Chapter 174 New Stage

These two eggs are the eggs laid by the supreme ancestor phoenix of the Phoenix clan.

Phoenix is ​​not necessarily born of Phoenix, but peacocks and rocs are in the egg.

It is Xiantian’s first peacock and first Dapeng.

As the saying goes, Phoenix is ​​nowhere to be found.

This sacred mountain is not well-known in the prehistoric times, but its strength is not worse than those famous sacred mountains.

Especially the air of Xiantian Yin & Yang, Five Elements.

Whether it is used for cultivating magical powers or refining Magic Treasures, they are all supreme treasures.

This is the treasure left by Zuhuang for his two sons.

Originally, they should be born soon, to make a name for themselves in the predicament.

But at this time, in the development of the prehistoric land, the good fortune of the development of the prehistoric land is obtained, and the background is even greater. At the same time, the birth time is also uncertain.

With their current consciousness, it would take a long time to digest such a powerful good fortune.


In the prehistoric world, in the chaos, Emperor Jun, Taiyi and a group of monsters who had just solved the problem of the chaos demon god suddenly looked at the prehistoric world together, and their pupils contracted rapidly.

As soon as I saw it, the prehistoric world was growing rapidly, and soon, it rushed towards them.

“No, hide!”

The demons were shocked and shouted.

The speed of the primordial world’s growth has exceeded their thinking, and when they saw it, it had already surpassed them.

Not expected to be crushed by the world.

After the world surpassed, the chaos was crushed, swallowed, and absorbed by the unstoppable force of the prehistoric world.

Following this, the prehistoric world developed and grew faster.

The difference is that the monster races that were still in the chaos have now returned to the prehistoric world.

Standing in the wild world, perceiving the ever-increasing mountains, rivers, and regions, all the monster races stayed.

Di Jun looked at the Heaven Court which was going away quickly, his throat rolled, and his heart was shocked: “What happened?”

What happened during the time they left the prehistoric land?

Why is there such a big change in the prehistoric world?

“This is…” After being surprised, he suddenly discovered that the surrounding environment was a bit wrong.

Withdrawing his gaze and looking around his body, this look was even more shocking.

As you can see, the whole world is full of strong good fortune.

Mountains and rivers, earth, rivers and even the stars, sun and moon, are all wrapped in these good fortune air, and they are constantly absorbed.

Because of this, they will continue to grow.


Di Jun took a deep breath, shocked: “Such a powerful good fortune… such a quantity… Could it be that Sage shot it?”

“Manny Nuwa?”


At this time, a series of snores sounded, and Di Jun looked over.

The voice came from a group of monsters.

Their strength is too low, they are already asleep under the air of good fortune, and while asleep, they absorb and digest the air of good fortune.

Dijun understood something in a daze, and a divine thought spread out, and he discovered that in the world at this time, most of the creatures were falling asleep, relying on the deep sleep to digest the good fortune gas.

Only a handful of creatures can remain sober.

It was not only Dijun who discovered this, but Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng.

The four of them looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes.


A series of roars suddenly came from the sky.

The four of them looked at them, their complexions changed drastically, and they ignored the rest, gathered the sleeping monster races, and flew towards the Heaven Court.

Flying at full speed, it took a lot of time to arrive in the Heaven Court.

Standing in the only remaining First Stage of Heaven Court, the four of them were relatively speechless.

That roar was nothing else, it was the sound of the Thirty Third Stage of the Monster Race collapsing.

Because of the great changes in the prehistoric world, the Thirty Third Stage of the Monster Race collapsed in the sky.

When they arrive, only the last First Stage days are left.

Although only the First Stage days are left, the four of them are not much angry or worried.

Because, there are only the remaining First Stage days, and the intensity is much stronger than the previous thirty Third Stage days.

Moreover, Di Jun breathed a sigh of relief as he felt it carefully.

The framework of thirty Third Stage days is still there, and when the prehistoric world is completed, they can rebuild thirty Third Stage days.

However, it will consume a lot of strength and energy.

Because, with the first stage day as the foundation, the next 30 Second Stage days cannot be worse than the first stage day.

This is not an easy task for them now.

“The sky is falling…” Kunpeng said in a complicated manner.

At the same time, on the ground, someone also uttered the same sigh: “The ground is broken!”

The 12th Ancestor Witch came out of the Pangu Hall and watched the dramatic changes in the world in shock

The great change not only caused the changes in the mountains and rivers, but also collapsed the sky of the demon clan. At the same time, his witch clan’s land was not spared.

Thirty Third Stage The sky was broken, and the Ninth Stage ground was broken.

Now, in heaven and earth, only the First Stage remains.

Looking at the entire primordial land, there are only a few places that can maintain a few changes under such drastic changes.

