

“It must be the strength of the Ascension demon clan, and the position of the heavenly karma must also be in the hands of my demon clan.” Too First Stage said heavily.

Hearing that, Di Jun, Fuxi, and Kunpeng couldn’t help rolling their eyes.

Isn’t this nonsense!

Of course they all know this problem, the key is, how to solve it?

Now the problem is very clear, that is, the strength of the ordinary monster race can’t bear the position of heaven.

The solution is also very simple, as long as the strength of a group of monsters is Ascension, but the key is, how Ascension?

They couldn’t think of a solution.

The four of them looked at each other sadly, and sighed together.

The problem is clear, there are solutions, and the key is that they cannot solve them.

Fast Ascension strength, they also think about it, but they can’t do it at all!

Ascension’s strength methods are available, but they all take a long time.

After all, if the strength is so easy Ascension, they will be extraordinary.

Relying on the ordinary method of Ascension’s strength, it means that they will not be able to benefit from the benefits of the Heaven’s Karma for a long period of time, greatly delaying the development of the monster race.

Moreover, after becoming stronger, the effect of Heaven’s Karma has also increased correspondingly.

If it can regain the occupation position, I am afraid that the overall strength of the monster race will be a qualitative Ascension in a very short time.

While this makes them worry, they are even more jealous.

They must eat this wave of welfare, otherwise, they would be too unwilling to do so, and it would be a waste of this opportunity.

When he was thinking of a way, Di Jun suddenly looked at each other and Tai Yi nodded together.

“You must tie the bell to untie the bell. Perhaps, at this time, only he can do it.” Di Jun sighed.

“He?” Fuxi, Kunpeng’s ears suddenly stood up: “Who is he?”

Who is so supernatural, let Di Jun say so?

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