Chapter 173 Heavenly Dao Request (Fourth Update)

“Want to run? How could it be so easy!” Upon seeing this, Tai Yi sneered, and shouted at the doubtful and surprised monster race again: “Kirlang, kill them all!”



Seeing the appearance of the Chaos Demon Gods, it was no longer the same as before, unscathed, and all the monster races were all excited, and various spells and magical powers were displayed.

Endless spells and supernatural powers condense into a powerful force under the Universe star battle array, falling on the panicking Chaos Demon Gods.

One wave, two waves…After the ten-number wave attack, in the dimension of heaven, there is no more living Chaos Demon God.

“Yeah! We won!”

All the monster races shouted in surprise.

Di Jun took a long breath and subconsciously touched the center of his eyebrows, the Magic power that Duobao left behind.

In order to deal with this problem, Duobao gave them two magic powers.

I thought it would be used.

After all, the opponent is so strong!

Unexpectedly, after the Gate of Dimension is fully utilized, it will be so powerful.

Just a magic power, solved the opponent.

There is one left!

The thought in Di Jun’s mind turned: “Do you want to go back?”

“Forget it, stay!”

“It’s also a hole card!”

Di Jun is not so stupid, such a powerful method, of course, stayed.

If you encounter problems in the future, there are also means to deal with them.

“Great!” Fuxi and Kunpeng walked over. Fuxi looked at the two of them. While delighted, she asked curiously: “Your Majesty, if I take the liberty, I don’t know where this dimensional gate comes from?”

“Why is it so powerful!”

Kunpeng stared at Dijun closely after hearing this, waiting for his answer.

Originally, they had greatly overestimated the power of the Gate of Dimension, but unexpectedly, they still underestimated it.

This power… is too strong!

Dijun and Taiyi looked at each other and smiled: “This is a secret!”

If Dubao’s existence is not necessary, they really don’t want others to know.


Suddenly, in the chaos, a huge colorful cloud suddenly appeared.

“Heavenly Dao luck!”

Everyone was stunned, looking at the huge colorful cloud of luck above.

“Yes…because we killed the invading Chaos Demon God?” Di Jun thoughtfully.

Soon, the cloud of colorful luck fell and fell into countless monster races.

With luck, the tired monster races are instantly energetic, and the thinking in their brains is much faster.

The problem encountered by cultivation before, soon thought of a solution.

It didn’t take long for many monster races to achieve breakthroughs under such sudden luck.


At this time, a roar sounded, Emperor Jun, Fuxi, and Kunpeng looked at Taiyi one after another, their eyes widened suddenly.

“This is… breakthrough?”

Fuxi and Kunpeng were horrified.

Taiyi was originally the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, but this time he broke through. Is it sanctification?

However, no Sage’s vision appeared, and Tai Yi did not have the grandeur!

How could he be sanctified!

Taiyi felt the changes in her body and explained to the three of them: “Don’t think too much, it’s not sanctification, just breakthrough a small Realm.”

“Little Realm?”

Fuxi and Kunpeng were even more surprised.

The quasi-sage is at the pinnacle, and can still break through… Isn’t Sage what?

The two wanted to explore Taiyi’s strength, but were suppressed by a powerful force, unable to see clearly.

Taiyi did not disperse to cover up his Cultivation Base, Fuxi and Kunpeng naturally couldn’t see clearly.

Di Jun took a deep look and felt clear in his heart.

“It’s breakthrough!”

Of the three, only he knew that Taiyi was telling the truth.

He is indeed breakthrough, but he is not sanctified, just a small Realm.

With the help of Duobao, Taiyi descended from the pinnacle of the quasi-sage to the early stage of Daluo.

According to Taiyi, if you only break through a small Realm, it should be from the early stage breakthrough of Da Luo to the middle stage of Da Luo!


The simulated predecessor Star suddenly turned, and a mysterious wave occurred.

The wave swept across the world, and the whole world changed accordingly.

Duobao was awakened from cultivation and appeared in the world, feeling the changes in the world, frowning slightly: “The prehistoric world has become stronger again?”

Duobao was stunned. How long has it been since the last time the world became stronger?

Why suddenly became stronger again!

“…It’s worthy of being a prehistoric!”

After feeling it carefully, Duobao’s heart tightened: “This feeling…has Honghuang entered a new stage?”

The simulated flood is connected to the real flood engine, and many changes can be reflected from the simulated flood.

In Duobao’s careful induction, he found that Hong Huang felt completely different to him at this time.

To describe it more concretely, the predecessor before was like a sleeping person, but now, he has regained consciousness and has officially entered the stage of development.

It feels completely different!

The prehistoric land is full of vitality.

Duobao can feel the breath of growth and development everywhere.

“Did something big happen?” Duobao was surprised at the same time, guessing in his heart.

Honghuang suddenly entered the stage of development, what must have happened?

After thinking about it for a moment, Duobao looked towards the simulated prehistoric and entered the depths of the real prehistoric world through the connection between the simulated prehistoric and the real prehistoric.

