Chapter 172-The Dimension of Heaven

“After you left, a lot of Chaos Demon Gods came.”

Kunpeng explained with a tired face: “Similarly, our attack fell on them, basically not causing much damage.”

“The real body of the Chaos Demon God is too strong!”

Thinking of the attack counteracted by the Chaos Demon God’s real body, Kunpeng was full of aggrieved heart.

In terms of strength, these Chaos Demon Gods that suddenly appeared were not much stronger than them.

Even weaker.

In short, they can only be compared with their strength in front of the door of no dimension.

It should have been a crushing situation, but under this terrifying Chaos Demon God, the situation was reversed.

It is because of the existence of the door of dimensions that they can barely resist.

“How about? Is there a way?” Kunpeng looked at Di Jun and Tai Yi eagerly.

The current situation is not good, it can be said to be very dangerous.

Relying on their own strength, it has been unable to stop it.

All hope was placed on Dijun and Taiyi.

They said before that they were looking for help. Now that they are back, they want to find a helper?

Kunpeng looked behind the two of them. He didn’t see any figures. His face instantly changed to look harder: “Could it be…no?”

Fuxi frowned upon hearing this, “Impossible… At least I, Little Sister, won’t just sit idly by.”

He looked at Dijun and Taiyi suspiciously: “Could it be that you didn’t find me Little Sister?”

Fuxi and Nuwa are brothers and sisters, and Nuwa is one of the three emperors of the demon clan.

Dijun and Tai looked at each other: “No, we didn’t look for Nuwa Sage…”

Hearing that, Fuxi and Kunpeng were immediately anxious, so they have to talk about it.

Di Jun directly interrupted: “However, we already have a solution for this matter.”

“any solution?”

“Just watch it.” Taiyi said confidently, and then followed Di Jun to the forefront of the battlefield.

The demon races stood in their predetermined positions, each with a door of illusory dimensions on their heads.

From the door of dimensions, countless clones provide them with strength.

From the phantoms of the countless dimensional gates, one can vaguely see that in each phantom of the dimensional gate, there is a universe of stars.

It is like a avatar, each uniting the power of a large array, passing through the door of dimensions, gathering together, in the chaos, forming a huge sky.

On the opposite side of the sky curtain, there were powerful chaos demon gods.

Their eyes were cold and greedy, and they looked at the eyes of the monster race here as if they were looking at delicious food.

The Chaos Demon Gods constantly attacked their talents, exerted their powerful magical powers, and constantly trembled the sky.

Then, in the sky, the attacks of countless monster races condensed through the upper dimension gate deity, and attacked the chaos demon gods.

The chaos is broken open, showing the strength of power!

But that was the case, falling on a group of Chaos Demon Gods, but only shook them back a few steps without causing much damage.

On the contrary, with their attacks, the aura of the Chaos Demon Gods slightly strengthened.

Fuxi and Kunpeng followed Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, their eyes full of worries.

This is the biggest problem.

The Chaos Demon Gods are constantly getting stronger through their attacks.

As long as they can’t completely destroy the Chaos Demon Gods at one time, they will recover in the Chaos Qi, and, with their attacks, continue to grow stronger.

This is not the biggest problem.

The biggest problem is that the movement here will attract more Chaos Demon Gods.

This is what they discovered before.

The longer the battle lasts, the greater the possibility of attracting more Chaos Demon Gods.

Maybe, in the back, maybe Sage-level Chaos Demon God might be attracted.

After all, chaos is so vast, anything is possible.

Fuxi stared at Dijun anxiously, Taiyi, and didn’t understand how they would not ask Sage in such a situation, but still have such confidence.

He really didn’t understand this.

“Hope…it won’t happen!” In her heart, Fuxi prayed to herself: “If something really goes wrong, I can only ask Little Sister.”

Sage has a transcendent status in the prehistoric state, and after being sanctified, many things will change silently.

Not a last resort, Fuxi really didn’t want to bother Nuwa.

Dijun and Taiyi felt the worried gazes of Fuxi and Kunpeng on their bodies, glanced at each other, and smiled confidently.

Di Jun: “Are you coming or me?”

Taiyi stepped forward and put his hand on the door of dimensions: “I will come!”

On the opposite side, a group of Chaos Demon Gods had already discovered their movements.

Seeing that Dijun and Taiyi walked to the door of the dimension they were afraid of, each paused for a moment, and then felt it carefully. After not finding any problems, Fang sneered and increased his attack.

“What is Donghuang doing?”

Fuxi and Kunpeng looked at Taiyi’s movements, and they were very puzzled.

Yes, they know that the Gate of Dimensions is indeed powerful, and they are still amazed by it.

However, the power of the Dimensional Gate has reached its limit. How strong can it be?

Is there still room to move forward?