On the coast of the East China Sea, a dimensional drop of water protects the coast of the East China Sea and attracts endless good fortune. On the coast of the East China Sea, a huge vortex is formed, sweeping the good fortune between heaven and earth.

Similar to the coast of the East China Sea, there is Tushan where Su Qing is located.

A green leather Calabash, lying on the top of the mountain, condenses the vortex and absorbs the aura of good fortune, and then Calabash also becomes stronger.

In addition to these two places, the Sea of ​​Blood, Immortal Volcano, Wuzhuang Temple, Western Lingshan… and so on, there are many places that are relatively less affected.

It’s just that the relative changes have not changed much, and the rate of increase in all aspects is only more and not less.

The great powers in the mountains also know the benefits of the good fortune air, and they use their own means to draw the good fortune air, fall into the mountains, fall on top of the creatures in it, and strengthen the regional foundation and heritage.

Above the West Lingshan, Zhundi looked at this greatly changed world, and at the same time he was puzzled, there were more surprises.

“How can such a powerful good fortune gas… form?”

In the surprise, he looked out of the chaos in confusion.

They are all aware of the battle between the Yaozu and the Chaos Demon God.

I have been paying attention in secret all the time.

Chaos demon gods are the demon gods in chaos, they will instinctively destroy all worlds, and they want to return all worlds to chaos.

If these Chaos Demon Gods can break through the demon clan’s defenses and enter the wilderness, of course, with their Sages, there won’t be too many problems.

But this is also a problem.

If the monster clan can’t stop it, they will naturally take action.

To be honest, the number and strength of the Chaos Demon Gods that appeared this time far exceeded their surprise.

With the strength of the monster race, it is really not an easy task to fight.

Originally, they were all ready, ready to take action.

As a result, the dimensional gate of the Yaozu that they couldn’t understand unexpectedly exerted its power to make them look at it.

All the monsters that will attack in one fell swoop will be killed.

Because of this, the Chaos Demon God was killed, and the prehistoric world lowered its luck and merit, and then entered a new stage.

this is normal.

What made them very puzzled was that the new stage of the prehistoric world suddenly made them a little bit incomprehensible.

In particular, the speed of development and growth far exceeded their original estimates.

The development stage, the development stage, the focus is on development.

But now, the performance of the prehistoric world is no longer a development, but an explosion.

The endless amount of good fortune suddenly emerging in the world is shocking.

They don’t understand why it is like this.

Even if they Sage shot, it shouldn’t be what it is now.

Not to mention them, it is impossible for Dao Zu Hongjun to make the current result.

But, no matter what, this is a good thing for the prehistoric world, and it is even more good for them.

The air of good fortune is good fortune for everything.

The western geology was originally destroyed by the Daozu and Mozu battles due to the dragon and phoenix Qilin period, but it has never recovered.

From the moment they were born, they have been working hard and running, trying to restore the western veins, but the effect has been achieved.

Up to now, it has only barely recovered.

It’s also because the western veins have been destroyed, their heritage, and their foundations have been destroyed. The creatures born in this region, their natural talents, roots, and luck, will be much worse than the creatures born in other places.

This is true for ordinary creatures, and even more so for higher-level creatures.

There is a saying in the predicament that the West is a barren land, and it is difficult to give birth to true geniuses.

He is a hero, and he doesn’t enter the West.

Because of this, there were few people in the West. After they were born, they knew the situation in the West, and most of them were reluctant to stay in the West, go to the East, and learn art from their teachers.

The West, which was already barren, immediately became more barren.

The two of them were anxious in their eyes, but there was nothing to do.

After all, creatures are self-conscious, and if these creatures want to go, they can’t stop them forcibly.

Although they have this strength, they can’t do that either.

Therefore, I can only watch them pass by.

As a last resort, in order to develop the West, they can only continue to travel to the East to transform into outstanding people, talents, and so many geniuses that you are destined to me, so that the West finally has some foundation, and at the same time, let the two of them. In the East, it is notorious.

Dignified Sage, also won the western not wanting face duo.

In this regard, they said it was fake to not care, but there was no way.

For development!

I only hope that one day, through their efforts, the West will be able to recover, and they will be satisfied if they do not seek to recover to a level comparable to that of the East, or at least not much worse.

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so quickly.

Honghuang suddenly entered the stage of development, which was no surprise to them, but at the same time, there was so much good fortune.

The air of good fortune fell into the west and merged into the broken ground veins, which immediately restored the western ground veins.

The two greedily used methods, swept the air of good fortune, and fell into the veins of the earth.

Then the veins recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two were overjoyed and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

“Goodness, goodness!”

A spoken word explained the mood of the two at this time.

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