In the depths of the world, the big circle of heaven and earth, the big circle of Five Elements, immediately appeared in the eyes, it was very clear, unlike before, only one side of the circle could be seen.

Duobao took a closer look and saw that there was a strong good fortune and vitality on the two sides of the big circle.

Reaching out and holding it in the hand, there was a feeling of vigorous development immediately.

“Is this what happened when Honghuang entered the stage of development?”

Duobao watched carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly: “Why do you feel a little weak?”

This is something that appears in the depths of the real prehistoric world, and represents the current stage of the prehistoric.

Couldn’t it be so weak?


As I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a big circle of heaven and earth, and the Five Elements big circle revolved, and then a message came, and it fell on Dubao.

“Um… let me help?”

Duobao was a little dazed.

This sudden message came from Heavenly Dao.

It seems that he found his doubts, so Hong Huang Heavenly Dao asked him to help strengthen it.

“…” Duobao was silent, puzzled: “Why me?”

He is just an ordinary cultivator. It stands to reason that this kind of change involves the entire prehistoric state, so it is impossible for him to intervene!

It should be Sage to find it, it shouldn’t be him!

He asked Heavenly Dao, and what he got was nothing but a blank.

“Perhaps…because I entered the core of the world?”

Heavenly Dao didn’t answer, and Dubao guessed for himself: “Sage may not have not shot, it may not be that Heavenly Dao did not let them do it… It’s just that I didn’t find out.”

“Speaking of which, Heavenly Dao is really polite.” Duobao said, “I beg…for a little cultivator of me, I didn’t force it, and I was so polite.”

“I didn’t force me to proceed, but also asked for my opinion.”

To this, Duobao was also very surprised.

If it’s just a request, it seems that as long as he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to agree.

“…I agree!” After thinking for a moment, Dubo made a decision.

Heavenly Dao looked at him this way, and was so polite. There was no such thing as the old-yin ratio in the legend and the meaning of calculating the common people.

“Say OK first, I’m not strong, I can only say that I try my best…I don’t do well, don’t blame me!”

Just in case, Dubao said loudly.

Heavenly Dao did not respond.

“If you don’t speak, I will take it as you agreed!”

Duobao took a deep breath and then began to act.

“Vitality, development… good fortune…” A few words flashed in Dubao’s mind, The next moment, he had an idea.

Various Magic Treasures appeared before him.

Each Magic Treasures is full of vitality, development, and good fortune.

These are all Magic Treasures refined by Turbo Insight good fortune, vitality, and development rules.

Heavenly Dao asked him to help strengthen the development of the land, and he had no other way.

What can be done is to make this vitality, development, and good fortune stronger, that’s all.

After the appearance of Magic Treasures, Duobao threw them into the core of the world. With a thought, they formed a large formation, independent of the great circle of heaven and earth and the great circle of Five Elements.

Connect the two circles again, and let the vitality, good fortune, and development power in Magic Treasures flow into it.

Following this, the great cycle of heaven and earth, the vitality in the great cycle of Five Elements, good fortune, the power of development increases at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With the strengthening of the two-party circulation, a Dao Yun suddenly appeared and fell in front of Dubao.

Duobao looked over, as if he saw Heavenly Dao.

“This is?” Duobao was surprised.

In this Taoist aggregate, he unexpectedly saw endless avenues and laws, and almost all the laws and avenues he could think of could be seen in them.

“Is Heavenly Dao rewarding me?”

Duobao was surprised for a moment, then ecstatic, and quickly sank into Insight, and gradually fell into a deep level of enlightenment.

At the same time, because of Duobao’s behavior, the entire prehistoric land began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Suddenly countless laws and avenues appeared in the prehistoric world. All living creatures could clearly see and sense them.

Unconsciously, they all fell into enlightenment.

Countless creatures that were still being conceived have been affected by the floods, and their foundations and foundations are constantly becoming stronger.

Among the prehistoric sacred mountains, there is a cave that exudes a strong atmosphere of Yin & Yang and Five Elements.

There are two lakes in the cave.

One side is black and white, with a strong Yin & Yang breath, which is the two breaths of Xiantian Yin & Yang.

One side presents the five colors of Five Elements, and the atmosphere of Five Elements is strong, which is the atmosphere of Xiantian Five Elements.

In the two lakes, there is a mysterious, half-human egg.

In the lake, the qi of Xiantian Yin & Yang Five Elements has almost been absorbed, and there are obvious consciousness fluctuations on the two eggs, and it is about to be born.

Suddenly, the prehistoric world changed.

In the cave, the air of Xiantian Yin & Yang Five Elements arouses the law of Yin & Yang Five Elements, various avenue runes appear on the mountain wall, and the endless law of Taoism is submerged in the air of Xiantian Yin & Yang Five Elements.

Following this, the aura of Xiantian Yin & Yang, Five Elements became stronger and richer.

Above the two eggs, dense Xiantian Yin & Yang Five Elements rune appeared.

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