Chapter 175 Three Qing Summoned (plus sixth)

The other great abilities watched the ever-changing prehistoric for a long time, returning to Immortal Cave with their own thoughts, sitting cross-cultivation.

At this time, the atmosphere of good fortune is strong, the rules and the road are obvious, it is the best time for cultivation, how can it be wasted?


“Um…Three Thousand Avenues!”

Duobao opened his eyes in the core of the world, waking up from the deep level of enlightenment, and sighed.

In this enlightenment, he had a deep understanding, and the Three Thousand Dao can also be understood as the Three Thousand Rule.

And three thousand is just an imaginary number, meaning infinity.

It is said that there are three thousand laws, but in fact the laws are infinite.

Except for the basic construction of the world and the laws of the world, anything else can be a law.

Including thoughts, as long as the intensity reaches the standard, it will be done.

To put it simply, according to his insights, he seems to be able to create rules by himself.

“Is my strength not as bad as I thought?”

An idea came up in Dubo’s mind.

You can create your own rules. Is such strength still bad in the midst of prehistoric times?

Probably not?

“No, the ancient legend, mastering a law, you can be holy.”

“Now I have mastered the laws of space, but have not yet been sanctified… Therefore, what I understand and the real facts are still quite different.”

“The water in the wild world is deeper than I thought.”

Duobao thought on his own, pondered for a long time, and walked out of the core of the world with his thoughts.

Back to Kunlun, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Perceiving, all the younger brothers and sisters all fell asleep.

The endless good fortune is full of Kunlun, and it is very rich.

“Because of me?”

Duobao immediately thought of the reason.

Look carefully, all the juniors and younger sisters sleep soundly, and, in their deep sleep, their strength is constantly refined, Ascension.

“The world is developing, the strength lies in Ascension, and the upper limit of Realm is also in Ascension.”

Dubao whispered: “I can’t relax, otherwise, I might really be dragged down.”

Ascension, the world’s upper limit of strength, is far from the standard set by him, but compared to the original Realm upper limit, it is much stronger.

“Duobao, come and see me.”

While thinking about it, Sage’s voice came from his ears.


Duobao didn’t dare to neglect, tidying up his clothes, and quickly headed towards the Sanqing Caolu.

When he reached the Caolu, he stopped and walked slowly over. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard Tongtian Sage’s voice: “Come in.”

Duobao walked in. Inside, Taiqing Sage, Primitive Tianzun and Tongtian Guru, all three were there.

Looking at the three of them, Duobao was stunned: “Master, Master, Second Master, you…”

He was very strange. In his induction, the strength of Master, Master, and Second Master turned out to be only Da Luo Jinxian…How is this possible?

Seeing Duobao’s doubts, the three of them looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

Master Tongtian and Yan Yue said: “Daobao, don’t be confused, here is our incarnation, the deity goes to chaos to open up the heavens, and will stay in the heavens all year round in the future.”

“From now on, just our incarnations will meet with you all year round.”

Duobao was stunned, and then he looked forward to something: “Then I don’t know, Master, Uncle Master, and Uncle No. 2 have the heaven development completed? Can I go and observe?”

He was a little excited, looking forward to it.

Heaven and earth, the world he has opened up is not too small, it can be said to be familiar with it, but what he has opened up is the ordinary world, the world, and the world opened by Sage, can the world be the same?

He wanted to see if he could learn anything from it.

If it can, that would be great.

“Maybe, I can see my current absence from it?”

Duobao secretly said in his heart.

Hearing this, Sanqing glanced at each other, and all saw the happiness in the other’s eyes, and it was true.

I knew that this apprentice was interested in them opening up the realm of heaven.

Fortunately, they had already prepared their excuses, which was not a panic.

“The development has been completed, and I am waiting for the deity to have gone, so you can’t go, you are late.” Taiqing Sage said.

Hearing this, Duobao’s face immediately showed undisguised loss: “It’s such a pity.”

After a moment of loss, Duobao sorted his mind. If he couldn’t go, he couldn’t go. Then he asked: “I don’t know Master, Master, and Second Master are looking for me, what’s the matter?”

“Daobao, you have gained a lot during this time, and your strength is great.” Tongtian Guru and Yan Yueshen said.

“There are some gains, but it can’t be said to be great, just a little improvement.” Duobao said modestly.

Master Tongtian shook his head: “You are too modest, what a treasure, one thing, I want to talk about you.”

Duobao knelt down immediately and respectfully said, “Master, please give me instructions!”

“No need to be like that.” Seeing Duobao’s actions, Master Tongtian helped him up: “It’s just that I have something to discuss with you.”

“Master, is there something wrong with the disciple? Master, please make it clear!” Duobao looked respectful, looked at the Master Tongtian, and said seriously: “Master has something to do, despite the order, why bother to use the word “discussion”, the disciple is really Can’t afford it.”

