Chapter 171 The Real Body of the Law (plus more second more)

“No, I don’t agree.” Yuanshi Tianzun objected loudly.

“Kunlun Mountain should be yours…”

Yuan Shi has yet to talk about it, but interrupted by Taiqing, he looked at Tongtian and smiled: “It’s settled, second brother, Kunlun Mountain will be yours.”

Yuan Shi was puzzled, and then looked at Taiqing dissatisfied: “Brother, why don’t you even…we discussed it before?”

Taiqing smiled and shook his head: “I didn’t think about it clearly before.”

As he said, he looked at Tongtian: “My third brother, in the future, Duobao will have to lend me some use.”

Tongtian nodded loudly: “Use it as you like, isn’t my disciple also your disciple? You use it as you like, don’t be polite with me.”

Suddenly, Tongtian discovered that the separation of households actually didn’t seem to be a bad thing.

“Big brother, third brother, you…” Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the conversation between the two incomprehensibly. For a moment, he was a little confused in his mind and didn’t understand what they were talking about.

Looking at Yuanshi who was puzzled, Taiqing reluctantly explained: “Second brother, the reason why we want to give Kunlun Mountain to third brother is not because Kunlun Mountain is the best dojo?”

“Yes!” Yuanshi nodded, even more puzzled: “Yes, but, brother, you…”

Taiqing: “Now Kunlun Mountain is the best dojo after getting rid of imperfections, but what about in the future?”

“In the future?” Yuan Shi didn’t understand yet.

Taiqing had to say another name: “Duobao.”

“…Oh!” Yuan Shi was stunned for a moment, combining the things before and after, suddenly wanted to understand: “Yes, Dubao.”

“Kunshan tree!”

Tongtian smiled triumphantly: “Yes, there are so many treasures. He has such a method. From now on, my Jinao Island may not be as good as Kunlun.”

After understanding it, Yuanshi Tianzun was also relieved, not insisting on it.

Indeed, with the performance of the Kunshan tree, even if it is an ordinary mountain, after the Kunshan tree is planted, it will grow into a sacred mountain.

For Dubao, the quality of the dojo is actually not that important.

As long as Dubao is willing, he can turn it into the strongest sacred mountain.

“Daobao!” Yuan Shi was suddenly full of complexity, and he murmured unwillingly.

Thinking of Dubao, he suddenly felt a little lost.

Separation of the family from the three has no effect on their feelings, but after the separation, it will not be so easy to see Duobao again.

“Then, when will we separate?” Tongtian asked.

Taiqing: “Don’t worry, wait a minute, let’s open up the heaven first.”

“Yeah.” Tongtian and Yuan Shi nodded together.

Now that everything has been said, there is nothing wrong with it.

Separation is not a big deal.

“Wait…My Taiji Tu is still with Duobao.” As he said, Taiqing was stunned.

Opening up the realm of heaven can also be said to be opening up the heavens and the earth, and it requires a heaven-opening artifact.

However, in order to appease Duobao, he gave the Taiji Tu to Duobao.

Without the Heaven-opening artifact, with his Cultivation Base, if you want to open the heaven, it’s not impossible, but it will be much smaller.

Yuan Shi also reacted: “My Pangu flag was also given to him.”

Tongtian answered, “And my four Zhuxian swords.”

The three looked at each other, all stupid.

Opening up the realm of heaven is to serve as the facade of a Sage. If it is small, it will inevitably cause other Sages to ridicule and talk about it.

However, it is not impossible for them to find Dubao to return to the Supreme Treasure, but in that case, it will definitely let Dubao know their actions.

In case you are curious, you have to watch them open up the heaven… Then everything is missing?

In this way, what is the use of their so much effort and negotiation?

And, not just in case, it is almost certain.

Once Dubao knew about it, he would definitely want to see it.

And they have no suitable reason to refuse.

“Or, pause first, then wait?” Tongtian Sage asked tentatively.

Taiqing, Yuan Shi said nothing.


How long to wait?

In any case, this is an unavoidable hurdle.

If they want to be able to open up the heavens, they must find Duobao.

No matter how long you wait, you have to face it.

As far as Duobao’s current strength is concerned, they have no choice but to quietly retrieve the treasure from Duobao, and then put it back quietly.

It will definitely be discovered.

“Otherwise… we’ll open a smaller world, and we won’t invite all the holy worshippers, and keep a low profile.”

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun said: “In this way, if Duobao finds out in the future, we have a reason to shirk when we ask.”

“After all, I haven’t invited other people to watch the ceremony. If I don’t tell him, he is still being cleaned up?”

Hearing that, Taiqing Sage, the leader of Tongtian, suddenly brightened his eyes.

“Hey, yes, it’s a good way.”

“In this case, although Face will be damaged, but it is not too big and acceptable.”

The three looked at each other and nodded together: “That’s it!”