Looking at Taiyi’s appearance, it seems that his confidence comes from the door of dimensions?

A trace of disappointment flashed in Fuxi’s eyes. With a movement of her body, she was already planning to leave and invited Nuwa.

The gate of dimensions, he realized that they had already studied thoroughly, relying on it, it is impossible to fight against the chaotic demon gods, let alone solve the problems in his mind.

“What a mess!”

Fuxi was very atmospheric, what happened to it, it turned out to be such a trifling matter.

Are these two monsters really the supreme monsters?

Fuxi turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly an incredible wave came, and Fu Xi’s body paused, and his eyes were filled with rich horror.

“This is?”

Under the fluctuation, Fuxi found that own’s entire body was out of control, and everything in front of him seemed to be distorted.

Things that were originally real suddenly become so illusory and unreal.

A rich dreamy feeling fills the mind.

This is incredible.

He is a quasi-sage, what kind of power can make him such a quasi-sage to have such a feeling?

The Chaos Demon Gods on the opposite side also reacted similarly to him.

His eyes were blurred, and he stopped moving unconsciously. Under the fluctuation, Momo seemed to have forgotten himself.

The fluctuation did not appear for a long time, and soon the fluctuation disappeared.

All dreams and mists seem to be non-existent.

Fuxi opened his eyes, no… he kept his eyes open all the time.

It’s just that, under the sudden wave that came before, he was completely unable to perceive everything in the outside world, as if he had closed his eyes.

Therefore, after the fluctuation disappears, he will feel the feeling of suddenly opening his eyes.

Opening his eyes and looking at everything in front of him, Fuxi was startled: “Where is this?”

Looking into the eyes, everything in front of them seemed to be still in chaos, filled with chaos everywhere, but it was obvious that this was not where they were originally located.


Boom boom boom!

At this time, a roar came.

Fuxi looked over, and it was the sound of a crowd of Chaos Demon Gods attacking.

The Chaos Demon Gods were panicked, what Fuxi could feel, they could also feel it.

Here, it is indeed not the chaos they are familiar with.

A strong anxiety filled my mind.

I always feel that something bad will happen!

The Dijun who made all of this looked at each other, and saw a deep shock in the other’s eyes.

“The dimension of heaven?”

There was a message, Tai Yi screamed.

“The dimension of heaven?” Listening to Taiyi’s voice, Fuxi and Kunpeng asked together: “What is that?”

The two looked at the dimension in Taiyi’s hand, and while their eyes were full of horror, they were more clear: “Could it be…”

In the horrified and clear gaze of the two, they nodded too little: “Yes, the dimension of heaven is the strongest method of the gate of dimension.”

“In the original space, create a detached dimensional space out of thin air.”

“What’s the use?” Fuxi asked anxiously.

Taiyi felt it carefully, smiled, and pointed at a crowd of Chaos Demon Gods: “Look!”

Dijun, Fuxi, and Kunpeng followed his fingers to look.

What you can see is the Chaos Demon God who is frantically attacking the sky, with panic in his eyes, but no changes can be seen?

Involuntarily, everyone looked back at Taiyi in confusion.

Taiyi didn’t explain, and suddenly shouted: “Monsters!”

The exhausted monster races, because of their low strength, did not notice this sudden change, and they worked hard to maintain the Universe Star Dou formation.

Hearing Taiyi’s voice, I looked at Taiyi.


In the eyes of all the monster races, Taiyi shouted with murderous intent against the Chaos Demon Gods.


They already knew how strong the Chaos Demon God was.

Their attacks fell on the Chaos Demon Gods, and they couldn’t hurt them at all.

Why attack?

In order to be able to support it longer, they have already switched from offensive to defensive, only attacking occasionally to save Magic power.

The monster races hesitated for a moment, The next moment, they still instinctively cast spells and supernatural powers, attacking the Chaos Demon Gods.




As the attacks of the monster races passed through the sky and fell, the faces of the Chaos Demon Gods who hadn’t cared about them suddenly changed drastically.

A series of wounds appeared on his body, and many weak Chaos Demon Gods fell under these attacks.

The remaining Chaos Demon God looked at the fallen Chaos Demon God with expectation in their eyes.

After waiting for a moment, expectation turned into disappointment, amazement, and fear.

The Chaos Demon God was born in Chaos, basically an immortal existence, even if it falls, it will be resurrected.

But now, the fallen Chaos Demon Gods didn’t even show the slightest sign of resurrection.

This made the Chaos Demon Gods even more panic!

“How can it be?”

A Chaos Demon screamed in surprise: “What the hell is this?”

“Leave, if we don’t leave again, we will all die here!”


The Chaos Demon Gods reached a consensus, and they used their methods to change their attack targets, trying to escape from this dimension.

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