Seeing Duobao’s respectful appearance, Sanqing nodded in satisfaction.

Actually is not they like Dubao attacking like this, but Dubao’s attitude like this shows respect for them.

There was no other reaction because they were just incarnations.

As usual, respect them.

This makes them very useful.

“That’s it.” Tongtian’s voice became softer and softer: “We know that you have figured out a set of cultivation methods by yourself…”

Hearing this, Duobao was a little flustered: “Master, is there any problem?”

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, he thought that there might be something wrong with the cultivation method he had created, otherwise, they would not look for themselves specifically for this.

“Seeking advice from Master.”

The three of Tongtian glanced at each other again, speechless.

has a problem?

There is a problem, and it is a big problem.

It’s just that this question is benign and good.

According to Duobao’s cultivation method, the strength will be stronger and the future will be broader.

Among them, in many places, even they don’t understand why they are so powerful!

“Don’t worry, your cultivation method is not only without problems, but also very good.”

“We are looking for you, not for other reasons, but just to discuss with you. I don’t know if your cultivation method may be passed on to other juniors and juniors?”

Sanqing stared at Duobao.

Dubao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is no problem.

After breathing a sigh of relief, he was stunned and looked at Sanqing: “Pass it to other juniors? Junior sisters?”

He has already taught it, it’s just as a minor, as a magical power, the method of fighting is not fundamental.

Soon, Duobao figured it out, hesitatingly looked at Sanqing and asked: “Master and Master, Second Master means…the cultivation method I created as a major?”

Major and minor are not the same, that is the deviation of the main road, the shift of the center of gravity.

It can almost be said to be rebuilt!

The impact of that is unimaginable.

It’s like modern society, changing professions.

There is a saying in modern society, resignation is poor for three months, and change job is hard for three years.

The same is true when switching to major roads.

“Master, Master, and Second Master, this is absolutely impossible.” Duo Bao quickly persuaded: “Junior Brother and Junior Sister both practice the Three Pure Immortal Laws, which are the methods that point to the Great Dao. That’s the root.”

“The method created by the disciple can be used as a minor. Fighting and auxiliary cultivation are all right.”

“But if you turn to the main practice, the disciple is really not sure.”

The Sanqing Immortal Method was created by the Sanqing and pointed directly at Sage. Although these juniors and younger sisters certainly cannot cultivate into Sage, as long as the cultivation time is long enough, one day they will be able to cultivate into quasi-sages.

This is a smooth road.

Unlike the cultivation method he created, although the power is not weak, until now, his highest Realm has created the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Da Luo Jinxian has no shadow.

The road ahead is completely invisible, and there is a lot of fog.

How can such a cultivation path be used as a major?

Even if he hadn’t found his own Dao, coupled with his own creation, and the fit was perfect, he would have transformed the main and sub-cultivation, otherwise, he would use the Sanqing Immortal Method as the main cultivation.

“Master, uncle master, second uncle, and disciples have created cultivation methods that have only reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and even Da Luo has not reached it. If this kind of cultivation method is to let a group of juniors and sisters cultivation, it is not a delay. Kill them and hurt their future?”

Duobao persuaded again.

Sanqing shook his head silently, and the Lord Tongtian asked Duobao, “So, do you agree?”

Duobao nodded, then looked tangled, and continued to persuade: “Master, the disciples agree, but they still disagree with the method of converting their majors.”

“In this way, the future is too variable, and it is very likely that it will limit the future of the juniors and sisters. Please master, master, and second master, think twice!”

Sanqing is unmoved, and Duobao is not clear, can they still be unclear?

The Taiyi Golden Immortal in Duobao’s mouth is already comparable to the quasi-sage, and it is also the peak powerhouse among the quasi-sages.

Once achieved, it can be said to be invincible under Sage.

As for Ronaldo, the three of them are now just equivalent to Ronaldo under Dubao’s Realm division.

What they are here is not an incarnation, but their deity.

Originally intended to be an avatar, but the avatar’s strength is too weak, afraid that Dubao will see the clues, so he simply faked the deity as an avatar.

“It’s okay, since you have agreed, then you can safely pass on the cultivation method to all of your juniors and younger sisters, and we will tell them about the transformation of majors.”

“Master…” Duobao was waiting to persuade him, but was immediately interrupted by Sanqing.

Master Tongtian said flatly: “This matter, it’s so decided.”

“Don’t think too much about it. Since we did this, there are naturally our reasons.”

“But…” Duobao still hesitated.

“We are their masters, can we still harm them?” The Master Tongtian sank his face, as if he was going to be angry when he said more about it.

Duobao looked helplessly, looking at the sinking Master, Uncle Master, and Uncle Second, he didn’t dare to say any more, so he nodded helplessly: “Yes, disciple… obey orders.”

“Well, you go down.”

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