Chapter 176 Replacement of the fundamental method

Duobao respectfully saluted, and resigned reluctantly. Behind him came the voice of Master Tongtian: “By the way, now Honghuang has entered a new stage, good fortune is infinite, and you should cultivate well and don’t slack off.”

“Yes, Master.”

Duobao replied, walked out, stopped, looked at the white clouds all over the sky, very helpless: “What is this all about!”

He didn’t understand. The cultivation method he created was not bad as a minor, and it was okay. Why did he have to transform it into a major?

The impact of this on a group of juniors and younger sisters is simply unimaginable.

In serious cases, it may even lead to confusion and Dao heart collapse.

“Maybe, Master and the others have other ideas…” After a moment of helplessness, Duobao changed his mind: “Master and they are Sage after all. They must see more things than me.”

“Perhaps, doing this is really a good thing for all the younger brothers and sisters.”

“It’s just that I don’t understand it now.”

“After all, I’m just a little Taiyi Golden Immortal, and I can’t compare with Sage. Since Master and the others have already decided, then I’ll just follow it.”

Duobao settled down his thoughts, suppressed the puzzlement in his heart, and kept it in his heart. Waiting for the time to pass, there will naturally be an answer.

Back in his Immortal Cave, turned around and entered the simulated prehistoric world.

The real prehistoric world is full of good fortune air, which is connected to the prehistoric Qi machine, simulating the predominant land, and also has a strong good fortune gas.

Countless creatures are falling asleep in such a strong atmosphere of good fortune.

For a while, what was originally a lively simulation predecessor became very quiet.

After experiencing the simulated prehistoric situation, Duobao returned to the own manor.

Passing through the winding path, past the palace, came to an open flat ground behind.

Picking up the hoe beside him, like an old farmer, he came to the field and started digging.

Yes, he is farming.

Farming is also cultivation, and in Taoism, it is cultivation.

As long as there is a way in your heart, every move is practice.

Sitting cross-legged, Closed Door Training is for static exercise, most suitable for enlightenment, walking movement, for dynamic exercise, most suitable for cultivation of supernatural powers and Taoism.

In the state of enlightenment before, he gained a lot and created a lot of supernatural powers and Taoism, which is just right to use it to cultivate well.

Moreover, he also got a lot of Spiritual Roots on the side of the Wu clan. Although the effect is very poor, the taste is really good.

When the seeds are obtained, they are just planted, and there will be a lot of Spiritual Roots fruits in the future.

In addition, there are also many flowers and plants seeds, which are planted.

He had always wished he had a house with a garden, an orchard, and a forest.

Best of all, the orchard, garden, and forest in the house are not simple, they all have extraordinary magical uses.

In this way, he showed his ability.

However, I can only think about it before, but now I have the ability to complete it.

I have been cultivating my heart before, and I have no time for him to take care of it.

Now, suddenly I have thoughts, so I no longer hesitate, and formally start my own dream.


In the manor, the real Yellow Dragon walked in slowly.

Walking on a familiar road, he bypassed the area in front, passed through the palace, and came to the fields, gardens, orchards, and forests behind.

Duobao was resting next to him. Hearing the sound, he turned his head to look around and said hello to the Yellow Dragon: “Yellow Dragon, you are here.”

Yellow Dragon salutes respectfully: “Yes, I have seen the big brother.”

“then you go.”

Yellow Dragon walked to the side and picked up a hoe, his body suddenly became heavier, and he walked towards the field step by step.

In front of Duobao, Yellow Dragon is really like an ordinary farmer, starting to cultivate the land with a single glance.

“Meet the big brother!”

“Meet the big brother!”

Not long afterwards, the other juniors and younger sisters also arrived, each skillfully picked up the hoe from the side and walked into the field.

“Yellow Dragon, you came early.”

The younger brothers and sisters greeted the Yellow Dragon.

Taiyi looked at Yellow Dragon thoughtfully: “Speaking of which, you seem to be particularly diligent lately. Is there anything on your mind?”

All the disciples also looked at Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragon shook his head, “Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your concern, no.”

After a pause, the real Yellow Dragon continued: “It’s just that, among the juniors, Yellow Dragon has the worst strength, so I want to cultivate and ascension up.”

“Well, not bad, not bad.” Jin Ling nodded and stretched out his palm. Yellow Dragon bowed his head knowingly and let her pat.

In this way, Jin Ling is more satisfied, this is the real good brother!

Thinking about it, she unconsciously looked at Duobao who was napping next to her, slandering her belly: “Looking at this brother, you don’t look like a brother at all.”

As if spotting Jin Ling’s gaze, Duobao’s gaze came over.

Jin Ling was agitated, put down her hand, picked up her special small hoe, and moved laboriously.

Duobao’s eyes swept across the juniors and younger sisters, and in an instant, everyone was honest.