In the simulated predicament, Duobao is standing outside the world, arranging chaos.

Three thousand infinite black holes circle around the simulated prehistoric world Star, and under the control of Duobao, spit out endless chaos.

The air of chaos fell into the originally rare chaos, suddenly making the chaos stronger and richer.

Following this, a magnificent breath spread out, affecting the creatures in the entire simulated prehistoric world.

Almost all the creatures are looking up at the world at the same time, using their own means to see exactly what happened.

To be able to enter the simulation prehistoric at this time, either they are all Kunlun children, or they are all Duobao’s old times, and their strength is not low.

They can feel that this sudden change, sudden pressure, is coming from outside the world.

It’s just that no matter how they use their methods, they still can’t see exactly what happened.

Although simulation is only a simulation of the prehistoric, the conditions in all aspects are more powerful than the real prehistoric.

That is to say, their means and strength can’t be seen clearly.

“It must have been made by Duobao Dao Zun again.”

“I don’t know, what shocking things he did this time!”

Some creatures said in shock, sighing incomparably.

Simulating the star world, it was supplemented by chaos, and it seemed to be complete for a moment, a strong energy of energy, directed at Dubao’s mind.

In an instant, he felt full of energy, endless energy, and an invisible infinite future.

“Huh!” Duobao exclaimed in surprise.

I haven’t encountered it, but there will be such a change.

Feel it carefully and understand: “Oh, it turns out that the world makes up… Chaos and the world are complete together.”

“Chaos lacks the world, there is no life, and the world lacks chaos and has no potential.”

“The combination of the two will have unlimited potential. Only when you are angry will you be considered alive.”

“In this case, I also made chaos before that, why…”

Duobao reacted: “Yes, is the one I made out of it called Chaos? It’s just some chaos, not really chaos at all.”

“So now…” Looking at the complete simulation of the prehistoric star world, Duobao suddenly felt extremely satisfied: “I can be regarded as a complete world.”

“Even without me, you can develop on your own. Maybe after endless years, you can become a world that is not weak!”

Staring with satisfaction at the simulated prehistoric Star world for a long time, Duobao was satisfied and stepped into the chaos.

“Chaos real body… Space real body… Water and fire real body… A number of laws and real bodies, although I can’t use them, but a group of juniors, juniors are fine.”

Duobao sits in the chaos. With the help of the chaos of the source of all things, he carefully analyzes various laws and simultaneously simulates the Taiji diagram and Pangu flag, the two great Xiantian treasures.

He is Senior Brother Kunlun. If he is capable, it is of course necessary to help own fellow juniors and sisters to strengthen their strength.

He doesn’t like the pseudo-chaotic real body, but he has to admit that this is indeed a powerful cultivation method.

If all the juniors and younger sisters were to be cultivated, it would be considered an extra powerful method.

The most important thing is that this cultivation method has unlimited potential. As long as you continue to study, you can continue to make progress.

However, with a kind of junior, junior sisters’ current strength, it is unrealistic to rely on them to realize the corresponding real body.

They are too far behind.

Therefore, Duobao thought that he would promote all these real bodies, and then let a group of juniors and younger sisters cultivate step by step.

The fit is definitely not as good as the real body from their own Insight.

However, victory is powerful enough, and before their strength reaches the standard, this can be regarded as a powerful means of self-defense.

In addition to the real body of the major laws, there is also the simulation of Tai Chi and Pangu flags.

He has a feeling that with his current strength, it is enough to simulate both Xiantian treasures.

Although it’s a little strange, after all, it’s a magnificent Xiantian treasure, how could it be so easy to simulate.

He was only too Yi Jinxian now, and he was able to simulate it.

But think about it, it should be because of Gold Finger.

Otherwise, there is no explanation at all.

Therefore, he now intends to simulate the two great Xiantian treasures while creating the cultivation methods of the various laws.


In the prehistoric world, in the chaos, Emperor Jun, Taiyi got the Magic power of Duobao, stepping continuously, and soon came to the chaos.

“Heavenly Emperor, how about Donghuang? Have you found a way?”

Fang entered the chaos and immediately flew up to two anxious people.

It is Kunpeng and Fuxi.

Fuxi said anxiously: “Your Majesty, Eastern Emperor, the Chaos Demon God is so fierce, my demon tribe Erlang can’t stand it anymore.”

Fuxi’s clothes were a little messy, and he didn’t carry his Fuxi Qin in his hand.

The dignified quasi-sage looked a little embarrassed at this time.

Similar to him, there is Kunpeng.

Only seeing the two of them look like this, Emperor Jun, Tai Yi already understood that the current situation is not optimistic.

“What’s the matter?” Di Jun frowned and asked: “We have only been away for such a short time, so why can’t we hold on?”

He was a little strange. According to the calculation before he left, although the Yaozu had a hard time resisting, it would not be so embarrassed.

At least it can last a long time, how come it has changed so much?

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