Duobao looked at the people calmly, but his heart was not calm under his calm gaze.

“Master, are you really sure, can this work?”

“It’s not a trivial matter to switch between major and minor!”

Dubao felt helpless: “The key, you can do it if you want to, why do you want me to say it?”

“Obviously, I said it before, it’s you guys.”

“Things are coming, but they have become for me… the wicked will become me!”

“Something like this.”

Seeing a group of juniors and younger juniors avoiding own gaze, Duobao was even more aggrieved.

Originally, their eyes were full of reverence and worship when they looked at Own, and they were their idols.

But now, looking at yourself one by one is like looking at the devil.

Even the cute little junior sister before, didn’t dare to look directly at herself.


Inexplicably sad, he slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes violently, moved his fingers lightly, and flicked towards Bi Xiao, “Concentrate, don’t make small movements.”


Bi Xiao suddenly screamed with her little head in her arms, staring at Duobao dissatisfiedly.

Duobao glared back.

Bi Xiao immediately died down, stuck out his tongue at Duobao, and continued to hoe the ground with difficulty.

“Hey, these Junior Brothers, Junior Sisters are not so obedient!”

Duobao shook his head helplessly.

“Don’t be lazy, big brother is no way, don’t blame me.”

The junior brothers and sisters felt the heavy pressure on their bodies, and their actions were all difficult. When they heard Duobao’s words, they couldn’t help rolling their eyes.

“Master, Uncle Master, and Uncle II asked me to help you transform the main cultivation method… The first thing to do is to abolish your original Cultivation Base and cognition.”

Duobao looked at the younger brothers and younger sisters, and slowly said, “However, it was your hard work at any rate. Don’t waste it. Just stay in my farmland and use it as nourishment.”

“In this way, if you plant something and produce results, you can also have a reason to come and get it yourself.”

Everyone slowly, one hoe, one hoe digging down the ground under their feet.

Although they are all immortal god-level existences, let alone a piece of land, it’s a mountain, if you go down with a hoe, it should be broken.

But the land here is different, much harder than the mountain.

Moreover, the hoes they use are not simple.

Holding it in the hand, it naturally blends with itself, carrying a huge weight, so that their Cultivation Base can only barely be held.

After holding the hoe, digging into the ground is even more difficult.

Under each hoe, touching the earth, there was a counter-shock, and their bodies were trembling constantly. Magic power, Taoism, and magical powers were all shaken away under the force of this tremor.

Originally, such nihility as Tao Xing is the aggregation of knowledge and cognition and should not be shaken apart.

Once achieved, Fang will never fall.

However, while they are hoeing the ground, after each movement is completed, there will be a lot of mystery, Taoism, and insights appearing in their hearts, shaking their original cognition and Taoism.

In this way, in the long run, the original Taoism will be dissipated, and the magic power and magical powers will also be dissipated.

Instead, there is a new understanding, Taoism.

The faster they move, the quicker their foundation and Taoism will be scattered.

But they still came honestly.

Not only because they didn’t dare to violate Duobao’s meaning, but also because of such behavior, which is of great benefit to them.

“Hmm…” Seeing everyone working hard, Duobao was very pleased, and calculated in his heart: “It’s about ten thousand years or so, and it should be completely replaced.”

A light flashed in Duobao’s eyes, and everything in front of him changed.

One side of the earth, dozens of hoes, and dozens of creatures.

The body of the creature is linked with a hoe, which is linked to the earth.

The magic power, Taoism, spells, and supernatural powers in the body flowed into the earth continuously following their movements.

And the earth is not the earth at this time, but a Transcendent space containing endless Taoism.

In the space, many Taobaos, supernatural powers, and spells created by Dubao himself are all contained in it.

Including the perception of Three Thousand Avenue.

At the core of the earth, the Realm strength set by Dubao himself is like a cloud, ethereal.

With the movements of the people, there was a continuous cloud of air, and when the hoe was in contact with the earth, it fell into the people’s body.

This cloud energy is extremely weak, even with the strength of the crowd, it is difficult to sense it.

“Since I want to cultivate my Taoism, I should also use my Realm. I used to forcibly suppress Realm.”

“Now, after completely replacing the fundamental Dao Fa, it will naturally be possible to cultivate normally.”

Duobao silently calculated in his heart, in this case, there would be no need for him to attack everyone every time and suppress their Realm.

After completely replacing the basic Taoism, their Realm upper limit was changed. Only by reaching the standard that he divided can they break through Realm, and they don’t need to specifically suppress it anymore.

When I was thinking about it, my heart suddenly moved, and he looked into the depths of the chaos: “This feeling?”

Just now, an inexplicable wave suddenly came from the depths of the chaos, as if calling him.


Duobao frowned: “Who is calling me?”

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